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1、110术语与小结讲义1.1 Mercantilism 一、重商主义(Mercantilism)产生的背景1、社会财富的重心 Core of social wealth Gold and silver(Precious metals)金银(贵金属)2、财富的源泉 Source of wealth Foreign trade(Export trade)对外贸易(出口贸易)二、重商主的主要观点强调国库和王室成员所拥有的贵重金属的多寡是衡量国家是否繁荣昌盛的最重要的标志。所以,为政府开具的调节经济的处方是取消进口,因为进口会导致本国贵重金属的流失,同时鼓励出口,因为出口会导致贵重金属的流入。重商主义认

2、为国际贸易是一种零和博弈,鼓吹经济民族主义(Nationalism)。If a country could achieve a favourable trade balance, it would enjoy payments received from the rest of the world in the form of gold and silver. Such revenues would contribute to increased spending and a rise in domestic output and employment. To promote favourab

3、le trade balance, the mercantilists advocated government regulation of trade. Tariffs、quotas and other commercial policies were proposed by the mercantilists to minimize imports in order to protect a nation, s trade position. In short, mercantilists maintained that trade is a zero-sum activity and p

4、reached economic nationalism.三、重商主义的发展阶段1、Theory of the balance of bargain 货币差额论 2、Theory of the balance of trade 贸易差额论四、重商主义的政策主张保护性贸易政策(Protective Trade Policies)1、Monetary Policy 货币政策 2、Policy of Export Incentives and Import Restrictions 奖出限入政策3、Policy of Protective Tariffs 保护关税政策4、Policy of Deve

5、loping nations Industry 发展本国工业政策五、对重商主义的评价价格-铸币-流动学说(Price-Specie-Flow Doctrine)如果英国对法国有贸易顺差,结果金银流入,增加国内货币供给,在英国产生通货膨胀。然而,在法国因金银的流出将产生相反效果,法国货币供给紧缩,物价下降。法国与英国之间价格的相对变化将使法国购买较少的英国物品,而英国购买较多的法国商品,其结果是英国贸易收支恶化而法国贸易收支改进,直至英国贸易顺差消失。A favourable trade balance was possible only in the short run, for over t

6、ime it would automatically be eliminated. To illustrate, suppose England were to achieve a trade surplus that resulted in an inflow of gold and silver. Because these precious metals would constitute part of Englands money supply, their inflow would increase the amount of money in circulations. This

7、would lead to a rise in Englands price level relative to that of its trading partners. English residents would therefore be encouraged to purchase foreign-produced goods, while England, s export would decline. As a result, the countrys trade surplus would eventually be eliminated. 1.2 Theory of Abso

8、lute Advantage古典国际贸易理论从技术差异的角度说明国际贸易产生的原因、结构和利益分配。Smith challenged the mercantilist views on trade by arguing that, with free trade, international specialization of factor inputs could increase world output, which could be shared by trading nations. All nations could simultaneously enjoy gains from

9、trade. Smith maintained that each nation would find it advantageous to specialize in the production of those goods in which it had an absolute advantage.Smith and Ricardo emphasized the supply side of the market. The immediate basis for trade stemmed from cost differences between nations, which were

10、 underlaid by their natural and acquired advantages.绝对优势理论(Principle of Absolute Advantage)从生产的绝对成本的差别为出发点,当一国相对于另一国在某种商品的生产上有更高效率,但在另一种商品生产上效率更低,那么两国就可以通过专门生产自己有绝对优势的商品并用其中一部分来交换其有绝对劣势的商品。这样,资源可以被最有效地使用,而且两种商品的产出会有很大增长。以己之所长,换己之所需In a two-nation、two-product world, international trade and specializa

11、tion will beneficial when one nation has an absolute cost advantage in one commodity and the other nation has an absolute cost advantage in the other commodity. For the world to benefit from international division of labour, each nation must have a commodity that it is absolutely more efficient in p

12、roducing than its trading partner. A nation will import those commodities in which it has an absolute cost disadvantage; it will export those commodities in which it has an absolute cost advantage.A国B国分工之前1单位X801001单位Y12080分工之后2.5单位的X(200/80=2.5)2002.25单位的Y(180/80=2.25)180局限性:不能解释国际贸易的全部,只说明国际贸易中的一种

13、特殊情形,即具有绝对优势的国家参加国际分工和国际贸易能够获益,无法解释绝对先进和绝对落后国家之间的贸易活动。Q :What if a nation is more efficient than its trading partner in the production of all goods?1.3 Theory of Comparative Advantage一、比较优势理论的假设前提1、The world consists of two nations, each using a single input to produce two commodities.2、In each nati

14、on, labour is the only input. Each nation has a fixed endowment of labour, and labour is fully employed and homogenous.3、Labour can move freely among industries within a nation but is incapable of moving between nations.4、The level of technology is fixed for both nations. Different nations may use d

15、ifferent technologies, but all firms within each nation utilize a common production method for each commodity.5、Cost do not vary with the level of production and are proportional to the amount of labour used.6、Perfect competition prevails in all markets. All producers or consumers are all are price

16、takers. All units of each product are identical. There is free entry to and exit from an industry, and the price of each product equals the products marginal cost of production.7、Free trade occurs between nations; That is, no government barriers to trade exist.8、Transportation costs are zero. Consum

17、ers will thus be indifferent between domestically produced and imported versions of a product if the domestic prices of the two products are identical.9、Firms make production decision in an attempt to maximize profits, whereas consumers maximize satisfaction though their consumption decision.10、Ther

18、e is no money illusion; That is, when consumers make their consumption decision, they take into account the behaviour of all prices.11、Trade is balanced(exports must pay for imports), ruling out flows of money between nations.二、比较优势理论的内容如果一个国家在两种商品的生产上都处于绝对有利地位,但有利的程度不同,而另一个国家在两种商品的生产上都处于绝对不利的地位,但不利

19、的程度也不同。在此情况下,前者应专门生产比较最有利的商品,后者应专门生产其不利程度最小的商品。通过对外贸易,双方都能取得比自己以等量劳动所能生产的更多的产品,从而实现社会劳动的节约,给贸易双方都带来利益。两优取其重,两劣取其轻Even if a nation has an absolute cost disadvantage in the production of both commodities, a basis for mutually beneficial trade may still exist. The less efficient nation should specializ

20、e in and export the commodity in which it is relatively less inefficient(where its absolute disadvantage is least). The more efficient nation should specialize in and export that commodity in which it is relatively more efficient(where its absolute advantage is greater).A国B国分工之前1单位X100901单位Y120801单位

21、X的相对成本10/129/81单位Y的相对成本12/108/9分工之后2.2单位的X(220/100=2.2)2202.125单位的Y(170/80=2.125)170三、比较优势理论的数学表达与图形表述1、生产可能性曲线(Production Possibility Frontier,PPF)在一定的技术条件下,一国的全部资源所能生产的各种物品或劳务的最优产量组合。Production Possibility Frontier shows various alternative combinations of two goods that a nation can produce when

22、all of its factor inputs are used in their most efficient manner.边际转换率(Marginal Rate of Transformation,MRT)生产可能性曲线上各点切线的斜率为X对Y的边际转换率,即增加1单位X的产量必须放弃的Y的产量。Marginal Rate of Transformation is the slope of the PPF, shows amount of one product a nation must sacrifice to get one additional unit of the othe

23、r product.MRT = - Y / X2、社会无差异曲线(Community Indifference Curve,CIC)能使一国获得同等满足程度的两种商品的不同组合。Community Indifference Curve denotes various combinations of two goods that yield equal amounts of satisfaction to the nation as a whole. 社会无差异曲线的特点* 凸向原点,斜率为负数(negatively sloped and convex from the origin)* 较高的

24、曲线反映较高的满足程度,较低的曲线反映较低的满足程度(higher curves indicate greater satisfaction,lower curves to less satisfaction) 边际替代率(Marginal Rate of Substitution,MRS)在任一给定的满足水平上,增加一种商品的消费必须以减少一定量的另一种商品为代价。边际替代率等于无差异曲线斜率的绝对值。Marginal Rate of Substitution indicates the extent to which a consumer is willing to substitute

25、one commodity for another commodity while maintaining a given level of satisfaction, which is equal to an indifference curves absolute slope. 四、比较优势理论的简评1、进步性 揭示了一个客观规律-比较利益定律,从实证经济学的角度证明国际贸易的产生不仅在于绝对成本的差异,而且在于比较成本的差异; 曾为英国工业资产阶级争取自由贸易提供了有力的理论武器,而自由贸易政策又促进了英国生产力的迅速发展,使英国成为“世界工厂”,在世界工业和贸易中居于首位。2、局限性

26、把理论建立在一系列简单的假设前提基础上,把多变的经济世界抽象成静止的均衡的世界,因而所揭示的贸易各国获得的利益是静态的短期利益; 仅考虑狭义的利益,即经济利益,忽视广义的利益中的社会效益和生态环境效益; 引起各国劳动成本差异的原因、互利贸易利益的范围以及贸易利得的分配等问题没触及; 在现实中,难以找到一个国家在国际贸易中进行完全专业化生产。第01章 国际经济(术语与小结)(英)1、Throughout the post-World War era, the world,s economies have become increasingly interdependent in terms of

27、 the movement of goods and services, business enterprise, capital, and technology.第二次世界大战之后的整个时期,从产品和劳务、商业企业、资本和技术流动的角度来看,世界经济的相互依存度日益增强。2、The united States has seen growing interdependence with the rest of the world in its trade sector, financial markets, ownership of production facilities, and lab

28、our force.美国在贸易部门、金融市场、生产设施所有权和劳动力等方面与世界其他国家的相互依存度不断增强。3、Largely owing to the vastness and wide diversity of its economy, the United States remains among the countries for which exports constitute a small fraction of national output.美国仍属于出口在国民产出中所占比例很小的国家之一,这在很大程度上归因于其经济的巨大潜力和多元化。4、Proponents of an

29、open trading system contend that international trade results in higher levels of consumption and investment, lower prices of commodities and a wider range of product choices for consumers. Arguments against free trade tend to be voiced during periods of excess production capacity and high unemployme

30、nt.开放贸易体制的支持者认为,国际贸易会产生高水平的消费和投资,并为消费者带来较低的商品价格和较多的产品选择范围。在生产过剩和高失业时期,自由贸易反对者的呼声就会高涨起来。5、International competitiveness can be analyzed in terms of a firm, an industry, and a nation. Key to the concept of competitiveness is a productivity, or output per worker hour.国际竞争力可以从一个企业、一个产业和一个国家的角度来分析。竞争力这个概

31、念的关键是生产效率,即每个工人每小时的产出。6、Researchers have shown that exposure to competition with the world leader in an industry improves a firm s performance in that industry. Global competitiveness is a bit like sports: You get better by playing against folks who are better than you.研究表明,与行业中的世界领先者相竞争可以改善企业在该行业中的

32、表现。全球竞争力有点儿像体育竞赛:去与比你强的人竞争你会表现得更好。7、Although international trade helps workers in export industries, workers in import-competing industries feel the threat of foreign competition. They often see their job and wage levels undermined by cheap foreign labour.尽管国际贸易对出口行业的工人有利,但进口竞争行业的工人却感到来自外国竞争的威胁。他们经常发现国外廉价劳动力削弱了他们的工作和工资水平。8、Among the challenges that the int

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