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1、guanghui is gold and silver gree n devel opme nt conce pt, convi nce d that Castle i s not relaxed, always maintai ning strategi c ability a nd strong determi nation to improve t he environment, consiste ntly playing w ell five water treatment of winning the w ar, ever -higher levels of compre hensi

2、ve well -of f society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This yearwe will river water quality impr oved at the county level, up to five this basic objective grasp of poll ution control that focus, with the focus on t hree thi ngs: a good job, clear rivers reaching t he County created. Orga

3、nizati on look ba ck spe cial inspe ction, the County garbage River, black a nd odorous River is Dragnet investigati on, timely rectificati on of probl ems found in place firmly to prevent river polluti on re bound. In a ccorda nce wit h the one-stop strategy, improving the i nferior five water qual

4、ity monitori ng station s work t his year to e nsure t he Eliminati on of 1 provincial control , five water quality se ction 3 muni cipalities controll ed deterioration, ensure t he creati on thi s year of standards. Second, pay special atte ntion t o pollution-cutti ng construction of na notubes. I

5、ntercepting nanotubes are the basi s of pol lution of water source engi neering , engi neering, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sewage treatment, to im prove effluent from sewage treatment rate, runni ng accura cy, complia nce requireme nt, speed up the t owns support netwo

6、rk construction, is focusi ng on nanotubes home last meters questi on. Domesti c sewage treatment i n rural areas, this year is t he final year of the three-year a ction, determination t o fight and t he momentum around, ending the battle on whi ch fully t o ensure the reali zation of all County 648

7、 formed village coverage. Al so, be sure to atta ch importance to focus on rural domesti c wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up a nd r unning, role play, avoi d the Sun problem. Thir d, pay speci al attention to the River Lake pond desi

8、lti ng operation. Provi nce s now have focuse d on poll ution control of water go to dig up m ud, as the dee pening water of this years plays. Next, to jump-start an investigati on li ne touche s work, implementation pla n accordi ng to the prioritie s and t heprogramme of work, in a ccorda nce w it

9、h the one river one policy requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, pla nni ng ahea d of time clea ning out mud way out, accordi ng to local conditions to do sl udge, promote scie ntific resource utilization of silt a nd mud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heav ily polluting industries. Polluti o

10、n of water must gra b the source, wastewater is prim arily the sour ce of ba ckward production capa city, i ncrea se the i ntensity of文 件 编 号 制 订 部 门 品质部 文件名称:员工绩效考核制度制 订 日 期2008-10-01reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal , and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve

11、 n big heavy pollution industry regulation three years a ction plans, requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace ; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uc

12、turing of enter prise by unified stan dard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontinued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll

13、focus o n four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value -adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t

14、 he space , total project Trinity environment access system, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onme ntal conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle , no l onger t he cla ss on the new pr oject. Thirdl y, pr omoting replaceme nt and reconstruction of heavil

15、y polluti ng industries, mergers a nd re organizati ons, gui de enter prises t o energy conservation, recy cling a nd low-carbon and cl ean pr oducti on, a nd impr ove the level of green deve lopme nt. Four to establish a l ong-term supervision mechani sm, incre ase the intensity of spe cial inspe c

16、tions, i nvestigate and punish the re ctification is not in pla ce, normal busi ness of running anti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drai nage, water supply, impr oving water savi ng. Speed up cr oss ng support river dike reinfor cement, a nd al ong

17、 Pu seaw all exce pt insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qia n slui ce, a nd BA Ca o slui ce, a nd cloud cover reserv oir, focus flood contr ol drainage engi neeri ng construction, vigorously impl ementation strong li brarysolid dispread row engine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n po

18、ints gover nance efforts, sol id advance small basin t orrent di saster gover nance, efforts from esse ntially sol ution ba sin sex, a nd regi onal flood control drai nage ca pacity insufficie nt of problem. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae and ot her water source s prote ction and, prom oti

19、ng rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setti ng up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on mecha nism, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme

20、 nts mutual l ong. Four, manage to tighte n control, t o play three to split battle. Xia Ba olong, Se cretary of provincial party Committee stresse d that while the three t o split operation time is over thre e years, but must continue to cat ch on, a nd resolve a split cannot be change d. All local

21、ities and department s to the village a nd no unaut hori sed created 分发部门:精益生产改善提案制度文件编号: JIT-WI-001 版 本: A/0 拟 制: 田继武 审 核: 批 准:生效日期:2008-10-16 受控印章:注意: 盖上红色受控印章后方可视为生效; 此为公司内部文件,未经许可不得翻印。videoconfere nce, Secretary of the provi ncial Committee of Xia Baol ong stre ssed: this year i s the for three

22、years to resolve outsta ndi ng issues, obvi ously w orked, vict ory of the year. The Countys de partments at all level s must firmly establish the g uanghui is g old a nd silv er green devel opme nt concept, convi nce d that Ca stle is not relaxed, always mai ntaini ng strategic abi lity and strong

23、determination to impr ove the env onme nt, consi stently playi ng well winni ng the war, ever-higher level s of com prehe nsive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay the sew age uphill battle. Thi s year we will river water quality improve d at the county level, up to five this ba sic obje ctive gras

24、p of poll ution control that focus, with the focus on three thi ngs: a g ood job, special i nspecti on, t he County garbage River, bla ck and odor ous River is investigation, timely re ctification of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river poll ution rebound. In accordance wit h the , impr

25、oving t he inferior five water quality monitoring stati ons wor k this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 pr ovincial contr ol, five water quality secti on 3 munici palities controlled deteriorati on, e nsure the creation t his year of sta ndar ds. Se cond, pay spe cial attenti on to poll ution-cut

26、ting construction of nanotubes. Interce pting nanot ube s are the basis of poll ution of water source e ngine ering, e nginee ring, matter of success or failure of water management. Ur ban sewage treatment, to impr ove effluent from sewage treatment rate, runni ng accuracy, complia nce requirement,

27、spe ed up the town que stion. Domesti c sewage treatment in rural area s, this year i s the final year of the three-year acti on, determination to fight and the mome ntum around, ending t he battle on w hich fully to ensure t he realization of all County 648 formed vill age coverage. Also, be sure t

28、o attach importa nce to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation a nd ma nagement, e nsur e that wastewater treatment facility up a nd runni ng, rol e play, av oid t he pr oblem. T hird, pay spe cial attenti on to t he River Lake pond de silting operation. Pr ovinces now have

29、focused on poll ution control of water go to dig up mud, as the deepeni ng water of this year. Next, to jump-start an i nvestigation line touches w ork, impleme ntation plan a ccordi ng to the pri orities a nd t he programme of work, in accor dance wit h the one river one pol icy requires detail ed

30、cl eani ng, dre dging plan, planning a head of time cleani ng out m ud , a ccording to l ocal condi tions to do sl udge, prom ote scie ntific resource utilizati on of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulati on of heavily p olluti ng industrie s. Pol lution of water must grab t he source, wastewater is primarily the sour ce of ba ckward producti on capa city, i ncrease the inte nsity of文件编号JIT-WI-001制订部门精益生产推行办文件名称:精益生产改善提案制度制订日期2008-10-14文件修订记录页版本更改编号更改条款更改内容摘要修订者生效日期reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overn

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