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1、n C: he D: 17. I alws l my studns _ on th roadbecausets realy dagerou. A. ot to py B. to pla ot otlayig D. ot play1 Thmn caled hi pressorfhelp beseecouldnt sle the prblm y_. . hersel . imsef C. oursf D thsves19. Culdyousy i gain? I ant undersand_ you re talking abou. A ow B. e C. ha Dwhc20.-Must fni

2、shm homewk o? - No, you _. You cao hm nw. A ednt B ustt C. ot cant 21. There is_ nes abu thi moviestain thenewspaper WherecanI get ome? A any B afe C. t . lite2. udn doit _ yorgrea he. Tanks lot! A.wi B. withot C. or D. to2.Thnks for your invitaion, butIm so sorry I cant o I eed to _ m bayahme. A. t

3、ke way B. ake ff C. tke care f .ake utof 24.: Yo lk ery nce n yur newdress today. : Oh, really? I _ it wheit wason sale. A. uy boug C.haveoght D wll by25.-I eel rllytrd. -_ A Lky y! C Yud bettrork harder. C. Congatultion! DWhynot g an have a at? 第二节 语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分0分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从

4、235各题所给的A、B、C和项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Its very impoa that e ll recyce (再利用) Inate,eeryhng _26_ agin. Fo example, when n nal ies,t ecome _27_ anialsfood.Nothing s watd. ut mas havereae thin lik plasc bag _28_ at b broken down u. Our ubbish kilsanmalsand _9_wateran oi._30_we otnu making too mucrubbish,th

5、e prble wilony et wre.Ifature cant reue therubsh, weustrecle _31_.We hould lean up heruhwee madebcaue natueatRecyclingi aso the rghthin to do or anther reason. Th erh isrich innaralatrias like water ndes,_3 _ these ateials areotdless.e usp our atral marals mch_3_than theearthle toreproce temFo exame

6、, achyear e t _34 _more that ,000 square ies ofoeButitkes n aveaeo 25 yers fo a nwtree _3_ecylingcan help us sav the ert, so letsaeaco rgh now.26. . us . usig C i ued D. usd2. A. nother B.oter C others D. he ohr28.A h .whic .ho D. where9. . plutes .pollute C. pluig .s plted.A.n B Whthe C. Why Df 1 A

7、. thn B. ei .i D. itself. A.but B.o C. a D. o3 A.fastly B. at . faste . fatst.A.out B. do C. n D. up A. ro B. or growg C. roi .togrw三、完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3645各题所给的A、B、C和项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There ones a rmr whos hs wach hisbrn (谷仓).Th athwas onlyhap ut ws ery _36 t him beause i w

8、asagift fromisftheAfter _ 7 _ the barfor lngtie, hegve up and sked o _3 _ fom a group ofchidren plaing narby. H_39_ tem tt te eso wh found he tchuld bewrded.earig tis, techid hurried iside thearn_40 _. They searhe everywhee ut tilcoul nt fid th _41 _. ustwhn the farmer was oing to i p, a little by w

9、ent up o hiand asd o egiven anoher _4_. he frer lokd a him nd tought, “Wh nt? Aftrall, this ki los hon”S the armr _43 _ the littl boybacint thearn. Ate hi te littleoy cameout wh the wtchin his hand! hesurrise frmer ased he bo how he _44_ here therstd iledThe bo eed,“ Idid otng but tqutly and lisen f

10、or tsound f thwatch”i shows us hat sometime a _4 mnd can tink ter thaa ecitd one.”36. . iprtan B. expensive C. uselss D. intrestng37Ainding B. earchin C.waching D stung38 . moey B. daner C. ok D hel39 . romsed B. tuht . warned D. elievd 40. agril B sowy C. medately D.hadly4.A. rule B. book . chil D.

11、 watc42.A. wa . chnce C. ls D.smie 3. Athrew B. en C.a D. caght4.A. cae B. kw C. suceeed Dugested4. A. beautifu B. smat . peaceul D. quick四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)(A)Oncewewa a teenager, my father ad I were stnding inline o buy iets for the cirus Fnall, tee was oy one ml beween the ticket offce and

12、us Thi familymade abig mpresion on T we eiht children, all rbably unde t ae 1.Yo coldll they dd ave lot omney. Ther clos were noexsve, but hey were clnTh chirn take exctdly aboutthe clows. t wcleary ey mportan dou frthem.The father and mohersemd appy as thy coud be. he tiketsy askedhw mntikets hater

13、 watd, he poudlynswered, “Pleas le mbuy eight hidrens icets and w dlts tits,so atake myamyotcrcu.” T ticet lay oldhim the price. The manswfe loerehr head There as nolnera mile te ms face. He quitly ase,“ow much dd yosay?”Th icetadagai tld hite c. heman obviuslydihave ogh moey But ow oudhe tell is ki

14、d the badnews?Seing wt was happnn, mydad tok a $20 noterom hi pocktandropped i oth groun.(We r notich ousv at ll!)e hentaptheman n the soder andsaid, “cu me, sir, you dropped ths.” The n uderood yfathe washelpig him. H pcup the moey, ooked straigtinoydadsyes,andi ear reld “Than yo. hi rallmeansa lo

15、to m and my family.” Athouw did not g o te circ tatnigh, wd g witou.46. Why oes h witesay“Teirlthe were ot xensiv, butthy re clean” ( Paragph 2)? To howe hidrenerewellokd trB. To showcheap clothecoud bplr.To so h hard the mother worked. To shohow rch thefamily wr.47. Wh was te oo man nhapy ferhe spo

16、ke with he ticket ldy?AHhad lst hi me. B. His children noisy.C. Teticeswee odu. D.T tickts retooexpnsive.4. Who ddhe $20note belong to?. The poo ma . Th witers fther.CThe oor mnsfe. . The ticket lay.49.Whywashe poor n teasat te end ofthe story?A. H und the moey he ost. B.H wanted others to p im.He m

17、adei ciln unhapp. D e a hankful rte kind50. Which the folowing statements obabluacding t the ssage?AThe poomans athe circshat ngh .The wo fmliesbecmecls rienC.T wriersathr eard som moey.D. h wrter saw the cisthat nght.() Lu Xun s neof he greatet Ceeriters f the 20h centry Beside his faous torie,he a

18、lso wreynfluentiaarticles abu the lving condiis fChinse peple. B in 181 to wealth family, LXu ad a hppychildhoo.I 1893,howeve,his granfaher, a senorgovernment offcil, ws put int rson for takng moey.Ath same time, hs father bcae siu ill. Frm atim on,his fmly wre nooneracceped by heir rlaiesad frends.

19、These eary xperecs graetly infueced his writig. By e tie LXun arrived Nanjingto sudy at uiversiy n 1899, hlrey blied th Chinese ociety had to change adbecome odern. n wen totudy inapan. There, he began writin arcle frseveral Cines stuen magazie.Heshowed a gi fr writng nd rasating and he eve wroteeer

20、l books, altough none as popuar.He retund t hina in 99becaue he ws i need o ney After orkifor several ears a teache in Beijg,uXunagain rtrneto ritig In 1918, ewoehis amou rt story Da o Madmn. Itwas the firsthnese vel pulishe sng heveryday language tha p spoke,hic hepd maket gratsuccess. Tis, togther

21、wit novl ThTrue Sory Q (12), made LuXn a leaingChinese writr. toughsuessul, Lu Xunstillworried grel athinasfutu. In 26,h moved to Sanghai andae up writng storie in rer t evot isel to wat ecalleed “pwrfare”. H nwnlyroe artcles whch cled on he pope t fight agaitthe govenmnt. Fois, he oenet toppedhi fr

22、om ubhing nymor booksHwasfrd toritehi riclesusig falenams.Since his dea in 1936, Lu s imrnce an influencve gwn. Tody, mn o hiswiins ae incudedin scho textbooks ad his orks ar rad bymllnsaroun thwod51.Which of e ollowing greatly inluence L Xn witg accorigt e pasge?A.Te peope he met i Japa. B. Te expeiece in his elyife. . Wrkng aa teacher i Beji D.Hi fhs bi putit prisn.2. cording toth assae, whyw Luns sty iay o a Madam so oular? A. I was base n Lu

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