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冀教版英语七下unit 5.docx

1、冀教版英语七下unit 5Lesson 25 A Phone FriendVocabularyforeign adj. 外国的could v. aux. 能,可能loudly adv. 大声地,吵闹地understand v. 懂得,理解cartoon n. 动画片Canadian adj. 加拿大人n. 加拿大Language points1. She wants to practice her English with a foreign friend ?她想和一个外国人练习英语?want to do sth. 想要做某事 practice doing sth. 练习做某事 foreign

2、 外国的 foreigner 外国人2. -Hello. Can I speak to Jenny, please?您好,请问我可以跟珍妮通电话吗? -Yes. This is Jenny speaking. 是的,我就是珍妮。这两句话是打电话的交际用语。第一句的类似用法还有:hello, Could/May I speak to ?我可以和说话吗?Is that (speaking)? 你是吗?Whos that (speaking) ? 你是谁?Hold on , please. 请稍等。3. Im happy to talk with you. 我很高兴跟你说话。talk to = ta

3、lk with 与某人交谈 talk about 谈论某事 be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事4. Could you speak more loudly ? 你能再大点声说吗 ?could 既可以作can的过去式,又可以作情态动词(常用于表示征求对方的意见,语气比can更委婉)5. Sorry, I cant follow you . 抱歉,我没听懂你说的。follow 动词,意为“明白,跟随”,相当于understand。6、by oneself 靠自己,独自地,他的父亲独自一个人住在村里His father lives by himself in the village

4、小女孩独自完成了作业。The little girl finished the homework by herself. practice1. Please let Mr. Smith _ you. A. helps B. help C. to helps D. helping2. Here _ the shoes. A. are B. is C. was D. goes3. They are waiting _ their friend. A. of B. in C. for D. fromBAC用所给词的适当形式填空。May I _ (speak) to Jenny, please? My

5、 mom would like to _(speak) to you. Could you speak _(loud比较级). I like _(listen) the music. Jenny and Li Jing have a good _(talk).Speak speak more loudly listening to talkLesson 26 Online Phone CallsLanguage points 1. Its all thanks to you. 这一切都要谢谢你。thanks to 意为“幸亏,归功于” thanks to +名词/代词/动名词Thanks to

6、 my mum,I finished it on time.多亏了我妈妈,我才按时完成工作。2.You did all the hard work yourself. 你自己做了所有辛苦的工作。work 不可数名词 all the+ n. 意为“整个的,所有的”3. I am so proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲。“be proud of” 为感到骄傲 “be proud to do sth”因而骄傲We are proud of our class. 我们为我们班感到骄傲。I am proud to be your friend. 成为你的朋友,我很骄傲。4. Talking w

7、ith you is such a great help. 和您交谈非常有帮助。“talking with you”是动名词短语,作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。Watching TV is my hobby.看电视是我的爱好。5. Talking with you is such a great help. 和您交谈非常有帮助。such:修饰名词, such a/an +形容词+可数名词单数 such +形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数so:修饰形容词或副词, so +形容词/副词.在few、little、much、 many前只能用so,不能用suchThis is such a funny

8、story. =This is so funny story.这是一个如此有趣的故事。6. I cant wait to see you! 我迫不及待要见你了!“cant wait to do sth.” 迫不及待地做某事wait for 等候,后接名词、代词等 wait to do sth.等着做某事。Lesson 27 Amazing EnglishThe sentence with all 26 letters.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.1.let _ _ letter 字母 n 2.Igzktli _exactly 确实地,

9、精确地 adv 3.fkt _fact 事实n 4.sentns_sentence 句子 n5.leIizI _Lazy 懒惰的adj 6.f:wdz _Forwards 向前 adv7. bkwdz_ _ backwards 向后adv 1. 和 一样短_as short as 2. 多于_more than 3. 事实上_in fact 4. 组成很多单词_make a lot of words 5. 钻研_dig in 6. 许多_a lot of检测1. There are 26 l _in English.2. Please make up(制造) a s _ with the wo

10、rds.3. In f _ ,I do not know his name.4. The boy is very _(懒惰的).He often gets up very late.5.The man can ride his bike _ (向后)Language Points1. amazing Englishamazing “令人惊叹的”,用来修饰物;amazed意为“惊讶的”,用来修饰人。English is an amazing language to learn. 英语是一门学起来很令人惊叹的语言。He was so _ when he heard the _ news.A. am

11、azing; amazing B. amazing; amazedC. amazed; amazed D. amazed; amazing2. In fact, English has more words than any other language in the world.any other language中的any other意为“任何一个其他的”,后跟名词单数。此句还可写为:English has the most words of all the languages.English has more words than all the other languages.3. E

12、nglish words can be as short as one letter. as as意为“和一样”,也是比较级的一种形式,但要注意asas之间要加形容词或副词的原形Tony studies as hard as his brother. 托尼学习和哥哥一样努力。My sister is as careful as me. 姐姐和我一样细心。4. Learning English can be challenging, but it can also be fun. learning English是动名词短语在句中作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式。也可以用it作形式主语,动词不定式t

13、o do作真正的主语放在表语后面。此句还可写作:It can be challenging and fun to learn English.Practice1. English is an amazing language _.A. learning B. learns C. to learn D. learned2. Li Ming runs as _ as his brother.A. faster B. fastest C. the fastest D. fast3. How many words can you _ with the letters? A. make B. do C.

14、 dig D. take4. Wang Mei, please say the sentence _ English. A. in B. by C. with D. on5. Chinese has more people than_ in the world. A. any country B. all the countries C. other countries D. any other countryCDAAD句型转换1.She can speak French very well.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ French very well2. Learning a new

15、language is very hard. (改为同义句)_ is very hard _ _ a new language. 3. This sentence uses all 26 letters.(对画线部分提问)_ _ letters _ this sentence _?Can speak,It to learn , How many does useWrite a short passage about the importance of English.Lesson 28 How do I learn English?Vocabulary/ teres: /Teresa特丽莎 /

16、 hk / Hong kong香港/ strbk / n .storybook故事书 /mgzin/ n. magazine杂志/njuzpep/ n.newspaper报纸 /mstek / n.mistake错误/sl / adj.silly傻的,愚蠢的写出下列短语或句子: 两年前_ 查阅_ 同时_ 听英语歌曲_ 写下,记下_ 害怕做某事_ 犯错误_ 嘲笑某人_two years ago look up at the same time Listen to English songswrite down be afraid to do sth make a mistake laugh at

17、 sbLanguage Points1.I came to Canada two years ago . 此句为_时,two years ago意为_ _ “时间段+ago” (小练)五年前我开始学英语。(begin to do sth.)I began to learn English five years ago2. So I look them up in a dictionary. 指查找文字资料 宾语是名词时,放在look up中间或后面 宾语是代词时必须放中间(1)Please look up his phone number. =Please look his phone num

18、ber up.(2) I dont know the meaning of the word, Ill look it up in a dictionary. 3.can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time. 我能娱乐的同时也学习英语。 他们同时完成了作业。They finished their homework at the same time. like to write the words down. 写下,记下write down也是动副词组。所以它跟look up的用法相同。 (1)请写下这个地址。(2)我要把他们记在笔记本

19、上。Please write down the address =Please write the address down.I will write them down in the notebook5. Then I can sing along with the music. Its fun! = its fun to sing along with the music. Its fun to talk with her.和她讲话真有趣。6. Can you ask him to call me later ?你能让他过会儿给我打电话吗?ask sb. to do sth. 意为“ 要求

20、某人做某事” 其否定形式为 ask sb. not to do sth. Our teacher asked us to keep quite 我们的老师让我们保持安静He asked the children not to play football in the street他要求孩子们不要在街上踢足球It was time for class. Mr King asked all the children _ down quietly .A sit B sat C to sit D sitting 7. I oractice my English in class and after c

21、lass.我在课上和课下练习英语 in class 意为 “在课上” after class 意为“ 课下” 。另外,可以用after work 表示 “下班后” after school 表示“放学后”He often plays basketball after school他经常在放学后打篮球8. Dont be afraid to make mistakes .不要害怕犯错误。1)否定祈使句, “Dont + 动词原形 表示禁止或提醒。 Dont draw on the wall 不要再墙上画画2) afraid只能作表语,其常用结构为 a ) be afraid to do sth.

22、 害怕做某事例如 Im afraid to speak in front of the class 我害怕在同学们面前说话b)be afraid of sth. 害怕某物 例如 Most girls are afraid of dogs c )be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 例如 Shes afraid of seeing snakes她害怕见到蛇. Im afraid _ there at night A go B going C to go D to going mistake 名词,意为”错误“ 常用短语为 make a mistake / mistakes

23、犯错误 Dont laugh at others when they make mistakes 别人出错时不要嘲笑他们。9. Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh at myself 有时我犯一些愚蠢的错误,我会嘲笑自己laugh at sb.意“嘲笑某人” Everyone laughed at Jim but Lily didnt大家都嘲笑吉姆,但莉莉没有。但当“laugh at +发笑的事情”时,该短语不再含有敌意They laughed at my story 他们听了我的故事后都笑了Its not polite (礼貌的)to la

24、ugh _others 10. Thanks for calling me back . 谢谢你给我回电话thanks for doing sth. 意为“ 因某事而感谢”thanks for telling me the answer .thanks for 后面还可以跟名词Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助。call sb. back 意为 “给某人回电话”please call your mother back when you arrive in Beijing .到达北京后请给你妈妈回电话Thanks for _ me with my science .A hel

25、p B to help C helping D your helpPractice用所给单词的适当形式填空。fun, newspaper, mistake, slow1. Sorry, I cant follow you. Please say that more _.2. I think I can read this_.3. I often make a lot of _ in Chinese.4. its _ to read this storybook.Slowly newspaper mistakes fun根据汉语意思完成句子。1.请写下你的地址。Please your addre

26、ss.2.我能随着音乐一起唱。I can sing the music.3.我喜欢在晚上上网。 We like to _ in the evening.4.你可以在课本里查他们。You can _ in the textbook.5.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。Its impolite to _ others 6.不要害怕犯错误。Dont_to_ Make a list of the ways you use to improve your English.Lesson 29 A Door to the World通往世界的一扇门article /:tkl/ n.文章opportunity /ptju

27、:nti/ n.机会knowledge /nld / n. 知识;学问communicate /kmju:nket/ v. 交流connect /knekt / v.连接,联结1.All over the world ,many people are learning English全世界all over the world=around the world2.3.It takes time. 它需要花费时间It takes sb sometime to do sth.=sb spend sometime doing sth做某事花费某人多长时间。做作业花了我20分钟It takes me 2

28、0 minutes to do my homework4.You can Communicate with different peopleCommunicate with 与交流他常常和父母交流。He ofen communicates with his parents.5. Have a good knowledge of 对通晓,熟知我通晓中国历史I have a good knowledge of Chinese history.6. Connectwith把和联系在一起Internet connect us with the world. 互联网把我们和世界联系在一起。7. Ask

29、for 请求,要求Ask sb for sth 向某人要某物Ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事他向妈妈要钱。He asked his mother for money.老师让我们努力学习。Teachers ask us to work hard.Practice1. If you dont know how to use the machine, you can _ help from Tom.wait for B. look for C. ask for D. make for2. Would you like _ this article?read B. reads C. reading D. to read3. _ a walk after supper is good for you.Take B. Takes C. Took D. TalkingCDD1. If you speak English, you can communicate _ business people from other countries.2. _ English, they can understand the worlds news.

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