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1、 34. A) some B) nearby C) on average D) more 35. A) architectural B) archetype C) architecture D) archaeology 36. A) are giving B) have given C) been given D) have been given 37. A) primitive B) initial C) elementary D) original 38. A) times B) generations C) years D) age groups 39. A) resident B) d

2、weller C) tenant D) housekeeper 40. A) lived in B) kept over C) resided with D) taken up Part GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY The are twenty-five sentences in is section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. Mark y

3、ou answer on you answer sheet. 41. We were all taken _ by the news of the Chairmans resignation. A) about B) apart C) aback D) aside 42. My _ to his proposal was not quite what he expected. A) feeling B) conduct C) outlook D) reaction 43. Rickets can result from a diet _ in vitamin D. A) short B) de

4、ficient C) D) A. short B. deficient 44. Peter clearly had no _ of doing any work, although it was only a week till the exam. A) desire B) ambition C) willingness D) intention 45. Sports are a good _ for a young boys energy. A) overflow B) exit C) outlet D) exhaust 46. Visitors are _ to beware of pic

5、kpockets. A) commanded B) informed C) notified D) advised 47. It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took _. A) influence B) effect C) force D) action 48. Tom read it through quick so as to get the _ of it before setting down to a thorough study. A) detail B) run C) gist D) core 49. As it tu

6、rned out to be a small house party, we _ so formally. A) need not have dressed up B) must not have dressed up C) did not need to dress up D) must not dress up 50. We threw water over the woman to bring her_. A) up B) back C) round D) over 51. Their educational qualifications _ them to a higher alary

7、. A) confers B) entitles C) grants D) credits 52. Not knowing she had _ out with her boyfriend, I make the mistake of inviting them both to the party. A) fallen B) quarreled C) parted D) separated 53. John is _ to be washing the car, but he is watching TV now. A) asked B) supposed C) requested D) or

8、dered 54. We caught a _ of a river as the train pass over a bridge. A) glance B) glimpse C) look D) sight 55. You may be eligible for a _ to help you study. A) fund B) grant C) prize D) reward 56. Here are all the books I have,. You may borrow _ you like. A) whichever B) that C) which D) hl D) Ive f

9、ainted 59. By the time you receive this letter. I _ for America. A) will leave B) have left C) would have left D) will have left 60. Ill call you tonight at 10 clock _ I can find a telephone that works. A) unless B) suppose C) when D) provided 61. Fortunately, the bank clerk _ press the alarm button

10、 before the robbers got away. A) could B) was able to C) succeeded in D) managed 62. Ill try to get in touch with him but hes _ ever at home when I phone. A) hardly B) almost C) rarely D) occasionally 63. I bought a large Chinese _ lampshade to put in my bedroom. A) old B) round C) white D) paper 64

11、. His courage is _ he does not know the meaning of fear. A) so B) so that C) such that D) that 65. Id rather they _ deliver the new refrigerator tomorrow. A) wouldnt B) didnt C) shouldnt D) mustnt Part READING COMPREHENSION In this part here are four passages followed by questions or unfinished stat

12、ements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer., Mark you choice on your answer sheet. TEXT A In the town of Peppard, a computer helps firemen. The computer contains information about every one of the 15 000 street addresses in the

13、town. When firemen answer a call, the computer files them important information about the burning building. The computer can give the location of the building and its size, type, and contents. In fact, the compute system has many different ways of helping fire fighters with their problems. For examp

14、le, it can give medical information about sick people living in a burning building. With this information, the firemen can take special care to find these sick persons and remove them quickly and safely from the burning building. The speed at which the computer works is amazing. Within two or three

15、seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the fireman. The information is then sent tot them by radio from the computer center in Town Hall. The computer system also contains a medical record of each of the towns 110 firemen. This kind of information is especi

16、ally useful when a fire fighter is injured. With this medical information, doctors at the hospital can treat the injured fireman more quickly and easily. The firemen themselves are grateful for the computers help. The computer tells them about possible dangers ahead of them and helps them prepare fo

17、r these dangers. Many times the computer information helps to save lives and property. Sometimes the lives are those of firemen themselves. 66. The computer helps fireman in the following ways EXCEPT _ A) locating the building on fire. B) giving information on address. C) locating firemans problems.

18、 D) providing medical care. 67. The speed of the computer is amazing because _ A) it can provide information very quickly. B) it can provide necessary information. C) the information is sent to firemen by radio. D) the computer center is situated in Town Hall. 68. Why does the computer contain medic

19、al records of firemen? A) They predict possible dangers fro firemen. B) they help doctors in treating injured firemen. C) They can save property and peoples lives. D) They provide important information about injuries. 69. The main idea of the passage is about _ A) firemen and firefighting. B) necess

20、ary medical information. C) the usefulness of the computer. D) the quick speed of the computer. TEXT B Large companies need way to reach the savings of the public. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be l

21、ittle prospect of raising the money needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term loans, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a

22、 share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. They do this by issuing stocks and shares through the stock exchange. By doing so they can put into use the savings of individuals and institutions. When the savers wants to have his money back, he does not have to got to the company

23、which has borrowed his money. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money. Many of the services needed both by industry, and by each of us are provided by the Government. Without hospital, roads, electricity, telephone, railways ,etc., th

24、e country could not function. All these require continuous spending on new equipment if they are to server us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. the Government and industries there for frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, go to the stock exchange. There is hardly a man or woman in the country whose job or whose standard of living dos not depend on the ability of his or her employer to raise money to finance new developmen

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