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1、2理解和领悟词语的基本音义以及在特定语境中的词汇意义。3运用词汇描述事物、表达自己的看法等。4在具体语境中学习和使用单词、习惯用语和固定搭配。(延伸)Unit61、能听说读写并运用表述职业的词汇。want to do, grow up, make sure, be able to等语 法复习to do 动词不定式的用法并在恰当使用。1. What do you want to watch?2. What do you think of?3. I like them./ I dont mind them. / I cant stand them.复习be going to的结构及在将来时态中的应

2、用1.What do you want to be when you grow up?2.Im going to study math really hard.1. 复习动词不定式做宾语并能在特定语境中使用。 2能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论。3能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。功 能Talk about preferences and future intentions 在语境中恰当理解和运用本级别所列功能意念的功能语言表达形式。话 题Entertainment and life goals 围绕本级别所列话题恰当理解与运用相关的语言话题表达形式。情感态度1.

3、 培养浓厚的学习兴趣,并运用所学知识积极进行自我探索和交流。2. 树立目标意识和自我管理意识,能够在学习中获得激励和促进。1. 有明确的学习目的,能认识判学习英语的目的在于交流。2能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮,共同完成学习任务。3能在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感。学习策略自主复习本部分知识通过阅读获取语言信息,综合运用所学完成任务小组讨论验证学习结果1. 根据需要进行学习。2. 在学习中积极思考,主动探究,善于发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。3. 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。文化意识学会谈论流行文化,注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念。树立自己的梦想和对未来的打

4、算。1. 了解世界上主要的文娱和体育话动 2. 关注中外文化异同,加深对中国文化的理解。重难点 在实际情景中恰当运用所学知识解决问题,并延伸到不同的情景中去。三、教学过程设计:Before class tasks: 1. Find out the words on the word list(the curriculum words), read them and try your best to remember them.2. Find out the sentences that includes infinitives used as objects. Read them and ha

5、ve a summary.3. Remember the main sentences “What do you think of .? ” and the answers.Step One: Lead in1. T: Do you like watching TV?经由这一问题引出本节课的话题:have a discussion of TV shows. 然后由教师与学生的对话引出Unit5中的重点句式:What kinds of TV shows do you want to watch?Why do you like?What do you think of? 2. Make a con

6、versation in pairs and show to class. 【设计意图】直接引出主题,简单明确。通过pairwork对本单元的重点功能性语言进行复习,使学生对本单元的主要内容有一个大体的框架。 Step Two: Pre-reading1.Use a very popular TV show “Where are we going, Dad?” to create a situation.T: Have you seen this TV show? It is one of the most popular TV shows in China now. I think it i

7、s an educational TV program. What do you think of it? Or how do you like it?S: I like it, because it is interesting. (Ask another student)T: Maybe these words are useful. Can you read them? Lets read it together.2.Game: Can you remember these words. Lets play a game. These words will stay on the scr

8、een for ten seconds, you try to remember them as much as possible, and then it will disappear, you should write down them on your first paper. (Give them 2-3 chances)3.Show one students paper on the screen. 【设计意图】借由询问学生对Where are we going, Dad?这一电视节目看法引出本单元中的重点形容词,并通过Challenge your memory 这样一个小游戏让学生

9、迅速回忆起这些单词,构建词汇的mind map。4. An introduction of the TV showShow some introduction sentences to the whole class, there are some questions in them. One by one student reads the sentences and finishes the exercises. 【设计意图】本部分为过渡环节,即通过几个简单的句子来描述Where are we going,Dad?这一电视节目。在此过程中通过让学生翻译、填空、选择、朗读等形式将一些重要的语

10、法点系统地组织起来,既是复习也是检测,能够让学生词不离句、句不离篇。Step Three: While-reading 【设计意图】通过记者采访五个爸爸之一-陆毅的几个不同的问题将词句、语法系统组织起来。学生在教师的引导下逐步揭开谜团,并在阅读的同时将中考题型综合填空、阅读表达、单选选择、阅读翻译、信息提取、知识拓展、写作练习等巧妙地融入任务当中,使学生真正“在做中学、在学中做”。同时注重知识与实际的结合,在阅读中引导学生与自身现实生活相结合,在阅读的同时融入情感和思考,收获知识的同时也使情感得到升华。(任务设计详见随堂任务单) A TV reporter is interviewing(采访

11、) LuYi, one of the farthers, about this TV show. Lets see what they are talking about. The TV reporter asks some questions, here is the first one. Do you think LuYi likes the TV show? Maybe. Please read part one and find the answer.Students read the first part and fill in the blanks. Ask one student

12、 to read the answer.【设计意图】Task one主要是设计有两个任务:一是通过阅读扫除词汇障碍,即综合填空题。每一个空的词都不难,但所填词的词性均不同,这正好符合中考出题的规律。二是把握段落整体意义,使学生树立全局意识。2. T: Lets go to next question. What do you think of your daughters performance in the TV show? Please read the second part, and try to fill in the blanks. One student reads the fi

13、rst paragraph, and then another student reads the following one.You can get some useful information from this part. It can help you to answer these three questions.【设计意图】Task two主要是通过动词填空的形式复习本单元中动词不定式作宾语的用法,同时学生还需要学会从文章中提取有用的知识信息帮助自己完成任务的学习策略。3. Belle is good, what about other fathers. Lets read th

14、e next question. Read and answer the question “Whats the fathers opinion of teaching children? Please underline the answers in the passage. Then translate the sentences.【设计意图】Task three可以看做是一个非常简单的任务型阅读题,既训练能力又提升做题技巧。4. Read the next part. While reading, circle the jobs, and then discuss with your g

15、roup and write down more jobs. Read the jobs. There are so many jobs, what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be 5. T: You have gotten a goal. Lu Yi also has a goal. Lets read LuYis goal.Read Lu Yis goal and his resolutions. Then write down your resolutions. Each one has two sentences. (

16、show on the screen ) Maybe you write some sentences like these. But unluckily, people hardly ever keep their resolutions. Can you keep your resolutions? Please always remember: Only you can change your life, No one can do it for you. Win or lose, it is in your hands.【设计意图】这两个阅读任务是本单元的内容向第六单元的延伸。起到一个

17、承上启下的作用,为下一单元的复习做好了准备。同时也是对本节课阅读篇章一个很好的总结和情感升华。6. Read the last part together and then ask one student to translate the lineate sentences. Then do an exercise.Step Four: Homework1. Remember the words and phrases.(斜体单词和划线的短语)2. Finish your after-class paper.【设计意图】第一项作业主要针对的是课标规定词汇和终点短语的提炼,让学生再回归到课本当中

18、去。第二项作业为课后评测反馈,分为话题任务和知识任务两类,主要是考察学生对本节课中吸收的信息进行整合和再运用。Analysis of the students1. As students of grade three in junior middle school , their cognition is close to adults. They are quick in thought and steady in physical and mental development. They have their own ideas about things and are willing t

19、o express their opinions towards topics that they are interested in. 2. Our school is a village school, the students English language basis here is kind of poor, especially the abilities of reading and speaking. Some students are not very active in class because they are afraid of making mistakes. 3

20、. Although students have already learned all the words and expressions, some students cant use them flexible in different situations. Maybe it is a little difficult for some to finish all the tasks. But I think group members will help each other and they can do better in groups, because cooperation

21、is very important for students.4. As the high school enterance examination is coming, some students are kind of nervous, and they are lack of self-confidence. So during the lesson, sentiment education is also very important besides knowladge. 课堂效果分析课堂教学效果是教师进行课堂教学的落脚点,一切教学手段的运用和教学方法的选择最终的目的是课堂教学效果的最


23、生都能够按照教师预设的步子走,达到了预期的教学效果。同时也必须要看到,由于九年级学生的活跃性不强,学生课堂参与的主动性不是很高,很多学生或羞于表达、或害怕犯错不敢举手,致使课堂气氛不是非常活跃,有待提高。总之,本节课在教师的引导帮助下,全体学生的潜力得到很大限度的挖掘,智力好的学生吃得饱,中等水平的学生吸收得好,差的学生消化得了,学生人人学有所得。课堂教学中充分体现师生平等、教学民主的思想,师生信息交流畅通,情感交流融洽,合作和谐,配合默契,教与学的气氛达到最优化,课堂教学效果达到最大化。教师教得轻松,学生学得愉快。Analysis of teaching materialThe topic

24、of this unit focuses on Entertainment. It chooses two of the students favourite entertainment, TV shows and movies, as the main themes to let the students talk about preferences and make plans. The target language of this unit is “ What do you think of .?” and infinitives used as objects. Students s

25、hould be able to talk about different kinds of TV shows and movies, use adjectives to give a reason and use infinitives to make plans.This class is for the students of Grade Nine to have a revision, students will review the names of different TV shows and movies、some description words and useful exp

26、ressions. All activities are carried out around how to use these information in real situations. According to the New Standard curriculum, in this lesson, I will put all the curriculum words and useful expressions into an article that is related with the popular culture and the high school entrance

27、examination, students will be the real masters while the teacher acts as a director and focus on students integrated capability training and enable them to use proper learning strategies.Revision of Unit5Challenge your memory1A: What do you think of “Where are we going, Dad?”B: I think it is a meani

28、ngful and educational show. We w_ to the countryside and lived there. The life there was very different f_ ours. My daughter, Belle, could see many strange things、make some new f_ and experience(体验) different cultures. Belle likes it very much. We both expect to join the team again.1:- Is this TV sh

29、ow meaningful or meaningless? -_2 What do you think of your daughters performance(表现) in the TV show? I always took my daughter as a little child before, and was ready to do everything for her. Although I hoped that she could learn _ ( take )care of herself, I cant stand living a life without her.An

30、ything might happen during the trip. When I watched the shows on TV, I was so surprised _ ( find out) that she did such a good job. At the beginning of the TV show, she was shy and didnt want _ ( leave ) me.Soon she took up trying and promised she would be brave. Later She was able to take care of herself and _ ( help ) other children. At that time I knew she was no longer my little baby, sh

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