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1、避免;回避 21. n.产品;制品22. n.小手提包 23. a.可移的;非固定的24. n.德国25. n.表面;表层 26. n.邮递员27. n.(.尤指有帽舌的)帽子28. n.(分手指的)手套29. adj.国际的30. n.参赛者;竞争者 31. v.用颜料画;刷漆 32. adj. 它的 33. n.形式;类型 34. n.黏土;陶土 35. n.气球 36. n. (pl.)剪刀37. a.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的38. n.童话故事39. n.热;高温 40. v.磨光;修改;润色 41. v.完成 42. 朝鲜;韩国43. 瑞士必背词组1.由制成(可以看出材料)2.由制

2、成(由知识判断出材料)3.在何地被制造4.由某人制造5.被制成6.用(工具)来制造7.以闻名,因而闻名8.作为而闻名9.科学艺术展10.在过去和现在11.不同的地区12.就我所知13.在山坡上14.手工15.中国的地方16.对有好处17.擅长于18.和相处得好19.搜寻, 寻找20.避免做21.日常用品22.高科技产品23.变得更擅长于做24.在世界各地25.购物经历26.中国制造的东西27.被允许做28.18岁以下的孩子29.每个月的最后一个周五30.地球的表面31.粗心驾驶32.交通事故33.不同种类的风筝34.放风筝活动35.放风筝36.国际风筝节37.在(何时或何地)被举行38.被涂上

3、了彩图案39.普通事物中的美40.根据, 就看来41.孔明灯42.送出43.送上44.遇到麻烦45.由所覆盖46.升上天空47.热气球48.被看成49.被看成50.中国陶艺51.被剪所剪52.被张贴在53.中国童话故事54.历史故事55.被手工塑形56凉干57.被非常高的热所烧58.点亮灯笼59.带着他们的愿望看着它们升上天空60.变成61.一件美丽的艺术品62.庆祝春节63.诸如可爱的孩子或是中国童话故事中的角色64.传统中国艺术形式65.在半夜66.研究, 对的研究67.传统电影68.免费参加69.用过的/废旧的木材和玻璃70环境保护和回收利用71.有创意的主意72.一个因风筝而闻名的城市

4、73.像放风筝活动一样简单的事情必背句子1.看来全世界很多都喝中国茶。2他发现在当地的商店里有如此多的中国造产品真是有趣。3尽管大多数的玩具都是美国牌子,但它们却造于中国。中国各地都有自己的特别的传统艺术形式。5. 最普通的东西,从纸张到陶土到竹子,都被变成美的物件。6.它们被看成幸福和良好祝愿的光明的象征。7.在春节期间,它们被贴在窗户上,门上我墙上,作为好运和新年快乐的愿望的象征。8.这些小件的陶土艺术品表现着所有中国人对生命和美的好。参考答案重点单词materialmtiril44. n.chopstickstpstiks45. n.coinkin46. n.硬币 fork f:k47.

5、 n.餐叉,叉子blouseblauz48. n.(女士)短上衣;sliversilv49. n.glassglas50. n.玻璃 cottonktn51. n.棉;steelsti:l52. n.钢;grassgras53. n.草;leafli:f54. n.produceprdju:s55. v.生产;widelywaidli56. adv.processpruses57. v.加工;Francefra:ns 58. 法国 no matter 59. 不论;locallukl60. adj.even though61. 虽然;brandbrnd62. n.avoidvid63. v.p

6、roductprdkt64. n.产品;handbaghndbg65. n.mobilemubail66. a.可移的;Germanyd:(r)mni67. n.surfaces:(r)fis68. n.postmanpustmn69. n.capkp70. n.(.尤指有帽舌的)帽子gloveglv71. n.(分手指的)手套internationalint(r)nnl72. petitorkmpetit(r)73. n.参赛者;paintpeint74. v.itsits75. adj. form(r)m76. n.clayklei77. n.balloonblu:n78. n.sciss

7、orssiz(r)z79. n. (pl.)livelylaivli80. a.fairy taleferi; teil81. n.童话故事heathi:t82. n.polishpli83. pletekmpli:84. v.Koreakri:85. 朝鲜;Switzerlandswits(r)lnd86. 瑞士be made ofbe made frombe made inbe made bybe made intobe made withbe famous for= be well-known for= be widely known forbe famous as. = be well

8、-known as= be widely known asthe art and science fairboth in the past and nowmany diffident areasas far as I know, on the sides of mountainsby handplaces around Chinabe good forbe good at be good withsearch foravoid doing somethingeveryday thingshigh-technology productsget better at doing somethingi

9、n all parts of the worldshopping experiencesthings made in ChinaBe allowed to do somethingchildren under 18 the last Friday of each monththe earths surfacecareless drivingtraffic accidentsmany different kinds of kiteskite flyingfly a kitethe international kite festivalbe held inbe painted with color

10、ful drawingsbeauty in common thingsaccording tosky lanternssent outsentupbe in troublebe covered withrise into the airhot-air balloonsbe seen as .be regarded asChinese clay artbe cut with scissorsbe put onChinese fairy taleHistorical storybe shaped by hand.air-drybe fired at a very high heatlight th

11、e lanternswatch them rise into the sky with their wishesturn intoa beautiful piece of artcelebrate the Spring Festivalthings such as cute children or characters from Chinese fairy talestraditional Chinese art formsat midnightresearch onclassic filmsattend for freeused wood and glass.environmental pr

12、otection and recyclingcreative ideasa city famous for kitessomething as simple as kite flyingIt seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.Even though most of the toys were American brands, they were

13、 made in China.Each different part of China has itsown special forms of traditional art.6. 最普通的东西,从纸张到陶土到竹子,都被变成美的物件。The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are turned into objects of beauty.They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishesDuring the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.

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