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1、( )4. You can feed monkieswith bananas in Regents Park.( )5. In the park you can see a film.第三部分:读写部分(共70分)五、把下列单词分类,并把单词抄写在相应的位置上。(10分)Ottawa February elephant leader Paris painter Beijing September inventor kangaroo Wellington May March frog London horse actor driver June giraffeAnimals _ _ _ _ _

2、Jobs _ _ _ _ _ Cities _ _ _ _ _ Months _ _ _ _ _ 六、补全句子,其中第1-6小题根据上下文及首字母写单词,第7-9小题根据中文提示写单词。(共8分)1. He writes or plays music well. He is a m_.2. London is the c_ of England.3. Giraffe has long n_. It likes eating l_.4. A f_ is a place full of trees and grass.5. I b_ my plane t_ yesterday.6. What ca

3、n we do to save animals _ _.(频危)7. Its impolite to l_ a_ others.(嘲笑)8. We should always help the people i_ n_.(有需要)9.China is famous for its n_ b_.(自然的美景)七、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. The boy try to guess the magic word, but none of_worked.A. they B. them C. their( ) 2. Thank you for_ me to clean the classroom.

4、A. help B. helps C. helping( ) 3. Janet tried to _all the books.A.carry B. carries C. carried( ) 4. I cant wait to _ my aunt.A. see B.sees C. seeing( ) 5. Please stop_ the computer games. Its time to B. playing C. plays( ) 6. _ we work together, we can still save the animals.A.If B. All

5、 day long C.As ( ) 7. He was born_June 1st, 2004.A.on B. in C. at( ) 8. Look, the old man is_ in the park.A. run B.runs C. running( ) 9. I really_ a good tome in Paris last month. A. have B.has C. had( ) 10. My sister always _ shopping on Sunday.A. goes B. go C. went8、补全对话。(1)阅读下面的对话,选择单词补全对话,把单词抄写在

6、相应的横线上(5分)book choose ticket modern passportLisa: hi,Sarah! If you can travel abroad, what country do you want to _ ?Sarah: Let me see, My favourite country is Canada, Its famous for its natural beauty. I like Canada too, I want to see the maple trees there. But I like France best. France is a _ cou

7、ntyr, Its famous for food and wonderful clothes. Lets go to France together. Good idea! Do you have a _ ? Yes, I do. Lets _ the plane _ now. Hurry.(二)阅读下面的对话,选择句子补全对话,把其编号写在相应的位置上,从方框内选择正确答案填空,将所选答案的英文字母编号写在相应的横向上。A. May I speak to Zhang Peng, please?B. How do you feel now?C. Whats wrong with you?D.

8、 Did you take any medicine this morning?E. Because I am ill.Zhang Peng: Hello.Chen Jie: Hello. Yes, this is Zhang Peng speaking. Hi, Zhang Peng. This is Chen Jia. Why didnt you go to school today? I am sorry to hear that. I have a headache. Yes. I feel better now. Have a good rest and Ill go and see

9、 you after school. Thank you.9、按实际情况回答问题。(6分)1. Is New York the capital city of the USA?2. Are you going to travel this summer holiday?3. Who was Dr Sun Yetsen?4. Whats the king of the animals?5. How did you go to school this morning?6. Did you travel to South Africa last year?(十)阅读理解(18分) (一)阅读下列句子

10、,判读句子是否符合事实,如符合在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。( )1. We can see Donald Duck in Disneyland.( )2. The capital of Canada is Toronto.( )3. Inventors invent old things.( )4. If you want to do something well, you should work harder.( )5. Today is Thursday. It was Wednesday yesterday.( )6. People should cut down the fires

11、t and build more houses.(二)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,指出文后的句子是否与短文内容一致,如一致写“T”,否则写“F”。 Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain 0n October 25th, 1881. Pablo Picassos father Don Jose Ruiz was in charge of(负责) a museum when Pablo was born. He liked painting and Pablo liked watching him when he was a child. And he c

12、ould learn a lot from his father. So Pablo Picasso could draw well when he was a small boy. When he was in his teens(十几岁), he painted the picture “Science and Charity” and he won a gold medal. Pablo could do anything with his hands: He could paint, work with clay(陶瓷)or with some other materials. In

13、October, 1900, he went Paris.There he drew a lot about the life the poor. Pablo painted men,women,children,animals and objects(物件). One of his famous paintings was Les Demoiselles dAvignon. Some people think it is the first truly “modern” picture. In the spring of 1937, he finished painting the famo

14、us picture Guernica. Pablo never felt tired. He said,”some one said Im tired and I dont work any more.But just wait and see.”He worked to the last minute, hediedon the 8th of April,1973 when hewasninety-oneyearsold.( )1. Picasso was born in America.( )2. Picasso learned a lot from his father( )3. Pi

15、casso finished his famous picture Guernica in 1947.( )4. Picasso drew a lot about the life of the rich.( )5. People think the first truly“modern” picture is Les Demoiselles dAvignon.( )6. Picasso diedin April,1973.(三)根据短文内容选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号内。Martin was a doctor, he always helped sick people. Everyo

16、ne thought that he was a good doctor. He was very busy. He often worked hard. But he usually forgot his family members(成员) birthday.Last Thursday, Martin remembered that it was his daughter, Anns birthday. He loved his daughter. He wanted to give his daughter a birthday present. So he left hospital

17、on time. Then he bought a beautifull doll, a birthday cake and some sweets in a shop. When he got home, he said, ”happy birthday, Ann” Ann laugh and said “My birthday was the day before yesterday, dad” Anyway(无论如何), thank you for gifts, better later than never.( )1.Martin worked in a _. A. hospital

18、B. library C. shop( )2.Martin was always _ and he helped sick people.A. free B. angry C. busy ( )3.But Martin often _ his family members(成员) birthday.A. forget B.remember C. thought ( )4.He bought a doll, a birthday cake and some _for his daughter.A. cards B. sweets C. coke( )5. Anns birthday was _.

19、 A.the day after tomorrow B. the day before yesterday C. today( )6. “Better later than never”that meansA. 迟到好 B. 不做好 C. 迟总比不做好十一、选择一个话题写一段至少40个单词的话,要求内容丰富,句子正确表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整。(8分)试题一:请介绍一位你喜欢的名人。试题二:描述你喜欢的一种动物,并写出保护动物的建议。试题三:请介绍你的出游计划。 海珠区六年级毕业考试卷(参考答案+解析) 编辑:谷志英 校对:听力部分: 一到四题 略【参考答案】1. Animal(动物)ele

20、phant kangaroo frog horse giraffe2. Jobs(职业) leader painter inventor actor driver 3. Cities(城市)Ottawa Paris Beijing Wellington 4. Months(月份)February September May March【解析】本题考察学生1:是否认识这个单词,2:是否熟悉这个单词属于哪一类。1.【参考答案】musician【解析】首先要求学生看懂句子,根据句子意思,判读需要一个以m开头的表示职业的名词。2.【参考答案】capital【解析】根据句子意思,判读需要一个以c开头的和

21、London有关的单词。3.【参考答案】neck leaves【解析】根据句子意思和常识判读,但是要注意leaf的复数形式的特殊变化。4. 【参考答案】farm【解析】根据句子意思,判读需要一个以f开头的表示地点的名词。5.【参考答案】booked ticket【解析】首先要求学生看懂句子意思,根据yesterday和句子意思,判读是昨天订购了机票。所以要用book-booked过去式形式。6.【参考答案】in danger 【解析】要求学生掌握高频短语。7.【参考答案】laught at 8.【参考答案】in need 9.【参考答案】natural beauty1.【参考答案】B【解析】介

22、词of后面需要代词的宾格形式,所以答案B正确。2.【参考答案】C【解析】介词for后面需要动词的ing形式,所以答案C正确3.【参考答案】A【解析】根据固定搭配try to do, 所以to后面要加动词原形,所以答案A正确。4.【参考答案】A【解析】固定搭配cant wait to do sth.所以to后面要加动词原形,所以答案A正确。5.【参考答案】B【解析】根据句子意思是停止做什么,所以stop doing sth适合,所以答案B符合要求。6.【参考答案】A【解析】根据句子意思和主将从现,所以答案A正确。7.【参考答案】A【解析】on加具体日期,所以答案A正确。8.【参考答案】C【解析】

23、根据look判读应该用现在进行时,be加动词的ing形式,所以答案C正确。9.【参考答案】C【解析】从句子的时间last month,可以判断这个句子是一般过去时,所以正确答案是A。10.【参考答案】A【解析】从句子的频度副词,可以判断这个句子是一般现在时,主语是三单,所以正确答案是A。八、补全对话。(一)阅读下面的对话,选择单词补全对话,把单词抄写在相应的横线上(5分)【参考答案】choose modern passport book ticket【解析】根据对话内容和所给的单词的意义,对号入座。(2)阅读下面的对话,选择句子补全对话,把其编号写在相应的位置上,从方框内选择正确答案填空,将所

24、选答案的英文字母编号写在相应的横向上。【参考答案】A E C D B【解析】根据对话内容和所给的句子,结合实际情况,对号入座。1.【参考答案】No, it isnt.【解析】根据问句内容和课外知识,美国的首都不是纽约。2.【参考答案】Yes, I am.【解析】问句是一个一般疑问句,所以可以结合自己的情况用Yes或者No回答。3. 【参考答案】He was a great leader.【解析】根据问句内容和课外知识,孙中山是一位伟大的领袖。4. 【参考答案】The lion.【解析】根据问句内容和课外知识,狮子是兽中之王。5. 【参考答案】On foot.【解析】根据问句内容How 问交通方

25、式。6. 【参考答案】No, I didnt.1.【参考答案】T【解析】根据句子内容和课外知识,判读这句话是正确的。2.【参考答案】F【解析】根据句子内容和课外知识,判读这句话是不正确的。3.【参考答案】F4.【参考答案】T5.【参考答案】T6.【参考答案】F1.【参考答案】F【解析】根据原文中的句子Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga判读这句话是不正确的。2.【参考答案】T【解析】根据原文中的句子And he could learn a lot from his father.判读这句话是正确的。【解析】根据原文中的句子In the spring of 1937, he finished painting the famous picture Guernica.判读这句话是不正确的。4.【参考答案】F【解析】根据原文中的句子There he drew a lot about t

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