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1、Great humor, sir. Let me come back to our story. Jinghe high-tech park enjoys a superior location, with Beijing as its backdrop, facing the vast expanse of the Bosea, bordered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east. It takes only 30 minutes to reach the Capitals International airport, 20 minutes

2、to get to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station, and one hour to arrive at the Tianjin New Harbor. The park is a national development zone approved by the State Council. Its entitled to the power of approving projects with preferential policies, operating under the management system of international sta

3、ndards.先生好幽默!我们言归正传吧。京河高科技园区地理位置优越,背靠首都,面向辽阔的渤海,东依京津塘高速公路,驱车三十分钟可抵达首都国际机场,20分钟即可抵达首都火车货运站,一个小时可抵达新港。园区是经国务院批准的国家级开发区,享有项目审批权和优惠政策,是一个与国际管理体制接轨的经济区。园区何时启用,园区的开发是由谁投资?When was it put to use? Who fuelled its development?The construction of the park was undertaken in two stages with the first covering 5

4、88 acres comprising 28 industrial lots as well as R&D, administrative and supporting facilities. And the second covers 525 acres with 22 industrial lots. The park went into its full operation in 2000, supported by the generous finance from 5 seaval banks and 2 overseas banks.园区建设分两期进行。一期工程占地588公顷,由2

5、8个工业地块以及研发、行政和辅助设施构成。二期工程占地525公顷,包括22个工业地块。园区于2000年全面运营,5家国银行和两家国外银行提供了充足的贷款。The park is well planned and arranged in perfect order. (园区规划合理,井井有条)Yes,it is. A golf course is to its east, the MoonRiver to its west, and one km-wide green belt to its north. Inside the park, industries cluster in the ea

6、st and residences concentrate in the west, In-between you can find the public service area. 是的,园区东侧是高尔夫球场,西边是月亮河,北侧为宽达一公里的规划绿地。园区的东部是工业区,西部是生活区,中部为公共建筑区。What do you do to attract direct foreign investment? 你们是以什么方式吸引外商直接投资?The park administration takes strong measures to improve the investment envir

7、onment, to foster new competitive advantages, and to make it an investment paradise in north china for hi-tech and new-tech companies, multinationals, and large enterprises of pillar industries. The parks two leading industries are information technology and modern biotechnology.园区采取有力措施改善投资环境,配有新的优

8、势,使其成为华北地区吸纳高新技术产业、跨国公司以及大型骨干企业的乐园。园区两大主导产业是信息技术和现代生物技术。Are there any particular requirements that prospective foreign enterprises must meet? 园区对外企有什么要求吗?The target industries must meet the parks selection criteria. That is, they must strengthen R&D functions, use locally available technical resourc

9、es and materials, develop suitable supporting industries, and collaborate with universities and government research institutes. Multinational companies from the USA, Japan and so on have settled down in the park. The park enjoys strong government support and has complete high-tech industry chains. I

10、t focuses on the integration of industry,education, and R&D. The park provides a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterpraises.园区产业选择的标准是:能加强研发功能,能使用本地可用技术资源和材料,能发展相适应的辅助产业,能与各大学和政府研究机构合作。来自美国、日本等地的跨国公司已在园区落户。园区有着强大的政府支持和完备的高技术产业链。园区注重产业、教育和研发的整合,为引入企业提供一条龙服务。The physical environment of th

11、e park is wonderful.Yes, it is one of the things that we take so much pride in. The park administration has been pursuing the policy of ecological conservation and sustainable development. To ensure the quality of the local environment, we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting

12、 investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment with a green environment through investment”. As you can see, the park has a green coverage of more than 45%. It really boasts stretches of green grass, forests of green trees, streams murmuring, birds chirping, air refreshing,

13、 fragrant flowers blossoming all year round. The whole environment is enveloped in a peaceful, elegant and relaxing atmosphere.是的,这也是我们引以为豪的一个方面。园区坚持走“生态型开发”和可持续发展道路。为了确保环境质量,我们始终坚持“以绿引资、以资养绿”的发展战略。园区绿化率达到45%以上,可谓绿草成茵,绿树成林、流水潺潺、鸟儿啁鸣,空气清新,四季花香环境处处素雅幽静。Youre real poet. Do you have independent and comp

14、lete establishments for water and power supply, and for waste treatment?你真是一位诗人,你们有独立完备的水电供应设施和垃圾处理设施吗?Yes, the park has an independent techno-support and security service center, which is equipped with high-standard facilities for water and power supply and provides the enterprises with reliable, s

15、table and quality power, clean water, internet maintenance services, as well as a 24-hour security service.有,园区有独立运营的技术安保服务中心,配备有高标准水电测试设施,为企业提供可靠、稳定、优质的电力、洁净水和网络服务,以及24小时的安保服务。Thats wonderful. 太棒了!2,宴会招待Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Its my great pleasure to host the banquet in honor of our de

16、ar friends and dedicated experts, and celebrate the successful conclusion of our talk. In particular, Id like to thank Ms. Kelland for coming. Without her last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere, probably in the middle of negotiations, Im afraid.各位,晚上好,今天我们在此举办晚宴,招待各位亲爱的朋友和敬业的

17、专家,庆贺我们的会谈取得圆满成功,我感到非常高兴。我特别感凯兰女士大驾光临。没有凯兰女士的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎样呢,恐怕我们还在谈判之中。Thank you, President Li. You all did very well. I just contributed my share. We all maneuver successfully to get our job done, so to speak. Well, ladies and gentlemen, are we carrying out another round of talk over the dinner?总,

18、你们都做得很好,我只是尽了自己的责任。可以说我们每个人都成功的是我们的使命得以完成。No more business talks today. I propose we limit our talk to friendship tonight. And of course, well delight ourselves completely in the food that Mother Nature grants us.今天不谈生意,我建议今晚我们只叙友情,当然,我们要尽情享受大自然赐予我们的食物。Thats great, the delicious Chinese food! I cant

19、 wait to enjoy your food.What are we expecting tonight?太好了,可口的中国菜,我等不及了。今晚我们有什么好吃的?Tonight we have prepared a typical Shanghai meal. I hope you will like it.今晚我们准备了典型的餐,希望各位喜欢。Yes, eat in Shanghai as Shanghai people eat. But, to be frank, Ive heard of the famous Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Shandon

20、g food, but not that much of Shanghai food. Whats special about Shanghai cuisine?是的,在就该吃菜。不过,恕我直言,我只听说过名声显赫的粤菜、川菜和鲁菜,对菜不太了解Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisine in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese region

21、al cuisines, Bnebang cuisine takes “color、aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements. Its featured by the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors.菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被称为“本帮菜”,有着400多年的历史。同中国其它菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“色、香、味”三大要素,特点是注重调料的使用、食物的质地和菜的原汁

22、原味。It sounds very appetizing.听起来很能引起食欲Id like to recommend a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish. Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tas

23、ty soup. The Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour sauce. They are absolutely tasters choice. I bet you will like it .我推荐一道特色点心“南翔小笼”和一道特色菜“松鼠桂鱼”。“南翔小笼”是猪肉馅,个小味美,皮薄汁醇。松鼠桂鱼色泽黄亮,形如松鼠,外皮脆而肉柔嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。绝对没错

24、,你一定喜欢。Oh,I suppose they are the perfect combination of the three elements “color、aroma、taste”. Especially the Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish. I cant figure out how the chef makes the dish look like a squirrel. Shall we add ”appearance” to your judgement criteria?哦,我想它们的确是色香味三要素的完美结合。尤其是松鼠桂鱼,我想不出来厨师是

25、怎样把菜做得像个松鼠的。我们在三个评价标准上再添上“形”吧。Absolutely right, plus appearance that makes the four element. Ok, here we are. Please help yourself to the dishes.完全正确,可以再加上形,那我们就有了第四大要素。菜上来了,别客气,请随意。The dinner is so delicious. The dishes are complete with color, aroma, taste and appearance. Thank you very much for y

26、our invitation and hospitality. I hope I havent missed anything, have I?味道太可口了,这些菜的色香味形都很好。你们的盛情宴请和款待。我希望没有漏掉什么好吃的吧?Im very glad that you like the dishes. But this is just the beginning of the dinner. We have more surprises to expect. Ladies and gentlemen, I consider it a great honor to have you all

27、 here for this wonderful time of the year. Let us drink to the health of Ms. Kelland.很高兴您喜欢这里的菜。晚宴才开场,好戏还在后头呢。女士们,先生们,各位能够赏光来此共度一年中的这个美好时光,我感到非常荣幸。让我们共同举杯,敬祝凯兰女士健康。And toast to the health of President Li and to the health of everybody here. Cheers!也祝总身体健康,祝在座的各位身体健康。干杯!为我们永久的友谊和合作,干杯!To our lasting

28、friendship and cooperation, Cheers!3,文化差异Mr. Roberts, you have been living in China for two years. How do you like it?罗伯茨先生,您在中国生活两年了,还习惯吧?I think I m quite used to my Chinese life here. Actually Im thinking about settling down in China for good.我想我已经十分习惯这里的是那个活了,其实我还想在中国永久定居呢I saw an American Movie

29、 called American Beauty a few days ago. I didnt quite get the story. I still wonder why the movie won the Oscar for the best picture of the year, either. Maybe the answer is the difference between the Chinese and American cultures. Or rather, it is due to the culture difference between the East and

30、the West.前几天我看了一部美国电影,片名叫美国丽人。我没有完全看懂,我也不知道这部电影为何获得了当年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖。没有完全看懂可能是中美两国的文化差异吧,或者叫做东西方文化差异。This is a good topic and a broad topic, too. Let me talk a bit more about the film you mentioned. Actually, I have noticed a very interesting difference between many Chinese and American in understanding the title of the film.这是一个很好也是一个很大的话题。我想先从你提到的电影谈起。事实上,我注意到许多中国人和美国人在理解此片名时有一个非常有趣的差别。Yes? 是吗?In so

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