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1、作文大学英语四级作文:12句作文法一、 写作类型1、说明文:主要包括现象解释和问题解决两种类型。2、议论文:主要包括对比选择和观点论证两种类型。3、记叙文:主要是叙述一件事情的经过并谈谈由此引发的感想,如车祸、生病等。4、应用文:以信函为主,包括建议信、拒绝信、投诉信等,另外偶尔也会涉及到倡议书、演说辞等。二、评分标准1、写作占15%,标准分满分为106.5。 先按满分15计算,最后,再换算成标准分。评分标准分五个等级:2、5、8、11、14分。2、评分标准:内容切题、表达清楚、文字连贯、句式多变、语言规范。三、考生自我检查:1、拼写错误。看似小事,但事关重大。2、语法错误。应特别注意时态、语

2、态、单复数、主谓一致、标点符号等基础语法方面的错误。3、句子结构不完整。考生在写复杂句子时,可能会因为太注重意思的表达而忽略句子结构的完整性。通过检查以避免。一、现象解释型现象解释型作文通常要求考生从试题的提示性文字、图表或图画入手,描述它们反映出的现象,对该现象进行解释说明,分析其原因、影响、前景等并加以评论。基本结构:首先描述现象并说明其现状,然后分析这种现象的原因、相关因素或带来的影响;最后对现象做出评论或提出意见。The Celebration of Western Festivals1) 现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某些节日2) 产生这种现象的原因3) 这各现象可能带来的影响 Top

3、ic描述现象段: 1)Nowadays / In recent years / In modern society, 总述现象(,which has (have) been brought into focus / has (have) aroused great concern.)2) 现象表现或变化。3) Moreover / In addition,进一步描述现象表现或变化。4)The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. / There are many factors contributing to 该现象或其相关情况。说明原因/因素段: 5

4、)Among all these reasons / factors, 原因一/因素一play (plays) a critical role. 6) 进一步说明原因一/因素一。 7)Moreover / Furthermore / Whats more, 原因二/因素二。8)Besides, 原因三/因素三。阐述观点段/说明影响段/说明问题段9) In my opinion / As for me, “我”的态度/相关情况或是现象将来的趋势、可能带来的(好的或坏的)影响或存在的问题。10)For one thing / On the one hand, 理由一/影响一/问题一。 11)(Ho

5、wever,) For another / On the other hand, 理由二/影响二/问题二。12)To conclude / Therefore, 总结全文(经常是提出建议或期望)。The Celebration of Western Festivals1) Nowadays, an increasing number of Chinese people are fond of celebrating some Western festivals. 2) For example, they send chocolate and flowers to their beloved o

6、n Valentines Day. 3) In addition, they make fool of others as what westerners do on April Fools Day. 4) There are many factors contributing to this phenomenon. 现象描述段5) Among all these factors, language learning plays a critical role. 6) More youths are exposed to western culture and festivals throug

7、h learning English. 7) Moreover, some Western festivals offer people an opportunity to enjoy the relaxing and comfortable atmosphere, which attracts a large number of Chinese people. 8) Besides, many businessmen view foreign festivals as golden opportunities to make money, so they may try desperatel

8、y to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals. 说明原因段9)In my opinion, Chinese people celebrating Western festivals has both advantages and disadvantages. 10) On the one hand, by celebrating Western festivals, people have more opportunities to show their affection to others and to get together. 11) H

9、owever, on the other hand, our own home-grown festivals crucial roles may be weakened to some extent. 12) Therefore, we must keep a balance between the Western festivals and our traditional festivals. 说明影响段。练习一: New Criteria for a Good Student1. 如今好学生的评判标准有所改变,学习成绩不再是评判的唯一标准。2. 导致这种变化的原因。3. “我”的看法。练

10、习二:E-learning1 近年来网络学习越来越流行2 产生这种现象的原因3 分析其带来的好处现象解释型常用句式1. Recently, the problem of has become the focus of the public concern. 近来,。问题引起公众极大的关注。2. There may be a combination of factors which contribute to / are responsible for.可能有好几个因素造成/负责。3. There may be several possible reasons for the problem w

11、hich will be demonstrated below. 可能有几个原因导致了我们下面所在阐述的问题4. Among all the important reasons for.,., one should be emphasized. That is在。所有重要的原因中,我们应当重点关注。5. It is commonly believed thatis the inevitable result of人们普遍认为,。是。的必然结果。6. With the rhythm / pace of peoples living speeding up, a lot of changes ha

12、ve taken place in随着人们生活节奏的加快,。发生了很多变化。7. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that。从以上所讨论的我们可以总结出。8. It will have profound / far-reaching/ beneficial / undesirable / disastrous effect (influence) on它将会对。产生深远的/有益的/不良的/灾难性的影响。9. It is high time that we put an end to该是我

13、们停止。的时候了。大学英语四级作文:12句作文法二、 写作类型1、说明文:主要包括现象解释和问题解决两种类型。2、议论文:主要包括对比选择和观点论证两种类型。3、记叙文:主要是叙述一件事情的经过并谈谈由此引发的感想,如车祸、生病等。4、应用文:以信函为主,包括建议信、拒绝信、投诉信等,另外偶尔也会涉及到倡议书、演说辞等。二、评分标准1、写作占15%,标准分满分为106.5。 先按满分15计算,最后,再换算成标准分。评分标准分五个等级:2、5、8、11、14分2、评分标准:内容切题、表达清楚、文字连贯、句式多变、语言规范。三、考生自我检查: 1、拼写错误。看似小事,但事关重大。 2、语法错误。应

14、特别注意时态、语态、单复数、主谓一致、标点符号等基础语法方面的错误。 3、句子结构不完整。考生在写复杂句子时,可能会因为太注重意思的表达而忽略句子结构的完整性。通过检查以避免。一、现象解释型 现象解释型作文通常要求考生从试题的提示性文字、图表或图画入手,描述它们反映出的现象,对该现象进行解释说明,分析其原因、影响、前景等并加以评论。基本结构:首先描述现象并说明其现状,然后分析这种现象的原因、相关因素或带来的影响;最后对现象做出评论或提出意见。The Celebration of Western Festivals4) 现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某些节日5) 产生这种现象的原因6) 这各现象可

15、能带来的影响 Topic描述现象段: 1)Nowadays / In recent years / In modern society, 总述现象(,which has (have) been brought into focus / has (have) aroused great concern.)2) 现象表现或变化。3) Moreover / In addition,进一步描述现象表现或变化。4)The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. / There are many factors contributing to 该现象或其相关情况。说

16、明原因/因素段: 5)Among all these reasons / factors, 原因一/因素一play (plays) a critical role. 6) 进一步说明原因一/因素一。 7)Moreover / Furthermore / Whats more, 原因二/因素二。8)Besides, 原因三/因素三。阐述观点段/说明影响段/说明问题段9) In my opinion / As for me, “我”的态度/相关情况或是现象将来的趋势、可能带来的(好的或坏的)影响或存在的问题。10)For one thing / On the one hand, 理由一/影响一/问

17、题一。 11)(However,) For another / On the other hand, 理由二/影响二/问题二。12)To conclude / Therefore, 总结全文(经常是提出建议或期望)。The Celebration of Western Festivals1) Nowadays, an increasing number of Chinese people are fond of celebrating some Western festivals. 2) For example, they send chocolate and flowers to their

18、 beloved on Valentines Day. 3) In addition, they make fool of others as what westerners do on April Fools Day. 4) There are many factors contributing to this phenomenon. 现象描述段5) Among all these factors, language learning plays a critical role. 6) More youths are exposed to western culture and festiv

19、als through learning English. 7) Moreover, some Western festivals offer people an opportunity to enjoy the relaxing and comfortable atmosphere, which attracts a large number of Chinese people. 8) Besides, many businessmen view foreign festivals as golden opportunities to make money, so they may try

20、desperately to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals. 说明原因段9)In my opinion, Chinese people celebrating Western festivals has both advantages and disadvantages. 10) On the one hand, by celebrating Western festivals, people have more opportunities to show their affection to others and to get toget

21、her. 11) However, on the other hand, our own home-grown festivals crucial roles may be weakened to some extent. 12) Therefore, we must keep a balance between the Western festivals and our traditional festivals. 说明影响段。练习一: New Criteria for a Good Student4. 如今好学生的评判标准有所改变,学习成绩不再是评判的唯一标准。5. 导致这种变化的原因。6

22、. “我”的看法。 New Criteria for a Good Student 1) In modern society, criteria for a good student are different from what they were before. 2) All those who are only good at study can no longer be defined as good students. 3) In addition, schools nowadays are paying more attention to the quality oriented

23、education and students comprehensive qualities. 4) The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. 现象描述段 5) Among all these reasons, social development plays a very important role. 6) With the development of the society, people come to realize that the traditional criteria for a good student are too lim

24、ited. 7) Moreover, with fierce competition in the job market and employers raising the requirements of recruitment, schools have to change the criteria for good students in order to prepare the students for their future careers. 8) Besides, the development of modern civilization compels education de

25、partments to lay more emphasis on students ability to solve practical problems. 说明原因段 9) In my opinion, the new criteria for a good student will exert a good influence on both students and the society. 10) For one thing, many students can develop their own interests and abilities. 11) For another, m

26、ore fully-developed and versatile talents are available, which is beneficial to the construction of our society. 12) Therefore, the new criteria for a good student can benefit both students and the society as a whole. 阐述观点段练习二:E-learning4 近年来网络学习越来越流行5 产生这种现象的原因6 分析其带来的好处E-learning1) In recent years

27、, many people have chosen e-learning as a way to further their study. 2)With the rapid development of technology and peoples increasing demand for education, e-learning or on-line learning has led to a new trend of education. 3) In addition, in some areas, e-learning has played a role that tradition

28、al educaion cannot compare. 4) The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. 描述现象段5)Among all these reasons, the quick development of the Internet plays a critical role. 6) It makes all our dreams of attending classes in the distance possible. 7) Moreover, e-learning breaks down the barriers of time a

29、nd space. 8) Besides, compared with traditional ways of teaching and learning, it is far more cost-effective for students. 说明原因段9)In my opinion, on-line learning, a new form of education, will benefit both the individual and the society. 10) On the one hand, it offers people a convenient and flexibl

30、e way to improve themselves. 11) On the other hand, the overall qualities of people can be promoted, and hence impolite and criminal behaviors can be greatly decreased. 12) To conclude, e-learning does have a lot of advantages.说明影响段。现象解释型常用句式10. Recently, the problem of has become the focus of the p

31、ublic concern. 近来,。问题引起公众极大的关注。11. There may be a combination of factors which contribute to / are responsible for.可能有好几个因素造成/负责。12. There may be several possible reasons for the problem which will be demonstrated below. 可能有几个原因导致了我们下面所在阐述的问题13. Among all the important reasons for.,., one should be

32、emphasized. That is在。所有重要的原因中,我们应当重点关注。14. It is commonly believed thatis the inevitable result of人们普遍认为,。是。的必然结果。15. With the rhythm / pace of peoples living speeding up, a lot of changes have taken place in随着人们生活节奏的加快,。发生了很多变化。16. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that。从以上所讨论的我们可以总结出。17. It will have profound / far-reaching/ beneficial / undesirable / disastrou

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