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1、In accordance with the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other applicable laws and regulations, on the basis of the principle of equality and willingness and after friendly consultation, this Employment Agreement (Agreement) is made by and between the following two parties in Beijing, t

2、he Peoples Republic of China (China):根据中华人民共和国劳动法及其他有关法律、法规的规定,在平等自愿的基础上并经过友好协商,以下双方在中国(“中国”)北京达成本劳动合同(“合同”):Party A:公司英文名称(Company), a limited liability company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Cayman Island, with its registered address at公司英文地址g; and甲方:公司中文名称(“公司”),一家根据中国法律正式成立

3、并存续的有限责任公司,注册地址为公司中文地址;以及 Mr./Ms. (Employee),a citizen of _ and with an Identity Card No./Passport No. _, and residing at _.乙方:(先生/女士)(“员工”),公民_,居民身份证号码/护照号码为:_,居住住址为:_。For the purpose of this Agreement, the Company and the Employee shall be collectively referred to as the Parties and individually a

4、s a Party.为本合同目的,公司和员工合称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。1.TERM OF THE AGREEMENT合同期限1.1The initial term of this Agreement shall be months commencing from . 本合同初始期限为个月,自年月日起算。1.2This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for another term of _ months after any term of Agreement expires, unless either Party serves th

5、e other Party with written notice to terminate this Agreement thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of that term of Agreement.除非一方在任一合同期限届满前三十(30)天以书面通知另一方终止本合同,否则在该合同期限届满后,本合同将自动续延,续延的合同期限为_个月。1.3The probationary period will be the first months of the initial term as stipulated in Section 1.1 ab

6、ove.试用期为上文第1.1条规定的初始期限中的头个月。2.JOB DESCRIPTION工作内容2.1Subject to the business needs of the Company, the Employee shall work at the Company as _.在公司经营需要的前提下,员工应在公司担任_职务。2.2Detail Job description 具体工作内容和职责(以中文表述为准)2.3The Company may change the Employees position based on its business needs and the Emplo

7、yees professional abilities, skills, and work performance. 公司可根据其业务需要以及员工的专业技能和工作表现等调整员工的工作岗位。3.WORKING HOURS,HOLIDAYS, AND LEAVE工作时间、节日、和假期3.1Based on the nature of the Employees position, the Employees working hours are stipulated according to item _ below:基于员工工作岗位的性质,员工的工作时间如下文第项所述:(i) Standard w

8、orking hours: The Employee shall work 8 hours a day and 40 hours per week; or标准工作时间:员工应每日工作八小时,每周工作四十小时;或(ii) Flexible working hours: The Employee shall perform his/her duties at the Company flexibly and in a timely manner, pursuant to the business needs of the Company and based on the requirements

9、of the Employees position. As the Employee has flexible working hours, the Employee hereby explicitly acknowledges that he/she shall not be entitled to overtime payment as other employees who have standard working hours may be for their work after normal working hours at the Company or during holida

10、ys. 不定时工作时间:根据公司的业务需要和员工工作岗位的要求,员工应灵活和及时地履行其在公司的职责。因为员工的不定时工作时间,员工特此确认:与其他实行标准工作时间的员工不同,该员工不因为在标准工作时间之外的时间和节假日工作而享受加班费的待遇。3.2The Employee shall be entitled to _ working days of annual paid leave during the first calendar year of service. For each subsequent calendar year, the days of the annual paid

11、 leave of the Employee shall increase by one (1) day, provided that, the maximum days of annual paid leave is fifteen (15) working days. For any calendar year that the Employee does not work for the Company for a full year, the days of annual paid leave for the Employee shall be calculated pro-rata

12、on the basis of the actual months that the Employee has worked for the Company in that year.员工在第一个日历年的服务期间享受个工作日的带薪年假。在随后的日历年度里,员工的带薪年假天数将每年增加一(1)天,但最多不超过十五(15)个工作日。在任何日历年度中,如果员工在公司没有工作满一整年,则员工的带薪年假天数将按员工该年度在公司实际工作的月数按比例计算。The Employee shall take annual paid leave based on the business needs of the

13、Company and shall follow relevant corporate approval procedures for taking annual paid leave so as to ensure that the business of the Company will not be adversely affected owing to the absence of the Employee. 员工应根据公司的业务需要并应依照公司的有关批准程序安排带薪年假,以保证公司的业务不会因员工休假而受到不利影响。3.3The Employee shall enjoy the Ch

14、inese public holidays, statutory leave applicable to the concerned Employee, and all other holidays that are granted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Company.员工应享受中国的公共节假日、适用于该员工的法定假期、以及按照公司的规章制度确定的其他全部假期。4.LABOUR PROTECTION AND WORKING CONDITIONS劳动保护和劳动条件The Company shall provide

15、 the Employee with the necessary working conditions and facilities/equipment. The Company shall also establish and maintain a labor security and sanitary systemthat comply with applicable laws and regulations on workplace health and safety.公司应为员工提供必要的劳动条件和设施/设备。公司亦应建立和保持一个符合工作场所健康和安全法规规定的劳动安全和卫生体系。5

16、.REMUNERATION劳动报酬5.1The Company shall provide the following remuneration to the Employee:公司应向员工提供下列待遇:(i)A base salary of RMB _ Yuan per month; Notwithstanding the forgoing, during the probationary period as set forth in Section 1.3 above, the base salary shall be at the amount of RMB Yuan per month

17、; The monthly salary shall be paid on 10 in each month.月基本工资为人民币元(尽管有上述规定,在上文第1.3条规定的试用期内,月基本工资为人民币_元);月薪应于每月10日支付。(ii)A year end bonus, based on the Employees performance, at the Companys discretion (notwithstanding the forgoing, for the first calendar year at the Company, the year end bonus of the

18、 Employee will be paid pro-rata on the basis of actual months that the Employee has worked for the Company in that calendar year);年终奖应由公司根据员工的表现自行决定(尽管有上述规定,对于员工在公司工作的第一个日历年度,员工的年终奖将按员工该年度在公司实际工作的月数按比例支付);(iii)Standard employee benefits of the Company, including particularly annual paid holidays and

19、 medical insurance, as specified in this Agreementand the Companys employee handbook.公司的标准员工福利,特别包括在本合同中和公司员工手册中规定的带薪年假和医疗保险。The Employee hereby agrees that the Company may at its sole discretion and from time to time adjust the remuneration of the Employee after discussion and consultation with the

20、 Employee according to the Companys relevant compensation and benefits policy. 员工特此同意:经与员工讨论和协商,公司可自行酌处,根据其相关薪酬福利政策不时地调整员工的待遇。5.2The Company shall make a mandatory social insurance contribution (including the portion that the Employee is obligated to contribute) to the relevant social insurance agen

21、cies for the Employee at the Companys own cost. 公司应向相关的社保机构自费为员工缴纳法定的社会保险(包括员工个人应承担的部分)。5.3The Company shall deduct and withhold from the Employees monthly salary the corresponding amount of individual income tax that the Employee is obligated to pay according to law.公司应从员工的月工资中依法代为扣缴员工应缴纳的相应个人所得税。5

22、.4If the Employee follows the system of standard working hours as stipulated in item (i) of Section 3.1 above, the Company shall make overtime payments to the Employee for his/her overtime work for the Company in accordance with Chinese law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any overtime work must be a

23、pproved in advance by the relevant management of the Company according to the relevant rules and regulations of the Company.如果员工按照上文第3.1条第()项规定的“标准工作时间”工作,公司应根据中国法律的规定就员工的加班工作向员工支付加班费。尽管有上述规定,任何加班需经公司相关管理层按照公司的有关规章制度事先批准。6.LABOR DISCIPLINE, RULES, AND REGULATIONS OF THE COMPANY劳动纪律和公司的规章制度6.1The Com

24、pany shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to formulate and revise its labor discipline and its corporate rules and regulations from time to time, provided the Company notifies the Employee of any new or revised labor discipline, or corporate rules or regulations before they take effect.公司有权自行酌

25、处,不时地制订和修订其劳动纪律和公司规章制度;但是,在任何新制订或修订的劳动纪律或公司规章制度生效前,公司应通知员工。6.2The Employee shall carefully read and fully understand all labor discipline, rules, and regulations of the Company; and, the Employee shall strictly comply with and abide by the same. 员工应仔细阅读、充分理解、并严格执行公司的全部劳动纪律和规章制度。Any violation of the

26、labor discipline, rules, or regulations of the Company shall be deemed a serious violation of the Agreement.任何对公司的劳动纪律或规章制度的违反均应被视为本合同项下的重大违约。6.3As a condition of employment, Employee shall sign and agree to abide by the Confidentiality, Non-Competition and Intellectual Property Rights Agreement, wh

27、ich is attached as Exhibit A hereto.作为本合同的条件,员工应签署并同意遵守保密,竞业禁止及知识产权保护协议(见本合同附件A)。7.AMENDMENT, NULLIFICATION, AND TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT合同的变更、解除和终止7.1Except as otherwise specified herein, any amendment to this Agreement shall be made jointly by the Parties in writing.除本合同另有约定之外,本合同的任何修订均应由双方共同

28、书面做出。7.2This Agreement may be nullified and then deemed null and voidif mutually agreed to in writing by both Parties.经双方书面协商一致,可解除本合同。7.3Termination of the Agreement合同终止7.3.1This Agreement shall be terminated in any of the following circumstances:有下列情形之一的,本合同终止:(i)the Agreement expires and is not r

29、enewed according to Section 1.2 above;合同期满并且未依照上文第1.2条续延;(ii)the Employee has lost the relevant professional qualification required for performance of his/her working duties as agreed herein (e.g., drivers license, accountants qualification);员工不再具有为履行其在本合同项下的工作职责所要求的相关专业资质,例如,驾驶执照,会计师资格;(iii)the Emp

30、loyee retires in accordance with applicable Chinese law, dies, or is declared dead or disappeared by a court;员工根据中国法律退休,死亡,或被法院宣告死亡或失踪;(iv)the Company goes into bankruptcy, dissolution, or revocation;公司破产、解散、或者被撤销;(v)the Employee has been confirmed by aqualified examination agency as having partially lost the capacity to work owing to an occupational disease or an on-duty injury; and, the Company has paid relevant disability subsidy according to law;员工患职业病或因工负伤,已被合格的鉴定机构确认为部分丧失劳动能力,并且公司已依法支付伤残就业补助金;(vi)th

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