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1、变朦胧;拍摄(电影)6.【2021浙江卷1月阅读理解】Theyre the only thing that looks like human language in that respect.vt.尊敬;尊重;遵守;关于;涉及n.敬重;关系;方面n.(复)respects: 敬意;问候7.【2021浙江卷1月阅读理解】 In one case, a mother presents her foot to her crying baby, signalling: “Climb on me.”信号;标志v.(发信号)通知、表示;用动作示意,比画,(朝)做手势adj.显著的8. 【2021年全国乙卷

2、阅读理解A】People have been pouringinto stadiums since the days of ancient Greece.v. 使(液体)连续流出;倾倒v.不断涌向,涌现9.【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解A】In around 8 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remainsthe worlds best known stadium and continues to informcontemporary design.v. 通知 ,告诉 对.有影响10. 【2021年全国新高考全国I卷阅读理解B】 His

3、job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of thescoreso the musician doesnt have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves.推导过程:score刻痕,刻线(基本义) 刻线记曲子 乐谱(生义)11.【2021年全国新高考全国I卷阅读理解A】 Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke.注射;投篮;发射;拍

4、摄;开枪;子弹;少量饮料(尤指少量烈酒)adj.(织物)闪色的;精疲力尽的;完了的12. 【2021年全国新高考全国I卷阅读理解B】His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesnt have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves.流动;涨潮;流;流量vi.涌出;飘动;流畅,连贯淹没13. 【2021年全国新高考全国I卷阅读理解B】Silent onstage communication is key,

5、 and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.键;关键;钥匙;答案关键的;主要的键入;用钥匙锁上;为 . 调音14. 【2021年全国新高考全国I卷阅读理解B】But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong. “I was turning the page to get ready for the next

6、page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand,” Mr Titterton said, “Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back.”草稿;草图;汇票;征兵;气流(此处为冷风)起草;选秀酝酿中的15.【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解A】However, that was small fry compared with the citys Circus Maximus, which accommodated around

7、 250,000 people.马戏团;马戏表演;竞技场;广场16. 【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解A】 For the biggest stadiums in the world, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites. 情形;状态;国家;州;政府国家的;州的;国事礼仪的陈述;声明;说明;

8、规定;公布17. 【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解A】 All these stadiums are still functional , still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport. 大事;事件;比赛项目;体育比赛18. 【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解B】 That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game

9、 and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone(using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).观点;看法;要点;重点;特点;点;地点;小数点;尖端;岬角;海角;意义;目标;分数;(罗盘上的)方位点;(温度的)点;插座;(字体)磅值;发展的阶段,程度指;指向;朝向;瞄准;灰泥或水泥勾(某物)的砖缝19. 【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解B】 Why does the author discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?A. To show the diffi

10、culty of their recycling.B. To explain why they are useful.C. To voice his views on modern art.声音;嗓音;语语态;发言权;意见表达;语发音;音调音20. 【2020北京卷阅读理解A】We house a broad range of experts united by the common goal of creating the best language learning tools possible.21. 【2020北京卷阅读理解A】Our courses, totalling 20,000

11、 hours of content in 20 different languages, guarantee you language skills you can use right away. 总的;全体的;完全的n.总数;合计v.共计;总计22. 【2021全国甲卷阅读理解七选五】 Its the best way to get rid of your used clothes, score clothes from your friends, and have a party all at the same time.得分;获胜;刻划;划线;批评;给 . 谱曲;得到手,买到手刻痕;二十

12、;乐谱记分;得胜23.【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解七选五】I rodethe bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back. v. 骑马; 乘坐24.【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解七选五】He or she is the person who is feeling the weightof that awkwardnessthe most.n. 重量; 重担,压力25.【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解七选五】If you are the host, you can ask them to help y

13、ou in the kitchen with something and just removethem from the situation. v. 移开,免职; 使.离开26. 【2021年全国新高考全国I卷七选五】The amazing food is mainly consumed by local farmers.消耗;吃喝;毁灭27. 【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解七选五】And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If youre faced with an awkward silence at a

14、 dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment(赞扬).杀人者;凶手;致命物;消灭者;棘手的事;迷人的人;精彩的事物考向二 高考真题阅读常考词汇2021新高考全国卷阅读理解A1.pricey 3.recommendation 4.affordable 5.atmosphere 6.bonus 7.shot 8.rooftop 9.furnishing 10.staff 11.provide 12.require 13

15、.charge 14.inconveniently1.pricey adj.昂贵的;过分昂贵的 n.安全;保证;证券;债券;抵押;防护措施3. recommendation n.推荐;建议4.affordable adj.支付得起的;不太昂贵的5.atmosphere n.大气;空气;气氛;气压6.bonus n.红利;意外所得之物;奖金;【篮】追加罚篮7.shot n.子弹adj.8.rooftop n.屋顶9.furnishing n.供给(装备)10.staff n.员工;全体人员;全体职员;拐杖;杆;棒;五线谱vt.配备员工11.provide v.供给;提供;准备

16、;抚养12.require v.要求;需要;命令;规定13.charge n.责任;电荷;指控;费用;照顾vi.要价;充电;向前冲,冲锋;记在账上vt.控诉;赊帐;给充电;委以重任;归罪于;装填(炸药等)14.inconveniently adv.不方便地2021年3月高考天津卷2021年3月高考天津卷阅读理解A1. delivery 2. disabilities 3. suburban 4. applicant 5. license 6. access 7. provide 8. donate 9. equipment 10. furniture 11. sort 12. candidat

17、e 13. submit 14. vacancy 15. require 16. available 17. initial 18. session 19. accommodation 20. involve1. delivery n.传递;交付;递送;分娩;转让;演讲姿态;投球2. disabilities n.无力;无能;残疾;不利条件3. suburban adj.市郊的;郊区的4. applicant n.申请人5. license n.许可证;执照;特许vt.发许可证给;特许6. access n.入口;通道n.接近(的机会);使用之权vt.进入;(电脑)存取7. provide v

18、.8. donate v.捐赠;捐献9. equipment n.设备;装备;器材10. furniture n.家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;【会计】家俬11. sort n.种类;某一种人v.整理;分类;处理;安排妥当12. candidate n.候选人;应试者13. submit vt.使服从;使屈服;提交;递交;认为vi.屈从14. vacancy n.空缺;空白;失神15. require v.16. available adj.可利用的;可得到的;有空的;有效的;【政】有资格的,适合的17. initial n.(词)首字母adj.开始的;最初的;字首的vt.签姓名的首字

19、母于18. session n.会议;会期;开庭期;学期;一段时间19. accommodation n.膳宿;和解;住处;适应20. involve vt.包含;使忙于;牵涉;使卷入;使陷入2021年3月高考天津卷阅读理解B1. dusty 2. surface 3. emerge 4. tank 5. destruction 6. scream 7. documentary 8. poignancy 9. tough 10. transform 11. process 12. theory 13. define 14. prove 15. survive 16. treasure1. du

20、sty adj.满是灰尘的2. surface n.表面;外表;平面adj.表面的;肤浅的vt.在 . 上加表层;使 . 成平面vi.浮到水面;显露;在表面工作3. emerge vi.浮现;(由某种状态)脱出;(事实)显现出来4. tank n.箱;罐;槽;贮水池;坦克vt.把 . 储于槽中5. destruction n.破坏;6. scream n.尖叫声v.尖叫;(指风 机器等)发出大而尖的声音7. documentary n.纪录片adj.纪实的;文件形式的8. poignancy n.辛酸事;尖锐9. tough adj.强硬的;棘手的,难办的;艰苦的;严厉的;牢固的,强壮的;坚强

21、的,坚韧的adv.以强硬的态度;强硬地,顽强地n.暴徒; 恶棍10. transform vt.改变;转换vi.变形;变态11. process n.工序;过程v.加工;起诉;列队前进12. theory n.学说;理论;原理;13. define v.限定;定义;解释14. prove v.证明;检验;结果是;发酵15. survive vt.幸免于难;存活;艰难度过;比 . 活得长vi.活着;继续存在16. treasure n.财富;宝物vt.珍藏;珍视2021年3月高考天津卷阅读理解C1. trial 2. anxiety 3. procedure 4. inspire 5. depa

22、rtment 6. conduct 7. consciousness 8. modified 9. imaginary 10. disassociate 11. establish 12. sensation 13. associate 14. creativity 15. appeal 16. wildfire 17. staff 18. reputation 19. assist 20. reflect 21. enthusiasm 22. criticism 23. communicate 24. standard 1. trial n.审讯;试验;试用;尝试;预赛或选拔赛;讨厌的事;惹

23、麻烦的人v.测试2. anxiety n.焦虑;担心;渴望3. procedure n.程序;手续;步骤4. inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;产生;赋予.灵感vi.吸入5. department n.部门;系;科;处;局n.知识范围6. conduct n.行为;举动;品行v.引导;指挥;管理vt.导电;传热7. consciousness n.意识;知觉;自觉;觉悟8. modified adj.修改的9. imaginary adj.想象的;虚构的10. disassociate v.使分离11. establish v.建立;确立;创办;安顿12. sensation n.感觉;轰动;

24、激动;知觉13. associate vt.联想;联合n.伙伴;同事;同伴adj.副的;共事的;有联系的n.准学士学位获得者vi.交往14. creativity n.创造力;创造15. appeal n.恳求;呼吁;上诉;吸引力n.(体育比赛中)诉请裁决v.有吸引力;求助;诉请16. wildfire n.野火;散布极快的事物;磷火;燃烧剂17. staff n.18. reputation n.好名声;声誉,名声,名气19. assist vt.帮助;协助vi.出席n.协助;助攻;协助的器械20. reflect v.反映;反射;反省;归咎;显示21. enthusiasm n.热情;热心;热衷的事物22. criticism n.评论23. communicate v.传达;沟通;交流24. standard n.标准;规格;水准;军旗adj.标准的;普通的;规范的;权威的2021年3月高考天津卷阅读理解D1. generalist 2. specialist 3. expert 4. commitment 5. occupation 6 drawback 7. master 8. pursue 9. responsibility 10. narrow 11.

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