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1、0K. dear.(B) Hi, Li Tao. There is going to be a talk about American music at theChildren, s Palace. 3 ? I? d love to. 4 ? A teacher from America. I think the talk will be interesting.5 ? At half past eight. Let,s go together. Good. Where shall we meet ? Outside the school gate. OK.选项A.When is i t go

2、ing to st artB.What are you doingC.Who is going to give the talkD.Would you like to go with usE.Let me do it myself三.完形填空。(每题1分共10分)We were going to play a tearn from a country school . They dicin t come _L the match nearly began . They looked 2 than we thought . The wore dirty T-shirts and blue jea

3、ns and looked like farm boys . We thought they 3 saw a basketbal 1 before We fel t that we didn t 4 any practice to play with such a tcam It was very late so they couldn t have any time to practice . The match began , one of our boys 5 the ball and he tried to give it to another one . But from out o

4、f nowhere a boy in a T-shirt _6 the ball and he quickly and beautifully got the ball into our basket and had two points . They 7 us . They had an other two points in a min ute Soon it was all over . The country tcam 8 the match Of course we knew thatthere was still another team lesson we learn this

5、time was 10 .9 than any good team But the important:One cant tell a man or a team by the)1、A.whensountilat2、strongeryoungerbetter3、neveroftensometimesalways4、havemakeusen eed5、gotplayedtookD carried6、caughtchangedheldstopped7、surprisedfrightenedadmiredsmiled8、lostwonhad9、lessbetter .more10、A.T-shirt

6、appearaneenamepoints四阅读理解(每题2分共,10分)People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation(放松).Hobbies inelude collecting stamps, pain ting, bird-watching, 1 etter writing, foot bal 1, music, and so on. Hobbies help people relax after they have worked h

7、ard. And provide a balance between work and play. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or heaIthy, can follow a satisfying hobby. Hobbies can also help a person s mental and physical hea1th.( )1. People take up hobbies for ,

8、 friendship, knowledge andrelaxation from these activities.A、enjoyment B、study C、free time D travel( )2. Hobbies help people relax .A after they stay up late B after they have worked hardC、 before they go to work before they go to bed( )3. Hobbies also benefit anyone rich or poor, old or young, even

9、those .A between head and feet B between 1 eft and rightC between work and play D、 between day and night( )4. Hobbies also benefit anyone rich or poor, old or young, eventhose A、 who have stayed B who have livedC who have worked D、 who have retired( )5. Hobbies can help a persos mental physicalA、bot

10、h, andE、too, toC、such, thatD、so, thathealth.英语练习(2)一.语音5分.)1. planned helped)2. who)3. prefer player)4. end) clothwhomtenstayedA. whatteacherA. evenweatheraskedB. whichC. plantedwhycertain C. doctorB. beforewithCmeother.单项选择25分( )1.-d likeA. two pair 一 Can I helpfor my twin ?B.two p

11、airsof I MshoeshoesC. two pairD. two pairsof shoes( )2.Whynotfora new job?applyB. to applyapplyingapplies( )3.T have gota friendfatheri sa teacherA. whosB. whomC. whoseD. who( )4.Passdietionary next to theradio, andI alsoneed pentake some1 notes.A. a; athe;theC. a; theD. the;( )5.deerhave been moved

12、 to alarge naturepark.The numberA lotC. A numb erAgreat deal( )6.Thelibraryhas justnow.A. completedB. beencompletedC- completingD. complete( )7.WhenI waswalking along the street,suddenly someonetouched1 meshoulder.A. atD. on)9.Must Iclose theNo,youmustntC. may)10.Please turnread1 the story silently.

13、A. page118D118 page)11.Great changesB.with C. indoor?t B. needn tfD. can not Let B.118 page C.the page 118in my hometown since 1980.B. me opensomeone theB. to knock atA,had taken place takcn placeC.took placece)12.Couldtell mewhereareyou fromm.Wheredom)13.WouldmindA. my openingD.I ope n( )14. Can yo

14、u hearA.knocking atD. knockedB.had bee nD. have taken pla?frocomethe window? ope nC.knock on( )15. He has rTt doneA. neither do 1 either am IC. So havent T( )16. Mary is his homework,B. nthat allsuch a clever studentD. thenei ther have T teachers like her.B. such clever a studentC. so a cleverve

15、r student ( )17. The planeA. becauseD. because of( )18. I will leave for ShanghaiJuly &studentD. so clewas late _ B. sincerain.C. whythe morning ofD. with)19.Pl ease tell him cal 1me as soon as heconics backB. willcome backis come backD. cameback)20.一 What abouthavinga drink?A. Help yourselfD. Good

16、ideaB. Goaheadso am I)21. Today Chineseis becomingmore andpopular Ttin many schoolsaround theword.A. teachesB. is tcachinghast aughD. is taught ()22. Ifsomeonecomesseeme,ask them to leave aA. messageB. phoneC. sentenceD. notice)23. You will beC. until D. or( )24. How nice the music sounds!So i t doe

17、s! The peaceful music wi11 make you feel A. relaxing B.relaxedC. boringD. bored)25. The dish isdelicious!Well,least itthe one I cookedyesterdayA. worse thanB. asgoodasC. aswell as D. as bad as三、完型填空(10分)Yemg Liwci was bor n in an ord in ary fam 订 y in Liaon ing p rovince in 1965. He became a pilot o

18、f the Chinese Air Fore e in 1987 He 1 1350 hours in the air. It took him f ive years to became a spaceman.Yang Liwei was 2 into space by China ns Shenzhou V spacecraft at 9 a. m 3 Octobor 15th,2003.It moved around the 4 fourteen times. He came back 5 at 6:23 a. m the next day, making China the 6_ _

19、country to successfully send a person into space after t he former Soviet Union( 前 苏联) 7 the USA. Yang Liwei returned to the earth after a 8 trip to space. In space, Yang Liwei not onlyrecorded(记 录) 9 he saw but al so showed China Ms national flag( 国 旗 ) and the United Nationsw flag to the people wh

20、o watchcd on TV at home.All of the Chinese people are 10 our first spaceman一Yang Liwei.( )1. A. paid B. spent C. tookD.cost)2.sent upsent offC. sent awayD. sent for3.inC. at4.moonearthC. starD. occan5.carefulquickC. slowlyD. safety6.firstsecondC. thirdD. fourth7.andorC. butD. then&21 hours21-hourC.

21、21-hoursD. 21 st hour9.nobodysomebodyC. nothingD. everything10.proud ofB. full ofspeak highly ofD.lose ourselves四.阅读理解(20分)By midday the sun was very strong. Jim was too tired t o walk There were no trees near the road, and so he rested agains t a bigrock. After drinking some water, he took off his

22、shir t, lay down onthe ground and fell asleep at once.Hewasso tiredthathe didrf twake himself up until the evening .just aboutjump up whonhc fell somcthing movingnear hisfeet. Helookeddown and saw a long black snake.Jimso afraidhe didn5 t dare to move. Thesnake began to move across his legs. It move

23、d on and on u ntil itdisappeared undor the rocks, jim jumped quickly to his legs, pi eked up his shirt and ran down the road.( )1. Jim had to rest aga inst a big rock, because A.the sun was too strong B. it was middayC. t here were no t rees near the road D. he wanted to drinBMr. and Mrs. White had

24、two sons and three daughters. OneSun day , Mrs. White said to her husba nd, “The childre n dont have any lessons today , and you M re free too. There ns a new funfair ( 游 乐 场 )in the park . Let tf s all go there to play.Her husband said ,1 want to finish some work today. uoh, forget it. Go the re and make our childr cn hoppy Tha

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