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1、工作证明西语模板篇一:工作证明中英文模板* *有 限公司证明尊敬的签证官:兹证明先生/女士,年月 日出生,身份证号码:。*年起于我单位工作至今,现任公司*。 先生/女 士在我单位年平均收入约为 万元人民币,其中包括月基本 工资,津贴,及年终奖金。(我单位代为扣缴个人所得税,上述收入均为税后收入。如需进一步查询,请与我单位人力资源处联系,联系电话: 、 rjw rjw rjw rjw rjw rjw rjw rjM rjw|o 7特此证明电话:地址:* 有限公司领导签字:年 月日Visa Office March 04th, 2014 Embassy of FederalRepublic of

2、GermanyLetter of ProofDear Visa Officer,This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. XXX, born on XXX (ID: XXXX), has been working at our company(school/department.) since XXX. At present he / she is XXX of our company(school/department.). His / Her annual income is about RMB XX, XXX in our company(school/depa

3、rtment.), which includes Basic Salary, Allowance and Year-End Bonus.We have withheld and paid Mr. / Ms. XXX s personal income tax. Please contact XXX in Human Resources Department for the detailed information. The telephone number is +86-XXXXXXXX.Hereby certified!XXXXXX Co., Ltd.(Signature)Tel.:Add.

4、:篇二:西班牙在职证明信模板注意:请使用公司正式信头纸并加盖公章,签名请手写! 并附加机打签名。请留意先生(Mr.)和女士(Ms.)的转化以及she和he 的不同。西班牙驻华使馆:XXX女士/先生(护照号码:xxxxxxxxx)自xxxx年起 为XXXXXX雇员,现职务为XXXXXX,月薪人民币xxxxx从2014年09月26日起,XXX女士/先生经本公司领导 批准休假赴欧洲旅游,预计在2014年10月07日返回中国。 在欧洲期间的所有费用均由她/他本人承担。XXX女士/先生 将自2014年10月9日起回公司上班,其职位和薪水均不变。我们确信XXX女士/先生在欧洲旅游期间能遵守欧洲的 法律,并

5、能按期回到中国。XXXXXX公司地址:xxxxxxxxx由K编:XXXXXX电话:0086-xx-xxxxxxxx传真:0086-xx-xxxxxxxx特此证明公司名称人力资源部经理:XXX2014 年 09 月 01 HSept 01, 2014TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNWe hereby certify that Ms. /Mr. XXX (Passport No. xxxxxxxxx) has beenemployed by XXXXX as a XXXX since xxxx and currently has monthly earning of xxxxxRMB.

6、 Ms./Mr. XXX has been approval of the XXXXX to annual leave from Sept 26,2014 to Oct 07 2014. All costs relatingto her/his stay will be borne by herselhimself. Ms. /Mr. XXX will resume her/his duties with this company on her/his return to China on Oct 09, 2014We are confident that Ms. /Mr. XXX will

7、return to work on time. The purpose of Ms. /Mr. XXX s trip is tourism. She/He will not seek any employment or residency in Europe and will abide by European laws and regulations.We would be very grateful if you would approve Ms. /Mr. XXX s application for a tourist visa.Company NameAddr: xxxxxx Phon

8、e: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx Fax: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxxSincerelyCompany NameHuman Resources Manager: XXX篇三:签证用工作证明模板Certificate of employment(工作证明)Date (日期):To: Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai(挪 威王国驻上海领事馆)This is to certify that the Mr. * is Controller in our company. He has been working here since

9、*-*-*.He is allowed to be off work between* and * to visit her older sister in Norway, total * days .We guarantee that he will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time. All of the traveling expenses will be paid by herself.Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.兹证明*先生于*年*月起就职于我公司,担任财务 主管一职。现批准其事假*天,从*日到*日,前往挪 威探亲。并保证他将在此期间遵守贵国的法律法规,按时返 回中国。所有旅行费将由他自己承担。Your sincerelyManager Position:Manager Signature:Company:Tel:Fax:Address:

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