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1、Step 2 Lead in 1.Free talkDo you want to be good citizens(公民)? How can you be good citizens?2. Show some pictures and ask if they are doing the right thingsStep 3 LearningLet the Ss look at the pictures in Part A on Page 65 and teach some phrasesStep 4 Practising 1.Finish Part A on Page 652.Let the

2、students answer some questions about the picturesStep 5 Lead-in Ask: What should we do and shouldnt we do in the library?Step 6 Learning Listen to the conversation on Page 65 and fill in the formIn the libraryWe should _ _ the library _ _ the books after readingWe shouldntchat or _ in the library_ _

3、 everywhere_ in the booksStep 7 PracticeDiscussion:What should we do in a public place?We should.What shouldnt we do in a public place?We shouldnt.Step 8 Lead-in Do you think Hobo will share his things with others? What about Eddie?Step 9 Learning 1. Read and answer the following questions. (1). Do

4、you think Eddie really wants to teach Hobo?(2). What does Eddie teach Hobo?(3). What does Eddie really want from Hobo?2.Language pointsStep 10 PracticeRead the conversation aloudStep 11 TestingTranslate some phrasesStep 12 Homework1.记忆词汇、词组和句型。2.背诵Comic strip 和B部分的对话。3. 预习Reading教 学 反 思教研组长审核意见:Read

5、ing 12016 年4 月27日To know about some good manners in the UK. To grasp the main idea of the conversation.To lead students to behave politely in public.To know about some good manners in the UK. (importance)To finish some exercises according the conversation. (importance)To grasp the main idea of the c

6、onversation. (difficulty)To search the Internet for the good manners in the UK.Step1 Checking Translate them into English:1. 随处扔垃圾2. 打断他人3. 在图书馆保持安静4. 在公园摘花5. 遵守交通规则6. 排队等候你的顺序7.你活到老学到老。8. 你现在年龄已大到学习有关礼仪方面的 知识了。9. 你不应该任水龙头流水。10. 恐怕不是。Step2 Leadin Have a free talk: What do you usually do when you gre

7、et people ?Do you start a conversation with weather when you talk with others ?What will you do if someone is in your way ?Step3 Learning1. Learn some new words and complete Part B1.2.Skimming Read the article quickly and answer the questions.What is the conversation about?Who is Daniel talking to?3

8、. Scanning Read the dialogue carefully and answer some more questions.1). What is the proper way to greet people in the UK?2).Who do they greet with a kiss?3).How do British people start a conversation?4).Do they talk about age?5).How do they behave in public?6). Are British people polite at home?7)

9、.What else should we pay attention to in public?Step4 Practice Find the detailed information and finish the table.Talk about the questions in Part C.Step5Test 完成课课练47页T一、二。Step6 Homework Finish off the exercises in the Exercise Book . Try to remember the manners in the UK.Reading 22016 年4 月28日To gra

10、sp the main idea of the conversation further and better.To grasp the important vocabulary and sentences in the conversation.To finish some exercises to grasp these language points further.To grasp the important vocabulary and sentences in the conversation (Importance)To finish some exercises to gras

11、p these language points further. (Difficulty)To revise the conversation in Reading.Read the dialogue and answer some questions:Whats the proper way to greet people in the UK?How do people start a conversation in the UK? Do they behave politely in public?British people are very polite at home as well

12、, arent they?Step2 LeadinWe have got some information about manners in the UK, but I have some problems in translating. Do you want to help me?Learn language points:1. Whats the proper way to greet people there, Jenny?proper adj. 符合习俗的;正确的方式跟人打招呼2. British people say “hello” or “nice to meet you” an

13、d shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.shake sbs hand 与某人握手3. But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money.avoid vt,防止 后面直接跟宾语。avoid后常跟v.ing形式,构成avoid doing sth.结构,意为“防止做某事”。4. Do people there behave politely in public?behave v. 表现in public 公开地,在别人面前5. They think its rude to

14、push in before others.It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事句型中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do sth. push in 插队,加塞,美国人常用“cut in”6If youre in their way, they wont touch you or push past ones way 挡住某人的路7. Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”saying n. 谚语;格言Complete the e

15、xercises on the screen.完成课课练1、2、3项.Finish off the exercises in the Exercise Book . Try to recite the text.Grammar 12016 年4 月29日To learn about how to describe someones personality and ability with the expression to be + adjective + to-infinitive.To learn to describe someones personality and ability p

16、roperly.To learn about how to describe someones personality and ability with the expression to-be + adjective + to-infinitive. (importance)To learn about how to describe someones personality and ability with the expression to-be + adjective + to-infinitive. (difficulty)To revise the important langua

17、ge points in Reading.Step1 Checking 1. 在那里,什么是符合习俗的问候方式?2. 英国人在家也很有礼貌。3. 我肯定这些对我们很有益处。4. 他们会足够有耐心地等你挪开。Answer the following questions.What does Eddie say to Hobo before he mentions the good manners?Whatll British people do if youre in their way? We can use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-in

18、finitive to describe a persons personality and abilitiese.g. You are old enough to learn about manners. If you are in their way, British people will be polite enough to wait till you move.Step4 Practice1.Finish the exercises on P70.1). his friends / kind/ any time/ help Daniel _2). listen/ patient/

19、when others speak/ carefully _3).around her/ careful/ small changes/ noticeSandy_4). generous/ with others/ her things/ share Kitty _5). queue/ polite / in public Simon _6). make everyone laugh/ funny/ after classAmy_ _2.连词成句。Generous share her things with othersHelpful help his friendsbrave be a gr

20、oup leadercareful take care of her friends brave do things aloneStep5 Test课课练T1 ,2Step 6 HomeworkGrammar 22016 年5 月3日To learn to use to be + adjective + to-infinitive to express a negative result.To know the difference between the two expressions to be + adjective + to-infinitive and to be + adjecti

21、ve + to-infinitiveTo learn to use to be + adjective + to-infinitive to express a negative result. (importance)To know the difference between the two expressions to be + adjective + to-infinitive and to be + adjective + to-infinitive (importance) & (difficulty)To revise the expression to be + adjecti

22、ve + to-infinitive.Step1 Checking翻译句子1、她大方到足以与他人分享一切。 2、杰克勤奋到每次考试都得第一名。3、他非常聪明,能写许多有趣的故事。4、他跑得足够快,成了第一名。5、Millie 很有耐心,她在校门口等了我半小时。6、Sandy非常细心,能注意到周围的小小变化。练习过渡。见课件We can use the verb to be + too + adjective + to-infinitive to express a negative result.e.g. British people are very polite. They do not

23、shout loudly in public. British people are too polite to shout loudly in public.British people are too polite to push past you.The UK is too far away for Jenny to go there on her own.to将以下句子合二为一1). Suzy was very shy. She did not join the discussion2). Simon was very excited. He did not express himse

24、lf clearly.3). Peter was slow. He could not write down all the main points. 4). Amy was careless. She did not take her hat with her when she left. 5). Kitty was very busy with her dancing lessons. She did not listen to the radio. 2. 翻译以下句子。1). 他够上学年龄了。2). 她真慷慨,为我们买了这多礼物。3). 这个盒子太重,小男孩搬不动。4). 昨天他太兴奋了

25、,都不能清楚表达自己了。课课练P50T2,41.回忆本课所学内容。2.完成课课练的部分内容。3.完成补充习题的B部分Integrated skills2016 年5 月4日To learn about the functions of some different public signs.To get useful information by listening and reading in order to finish some exercises.To learn to how to warn others not to do something.To learn about the functions of some different public signs. (importance)To learn to how to warn others not to do something. (importance)To get useful information by listening and reading in order to finish some exercises. (Difficulty)To search for some public signs and understand what they mean.

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