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1、s kind of like science,” Jalen said. “You get to put different baking materials into a bowl and make something new, which is what science is all about.”For now, hes delivering the baked goods locally around Fresno with the help from his mom but he launched a GoFundMe, hoping to eventually ship natio

2、nwide. Jalen has always been a little entrepreneur(企业家), taking after his mom, a full-time nanny. In fact, he also has a photography business on the side.At 6, he started an annual back-to-school drive at a local homeless shelter and made bracelets to sell at school carnivals. He also took a busines

3、s class in early June to learn how to start a lemonade stand, but decided to use those same skills to instead open a bakery.“Everyone in the family kept telling him how good he is at baking and suggested doing that instead of a lemonade stand,” Mahan said. “He agreed with them and the very next day,

4、 he was filling out an application to get his baking license.” Once he had his license, he attended his first business mixer. While networking with local bakers, he met one who offered to donate Jalen an oven, so he could bake even more cookies and banana bread.4What does the underlined word “that”

5、in Paragraph 2 refer to?AJalens hobby. BA great deal of money.CJalens family members. DThe state of living in a small house.5What can we know about Jalen from the passage?AHe likes delicious banana bread.BHis favorite subject is science.CHes fond of scientific invention.DHes interested in doing busi

6、ness.6What made Jalen finally choose to open a bakery?AThe local bakers suggestion.BThe baking license he had got.CHis familys advice and support.DHis related knowledge and skills.7What can we learn about Jalens bakery from the passage?AIt has opened for three years.BIt has brought him enough money.

7、CIt has got the aid of the locals help.DIt has become a famous local bakery.When you get a cut, you cover it with a bandage. How do you know when to change it? Maybe you just wait until its wet or dirty. But when people have long-term or chronic (慢性的)wounds that take months to get better, changing b

8、andages too early or to late could make healing take even longer. Changing the dressing on a wound too often can provide an opportunity for infections to get in. But if a bandage gets very wet very quickly from the inside, it might be filling with pus (脓)-a sign an infection has begun. Judging just

9、when to change is important.Chronic wounds are common in people who are older or who have certain health conditions. Chronic wounds affect around 6.5 million people per year in the United States. When Anushka Naiknaware, 13, learned about chronic wounds, she decided to make a device that could alert

10、 a person when its time to change their bandages.After a lot of trials and errors, the teen settled on a design that used an “ink” filled with carbon nanoparticles(纳米粒子). The teen loaded her ink into a printer cartridge (墨盒) to print onto her special paper, which was to be made into bandage. Well, a

11、ctually, Anushka loaded her ink into many, many printer cartridges. Just changing a printer cartridge isnt easy, and filling one is even harder.The small printed papers cost only 5 to 10 cents, Anushka estimates. The Bluetooth sensor is more expensive, but the teen notes that it could be used over a

12、nd over again. She also knows there is a long way to go before her design can help patients. It hasnt been tested on a real person yet. “You have to make sure everything works perfectly,” she says.8What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AThe right time to change bandages is significant.BChronic wounds w

13、ith a bandage wont heal.CChanging bandages often will help cure wounds.DOlder people are victims of chronic wounds.9What does the underlined word “alter” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AAssist. BRemind. CComfort. DControl.10What is stressed in Paragraph 3?AThe shape of the printer cartridge.BThe disco

14、very of materials of the bandage.CThe amazing features of carbon nanoparticles.DThe difficulty Anushka had with her invention.11What could be the best title for the text?AA bandage is widely used for injuries.BA girl decides to treat chronic wounds.CA bandage that can tell the changing time.DA teen

15、invents a device that heals wounds.Over the past few years Ive had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been making changes to my brain. Im not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when Im reading. Involving myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be

16、easy. Thats rarely the case any more.I think I know whats going on. For over a decade, Ive been spending lots of time online. The Web has been a godsend to me as a writer. Research that once required days in the rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes by a few Google searches. Even when Im not

17、 working, Im scanning headlines or just tripping from link to link.The Net is becoming a universal medium where information flows through my eyes and ears and into mind. The perfect recall of silicon memory (硅制存储器) can be a blessing to thinking. But that comes at a price. As the media theorist Marsh

18、all Mcluhan pointed out, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is weakening my ability for concentration. Once I was a driver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surfac

19、e like a flying swallow.Im not the only one. When I mention my troubles with reading to acquaintances, Bruce Friedman, a blogger, also has described how the Internet has changed his mental habits. His thinking has taken on a “staccato (破碎)” quality. “I cant read War and Peace any more” he admitted,

20、“Ive lost the ability to do that.”A recently published study suggests that when reading online, we tend to become “more decoders (解码器) of information”. We are not only what we read; we are how we read.12According to the passage, the author thinks_Athe Net is merely a headache.Bhe can no longer die b

21、ut swim shallowly.Cthe once naturally deep reading has become a struggle.Dother people around rarely have similar feelings like him.13What is the authors attitude towards the Internet?AThoroughly passive.BTotally puzzled.CGladly approving.DEvidently worried.14From the passage, the more people use th

22、e Web, _Athe more mental habits can be improved.Bthe more they have to fight to stay focused.Cthe more they are influenced in shape.Dthe more online activities they can enjoy.15Which of the following can best summarize the text?AIs the Net gradually making us stupid?BLong articles are hard to read n

23、owadays.CDo people lack concentration to cover Web pages?DMore Web involvement results from attention distraction(分心).评卷人得分二、七选五With the development of science and technology, mobile phones have been an important communication tool in our modern life. 16First, 17 If we have a mobile phone, it is pos

24、sible for us to access anyone at anytime and anywhere. We could call our clients and customers for business. And we can send messages, including text and picture messages to our friends for personal affairs.Besides, mobile phones have been multi-functional nowadays since its advance development. It

25、could take photos instead of digital cameras. It could be used as a radio or recorder or for playing music. 18.19 Sometimes we would not like to be available to anybody; sometimes we receive so many rubbish messages.In conclusion, 20 It is really a great invention, which makes our life more convenie

26、nt and more colorful.ABut sometimes mobile phones can also make you in a dilemma.BMobile phones bring us more benefits than disadvantages.CMobile phones really bring convenience to our lives.DMobile phones play an important part in our work.E. However, some small troubles would visit you after using

27、 it for some time.F. And it also could be a game player.G. Thanks to it, our life becomes easy and colorful.三、完形填空A storm was coming, but Alex was too busy fixing her leg bandage to notice it. She said to herself, “Great. I _ myself the week before Cross Country Running tryouts (锦标赛). I am so _. Why

28、 did I think running through the forest would be a good idea in the first place?”After _, Alex went to the kitchen and poured herself some lemonade. She opened the door to her _ and sat down outside. “Every year, I work so hard and yet, I always _,” Alex said. This year, I was one spot away from Var

29、sity(校队). The previous _, I handed in my medical forms late.”Suddenly there was a flash of _. sounds like its going to be a thunderstorm, Alex thought and _ to head inside. She tried to _ the door, only to find that she had locked herself out. _, Alex shook the door handle _ back and forth. As she took a quick step backwards, she lost her _ and fell down. “Why me?” she yelled. “Why did this all happen to me?” Once Alex _ to pull herself up, she sat s

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