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1、 C.shy D.windy 2. () A.kindB.pigC.Friday 3. 3. () 4. () A.motherB.fatherC.threeD.this 5. () A.skyB.windy 二单项选择)1.Our new English teacher is very _ B.Young C./)2. -Is Mr Jones _?-No,he is kind. A.tallC.strict 第四课时 1根据汉意完成句子 1.-Whats Wu Yifan like?-Hes _

2、(工作努力的) 2.They are _ (愿意帮忙的) 3.-Is she _ (有礼貌的)?-Yes,she is 4.-Whats Sarah like?-Shes _ (聪明的) 2英汉互译 )1.They are hard-working.A.她很害羞 )2.She is shy .B.他们很努力 )3.He is polite.C.他们乐于帮助 )4.They are helpful. D.他很有礼貌 第五课时 1单项选择 2() 1.-Is she strict?-Yes,_ A.he isB.she isntC.sometimes () 2.-Do you know Mr.Li

3、?-Yes,I_ A.doB.dontC.know )3.-Whats Ms Wang like?-_ friendly. A.HesB.ShesC.shes 二选词填空Mike is my _ ,he is 11 _ ,he is very _ ,because he always_me,I think he is _ ,too. 第六课时 一用be动词的适当形式填空。1.I _ a girl. 2.They _ helpful. 3.He _ funny. 4.We _ strong. 5.It _ small. 二情景交际 A: Do you know Miss Wang? B: _ ,

4、who is she? A: _ B: Yes,she is. B: Is she old?Unit 2 My week 第一课时 1翻译单词 星期一 _ 星期二 _ 星期三 _ 星期四 _ 星期五 _ 星期六 _ 星期日 _ 2选择 ) 1.-What day is it today?-Its _ A.mondayB. MondayC.Weekend ) 2.-What do you have _ Tuesday?-I have English. 一根据首字母填空 1.On M _ I eat apples. 2.I have maths on F _. 3.Who

5、s your E _ teacher. )1.I have _, music and art on Fridays. A.booksB.ChineseC.chinese )2.Whos your music teacher?-_. liB.Mr li C.Mr Li 第三课时 一.翻译词组 1.踢足球 _ 2.看书 _ 3.做作业 _ 4.看电视 _ 5.洗我的衣服 _ 6.做体育运动 _ 二从下列选项中找出发音不同的选项 1() A.feedB.feetC.bedD.see 2.() B.heC.sheD.let 3 (A.flowerB.window C.yellowD.

6、below 1.单项选择)1.-What do you do on Saturdays? - I _ football with my classmates. A.playB.plays C.playes ()2.-Do you often watch TV at home? -No, I _ A. doB. 2根据汉意写单词 1.When do you _ (做) homework?2.I often _ (洗) my clothes on Sundays. 3.They often _ (看) TV at night. 一.选出每组不同类的单词 1.() A.Monday

7、B.TuesdayC.clothesD.Sunday ) A.SaturdayB.strictC.politeD.shy 3.() A.hard-workingB.FridayC.kindD.funny ) 1. -Do you often _ football here? C.listen )2.-What do _ have on Wednesdays? A.youB.your C.she )3. -We have music and art. A.theyC.we 第六课时 一.连词成句 1.youdoDohomeworkoftenhomeat (?) _ 2

8、.MondaysonhaveWhatyou (?) _ 2单项选择3 () 1.I have _ on Thursdays? A.Chinese and English TV C.does )2. -Do you often read books in this park? -_ A.Yes,you doB.No,I dontC.No,I do Unit 3wouldyoulike?一、选出各单词缺少的字母)1、te_A、aB、iC、e )2、i_ eA、uB、c C、o)3、cr_ amA、o)4、hamb_ _ ger A、urB、eeC、ea )5、s_ ladC、a 2

9、、根据汉语写英语。甜的辣的 美味的 三、单项选择 )1. _ would you like to eat?A. What B. Where C.Which ) 2. Id like _ hamburger. A. a B. an C.some 一、单项选择 ( )1、-What would you like to eat ? - Id like some _ . A、breadB、milkC、water) 2、-Id like an _ . A、hamburgerB、apple C、sandwich ( ) 3、-What would you like to drink ? - Id like

10、 some_ . A、foodB、bread C、orange juice 二、动脑筋,完成对话 (1)What_ you _in the picture _ ice cream and _ sandwich . (2) _ would Sarah _ to eat? _ would like some bread _ chicken. 第三课时 一、将下列单词排序,组成正确句子。(1)liketoSaraheat ?(2)(2)seecaninpicturethe ?(3)someWouldeatsandwicheslike ?2、下列单词的画线部分读音相同的写“T”不同的写“F” 。)sn

11、owyellow) windowslowly () slowdownWow cow 1、所缺的字母,把单词补充完整。 _r_sh h_ althyh_ tte_ sw_ _td_ l_ cioush_alth _二、把下列问句及答语连接起来. What would Sarah like to eat?Yes, Id like a sandwich, please . What can you see in the picture ?Id like some tea . Would you like to eat some sandwich ?She would like to eat a sa

12、ndwich . What would you like to drink ?An ice cream and a sandwich. 五年级上册英语知识点归纳Unit 1 Whats he like?1.描述人的外貌单词old 老的 young 年轻的 tall 高的 short 矮的fat 胖的 thin 年轻的2.描述人的性格的单词kind 和蔼的 strict 严厉的 polite 有礼貌的 clever 聪明的 hard-working 努力的 helpful 乐于帮助人的3.重点句型(1)-Whos your English/ music/art/science/maths/Chi

13、nese teacher?(谁是你的英语/音乐/美术/科学/数学/语文老师?) -Mr. /Miss./Mrs./Ms. Jones. 琼斯先生/琼斯小姐/琼斯太太/琼斯女士(2)-Whats she/he like? -She/He is clever. 对人的性格和外貌提问,可用上面表示外貌和性格的单词回答。(3)-Is he/she strict? 他/她严厉么? 肯定回答Yes, he/ she is. 是,很严厉。否定回答No, he/ she isnt. 不,不严厉。Unit 2 My week1.星期一到星期天首字母要大写。Monday 星期一(Mon.) Tuesday 星期二

14、(Tues.)Wednesday 星期三(wed.)Thursday 星期四(Thur.) Friday星期五(Fri.) Saturday 星期六(Sat.)Sunday 星期天(Sun.) TV 看电视 do homework 家庭 read books 看书wash my clothes洗衣服 play football踢足球 3.本单单元重点学习怎样问星期及怎样回答。今天是星期几? What day is it today?今天是星期一。 Its Monday.4.问星期的某天常干什么事及回答。你星期六常干什么? What do you often do on Satur

15、day?我常做家庭作业. I often do homework.你们星期三常上些什么课? What do you have on Wednesday?我们上语文、数学和英语. We have Chinese math and English.3 What about you? 那你呢? (用于来问别人同样的问题而又不重复前面的问句。4. John likes Mondays and Fridays, because he likes P.E.Unit 3 What would like?1.食品类(hungry 饿的时候吃eat) ice cream 冰淇淋 hamburger 汉堡包 sa

16、ndwich 三明治 salad 沙拉2.饮料类(thirsty 渴的时候喝drink)tea 茶 milk 牛奶 juice 果汁 water 水3.形容味道类单词 delicious 好吃的 healthy 健康的 fresh 新鲜的 sweet 甜的 hot 辣的4.吃饭时,询问他人想吃和想喝什么时,-What would you like to eat/drink? (你想要吃喝什么? -Id like a sandwich/hamburger/ an ice cream, please(我想要一个三明治/汉堡/冰淇淋.) tea/milk/juice/water , please.

17、我想要点茶/牛奶/果汁/水。注意:可数的食物也可以在前面加上数字,表示几个 如:Id like two hamburgers/three sandwiches/five ice creams, please. 我想要两个汉堡/三个三明治/五个冰淇淋.5.当你想知道你朋友或父母最爱吃的食物或最爱喝的东西是什么时, -Whats your favourite food/drink? -Ice cream. Its sweet./ Salad. Its healthy.Unit4 What can you do?1.我们的才艺爱好 dance 跳舞 draw cartoons 画漫画 do kung

18、 fu 练武术 sing English songs 唱英语歌 play the pipa 弹琵琶 swim 游泳 speak English 说英语 cook 烹饪 play basketball打篮球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球乐器名词前要加the,但是球类名词前不加the。2.当举办宴会时,调查同学们会什么时,可以这样问:-what can you do for the party? (你能为聚会做什么?-I can dance/do kung fu/ play the pipa. (我会跳舞/打武术/弹琵琶。3. -Can you swim/cook/play ping-p

19、ong? (你会游泳/烹饪/打乒乓球吗? -Yes.,I can./ No, I cant. 是的,我会。/不,我不会。Unit5&Unit61.there be句型包括:(1)单数形式(只有) there is a/an.+名词单数There is a clock/bike/photo/plant/water bottle.(这里有一个钟/自行车/相片/水瓶) There is an apple/egg.( 这里有一个苹果/鸡蛋)(2)复数形式(两个及以上的) There are +具体数字(two/three)/many/some+名词复数如:There are two bikes. 这里

20、有两辆自行车。 There are some buildings. 这里有一些建筑。 There are many trees. 这里有许多树。2.当询问他人这里有什么吗时,只需要把There is 变成 Is there? There are变成Are there.?(1)There is a river/hill/forest/lake/mountain. (这里有一条河/一座小山/一片森林/一座高山。 Is there a river/hill/forest/lake/mountain? (这里有一条河/一座小山/一片森林/一座高山吗? 肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答:No,there isnt.(2) There are four bridges/villages. (这里有四架桥/四个村庄) Are there four bridges/villages?(这里有四架桥/四个村庄吗?) 肯定回答:Yes, there are.No,there arent.3.当问球在哪里时,应该问:-Where is the ball? -Its in beside/ behind/above/in front of the dog. (他在小狗的旁边/后面/上面/前面。

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