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1、 What are you doing now? B: I am doing my homework now. They are having an English lesson.(2) What were you doing at 9 oclock last night? I was doing homework.C:_(我正在打扫我的房间).(3) What were you doing when your mother came back yesterday?B:I _(我正在做作业).自学书110页预习过去进行时,掌握其构成及用法,并完成书中1a。II. While-class1.导入

2、2. Learning the new knowledge:1.小组核对预习答案,检查学生的预习效果。2听力练习:听1b完成课本上的内容,并用完整的句子回答What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?The girl_The boy_The woman _The man_3. Pair work:看1a中的图片,仿1c的内容编对话。合作探究(小组讨论)过去进行时过去进行时主要表示在_或_进行的动作。其构成为_。常与at that time, this time yesterday, all the evening,

3、 from 8:00 to 10:00yesterday, just then, at nine yesterday, when等表示明确有具体的时间状语。eg:(1)I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.(2)What was Tom doing at ten yesterday.(3)I was eating dinner when the phone rang.其具体的句型为:肯定句:主语+_+其他。They were having a meeting that time.否定句:They werent having a meeti

4、ng that time.一般疑问句_+主语+_+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+was/were.否定回答:No,主语+wasnt/werent.Were they having a meeting that time? Yes, they _. No, they_.3.当堂检测:翻译1.昨天晚上8:30我正在看电视。_.2.当我妈妈回来时我正在做作业。3.正当我在打扫房间时电话响了。4. The boy was walking home when the rainstorm came._.4.小结:III. Post-class作业:写一个短文介绍你的家人在昨晚八点的时候正在做什么。【Bla

5、ckboard Design】word:rainstorm, at the time ofsentence:I was in the library.(2) What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm?Grammar:was/were doing Section A2a2d (听说课)1、知识目标:全体学生能会背本课的单词alarm闹钟,begin开始,heavily在很大程度上,suddenly突然,strange奇怪的。短语go off(闹钟)发出响声,pick up(=pick up the phone)接电话。2、能力目标:多数学生

6、能正确使用过去进行时初步交谈过去发生的事。3、情感目标:通过小组合作的方式,学生能够在困难的时候互相帮助。4、学习策略:2a和2b听力部分通过阅读问题预测答案,2c和2d通过小组合作方式角色扮演。5、文化意识:了解中西方在日常生活中如何应对突发情况。学生能够使用过去进行时谈论曾经发生的事情,例如:When it began torain,Ben was helping his mom make dinner.当开始下雨的时候,本正在帮妈妈做饭。While Linda was sleeping,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.当琳达睡觉的时候,珍

7、妮在帮助玛丽做作业。so much意为“那么多”,修饰不可数名词1、根据下列汉语提示识记并默写。闹钟_开始_突然_奇怪的_(闹钟)发出的响声_接电话_2、知识超市:记忆所给语法点(1)miss作及物动词,意为“没赶上,错过”I got up late so I missed the early bus.拓展:1)miss作及物动词,意为“想念,思念”。I miss my parents very much.2)miss(用于姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)“小姐”通常大写Our English teacher is Miss Zhang.(2)either意为“也”用于否定句,一般放句末I

8、 didnt come to school yesterday, either.also意为“也”一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常放句中She speaks English and she also writes English.too意为“也”一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常放句末are you going to work, too?(3)so many意为“那么多”,修饰可数名词(4)辨析when和whileWhen“当时”其谓语可以是延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词。The sun was rising when we got there.While“当时,在期间”其谓语动词必须是延续性动词,常用于

9、过去进行时态中。While he was walking in the park,the accident happened.(小组活动10分钟)1、5分钟展示,每个小组选出2名中等生同学互相提问,利用过去进行时讲述过去发生的事情。2、教师运用过去进行时提问过去发生的事情。What were you doing at nine last night?找几名同学回答。OK, lets look at the picture and listen what the boy was doing yesterday.我们将用5分钟完成听力,中等生和学困生完成合作2a,优等生完成2b,要求答题时用整句背

10、答形式回答。3、2人一组完成角色扮演2d,全班推荐选出3组,颁发最佳模仿奖。4、识记2d,小组形式读对话,并且要求改编表演。首字母填空(1)Hurry up,or you will m_the bus.(2)She began to play the piano w_ she was five years old.(3)He has so m_friends.(4)Tom rushed into the house w_ his mother was cooking.(5)I s_ remembered that I didnt bring my key.准备一个2分钟的演讲,要运用过去进行时

11、谈论过去的某一时刻你正在做什么,并且在下一节课上课前演讲。Section A2a 2dTV reporter:Tell us what happened yesterday morning.Boy: so, when the rainstorm suddenly came, what wereTopicUnit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A 3a4c(阅读课)1.知识目标:学习并能够运用以下新单词:storm, wind, light, report, area, wood, window, match, beat

12、, against, asleep, rise, fallen, kid, realize能够运用以下短语:have a look, fall asleep, die down。掌握when和while的用法2.能力目标:学生能够用过去进行时谈论过去发生的事情,能够正确运用when和while引导的时间状语从句。3.情感态度:能够谈论3a文章内容及自己对灾难使民心凝聚的理解。4.学习策略:通过与小组同学交流讨论,总结归纳3a的故事发展过程,进行复述。1.when和while引导的时间状语从句的用法2.能用过去进行时态正确复述3a课文的内容1、翻译下列短语:确保_睡着_一团糟_看一看_逐渐减弱_

13、cry out等连用,表示“反对”或“反抗”。但这类动词中有些可以与介词with连用,意思相近。不过用against比用with的语气强,着重表示在困难中斗争或反抗的意思。表示相反,有“逆行,逆方向,对着;跟反方向”的意思。也有“反对”的意思,与“for”意思相反。表示“预防、防备”,表示“在的情况下”,表示“违背”的意思,against ones will违心地,违背意愿地。(1)realize作及物动词,有“认识到”“领悟到”等含义,此时通常不用于被动式和进行式。realize可表示“使(希望、目的、恐惧等)实现”。(2)mess的相关词组be in a mess乱七八糟get into

14、a mess陷入困境,遇到麻烦make a mess of把弄糟mess up搞乱,弄脏,弄糟5、I was watching TV _ Peter came in.根据汉语意思完成句子:1、昨天晚上迈克来的时候我正在做作业。I _ my homework when Mike _ last night.2、安正在看电视的时候,她父亲回来了。While Ann _ TV, her father came home.3、他写的时候,我默不作声。I kept silent while he _.(3)against的用法与动词连用,常与push、press、lean、hang、stand、strug

15、gle、fight、turn、speak、rise、act、vote、contend、argue、strive、testify、discriminate、offend、rage、exclaim、等词连用,表示“紧靠、压迫”,有时不必译出。1、warm-up: GreetingsT: Whats the weather like today? What kind of weather do you like? Do you like rainy days? What will you do when the rainstorm come?2、Learning the new knowledge:

16、(1)小组学习,读懂3a课文内容。(2)小组展示:文章译文以及知识点用法师总结讲解when引导时间状语从句的用法(4)自主学习,复述3a文章大概内容(5)小组学习,交流讨论3c(6)小组学习,完成4a4c3、根据3a短文内容回答下列问题:(1)When the news on TV was reported, strong winds _ outside.(2)While Bens mom was making sure the radio was working, his dad _.(3)Ben _when the heavy rain finally started.(4)When Be

17、n _ at 3:00 a.m., the wind _.4、用when和while进行填空1、I was just reading a book _ she came into my room.2、_ he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.3、You cant do your homework _ youre watching TV.4、_ they were talking , the bell rang.5.完成3a4c部分的相关练习题。我的收获3a4cWhen:即可指时间点也可指时间段,从句中既可用延续性也可以用非延续性动词

18、。While:只能指时间段,从句中只能用延续性动词。Section B 1a1d(听说课)1、全体学生能会背本课的生词realize, make ones way.继续学习巩固过去进行时的构成及用法。2、多数学生能正确的使用when, while重点:能初步交谈过去进行的事难点:学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。难怪,不足为奇_在路边_给加油_前往_路过2.仔细观察下面的对话,补全“_”中所出现的句子. What were you doing_(在比赛的时候)? I left my house late and when the competition started, I was still

19、making my way to school. Why didnt you just go home to get your bag?I did, but while I was running back home_(我看见路边有只受伤的狗).I wanted to call the Animal Helpline, I didnt have my phone so I had to wait for someone to _(路过) OK. _(难怪) you didnt make it to the competition.自学书110页预习过去进行时,掌握其构成及用法,并完成书中1a的

20、一件小事。听1b简短的话完成课本上的内容。a. What event happened at the school yesterday?【Blackboard】Section B 1a1d1、no matter : No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you.2、at the time of: At the time of the explosion , 436 people were working underground.3、by the side of the road: My house is by the side of a

21、 road.4、make ones way: I soon made my way to the bookshop.b. Who missed the event?c.Which team won at the event?仔细再听一次对话,按照事情发生的顺序完成的排序。_Kate saw a dog by the side of the road._ Kate got to the bus stop._Kate called the Animal Helpline._1_Kate left the house._Kate waited for someone to walk by._Kate realized her bag was still at home.Pair work:根据

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