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1、My mother got angry when she saw things in a mess. 妈妈生气了当她看到东西一团糟。 My illness made a mess of my holiday plan. 这场病把我的假期计划给打乱了。房间里脏乱不堪。孩子们把起居室弄的很乱。 The room was in a terrible mess. The child made a mess in the living room. 3. I threw down my bag and went to the living room. 我扔下书包然后回到卧室。 throw: v. 扔,掷。

2、过去式:threwthrow down 扔下; throw away 乱扔,丢弃The workers threw down their tools and walked out. 工人们扔下工具走了出去。I usually throw away clothes that are out of fashion. 我通常将过时的衣服丢弃。他扔下报告离开了办公室。我们不应该乱扔垃圾。 After quarreling with boss, he threw down the report and left the office. We shouldnt throw rubbish away.4.

3、The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. 我一坐在电视前,我妈妈过来了。 the minute: 一.就.;还可以写为the moment,等于as soon as.所以该句子可以改写为:My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.(分别用the minute 和 as soon as 造句)我一睁眼,闹钟就响了。他一打开电脑,爸爸就让他去做作业。 The minute I opened my eyes, the alarm clock rang

4、.= The alarm clock rang as soon as I opened my eyes. The minute he turned on the computer, his father asked him to do homework.= As soon as he turned on the computer, his father asked him to do homework. 5. She did not do any housework and neither did I. 她没做家务活,我也没有。 “Neither+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语” 表示 “.

5、也不”. Neither此处用作副词,表示“也不”。He doesnt like swimming and neither do I. 他不喜欢游泳,我也不喜欢。注意: “ so + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语” 表示“.也是”。I often go to school by bus and so does my sister. 我经常坐公交车去学校,我妹妹也是。拓展: Neither 做为代词,意为“(两者)都不”。Neither of us did any housework for a week. 我们俩都一个星期没做任何家务。- Would you like the red sh

6、irt or the black one ? 你想要那件红色衬衫还是黑色的?- Neither, Id like the white one. 两件都不要,我要那件白色的。 neither 做为形容词,与名词单数连用,意为“(两者)都不的”。Neither answer is right. 两个答案都不对。 neither. nor. 意为“既不.也不.”。 与之相对应的短语是 either. or. 意为“要么.要么.”。这两个短语需要遵循就近原则,谓语动词由就近的主语来决定。The room is neither big nor bright. 这个房间既不大也不明亮。Either you

7、 or I am right. 要么你是对的,要么我是对的。我不会弹钢琴,我妹妹也不会。你和汤姆都不可能成为班长。我父母今天都不在家。 I cannt play the piano, and neither can my sister. Neither you nor Tom will be the monitor. Neither of my parents is at home today.6. Could you please pass me the salt ?你能把盐递给我好吗? pass 此处做及物动词,意为“传递”;常见搭配为pass sb. sth = pass sth. to

8、 sb. 类似的接双宾语的单词还有 give, offer, show等。He passed the news to his wife. 他把这二个消息传给了他妻子。Pass the letter to John.把这封信交给约翰。(用双宾语的两种结构造句)请把那条毛巾递给我。老师给我们展示了新书。 Please pass the towel to me. = Please pass me the towel. Teacher showed a new book to us. = Teacher showed us a new book.7. Can I borrow that book ?

9、我可以借那本书吗? borrow: v. 意为“借;借用”,常用短语:borrow sth. from sb./ sp. 意为“向某人/某地 借某物”。She borrowed a book from her friend. 她从朋友那借了一本书。8. Can you lend me some money ? 你能借我一些钱吗? lend: v. 意为“借给;借出”,过去式为 lent. 常见短语:lend sth. to sb.I lent my bike to Mike yesterday. 我昨天把自行车借了迈克。辨析:lend: “借给,借出”,延续性动词。强调主语把自己的东西借出去。

10、borrow: “借近,借入”,非延续性动词。强调主语从别人那里把东西借来供自己使用。- 我能借用你的自行车吗?- 当然了。但是你不能把它借给别人。 - Can I borrow your bike ? - Of course. But you cannt lend it to others.9. Homework is a waste of their time.家务活浪费他们的时间。 waste: n. 意为“浪费”,常见结构:” a waste of .” ,意为“浪费.” Playing computer games is a waste of time.玩电脑游戏浪费时间。waste

11、 作形容词,意为“无用的,浪费的”。We shouldnt throw waste paper about. 我们不应该乱扔废纸。waste 作为及物,意为“浪费”。People shouldnt waste food. 人们不应该浪费食物。她认为看电视是浪费时间。一家工厂正在向河里倾倒废水。不要浪费水! She thought watching TV was a waste of time. A factory is pouring waste water into the river. Dont waste water.10. They should spend their time on

12、 schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. 为了取得好成绩,进入一所好大学,他们应该将时间花在作业上。 In order to: 意为“为了;目的是”,后面接动词原形,位置可放在句首,也可放在句中。其否定形式,表达“为了不.”为 “ in order not to .”In order to look after his parents, he returned to work in his hometown.为了照顾父母,他回到了家乡工作。She started at five oclock

13、in order not to be late. 为了不迟到,她五点就出发了。In order that: “为了.”,后接从句,表示目的,从句中常含有情态动词。She set out early in order that she could arrive on time. 她很早就出发了,以便能准时到达。(分别用in order to 和in order that造句)为了拯救病人,很多医生聚在了一起。为了得到一个好座位,他很早就去了教室。 In order to save the patient, many doctors get together. = Many doctors get

14、 together in order that they can save the patient. In order to get a good seat, he went to the classroom early. = He went to the class early in order that he could get a good seat.11. Its parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. 在家给孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是父母的责任。

15、Provide: v. 意为“提供,供给”。常见结构: provide sth. for sb. 或 provide sb. with sth. 意为“给某人提供某物”或“供给某人某物”。He has to provide food and clothes for his family. 他得养家糊口。Well provide food and drink for them. 我们将向他们提供吃的和喝的。(分别用provide的两种不同结构造句)公司给我们提供一辆车。为了保护环境,超市不给购物者提供免费塑料袋(plastic bag)。 Our company provides us with

16、 a car. = Our company provides a car for us. To protect the environment, supermarkets dont provide free plastic bags to shopper. = To protect the environment, supermarkets dont provide shoppers with free plastic bags.12. Children these days depend on their parents too much. 如今孩子太依赖父母。 depend on: 意为“

17、依赖,依靠”。Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.孩子靠父母供给衣食。depend 常见于习语:it all depends.或that depends. 意为“视情况而定”。- Can you come to work tomorrow ? 明天你能来上班吗? - That depends. 视情况而定。depend 的名词形式为dependence 意为“依赖性”。其名词的反义词为independence 意为“独立性”。We should try to develop childrens independence.

18、 我们应该尝试发展孩子的独立性。如果有任何生词,我们可以依靠这本字典。- 明天你来我的派对吗?- 看情况而定。 If there are any new words, we can depend on that dictionary. - Can you come to my party tomorrow ? - It all depends. / That depends.13. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in kee

19、ping it clean and tidy. 自他们与父母住在一个房子里以来,他们就应该知道每个人应当做他们的一部分来保持房子干净和整洁。 since: 此处为连词,意为“自.以后,自.以来”,引导时间状语从句。It is two years since we visited your mother. 自从我们看望你母亲以来已经两年了。Since作连词,还可表示“由于;因为;既然”,引导原因状语从句。Since we dont have money, we cant buy a house. 由于我们没有钱,我们买不起房子。自从你和他们住在一起后,你就应该知道他们是非常友好的。由于他母亲病了

20、,他没能来参加会议。 Since you live with them, you should know that they are very friendly. Since his mother was ill, he couldnt join in the meeting, keep: v. 保持。过去式为 kept. keep + 形容词:表示保持某种状态。We should do exercise to keep healthy. 我们应该锻炼来保持健康。你应该保持窗户是开着的。好的食物能让你保持健康。 You should keep the window open. Good foo

21、d can keep you healthy.14. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped. 结果,他经常生病然后成绩下降。 drop: v. “下降,降落”;n.液滴The temperature will drop later. 稍后温度将会下降。Many drops make a shower. 积少成多。在酒中加几滴水。杯子掉下来摔碎了。 Add a few drops of water into the wine. The cup dropped and broke.B. 单元重点短语归纳do the dishes

22、 洗餐具 take out the rubbish 倒垃圾go out 出去 stay out 呆在外面help out 帮助做完某事 at least 至少throw down 扔下 all the time 频繁,反复in surprise 惊讶地 in order to 为了depend on 依赖 keep it clean and tidy 保持它干净整洁take care of 照顾 as a result 结果C. 单元重点语法讲解情态动词could 的用法:在本单元中,情态动词could 用于有礼貌地提出要求或请求准许,用于疑问句,代替can,在时间上与can没有区别,但与其要

23、比can委婉,有礼貌。并且回答时要用can,不能用could。此外,肯定回答还可以用sure./ certainly./ Yes, sure./ No problem./ With pleasure.等;否定回答还可以用I am afraid not. 等。- Could you please lend me your dictionary ? 能把你的字典借我吗?- Yes, sure. 好的,当然可以。- Could I use your phone ? 我能用下你的电话吗?- I am afraid not./ No. You cant. I am waiting for an impo

24、rtant call. 恐怕不行,我在等一个非常的电话。could 为can 的过去式,表示能力。He could swim when he was three. 他三岁是就能游泳。Could you read before you went to school ? 你去上学前能识字吗?表示可能性,对某种可能情况的推测。This book could be Mikes. He likes reading science books. 这本书可能是迈克的,他喜欢看科学书籍。- 我能试一试那双鞋子吗?- 对不起,你不能。那双鞋子是陈列展览(on show)用的。我的手机坏了,我能用一下你的吗?那个

25、男孩在十岁的时候就能自己写歌词(lyrics)。房间门开着,他可能在家里。 - Could I try on that pair of shoes ? - Sorry, you cant. The shoes are just on show.My mobile phone broke. Could I borrow yours ?The boy could write his own lyrics when he was 10.The door is open. He could be at home.二、同步题型分析1._ she ride when she was three years

26、 old? (2008,广东)A Can B Could C Need D May B. 此处句子问的是她三岁的能不能骑自行车。表示能力用can或could。但是由于三岁是过去时,所以需要用一般过去时态,因此选择could。2.- Could I look at your pictures?- Yes, of course you_. (武汉)A. could B. can C. will D. Might B. 这是对could表示请求的回答。句子问:我能不能看一下你的照片?肯定回答应该用can而不能用could,因此选B。3._you pass me a pen? Id like to w

27、rite down the telephone number. A. Need B. Could C. Must D. Should (北京市海淀区) B. 该句子表达的是:你能递一支笔给我吗?我想写下电话号码。表示委婉请求所以选择could。4. - Could I borrow your camera ? - _. But please give it back by Saturday.A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks B. “ I am sorry” 意为“对不起”;” of course” 意为“当然”;

28、”Certainly not” 意为“当然不”;”No, thanks.”意为“不,谢谢”。由问句“我能借用你的相机吗?”和答句中的“请在星期六之前归还。”可以知道是同意请求,因此选B。3、课堂达标检测1、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My father often does the _ (dish) at home after dinner.2. Tom _ (throw) down his bag and went to his room.3. Its a waste of time _ (talk) to much with him.4. He finished _ (watch)TV when his father came.5. China and India are _ (develop) countries.6. He is very _ (surprise)that his answer is right. 7. Can you help me _ (fol

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