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1、building 大楼in the building在大楼里sure肯定 a lot of 许多house 房子 flower花go and play there去那里玩street街道in the street在街道上some一些(用在肯定句里)There are some rooms in the building.any 任何,一些(用在疑问句里)Are there any rooms in the building?5A用there be的正确形式填空。1._ a carton of juice in the fridge.2._many students in our classro

2、om.3._ some doctors in the hospital.4. _dog in the garden? Yes,_5._any boys in the school bus? Yes,_6._no milk in the bottle now.7._ some new storybooks over there.8. How many flowers _in the vase ?9. Excuse me, _a study in your house ?10. _ eight windows in our classroom.11. How many people (人)_in

3、your family?12. _a slide in your school? No,_13. _ some rice in the bowl.14. _ an apple and some pears on the table.15._some apples and a pear on the table.16. _ some milk and some water in the bottle.17. _ two beds in the room? No,_18. Whats in the tree? _some birds in it .主体是人类;5A-1英语 练习卷(2)请用英语写出

4、下列单词和词组厕所 _花园 _秋千_滑梯 _学期_高兴_大楼 _肯定 _房子 _花 _任何_街道_乒乓室_阅览室_电脑室_第一天_回到学校_所有的学生 _新学期的第一天_写出下列英语的中文意思look at each other_a lot of rooms_go and have alook_near yourhouse_how many flowers_in thestreet_用there is或 thereare填空1_aplateonthetable.2._somedogsnearthe tree.3._a TV in your classroom? Yes,_4._any pand

5、as near your home ?No,_5_a chair in the classroom? Yes,_6_any trees in the park?No,_5A-1英语 练习卷 (3)4.选择评价方法按要求写句子1. near, a, are, the, park, there, lot, buildings, of(.)(连词成句)2. shall, to, the, go, reading, we, room(?)(连词成句)3. there, this, many, rooms, in, how, building, are(?4. the, at, us, and, bla

6、ckboard, boys, look, let, girls(.)(连词成句)5. back, the, are, school, students, at, all(.)(连词成句)6. There are twenty-four rooms in the building. (对划线部分提问)7. There are some books on the desk. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定、否定回答)(把第七题改为否定句) _ 8. There are some swings in the park. (对划线部分提问)9. There is a dog in the basket. (

7、对划线部分提问)10.你班有多少学生?有42个。(翻译成英文)2.环境价值的度量最大支付意愿5A第二单元单词bed 床sofa 沙发telephone电话lamp 灯 on在.上 in 在.里under在下under the bed在床下behind 在后 behinddoor 在门后near在附近near my bed在我的床附近parents父母亲live 住live in a new house住在新房子里verymuch非常 now现在 bedroom 卧室bathroom洗澡间 study书房kitchen厨房 dining-room餐厅large很大sitting-room客厅wa

8、ll墙on the wall在墙上world世界map 地图amapofworld一张世界地图China一张中国地图mouse老鼠in the cats mouth在猫的嘴里5A第二单元练习 (1)1 用英语写出下列单词和词父母亲 _ 卧室_浴室_ 书房_厨房_餐厅_客厅_电话机_在床下_在沙发旁_在门后_在椅子上_在大楼里_住在新房子里_在墙上 _非常_一张中国地图 _一张世界地图_住在无锡 _住在北京_2. 根据情景编对话你想知道大楼里有没有厕所怎么问_你想知道操场上有没有滑梯怎么问_你想知道麦克家有多少间卧室怎么问_你想知道花园里有多少花怎么问_你看见桌上没有电话怎么说_你看见大楼里没有

9、阅览室怎么说_3根据课文说说你的家有什么_5A第二单元练习 (2)(三)安全预评价程序按要求写句子, new, her, and, in, parents, YangLing, house, now, a(.)(连词成句), they, very, like, the, much, house(.)(连词成句)_ 3.Theres a desk near my bed.(对划线部分提问) 4.There are four apples on the table.(对划线部分提问) 5.Theres a football under the bed.(改成疑问句,并回

10、答Yes) 6.Lets go and see.(同意句) 7.There are some cars in the street.(改成疑问句,并回答No) _8.I like pianos.(对划线部分提问) 9.There are some pictures on the wall.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _10.There are forty-five students in our classroom.(对划线部分提问)5A第二单元练习 (3)根据课文,回答问题Where do Yang Ling and her parents live?_2.Is it near her

11、 school?3.Do they like it very much?4.Is Yang Lings new house big?_5.How many bedrooms are there in the new house?6.Is there a garden ?7.Is there a desk in Yang Lings bedroom?8.Whats near the desk?9.Whats on the wall?10. How many dolls are there on Yang Lings bed?_ (三)环境影响评价的原则5A第三单元单词sing 唱歌dance跳舞

12、swim游泳skate滑冰ski 滑雪make制作 puppet 木偶make a puppet制作木偶model模型plane飞机 a model plane飞机模型make a model plane 制作飞机模型play 弹guitar 吉他 play the guitar弹吉他violin小提琴play the violin拉小提琴oclock 点钟afternoon下午in the afternoon 在下午 lesson 课have a lesson上课have a Music lesson上音乐课have an English lesson 上英语课do做,干song歌sing

13、a song 唱只歌can能,会 cant不能 start开始learn学 follow跟随 followme 跟我学 together 一起ride 骑bike 骑自行车listen听to听这只歌put放put a book on your head 把书放在你的头上find找到 him他(宾格)find him找到他5AUnit ThreeExercise(1)3)按行业分。国家污染物排放标准分为跨行业综合性排放标准和行业性排放标准。用英语写出下列词和词组:跳舞_游泳_滑冰_滑雪_唱歌_模型_下午_不能_开始_学_一起_骑_制作木偶_制作飞机模型_拉小提琴_三点钟_上课_上音乐课_上英语课

14、_唱支歌_跟我学 _找到他_学这只歌_把英语书放在课桌上_回答下列问题1.What is your name ?_ .2 How old are you ?_3.Are you a student ?4.Is there a computer in your home ?_5.Is there a TV in your classroom ?_6.Are there any maps on the wall ?_7.Are there any flowers in your classroom?_8.Can you put flowers in your classroom?_9.Can yo

15、ur English teacher dance?_10.Can you sing ?_11. Can you make a doll?_12.What can you do ?_13.What can your mother do ?14.Can your grandfather ride a bike ?_(3)公众对规划实施所产生的环境影响的意见;UnitThree (2)将下列句子改成疑问句,并作回答There is a piano in the music room.(Yes)There are some students in the classroom.(Yes)I am an

16、English teacher.(No)They are behind the sofa.(No)Mike is in the bedroom.(Yes)We are in the large sitting-room.(No)I can sing and dance.(Yes)Miss Li can play the violin.(Yes)Helen can make a puppet.(No)_10. The bots can make a model plane.(Yes)11. There is a reading room in the building.(No)12. There are some flowers in the garden.(No)Unit Four单词mask面具

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