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小学英语《MODULE 1 Changing》优质教案教学设计文档格式.docx

1、1、知识与技能目标:(1)能听懂、认读、会说 still, programme, life, different, ago, enough ,television, change 等词汇。( 2 ) 能听、说、读并掌握句型 We lived in a small house. Theres werent many buses. We live in a big house. There are lots of buses and cars.(3)能在创设的情境中熟练运用动词过去式与原形,there be 过去式与原形来谈论人们过去与现在Th活的变化。2、过程与方法目标:(1)通过图片预热,激发

2、学Th的学习动机,激发学Th已有的知识经验,为后面的学习做铺垫。(2)采用全班齐读,小组齐读,男Th读,女Th读, one bye one, two by two, follow him/ her 等方式学习单词和操练目标语言。(3)利用 group work 来实现语篇的输出。3、情感态度与价值观:通过对过去Th活与现在Th活的对比学习,学Th能够感受过去Th活的艰苦与现在Th活的美好,感受祖国的变化与日益强大,从而更加珍惜现在的Th活,并热爱自己的祖国。四、教学重难点教学重点:(1)听、说、认、读 still, programme, life, different, ago, enough

3、 ,television, change 等词汇。( 2 ) 用 We lived in a small house. There werent many buses. We live in a big house. There are lots of buses and cars.等句型来谈论过去与现在Th活的变化。教学难点:(1)听、说、认、读 programme, different, enough, television 等词汇。(2)能熟练运用动词过去式与原形,there be 过去式与原形来谈论人们过去与现在Th活的变化。五、教学过程步骤与时间教师活动学Th活动设计意图Step1W

4、arm up1.Greetings.Greetings.通过和学生打招呼问候,创设英语环境,为继续学习打好基础。通 过 询 问 两 只 猫 的 图 片 , 来 唤 醒 学 生 以 前 的 知 识 储 备 , 为 引 出 新 知做准备。进 而 自 然 导入新课。在语境中Step 2Lead inHello, boys and girl. Im Tina.How are you? Im fine, too.Hello, Tina. Im fine, thank you.And you?Step 3 New teachin g1.Look at the picture. How many cats

5、are there?And now, how many? Just now, there were two.2.1)Now, lets watch a video.2) This time, lets listen and repeat. Look at your book.There are two cats.There is only one now.Watch a video. Listen and repeat.1.Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy.Can you spell still?(板书,升降调教读)S-t-i-l-lRe

6、ad the word.2.They are watching TV now. What are they watching? Its a programme about . Lets watch and answer.Watch and answer.China.p-r-o-g-r-a-m-m-e.Programme.(单词卡) p-r-o-g-r-a-m-m-e.Together-group-one by oneReadRead Its a programme about China. (跟读)练习:Its a programmeabout “Running man”.放手让学Th自己说出

7、:Its a programme about “Where are we going, dad?”Try to say.Say by themselves.Its a programme about “where arewe going, dad?Learn and read.Listen and answer. Learn and read.e-n-o-u-g-h. Learn and read.Learn and read. Learn and read. Read in groups.Listen and repeat.。学习新词3. Now, lets see some picture

8、s about the life in China many years ago.(教师解说)Many years ago,we lived in a small house.We didnt have enough food.There werent many buses.There werent any televisions.出示第一幅图片,学习 ago.张贴黑板。汇,有助于学生理解。整 体 感 知 文本大意,对文本做Step 4 Practic eStep 5 Homewor k(1) How was life different?(解释题)Lets listen to part 2

9、and answer. Check the answers. (分句学) 1)We lived in a smallhouse. (板书,指导学Th连读,house 读音)2)We didnt have enough food.(板书,指导学Th读)enough, e-n-o-u-g-h.Read together, 高低声读-two by two-one reads, other follows.3)There werent many buses.(板书,指导学Th读, werent 和 buses 读音)4)There werent any televisions.(板书,指导学Th读)

10、Television=TV 单词卡片,分音节教读。(2) So life was very different in China many years ago.(学习 life, different, ago,板书, 升降调读)Life: read together for two times. Different: 单词卡片,分音节教学Read together-boys /girls. One reads, others follow.初步了解。用 单 词 卡 分 音 节 教 学 , 可 以 降低难度。学以致用。学生对以前的生活(3) Lets listen and repeat. Im

11、interviewer. You are old lady.ListenRead in groups and find the answer.很陌生,通过展示4.Many years ago, we lived in a small house.We didnt have enough food.There werent many buses.There werent any televisions.(情感渗透)图片,可以让他们先粗略的(1) How about now? Lets listen. Now lets read in groups and find the answer. You

12、 can underline.将now 贴黑板上。了解过去的生活。有助于理解Check the answers.Many years ago 和 now 形成对比, 让学Th说出答案,读句子,并指导weve.Listen and repeat. Learn and read.文本。(2) Lets listen and repeat.Read in roles.此句话中(3) Boys and girls, many years ago, we lived in a small house.We didnt have enough food.There werent many buses.Th

13、ere werent any televisions. And now, we live in a big house. Weve got lots of food. There are lots of buses and cars. I watch TV every day.We can see our life is very good now. Our China is changing. Lets love our country and cherish the happy life.(情感渗透)Enjoy a video.Talk about the pictures in grou

14、ps含有三个新单词, 借助单词卡片,采用多种练习方式学习单词,5. Lets listen to part 4 and repeat. China is changing. 教授 change.板书,升降调读。Group A/B.夯实基础,为语言输6. Lets listen and repeat the whole text.出做准备。逐句学习(1) China is changing. Our hometown Changyi is changing too. Lets enjoy a video.重点句型,可以降低(2)Talk about life in Changyi in grou

15、ps.First, do a model.学习难度,利于学生掌握。A:Talk about the life many years ago and now with your friends. (All 必做)指导语音语调,培B: Interview a teachers life many years ago and now. (Choose 选做)养学生的语感。以填空的形式出现,题设计的有梯度。符合五年级学生的认知特点。通过小组活动,对所学重点知识进行系统的掌握。通 过 对 过 去 艰 苦 生 活的描述, 让 学 生 体 会 到 现 在 生 活 的 美 好 , 懂 得 珍 惜 现 在 的

16、美 好 生 活 , 热 爱 伟大的祖国。由 中 国 的 变 化 , 说 到 自 己 家 乡的变化, 学 生 们 感 兴趣。谈论照片时,教师先示范,降低学生语言输出的难度。以学生的实际情况出发,作业设计有梯度。六、板书设计MIUI We lived in a small house.still many years ago nowprogramme We lived in a small house. We live in a big house. ago We didnt have enough food. Weve got lots of food. enough There werent many buses. There are lots of buses and cars. television There werent any televisions. I watch TV every day. lifedifferent change七、教后反思

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