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1、回到家,我发觉自己变了,看上去不那么自信了。 我很高兴能回到家,但不久我注意到和我们一起的佩内洛普穿着我的衣服,而且我父母看上去更喜欢她,我想知道如果我不在家的话他们是否会想念我。后来,我把我的想法告诉了母亲,她说尽管佩内洛普是个可爱的女孩,但她始终不能取代我,我说:“她比我有耐心而且无论何时看上去她都比我要整洁大方。”母亲说这些都是非常好的优点,但我却是惟一个能扮演好自己角色的人。母亲让我感到尽管我有缺点似乎还很多但是,我被家中每一个人爱着,谁也无法取代。 我成了一个探寻者,想要知道自己到底是谁,又是什么让我变得独一无二。我的人生观开始改变。我需要一个坚固的基础来发展,我忍受住压力,不再做自

2、己不喜欢做的事。而且我为真实的我感到高兴。渐渐地我越发肯定自己无可替代。 每个人在这个世界上都占有一个独一无二的位置。无论别人说什么,你自己怎么想,你都是特别的。所以,不要担心自己会被取代,因为你永远是惟一的。2就在正上方太多的时候,我们总认为光明就在脚下,就在不远的前方,于是忘了去仰望头顶的那片天 If you put a buzzard1) in a pen2) six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolut

3、e prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt3) to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top. The ordinary bat that flies around at night, who is

4、a remarkable nimble4) creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is to shuffle5) about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation6) from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it

5、 takes off like a flash. A bumblebee7) if dropped into an open tumbler8) will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists9) in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it

6、completely destroys itself. In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrations10), not realizing that the answer is right there above them. 如果把一只秃鹫放在一个68平方英尺的无顶围栏里,这只大鸟尽管会飞,也绝对会成为这栏中之囚。原因是秃鹫从地面起飞前总要先助

7、跑1012英尺的距离。这是它的习惯,如果没有了足够的助跑空间,它甚至不会尝试去飞,只会终身困囿于一个无顶的小囚笼中。 晚上飞来飞去的普通的蝙蝠,本是一种在空中极其敏捷的动物,但却无法在平地上起飞。如果被放在地板或平坦的地面上,它就只会无助地挪动,毫无疑问这样很痛苦。除非它到了稍高的位置,有了落差,才可以立刻闪电般地起飞。 一只大黄蜂如果掉进了一个敞口平底玻璃杯里,除非有人把它拿出来,否则它就会一直呆在里边直到死去。它永远不知道可以从杯口逃出,只坚持试图从杯底的四壁寻找出路。它会在根本不存在出口的地方寻找出路,直到彻底毁了自己。 其实在很多方面,很多人也像秃鹫、蝙蝠和大黄蜂一样,使尽浑身解数试图

8、解决问题、克服挫折,却没有意识到解决之道就在正上方。 1.buzzard n. 动秃鹫 2.pen pen n. 围栏,围圈 3.attempt vt. 尝试,企图 4.nimble adj. 敏捷的 5.shuffle v. 拖着脚走,慢吞吞地走 6.elevation n. 高地,海拔 7.bumblebee n. 动大黄蜂 8.tumbler n. (平底)玻璃杯 9.persist vi. 坚持,持续 10.frustration n. 失败,挫折 3我的第一份工作Both my parents came from towns in Mexico. I was born in El P

9、aso, Texas, and when I was four, my family moved to a housing project in East Los Angeles. Even though we struggled to make ends meet, my parents stressed1) to me and my four brothers and sisters how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities. They imbued2) in us the c

10、oncepts of family, faith and patriotism. I got my first real job when I was ten. My dad, Benjamin, injured his back working in a cardboard-box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist. He rented space in a little mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr. Bens Coiffure3). The owner of the shoppi

11、ng center gave Dad a discount on his rent for cleaning the parking lot three nights a week, which meant getting up at 3 a.m. To pick up trash, Dad used a little machine that looked like a lawn mower. Mom and I emptied garbage cans and picked up litter4) by hand. It took two to three hours to clean t

12、he lot. Id sleep in the car on the way home. I did this for two years, but the lessons I learned have lasted a lifetime. I acquired5) discipline and a strong work ethic6), and learned at an early age the importance of balancing lifes competing interests7) in my case8), school, homework and a job. Th

13、is really helped during my senior year of high school, when I worked 40 hours a week flipping9) burgers at a fast-food joint10) while taking a full load of percolate courses. The hard work paid off11). I attended12) the U.S. Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degrees in law and busines

14、s from Harvard. Later, I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California state assembly. In these jobs and in everything else Ive done, I have never forgotten those days in the parking lot. The experience taught me that there is dignity13) in all work and that if people are worki

15、ng to provide for themselves and their families that is something we should honor. 我的父母都来自墨西哥的小镇。我出生于得克萨斯州的埃尔帕索城。我四岁时,全家搬到了东洛杉矶的一处低收入住宅区。 尽管我们当时要做到收支平衡都很困难,但父母仍对我和四个兄弟姐妹强调说,能在这样一个充满无限机遇的国家里落户,我们是多么幸运啊!他们给我们灌输了家庭、信仰以及爱国主义的观念。 十岁的时候,我得到了人生第一份真正的工作。我的爸爸本杰明在纸箱厂工作时背部受了伤。经过再培训,他成了一名发型师。他在一个规模不大的商业区租下了一个摊位

16、,并给他的店取了个奇妙的名字:“本先生的发型”。 商业中心的老板在租金上给爸爸打了个折扣,但条件是每周打扫三次停车场,这意味着凌晨三点就要起床干活。爸爸用一个看起来像除草机的小机器来收捡垃圾,而我和妈妈则要清空垃圾桶并用手拾捡散落的垃圾。打扫这个停车场要用两到三个小时。我总是在回家时的车里就睡着了。 这份工作我干了两年,但从中学到的东西却让我受用终生。我学会了自律,建立了很强的职业道德。从小我就懂得了平衡生活中各种利益冲突的重要性对我而言,就是上学、作业和工作。这在我高二那年真是很有用处。那时,我在一家快餐连锁店制作汉堡包,每周工作四十个小时,同时还肩负着沉重的大学预科课程的学习任务。 辛勤的

17、工作终见回报。我考入了美国军事学院,接着又获得了哈佛大学的法律和商业硕士学位。后来,我进入洛杉矶一家著名的律师事务所并被选为加州议会参议员。在做这些工作和其他所有事情的过程中,我从未忘记过在停车场辛勤工作的那些日子。那段经历使我懂得工作无贵贱, 靠自食其力来供养自己和家人就值得人们敬佩。Vocabulary 1.stress stres v. 强调,着重 2.imbue v. 灌输,深深影响 3.coiffure n. 发式 4.litter n. 废弃物,被胡乱扔掉的东西(尤指废纸等杂物) 5.acquire vt. 获得,学到 ethic: 职业道德 7.interest n

18、. 利益,利害关系 ones case: 就某人的情况而言 9.flip vt. 使翻转 10.joint n. 连接,结合,本文中指连锁店 off: 得到好结果,取得成功 12.attend E5tend vt. 上(大学等) 13.dignity 5dInItI n. 尊贵,高贵4饼干里的秘密Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a mere1)acquaintance. I have forgotten the name of an old lady, who was a

19、customer on the paper route in my home town when I was a twelve-year-old boy. Yet it dwells2)in my memory that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness that I shall never forget. On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the slanted3)roof of the old ladys house from a spot near he

20、r backyard. The object of our play was to observe how the stones changed to missiles4)as they rolled to the roofs edge and shot out into the yard like comets5)falling from the sky. I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and threw it out. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand

21、as I let it go and headed straight not for the roof but for a small window on the old ladys back porch6). At the sound of fractured7)glass, we knew we were in trouble. We turned tail8)and ran faster than any of our missiles flew off her roof. I was too scared about getting caught that first night to

22、 be concerned about9)the old lady with the broken window in winter. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadnt been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable

23、in her presence10). I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I calculated would cover the cost of her window. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven do

24、llars would cover the cost for repairing it. I waited until it was dark, snuck up11)to the old ladys house, and put the letter I didnt sign through the letter slot12)in her door. My soul felt redeemed13)and I could have the freedom of, once again, looking straight into the old ladys kind eyes. The n

25、ext day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to return the warm smile that I was receiving from her. She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself. I thanked her and proceeded14)to eat the cookies as I continued my route. After several cookies, I felt an env

26、elope and pulled it out of the bag. When I opened the envelope, I was stunned15). Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, Im proud of you. 记住一个仅是认识的人的名字,43年似乎是段很长的时间。我已经忘了那位老太太的名字,她是我12岁那年在家乡送报时的一位客户。不过,她曾给我上的那堂关于“宽恕”的课却始终让我难以忘怀。 一个冬天的下午,我和一个朋友在离这个老太太家屋后不远的一个地方往她家斜斜的屋顶上扔石子玩。我们的目的是观

27、察这些石子如何顺着屋顶的斜坡变成一颗发射物,在滚落到屋顶边缘的瞬间,像滑过天空的彗星那样射入院中。我给自己找了颗十分光滑的石子,然后扔了出去。但是,这颗石子太光滑了,出手的一刹那,它偏离了方向。它没有落在屋顶上,反而直接击中了老太太屋后门廊上的一扇小窗户。听到玻璃破碎的声音,我们知道闯祸了。我们掉头拔腿就跑,跑得比任何一颗从她屋顶发射的石子都要快。 当天晚上,我太害怕被抓住,没有考虑到冬天里的破玻璃窗会给老太太带来什么样的麻烦。但是,过了几天,当我确信自己没被发现时,就开始对给她带来的倒霉事感到内疚了。每天我给她送报纸时,她依旧笑眯眯地迎接我。不过,在她面前,我已经不像过去那样自在了。 我决定把送报挣的钱攒起来。三周后,我便有了7美元。我估计这大概够赔偿她

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