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1、A. biscuits B. an apple pi C. a slice of cake 4. Jim is wearingA. a suit B. a jacket C. a sweater 5. Laura is carrying .A. a suitcase B. a camera C. an unbrella (1 5 CBBCB)短文翻译吉姆和劳拉在车站,他们正在等开往波士顿的火车。吉姆今年 30 岁。他高高 的个子,短短的金发,还留着胡须。他身穿蓝色的牛仔裤和灰色的毛衣,手里提着 一只黑色的小皮箱。他正在喝橙汁。劳拉 28 岁,她长得很高,留着一头棕色的长 发。她身穿深蓝色的皮夹

2、衫,黑色的牛仔裤和红色的毛衣。她正在吃苹果派而且还 带着照相机。第 1 页 共 10 页2.Self Service 自助餐If you are in hurry and you wan to to have a quick meal, there is nobetter place than aself-service restaurant. You go into the restaurant, then pick up atray, knife, fork and spoon.Next you can pick out the food you like and put them on

3、your tray.Then you take the tray toany table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal inten minutes. And there is no waiter, you don?t have to give a tip.Finally you go to the cashier?s and pay for your meal.New a hurry 匆匆忙忙2.self-service 自助3.restauran

4、t 餐馆 ; 饭店4.pick up 拿起5.tray 浅盘 ; 托盘6.fork 叉7.spoon 匙子 ; 勺8.pick out 挑选9.another 另一的 ; 再一的10.customer 顾客 ; 主顾11.tip 小费12.cashier 出纳员如果你正在赶时间,而且马上吃顿饭,没有比自助餐馆更好的地方了。你走进 这样的餐馆,拿起一套托盘、刀叉和餐匙。接下来,你可以选择你喜欢的食物,并 把他们放在你的托盘里。然后你可以拿着托盘,做到任何一张桌子前面。你可以单独坐着,也可以和其他客人坐在一起,共同进餐。 10 分钟之内,你就可以好好享受一顿美 餐。在这里,没有服务员,你也不必付小

5、费。最后,你到收银台付你的账单就可以了 第 2 页 共 10 页3.The Eskimos爱斯基摩人The Eskimos live near the North Pole. They wear warm clothing all the year round. Theymake most of it themselves. They make it from the skin of animals. From skins o they makecoats and hats and even boots.In this cold climate, trees can?t grow. The E

6、skimos have to build their houses from skins, earth, stones or snow. When they go hunting, they live in tents of skins. When they are out ins storm and can?t get back home, they build house of snow. They leave these snow houses when the storm is over.1.Eskimos 爱斯基摩人2.the North Pole 北极3.warm 暖和的、温暖的4

7、.animal 动物 皮肤6.boot 长筒靴7.climate 气候8.stone 石头9.go hunting 去打猎10.tent 帐篷11.storm 风暴、暴雨TRUE OR FALSE( ) 1. Sometimes the Eskimos wear warm clothing.( ) 2. Trees can?t grow in this cold climate.( ) 3. The Eskimos make most of the clothing from the skins of animals. ( ) 4. When they go hunting, th

8、ey live in comfortable houses.( ) 5. When the storm is over, they leave the snow houses.(15 FTTFT)爱斯基摩人住在靠近北极的地方。他们一年到头都穿着暖和的衣服。这些衣服 中的大部分都是他们自己缝制的。他们用兽皮来做衣服,做外套,做帽子,甚至还用来做靴 子。在这种寒冷的气候里,树木是不能生长的。爱斯基摩人只好用兽皮、泥土、石 头或者积雪来建造他们的房子。当他们去打猎时,他们就住在用兽皮建成的帐篷里。当他们遇 上暴风雪而不能回家时,他们就用积雪来建造房子。暴风雪过去以后,他们才能离开这些“雪房 子”第

9、3 页 共 10 页小学英语阅读 100篇(110课)4.The Longest Word In English Smiles最长的英语单词笑It is the last lessons before the holidays. The students are very happy. Their Englishteacher is very happy, too. Their teacher plays some nice games with them. He sings somenice songs with them, and then he goes to the blackboar

10、d and writes SMILES on it.“This is one of the longest words in English, ” he says to theclass.All the students laugh, and then one girl stands up and says, “Whyis it one of the longestwords in English? ”The teacher says nothing for a few seconds. Then he smiles and says, “Because there is a smile be

11、tween the first letter and the last. ” 微笑 假期 游戏4.blackboard 黑板5.second 秒6.mile 英里这是放假前的最后一节课。同学们都非常高兴,他们的英语老师也非常高兴。 老师和他们一起做了好玩的游戏,还和他们一起唱好听的歌。后来,他来到黑板 前,在上面写了“ SMILES”。“这是英语单词中最长的一个,”他对全班同学说。 所有同学们都笑了起来,后来,一个女孩站起来问 : “为什么它是英语单词中 最长的一个呢 ,”老师没有说话,过了几秒钟,他笑笑说 : “因为第一个字母和最后一个字母之 间有

12、一英里 (mile) 那么长.。”第 4 页共 10 页5.Dr Robot 机器人医生You will see a new doctor in a hospital near London if you go there.He is very clever but never speaks and he didn?t go to medical school.He can work 24 hours a day and never gets tired. He is one meter tall and has a face like a TV screen. Can you guess w

13、ho he is? He is Dr RobotDoctors often need to ask their patients many questions. Busydoctors can only spend a few minutes many questions. But Dr Robot can ask a patient questions for an hour if it is necessary. With the help of Dr Robot, a human doctor can have a lot of useful information when he ex

14、amines his patient. How can Dr Robot do this? A comput er “tells ” himwhat to do.1.medical school 医学院2.meter 米3.screen 屏幕4.patient 病人5.necessary 必要的、必需的6.with the help of 在的帮助下7.information 信息、资料8.examine 检查如果你去伦敦附近的一家医院,就会在那里看到一位新医生。他非常聪明,但 他从不说话,而且他也没有上过医学院。它能够一天 24 小时工作,却从不疲倦。 他有一米高的样子。一张象电视屏幕的脸。

15、你能猜出他是谁吗 , 他就是机器人医生。医生需要经常向他们的病人问许多问题。工作繁忙的医生只能在每个病人身上 花几分钟时间来询问病情。而对于机器人医生而言,如果有必要的话,他可以花上 一个小时的时间向病人询问病情。在机器人医生的帮助下,一个真人医生可以在给他的 病人做检查时得到大量有用的信息。机器人医生谁如何做到这一切的呢 , 是计算机“告诉”它都要做些什么的。第 5 页 共 10 页6.How old Is He? 他多大了 ?One morning a mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down.

16、 Thebus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says, “Iwant one ticket to Oxford ” and gives her a shilling.The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, “How old are you, young man?The mother begins speaking, but the conductor stops her, and the boy says,

17、 “I?m four years old at home, and two and a half in buses and trains. ”People all laugh. The mother has to give six pence to the conductor and gets one and ahalf tickets.1.half 一半2.conductor 售票员3.Oxford 牛津 钱5.ticket 票、车票、入场券6.stop 打断7.pence 便士(复数)一天早晨,一位母亲带着她的小儿子在一个小城市上了一辆巴士,并在车上坐 下。巴士上的售票员走过

18、来让他们买票。那位母亲说 : “我买一张到牛津的票。然后给了售票员一先令。售票员看了那个小男孩儿几秒钟,然后问他说 : “小伙子,你几岁了 ,” 那位母亲要回答,但被售票员拦住了。那个小男孩儿说 : “我在家里是四岁 ;在 巴士上是两岁半。人们都笑了起来。那位母亲不得不给了售票员 6 便士,买了一张全票和一张半 票。第 6 页共 10 页7.A Waitress女服务员Julie is working as a waitress in a small restaurant. She works from11 a.m. to 4 p.m. five days a week.It is hard

19、work, and she has to hand out the menus, take the other and give them to the cook. When the food is ready, she has to serve it. When the customers have finished, she makes up their bill, clears the table, and sets it again. She looks after twelve to fifteen tables.Most customers are friendly, so she

20、 also gets a chance to talk to them when it is not so busy.1.waitress 女服务员 菜单3.order ( 点)一份菜4.cook 厨师、炊事员5.serve 把(饭菜) 摆上桌、招待、服务6.look after 照看、照顾7.friendly 友好的8.hand out 把. 拿出来朱莉是一位女服务员,她在一家小餐馆工作。她一周工作五天,从早上 11 点 到下午4 点。这是一份辛苦的工作,她必须把菜单给客人,请他们点菜,然后再把单子转交 给厨师。当饭菜做好了,她要端饭上菜。客人吃晚饭,她要结算账单,清理餐桌, 然

21、后把桌子再次布置好。她要照看 12到 15张桌子。 大部分客人是友善的,所以当朱莉不太忙的时候,也会有机会与客人聊一聊。第 7 页 共 10 页8.Why are You Buying All These Tickets?你为什么买了所有这些票 ?A small man goes to a cinema, buys a ticket and goes in. but aftertwo or three minute hecome out, buys a second ticket and then goes in again.After a few minutes he comes out a

22、gain and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutesafter that, he comes out a fourth time and asks for another ticket.But the ticket sell says to him, ,Why are buying all these tickets?Are you meeting friendsin the cinema all the time?“No, I?m not doing that, ” the small man says. “But a big womanalw

23、ays stops me at the door and tears my ticket up. ” 遇见、碰上2.all the time 一直、始终3.tear 撕开、撕裂1.A small man to the cinema.A. go B. goes C. gos2.He a ticket.A. buys B, buy C. buies3.He for another ticket.A. ask B. askes C. asks4.The ticket- seller to him, “Why are you buying all thesetickets?A. sais

24、B. says C. say5.A boy woman always me at the door.A. stopps B. stops C. stop6.He out and buys a second ticket.A. come B. comes C. came7.“I?m not that, ” the small man says.A. do B. doing C. does8.Are you friends in the cinema all the time?A. meeting B. meet C. meets(15 BACBB 68 BBA)短文翻译 一个小个子男人去看电影,

25、买了一张票然后就进去了。可两三分钟以后,他有 出来了,买了第二张票,然后又进去了。 几分钟以后,他又一次出来了,买了第三张票。两三分钟以后他第四次出来, 要求再买一张票。售票员问他 : “你为什么买了所有这些票 , 难道你在电影院一直遇上朋友 ,” “不,我没有,”这个小个子男人说 , “只是有个个头很大的女人总是站在门 口拦住我,死了我的票。第 8 页共 10 页 小学英语阅读 100篇(110课)9.A Better Mail man 更优秀的邮递员I worked as a mailman for a short time. However, I?m afraid of dogs and

26、 I had a lot oftroubles. One day, I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. I started to open the gate andall of a sudden a huge dog ran towards me. It growled and barked a tme, so I threw the lettersover the fence. The dog picked them up and carried them into thehouse. The dog was a bettermai

27、lman than I was.1.mailman 邮递员2.however 然而、可是3.afraid 害怕4.trouble 麻烦5.deliver 投递6.sudden 突然的7.huge 巨大的8.growl 咆哮9.bark 吠叫10.throw 扔、投11.fence 栅、栏我当过一小段时间的邮递员。然而,我害怕狗,这使我没少遇上麻烦。一天, 我到一所大房子去送信。我一打开门,突然一只大狗朝我奔过来,冲着我汪汪大 叫,我只好把信扔进栅栏。那只大狗居然叼起了信,送到屋里面去了。这只狗真是 个比我还要优秀的邮递员第 9 页 共 10 页 小学英语阅读 100 篇(110课)10.Mor

28、e Clever In Dreams在梦里更聪明When Peter failed to solved a math problem in class, he expressed his regret to histeacher.“I remember solving the problem in my dream last night, but now I forget it. What canthat mean?“It means that you are more clever in d reams than when you areawake,” the teacher explained.Ne

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