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1、10关心支持残疾人事业的发展We will continue to show concern for and support the development of programs for physically and mentally challenged persons.11我们要发展老龄事业We will develop old age programs.12经济运行中的关键问题Major problems in economic performance13解决了三千万农村人口安全用水问题We made safe drinking water available to thirty mi

2、llion rural residents. (原为resolved the problem of safe drinking water to )14制定措施解决农民工问题Formulate policies to address difficulties rural migrant workers face in cities (原为to solve the problem of rural migrant workers in cities)15要抓紧解决下岗职工就业问题We need to work quickly to resolve the issue of providing r

3、eemployment for laid-off workers.16国有企业历史遗留问题The long-standing problems of SOEs17解决群众关心的看病难问题Solve the difficulty (原为 problem) of obtaining medical service, an issue of public concern18解决人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题Solve the most practical problems that are of most concern to the people and most directly af

4、fect their interests19我们必须以对国家和人民高度负责任的精神采取有力措施解决这些问题We must maintain a strong sense of responsibility to the country and people and take forceful measures (原为forceful steps) to resolve these problems.20必须把解决”三农”问题作为全部工作的重中之中We must put resolution of issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and f

5、armers at the very top of our work agenda.21着力解决民生问题Every effort was made to improve the peoples well-being.22解决拖欠工程款和农民工资问题Resolve the problem of default on construction costs payment and unpaid wages for rural migrant workers.23. 政府自身建设存在一些问题Government efforts to enhance performance still have roo

6、m for improvement.24. 存在这些问题根本在于制度不健全,监管不到位The root cause of the problems lies in institutional deficiencies and poor oversight.25. 基层民主政治建设加强Continued progress was made in democracy at the village and community level.26. 领导干部要深入基层了解群众疾苦Leading officials should visit communities (不用grassroots) to be

7、tter understand (原为 find about) the problems troubling the people. 27. 加强基层民主Expand democracy at village and community level28. 经济结构矛盾突出There are still serious structural problems in the economy.29. 银行资金流动性过剩问题突出The problem of excessive liquidity(原为:liquidity in banks) is serious.30. 国际收支不平衡矛盾比较突出Im

8、balance in international payments is fairly serious.31. 着力解决外贸顺差过大的矛盾Take measures to reduce the excessively large trade surplus (原为 to mitigate the problem of excessively large trade surplus)32. 从各方面采取措施缓解国际收支不平衡的矛盾Adopt various measures (原为in various areas) to ease imbalance in international payme

9、nts33. 引发投资增长过快的因素仍然存在The factors causing overheated investment remain.34. 法定支出Legally mandated expenditure35. 政策性企业破产Policy mandated bankruptcy of enterprises36. 不少支出增长是刚性的Many increases in expenditure are fixed/mandatory.37. 积极稳妥推进企业政策性破产工作Actively yet prudently proceed with work related to policy

10、 mandated bankruptcy of enterprises38. 外贸顺差较大The foreign trade surplus has become large (原为too large, quite large).39. 中央财政2003-2006年超收较多The central government revenue exceeded targets by a fair amount for the years 2003 through 2006.40. 当前财政形势较好The current state of public finance is fairly good.41.

11、 重点领域和关键环节改革取得新进展 Further progress was made in reform in key areas and crucial links.42. 加强财政税收对经济运行的调节We improved the role of fiscal and tax measures in regulating economic activity.43. 严肃查处土地使用违法行为Took stern actions against (原为severely dealt with) violations of laws and regulations concerning land

12、 use44. 固定资产投资增幅回落The growth rate in fixed assets investment dropped (原为declined).45. 避免经济增长由偏快转为过热We worked hard to prevent rapid economic growth from becoming overheated growth.46. 这些措施进一步调动了农民种粮的积极性These steps gave farmers more incentive to produce grain.47. 加快经济结构调整Accelerate adjustment of the e

13、conomic structure/system (原为accelerate economic restructuring)48. 对产能过剩行业进行重组To carry out restructuring of industries with surplus production capacity49. 淘汰煤炭行业落后产能Close down backward production facilities in the coal industry (原为eliminate backward production capacity in the coal industry)50. 关系国民经济

14、全局的重大工程Key projects vital to Chinas economy were completed. (原为 key projects bearing on the national economy were completed)51. 为增强经济增长后劲发挥重要作用Play an important role in sustaining Chinas economic development 52. 整顿小煤矿取得了阶段性成果Major progress was made in the current stage of our efforts to restore orde

15、r in the small coalmines.53. 振兴东北工作顺利开展The work of rejuvenating Northeast China is proceeding smoothly.54. 国有经济布局调整取得新的进展Progress was made in adjusting the distribution of the state sector of the economy.55. 上市公司股权分制改革基本完成Reform of introducing shareholder structure in listed companies was basically

16、completed.56. 规范收入分配秩序Standardize pattern of income distribution57. 整顿和规范市场秩序Improve market order (原为improve and standardize market order)58. 改革深化为经济社会发展注入了新的动力The deepening of reform added fresh vitality and gave new impetus to economic and social development.59. 我们优先发展教育We put education high on th

17、e development agenda.60. 高等学校在校总人数达到两千三百万.The total college attendance reached 23 million.61. 这标志高等教育发展达到了一个新水平.This marks a new level in the development of higher education in China.62. 历史罕见的严重自然灾害Natural disasters of a severity seldom seen in history63. 政务、厂务、村务公开不断扩大Government, factory and villag

18、e affairs were made more transparent.64. 颁布了29个行政法规Promulgated 29 sets of administrative regulations65. 实施治理商业贿赂专项行动A campaign to combat business bribery was launched.66. 依法打击经济犯罪People guilty of economic crimes were penalized.67. 民族宗教工作进一步加强Work related to ethnic groups and religion was further imp

19、roved.68. 实事求是Pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach (原为seek truth from facts)69. 解放思想Free our minds(原为:emancipate our minds)70. 政府工作中还有一些缺点和不足There are some shortcomings and inadequacies in the work of the government.71. 一二三产业比例不合理There is a lack of proper balance among primary, secondary and te

20、rtiary industries.72. 投资消费关系不协调Investment is not in keeping with consumer demand. (原为consumption demand)73. 经济增长模式粗放The pattern of economic growth is inefficient. (原为extensive)74. 政府职能转变滞后Moves to change the way the government functions are behind schedule/have not made expected progress.75. 政企不分现象仍

21、然突出Non-separation of government administration and enterprise management remains a serious issue.76. 向人民交出满意的答卷To deliver a good report to the people77. 政府工作的基本思路是:The basic approach for the work of government is:78. 着力调整经济结构Speed up adjustment of economic structure/system (原为speed up economic restr

22、ucturing)79. 努力实现国民经济又好又快发展Work hard for sound and fast development of Chinas economy80. 电视覆盖从行政村向自然村延伸TV coverage extends from incorporated villages to unincorporated villages(原为:administrative villages and natural villages).81. 认真贯彻行政许可法Implement in earnest the Administrative Permit Law82. 关心中国现代化

23、建设To care about Chinas modernization 83. 城市最低生活保障制度System of basic (原为minimum) cost of living allowances for urban residents84. 最低工资制度The system of minimum wages85. 加快建设法治政府We accelerated development of government by the rule of law.86. 全面推进依法行政Advance all aspects of government administration in acc

24、ordance with the law87. 全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设Promote all aspects of socialist economic, political and cultural development88. 调整投资与消费的关系Adjust the balance between investment and consumption89. 稳定消费预期,扩大即期消费We should ensure (不用stabilize) consumer confidence and expand immediate consumption.90. 培养旅游、

25、休闲、健身等消费热点Develop consumption growth areas such as tourism, recreation and exercise91. 坚持区别对待Take different approaches to different situations92. 实现现代化的宏伟目标Attain the ultimate goal (原为grand goal) we have set for modernization93. 目前我们正在采取一系列措施节能(原为at present, 后去掉) We are taking steps to save energy.9

26、4. 重工业增长过快Growth in heavy industry is overheated (原为excessive).95. 监管不到位/监管不力Poor oversight96. 以更高昂的精神状态恪尽职守We must carry out our duties with greater drive (原为with an even more enthusiastic attitude).97. 降低消耗Reduce consumption of energy and resources98. 根据经济运行的新情况完善政策Improve policies in response to

27、new developments in the operation of the economy99. 把各项政策落到实处Truly put all policies into effect100. 重点是加强宏观调控The focus of this effort is to strengthen macroeconomic regulation101. 有保有压, 不搞一刀切We should encourage growth in some sectors and discourage it in others, treating each sector according to its

28、 specific situation.102. 妥善处理内需和外需的关系Properly balance domestic demand and international demand103. 统筹考虑国内外经济发展的相互联系和影响Take into consideration the interconnectedness and mutual influence of domestic and international economic development104. 我们未能完成去年年初确定的节能目标We fell short of the targets set at the be

29、ginning of last year to reduce energy consumption.105. 国务院将每年如实向全国人大报告节能进展情况The State Council will report on the actual progress made in saving energy to the NPC annually.106. 把节能放在更突出的位置Attach greater importance to saving energy107. 维护社会公正正义Safeguard social fairness and justice108. 使全体人民共享改革发展成果To ensure that all the people share the

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