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1、3疑问结构:had主语been done其他成分;疑问词had主语been done其他成分二、过去完成时的被动语态常用于以下情况:1表示过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作,常与by,before等引导的时间状语连用。By the time he got to the school,the first period had_been_finished.当他赶到学校的时候,第一节课已经上完了。The classroom had_been_cleaned before the teacher came.在老师到来之前,教室已经被打扫了。How many buildings had_been_destr

2、oyed when the hurricane ended?飓风结束的时候,有多少座大楼被毁了?2在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词之后的宾语从句中,若表示过去某一被动动作时,用过去完成时。He heard that the tickets had already been_sold_out.他听说票已售完。The media reported more than 1,000 people had_been_killed in the hurricane.媒体报道说有一千多人在飓风中丧生。3根据语意可以判断出动作先后的被动语态,用过去完成时。As the assi

3、gnment had_been_done,he went on to search some information on the Internet.因为作业已经完成,他上网查阅一些资料。He did what he had_been_told to.他是按要求做的。题组训练1(1)选词填空The toys were so lovely that they were_sold (had been sold/were sold) in no time.How long had_they_known (had they known/have they known) each other befor

4、e they got married?At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement had_been_reached (had reached/had been reached)We have_not_seen (have not seen/had not seen) each other up to now since I left (had left/left) my hometown.When I got up this morning,I found that the rain had_stopped (had

5、 stopped/stopped) and the sun was shinning.(2)高考变式Experiments of this kind had_been_conducted(conduct) in both the US. and Europe well before the Second World War.(2011北京,21)间接引语英语中常用两种方式引用别人的话。一种是直接引述别人的原话,把它放在引号内,叫直接引语;另一种是用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语。She said,“Im a dentist.”她说:“我是牙医。”(直接引语)She said that_she

6、_was_a_dentist.她说她是牙医。(间接引语)如果把直接引语变为间接引语,我们要记住“六变”。从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语和地点状语等一般均要作相应的改变。其变动的一般规则如下表所示:变化项目在直接引语中在间接引语中人称变化(人称代词和物主代词)第一人称第三人称第二人称第一人称或第三人称第三人称(不变)时态变化一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时(不变)一般将来时过去将来时can(现在时)could(过去时)may(现在时)might(过去时)must(现在时)had to(过去时)指示代词thisthatthesethose时间状语now

7、thenTodaythat dayTonightthat nightthis week/month.that week/month.Yesterdaythe day beforethree days/months.agothree days/months.beforetomorrowthe next (following) daynext week/month.the next (following) week/month.地点状语herethere方向性动词comegobringtake注意:(1)在人称变化项目中,如果主句的主语是第一人称,则从句的主语无需变化;如果主句的主语是第三人称,则

8、从句的主语常有上表所示变化。I say,“You are right.”I say that you are right.She says,“He is going tomorrow.”She says that you are (he is) going tomorrow.(2)时态不变的特殊情况如下:直接引语是客观真理时。He said,“The earth goes around the sun.”He said that the earth goes around the sun.当直接引语中有具体的过去时间作状语时,间接引语仍然用一般过去时。 said,“I was born in

9、China in September,1972.” said that he was_born in China in_September,1972.当直接引语是过去完成时态时。She said,“They had left when I arrived there.”She said that they had_left when she arrived there.当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时、现在完成时或一般将来时时。She says,“Miss Liu is good at English.”She says that Miss Liu is good at English.当直接引语

10、表示的是谚语或名人名言时。He said,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”He said where_there_is_a_will,there_is_a_way.当直接引语表示客观的时刻表时。He said,“The plane takes off at 6:30 am.”He said that the plane takes_off at 6:30 am.(3)如在当天转述别人说过的话,时间状语可不变;如果在当地转述,地点状语和动词(come)也不必改变。He said,“Ill be back tonight.”He said that h

11、e will be back tonight.(4)句型变化直接引语为疑问句时句型的变化直接引语为疑问句时,变为间接引语除注意在人称、时态和状态等方面作相应变化外,还应注意:间接引语应改用陈述语序。特殊疑问句的疑问词应保留。一般疑问句、选择疑问句或反意疑问句在变为间接引语时要用连词whether(或if)。He asked,“Youve already finished your homework,havent you?He asked if/whether we had already finished our homework.直接引语为祈使句时的变化当直接引语为祈使句时,变间接引语时主句

12、的谓语动词应根据直接引语的口气换用ask,invite,advise,warn,tell,order等词,而原直接引语中的谓语动词则变为不定式。He said to me,“Dont be late tomorrow.”He told me not to be late the next day.The official said,“Get ready before lunch.”The official ordered us to get ready before lunch.题组训练2(1)将下列直接引语变为间接引语The teacher said to us,“We will have

13、an English test next Saturday.”The_teacher_told_us_that_we_would_have_an_English_test_the_next_Saturday.I asked her,“Do you live in the school?I_asked_her_whether/if_she_lived_in_the_school.He asked the boy,“Why were you late again?He_asked_the_boy_why_he_had_been_late_again.He said to me,“Shut the

14、window,please.”He_asked_me_to_shut_the_window.The doctor said to me,“Dont drink too much.”The_doctor_told_me_not_to_drink_too_much.It is difficult for us to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world.(2014山东,7)Some people believe whatever has happened before or is happening now will

15、repeat itself in the future.(2014北京,33)James has just arrived,but I didnt know he was_coming(come) until yesterday.(2014重庆,8).将下列句子变为被动语态1They had built forty factories by 1990.Forty_factories_had_been_built_(by_them)_by_1990.2We had learned 1,500 English words by the end of last term.1,500_English_

16、words_had_been_learned_(by_us)_by_the_end_of_last_term.3They had caught a thief.A_thief_had_been_caught_(by_them)4They had considered him to be a great leader.He_had_been_considered_to_be_a_great_leader_(by_them)5He came and told us that he had finished the work.He_came_and_told_us_that_the_work_had

17、_been_finished.6When she came back home,she found that someone had broken into her house.When_she_came_back_home,she_found_that_her_house_had_been_broken_into.将下列直接引语变为间接引语1“My parents are very well,” said Tom.Tom_said_(that)_his_parents_were_very_well.2He asked her,“Where are you going?He_asked_her

18、_where_she_was_going.3“A friend in need is a friend indeed,” Mother said to me.Mother_told_me_that_a_friend_in_need_is_a_friend_indeed.4“You must do it right now,” the boss said to his secretary.The_boss_told_his_secretary_that_she_had_to_do_it_right_now.5The teacher asked,“Are you waiting for the b

19、us?The_teacher_asked_whether/if_I_was_waiting_for_the_bus.6“Ill have to stay in the lab until tomorrow,” my father said.My_father_said_(that)_he_would_have_to_stay_in_the_lab_until_the_next_day.7“How long have you worked in the company?”he asked me.He_asked_me_how_long_I_had_worked_in_the_company.8S

20、he said,“By 9 oclock last night Id finished my homework.”She_said_(that)_by_9_oclock_the_night_before_she_had_finished_her_homework.9“Will Mr. Chen come to give us a lecture next week?” I asked Sara.I_asked_Sara_whether/.10“Do you have anything interesting I can read,George?” she said.She_asked_Geor

21、ge_if_he_had_anything_interesting_she_could_read.Pard TwoWriting写作目标Writing about a natural event常用句式1事件名称disaster;earthquake;flood;volcanic eruption;drought (干旱);a big fire;tsunami;thunderstorm;typhoon;hurricane;sandstorm,etc.2表示发生(1)A big fire broke out.(2)An earthquake hit/struck/shocked/happened

22、 in/occurred in the district.3表示起因(1)The cause of the fire was carelessness.(2)The fire was due to the fact that someone dropped a lighted cigarette.4表示财产损失词汇:cause/suffer great losses;damage;in ruins;missing;burn down;wash away;blow away;cut off句式:(1).caused great damage to.(2)After the earthquake,

23、water,gas and electricity were all cut off.(3)The big floods,which occurred in 1998,caused great losses.5表示人员伤亡get killed;injure;lose ones lifeTens of thousands of people lost their precious life owing to the strong earthquake in Sichuan province.6表示过程与处理send hospital;call in the police;call for a d

24、octor(1)The fire lasted about two hours and was finally put out in the afternoon.(2)Fortunately,the injured people were sent to hospital without delay.典例展示假如你是校报的学生记者,请你根据下列内容写一篇关于2011年日本地震的报道。题目为“A Severe Earthquake”。时间:2011年3月11日地点:日本受灾情况:1.一万多人遇难,两万多人失踪;2地震引发海啸(tsunami)与核泄露(a nuclear power statio

25、n explosion);3引发很多问题:电力供应短缺,还出现饮用水安全危机经济损失:估计超过2 000亿美元参考词汇:救援队rescue team;估计estimate联想词汇1造成损失cause/do_damage_to2根据according_to3更糟糕的是whats_worse/to_make_things/matters_worse/worse_still4增加某人的恐慌add_to_ones_panic5导致lead_to/result_in6某人不适合干某事.7随着时间的推移as_days_pass_by/with_days_passing_by8据估计as_is_estima

26、ted/be_estimated_to范文展示A Severe EarthquakeA huge earthquake hit Japan on March 11,2011,sending a high tsunami,causing great damage to people to the recent report,more than 10,000 were killed and over 20,000 were was worse,there was a nuclear power station explosion,which added to peoples panic.Though lots of countries including China sent many rescue teams to help the Japanese,they were still in unexpected disaster resulted in plenty of problems,such as the shortage of electricity ,the nu

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