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1、Engrailed and Invected - Earth or land. 锯齿边缘的波纹,大地、陆地。Indented - Fire. 锯齿形凹痕,火。Dancette - Water. 曲折纹路,水。Ragulee or Raguly - Difficulties which have been encountered. 参差不齐的图沿,征途中的坎坷。Embattled - Fire or the walls of a fortress or town. 垒墙状线条,火,或是指城塞、村镇的防御工事。Ordinaries 普通图记 Chief - Dominion and authori

2、ty. 统领,支配与权力。Cross - Chevron - Protection. 十字及人形标示,庇护。Fess - Military belt or girdle of honor. 环-军用腰带或者表示荣誉的环绕 Bar - For one who sets the bar of conscience,religion and honor against angry passions. 条杠,指这样的一种个体,他能够用自己的良知、信仰、以及对荣耀的向往来平衡自己暴躁易怒的激情。Pale - Military strength and fortitude. 栅栏状图案,勇士的力量与刚强

3、Palet - Same as Pale. 尖板条状图,同上 Pile - Same as Pale. 桩状物,同上 Canton - Bearing of honor. When borne charged, it often contains some special symbols granted by the sovereign in reward for the performance of eminent service. 纹章右上角的方形部分,拥有荣誉的标记。如果其中还有寓意物(charges),通常提示了来源于君主,因其杰出的功劳所赐予的恩荣。Quarter - Bearing

4、 of honor. Similar to the Canton. 置于纹章四方位的四分之一盾状标记,对荣耀的接纳,含义相当类似于上者。Bend - Defense or protection. 弯曲状物,守备、防卫 Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent that is barred by illegitimacy from succession to the throne. 被包围的凶物,标志着被他人篡位而失去继承权的王室后裔。Orle or Tressure - Preservation or protection. 财物、金银,维持者或保护者

5、Flasques - Given by a king for virtue and learning, and especially for service in embassage. Flasques,给予具有德行且好学的国王,尤其是那些忠于教会事业的人 Voiders - Given to gentlewomen who have deserved highly. Voiders,赠与高贵女士 Bordure or Border - Frequently adopted as a difference between relatives bearing the same arms. 图案边

6、界的标志物,一般用以作为一种标示,区别那些大体相近的纹章。Gyron - Unity. 螺旋,团结 的寓意物 狮子,视死如归的勇气。老虎,象征临阵时激发出的无与伦比的英勇和斗志;一种一旦怒火被激起将成为可怕对手的人。熊,对家族的绝对拥护。狼,象征无畏的军人,在长期艰苦围城之后仍决不屈挠,并以此取得最终胜利的坚毅者,一种不能被阻拦的人。犀牛,凶猛的蛰伏者。大象,勇气与体魄。铸在纹章上的虎,和普通的老虎含义相同。豹,英勇与坚韧的武士。黑豹,如同一个勇敢的男人会被比喻成狮子一样,一个美丽的女人也会被比喻成豹。尽管会很凶残,却饱含母性的温柔,为了保护自己的子嗣敢于面对各种风险。马,随时为国王和王族们效

7、忠而候命 公牛,英勇与宽大的胸襟。公猪,公猪在绝境中仍然死战直到生命最后一刻,因此勇士会愿意在盾牌上标此物以作为自己象征。山羊,象征那些更依赖外交式的雇佣而不是个人英勇来取得胜利的人。小羊,困苦中体现出的优雅与耐心。公羊,权力、权威。野兔,钟爱深居简出式生活的人。松鼠,乐居于森林环抱之中的退役者 刺猬,深谋远虑的施与者。水濑,勤奋与坚持。狐狸,能够运用自己全部的精明、机敏和智慧来自卫的人。塔尔博特犬、马士提夫獒犬、灵(犭是)?这是一个字,勇气、警惕以及对信念的忠诚。猫,自由、警戒心、预见力、勇气。骆驼,驯顺、耐心,和任劳任怨的坚持。蜜蜂,良好的组织效率。蚂蚁,象征兼具努力、智慧和远见的人。蜘蛛



10、已经闻名的人。九头蛇,对强敌的征服。不死鸟,重生。雄鹿(包括牡鹿、赤鹿等),策略、和平、和谐。. 号角及鹿角,体魄和坚韧。扇贝壳,曾有过远渡异国他乡经历的人,或是有杰出的海军指挥能力,或是功绩卓越的人。其他类型的贝壳,受神旨宠佑的。心,仁善、真挚。火焰中的心脏,炽热的爱。手掌,信仰、真诚、正义。红色的手,通常来说,如果这种符号安加在一面小型纹章盾上,那么它是准男爵的标记。手臂,一个艰苦勤奋的人。Common Charges 常用的寓意物 Lion - Deathless courage. Tiger - Great fierceness and valor when enraged to co

11、mbat; one whose resentmentwill be dangerous if aroused. Bear - Ferocity in the protection of kindred. 熊,对家族的绝对拥护。Wolf - Denotes valiant captains that do in the end gain their attempts after long sieges and hard enterprises. One whom it is dangerous to assail or thwart. Rhinoceros - Great ferocity wh

12、en aroused. 犀牛,凶猛的蛰伏者。Elephant - Courage and strength. Heraldic Tiger - Same as Tiger. Leopard - Valiant and hardy warrior. Panther - As a lion may be said to signify a brave man, so may a panther a beautiful woman, which, though fierce, is very tender and loving to her young, and will defend it wit

13、h the hazard of her life. 尽管会很凶残,却饱含母性的温柔,为了保护自己的子嗣敢于面对各种风险。Horse - Readiness for all employments for king and country. Bull or Ox - Valor and magnanimity. Boar - A fierce combatant when at bay, and ceases fighting only with its life, and therefore may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of

14、a warrior. 公猪,公猪在绝境中仍然死战直到生命最后一刻,因此勇士会愿意在盾牌上标此物以作为自己象征。Goat - Emblem of that martial man who wins a victory by the employment rather of policy than valor. Lamb - Gentleness and patience under suffering. Ram - Authority. Hares and Rabbits - One who enjoys a peaceable and retired life. 野兔,钟爱深居简出式生活的人。

15、Squirrel - Sylvan retirement being the delight of its bearer. 松鼠,乐居于森林环抱之中的退役者 Hedgehog - Provident provider. Beaver - Industry and perseverance. Fox - One who will use all that he may posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in hisown defense. Talbot, Mastiff and Greyhound - Courage, vigilancy and loyal f

16、idelity. 塔尔博特犬、马士提夫獒犬、灵(犭是)?Cat or Cat-A-Mountain - Liberty, vigilance, forecast and courage. 猫,自由、警戒心、预见力、勇气。Camel - Docility, patience and indefatigable perseverance. 骆驼,驯顺、耐心,和任劳任怨的坚持。Bee - Well-governed industry. Ant - Symbolizes a man of great labor, wisdom and providence. 蚂蚁,象征兼具努力、智慧和远见的人。Spi

17、der - Wisdom, labor and providence in all affairs. Grasshopper - Wisdom and nobility. House Snail - Deliberation and perseverance. Double Eagle and Eagle - Signifies a man of action, ever more occupied in high and weighty affairs, and one of lofty spirit, ingenious, speedy in apprehensionand judicio

18、us in matters of ambiguity. Alerion - Signifies one who having been maimed and lamed in war, was thus prevented from fully asserting his power. Wings - Celebrity, sometimes protection or coverture. 翅膀,名望,有时表示保护或掩护。Feathers (usually ostrich) - Willing obedience and serenity. 羽饰(通常为鸵鸟羽质),甘愿臣服。Falcon o

19、r Hawk - One eager or hot in the pursuit of an object much desired. Hawks or Falcons Bells - One who feared not to signal his approach in either peace or war. Owl - One who is vigilant and of acute wit. Peacock - Beauty and pride of carriage. Pelican - Devoted and self-sacrificing charity. Stork - F

20、ilial duty, emblem of a grateful man. Swan - A lover of poetry and harmony. Goose and Duck - A man of many resources. Gannet - To subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land torest upon. Swallow - One who is prompt and ready in the dispatch of his business. Cock - Courage, alway

21、s ready for battle, ready to fight to the death. Dove - Loving constancy and peace. Raven - One who, having derived little from his ancestors, has through Providence become the architect of his own fortunes or one of an enduring constancy of nature. Crow - Signifies a settled habitation and a quiet

22、life. Dolphin - Charity and a kind affection towards children. 海豚,仁慈和对孩童的关怀。Tortoise - Invulnerability to attack. Unicorn - Extreme courage. Griffin - Sets forth the property of a valorous soldier whose magnanimity is such that he will dare all dangers, and even death itself, rather than become capt

23、ive. Dragon - A most valiant defender of treasure. Cockatrice - Terror to all beholders. Sphinx - Omniscience and secrecy. Pegasus - Exceeding activity and energy of mind whereby one may mount to honour. Harpy - Ferocity under provocation. Mermaid - Eloquence. Centuar - For those who have been emine

24、nt in the field. 半人马,指在平原战场中取得赫赫成就而已经闻名的人。Hydra - The conquest of a very powerful enemy. 九头蛇,对强敌的征服。Phoenix - Resurrection. Stag, Hart, Buck and Deer - Policy, Peace and Harmony. 雄鹿(包括牡鹿、赤鹿等),策略、和平、和谐。Horns and Antlers - Strength and Fortitude. Escallop Shell - One who has made long journeys or voya

25、ges to far countries, who had borne considerable naval command or who had gained great victories. Other Shells - Protection of Providence. Heart - Charity, sincerity. Flaming Heart - Ardent affection. 火焰中的心脏,炽热的爱。Hand - Faith, sincerity and justice. 手掌,信仰、真诚、正义。Red Hand - Usual mark for a baronet if borne on a small escutcheon. Arm - A laborious and industrious person

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