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1、complaint grudge 4、What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a main? Ice and desire. The world wags on. A rose will bloom. It then will fade. 青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。 年轻是什么?冲动猛烈的火,少女是什么?冰和欲望的主宰。年轻是什么? 青春是什么?5、离别是这样甜蜜又悲伤,我要对你说再见一直说到大天亮。Parting is so sweet sorrow that I shall sa

2、y good night till it be morrow. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it will be morrow. Parting is so sweet sorrow that I should say good night till it be morrow. 第二章 B,G,C,L,H,M,D,I,N,E B,G,L,C,H,M,

3、D,I,E,N B,G,L,C,H,M,D,I,N,E B,G,L,C,H,M,I,D,N,E B,G,L,C,H,M,D,I,N,E D ,H,A,G,J,B,F,I,C,A:EE,C,I,F,J,B,A,G,H,D E,C,I,F,J,B,G,A,D,H E,C,I,F,J,B,G,A,H,D E,C,I,F,J,B,G,A,H,D 3、When my husband came here he was very disturbed. And I think hes been encouraged to believe his fantasies really existed. But th

4、ats over now, hes _ himself. washed cleansed purified purged purged 4、Never give up hope, thats my motto. Always has been, always will be. You remember that winters morning? Walking on the beach in the snow? We thought wed never find anything. Give up although. When suddenly, out of the blue, we fin

5、d a treasure!永不放弃希望那是我的主见。总会做到,总会实现。还记得那个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?我们以为不会有发现希望都放弃了。突然,我们发现了一件财宝!永不放弃希望那是我的格言。还记得一个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?突然,我们发现了一些财宝! 永不放弃希望那是我的格言。5、如果他瞎了 他会更加听话和勇敢,因为他看不到危险!because courageous, more and even obedient, more much be hell blind, hes A:When he wont see any danger!When hes blinded, hell

6、be much more obedient, and even more courageous, because he wons blind, hell be much more obedient, and even more courageous, because t see danger!ll be more obedient, and even more courageous, because When he第三章 F,A,K,B,G,L,C,H,M,D A,F,K,B,G,L,C,H,M,D A,F,B,K,G,L,C,H,M,D A,F,K,B,G,L,C,H,D,M A,F,K,B

7、,G,L,C,H,M,D H. D. B. I. F. J. A. C. E. G H. D. I. B. F. J. A. C. E. G H. D. B. I. F. J. A. C. G. E D. H. B. I. F. J. A. C. E. G H. D. B. I. F. J. A. C. E. G 3、Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a_. A:torment agony sorrow smart torment 4

8、、Men are either eaten up with arrogance or stupidity. If they are amiable, they have no minds of their own what so ever. 人类大多或傲慢或愚蠢。和蔼可亲的,必定又是没有主见。男人大多或傲慢或愚蠢。和蔼可亲的,必定又是没有想法。人类大多或傲慢或散漫。 男人大多或傲慢或愚蠢。5、总有一天,有人介入了你的眼,到时候你就不会这么口无遮拦了。One of these days, someone will catch your eye, and then youll have to wa

9、tch your tongue. One of these days, someone will fall your eye, and then youll have to watch your tongue. ll have to shut your One of these days, someone will go your eye, and then you One of these days, someone will catch your eye, and then you第四章 A ,O,J,E,N,I,D,M,C,A:HC,H,D,M,I,N,E,J,O,A C,H,M,D,I

10、,N,E,J,O,A C,H,M,D,I,N,E,J,A,O C,H,M,D,I,N,E,J,O,A I. D. E. A. G. B. J. C. F. H D. I. A. E. G. B. J. C. F. H D. I. E. A. G. B. J. C. H. F D. I. E. A. G. B. J. C. F. H D. I. E. A. G. B. J. C. F. H 3、Bow to the board. This is the boy. Born here in the workhouse. Moved to the _ farm. Nine years old tod

11、ay. Time to be moved back here. village parish demesne church parish 4、It is not indeed, my friend, but this child has seen this man in the full career of his success and villainy. And it is his wish, even at the cost of some pain and fear that he should see him now. 当然不适合,朋友,但是这个小孩见过那个人的起起落落。这也是他的愿

12、望,就算会留下痛苦和恐惧,他也要看看。当然适合,朋友,但是这个小孩见过那个人的起起落落。这也是他的想法,就算会留下痛苦和恐惧,他也要看看。这也是我的愿望,就算会留下痛苦和恐惧,他也要看看。 当然不适合,朋友,但是这个小孩见过那个人的起起落落。5、我们不是要把你培养成作家,只要学门正当的手艺就行。We wont make an author of you while theres an honest trade to be learned. t make an author of yourself while theret make an author of you or theret make

13、 an author of you and there We won第五章 G,N,A,D,K,H,L,F,I,C N,G,A,D,K,H,L,F,I,C G,N,D,A,K,H,L,F,I,C G,N,A,D,K,H,L,F,C,I G,N,A,D,K,H,L,F,I,C J,C,A,E,B,G,D,I,H,F C,J,A,E,B,G,D,I,H,F C,J,E,A,B,G,D,I,H,F H ,F,I,D,G,B,E,A,J,D:C C,J,A,E,B,G,D,I,H,F 3、It began with the_of the Great Rings. Three were given to

14、 the Elves. Immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf-lords. Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine nine rings were gifted to the race of Men who, above all else, desire power. manufacturing forging making shaping forging 4、You step onto the road, and if you

15、dont keep your feet, theres no knowing where you might be swept off to. 上了路,如果你不专心看路,谁晓得你会被带到哪里去。上了路,如果你不专心看脚,谁晓得你会被带到哪里去。上了路,如果你不专心看路,谁晓得你会被吹到哪里去。上了路,如果你不专心看路,不晓得你会被带到哪里去。 上了路,如果你不专心看路,谁晓得你会被带到哪里去。5、每个人遇到难关都会这么想,但是我们却无法决定自己的命运。我们要决定的是在苦难中该如何选择。So all do who live to see such time. But that isnt for

16、them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time thats given to us. So do all who live to see such times. But that isnSo all do who live to see such times. But that isnwill have to decide is what to do with the time that So do all who live to see such times. But that isnt for them t

17、o decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that第六章 F,A,K,B,G,L,C,H,M,O A,F,K,B,G,L,C,H,M,O A,F,K,B,G,C,L,H,M,O A,F,K,B,G,L,C,H,O,M A,F,K,B,G,L,C,H,M,O D,B,F,C,E,J,G,I,H,A B,D,C,F,E,J,G,I,H,A B,D,F,C,E,J,G,I,A,H B,D,F,C,E,J,G,I,H,A B,D,F,C,E,J,G,I,H,A 3、It was the year of our Lord 16

18、66, when she arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony filled with the hope that here at last, in this new world would come the freedom to _ without fear of persecution. love respect worship bless : worship 答案4、The rules we live by may seem arbitrary to a newcomer, but we have learnt the hard way that

19、 without absolute order, we cannot hope to survive here. 我们的生活规定也许对新来者野蛮了些。不过我们有惨痛的教训, 如果在这儿没有严格的规定, 就无法生存。我们的法律条文也许对新来者专横了些。我们的生活规定也许对新来者专横了些。而且我们有惨痛的教训, 如果在这儿没有严格的规定, 就无法生存。 我们的生活规定也许对新来者专横了些。5、相信我,如果那个人站出来与你并肩站在这里受辱,要好过让他带着一颗愧疚之心悔恨终生。For believe me, if he could step down from high place and stand

20、 beside you on your pedestal of shame, it would be better than to carry a guilty heart through life. For believe me, if he can step down from high place and stand beside you on your pedestal of shame, it will be better than to carry a guilty heart through life. For believe in me, if he can step down from high place and stand beside you on your pedestal of shame, it would be better than to carry a guilty heart through life. For believe me, if he could step down from high place and stand beside you on your pedestal of shame, it would be better than to carry a guilty heart through life. 第七章 A,F

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