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外研版高中英语必修5《module 4 carnival》优秀教案重点资料docWord格式文档下载.docx

1、11. To reveal that one is gay or homosexual.2. Dress up: 1. Her maid helped her to dress up for the party. 她的女仆帮助她穿上参加晚会的礼服。2. We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea! 我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色,这是一个多么新奇的主意啊!3. Dont bother to dress up come as you are. 用不著穿讲究衣服就穿平常的衣服来

2、吧。4. She dress up in elizabethan costume for the fancy-dress ball. 她穿上伊丽莎白的服装去参加化妆舞会。n. 女装,服装 v. 穿著1. She always dresses in black. 她总穿着黑衣服。2. She wears a beautiful evening dress. 她穿着一件漂亮的晚礼服。3. The princess is dressed up by a famous dressmaker. 公主的衣服是由著名的女装师缝制的。4. DonDress n.(统指)服装(尤指外衣); a dress女服;

3、 童装 礼服, 盛装覆盖物; 外形, 形式; 装饰品; (鸟等的)羽毛care much about dress 讲究衣着a summer dress 夏装an evening dress 夜礼服a full dress 大礼服a bird in its winter dress 冬季羽毛丰满的鸟儿Chinese poetry in English dress 中国诗歌的英译本给.穿衣; 供衣着给; 打扮装饰, 修饰, 布置, 整理敷裹, 包扎(伤口)加工(皮带等); 梳理(头发); 梳刷(马等), 烹调(饮食); 做(菜); 修剪(树木等); 使(织物、石料等)表面光洁整顿(队伍)耕种(土地

4、); 给(土地)施肥; 为(庄稼)除草适当处理;【矿】选(矿)be dressed in white穿着白衣服dress oneself换衣, 打扮a well finely dressed lady衣着漂亮讲究的妇女dress a ship with flags用旗帜装饰轮船dress a shop window布置商店的橱窗dress a wound敷裹伤口dress ones hair梳理头发dress down a horse给 马 梳刷dress a salad拌色拉dress a chicken for dinner为晚餐多做一只鸡dress jade stones修琢玉石dres

5、s the ranks列队dress a crop给 庄稼施肥除草 穿衣, 穿礼服; 打扮; 整装【军】看齐(鸡等)退毛后净重dress well badly, neatly衣着漂亮难看, 整洁dress up like a plushhorse美俚穿得过份考究Get up and dress quickly.快起来穿衣服。He dressed for dinner.他身着夜礼服去赴宴了。Dress to the right.向右看齐。Dress up: 使看起来与众不同; 使(想法,观念)格外吸引人He dressed the facts up in amusing details. 他妙口

6、生花把事情说得很生动.He dressed up his idea in a quite different way. 他用一种截然不同有方式使自己的想法格外吸引人Dress down: vt.穿着随便,训斥1. To scold; reprimand: 责备;指责:I was dressed down by the teacher for lateness. 我因为迟到而受到老师的责备For this, the teacher dressed me down for a good while.2. To wear informal clothes, befitting an occasion

7、 or location:穿平常的衣服:穿非正式服装以适应场合或地点:I dressed down for such a casual occasion.在这样非正式的场合,我穿着随便4. Extend: vt.伸出(手臂等), 拉开, 展开(翅膀); 扩展, 扩大, 扩张, 扩散给予(欢迎, 帮助等), 寄与(同情等); 发挥(力量); 推广; 传播写出(速记等的)全文; 引伸, 延伸, 延续, 延长; 致(祝辞)提供, 赠送(招待券等extend your hands 伸出你的手extend ones business扩大其营业extend financial help to sb.给予某

8、人资助s congratulations向.致贺We are impressed by his capacity for handling an immense amount of work without appearing to extend himself.The hot weather extended into October.热天气一直持续到十月。His power extends to other lands.他的权力扩张到别国。Fruit trees extended out over the fences.果树枝伸出墙外。我们很佩服他能处理大量的工作而看来一点也不勉强。ext

9、end for 延续.(距离) extend from从.伸出来extend from . into .从. 延伸插到.里extend from . to .从. 延绵一直到extend out 伸出 extend over 延续.(时间), 遍布extend through .贯穿., 达到整个.的长度extend through to (一直)延伸到Extend: 表示时间和空间的“延长”,但是extend可以用于比喻意义上的“延长”,或范围的“扩展”。如:the extended meaning of a word (词汇的引伸意义),to extend (or lengthen) a

10、road (延长道路),to extend (or lengthen) ones stay. (延长某人的逗留)Can you extend your visit for a few days more? 你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?The railway will be extended next year. 明年将要延长这条铁路。, and the project has now been extended. 而且此项计划现在已经扩大了。He is extending his eyes with radar; 人类借助雷达来扩大自己的视野。My garden extends as far

11、as the river. 我的花园一直伸展到河边prolong通常表示时间的“延长”He had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle.他已经推断出,丹麦人已不再适应持久的战争了5. Revive: (使)苏醒, (使)复兴, (使)复活, (使)再生效, 回想Our hopes revived. 我们又有希望了。These flowers will revive in water.这些花在水中会再活。revive a scene in ones mind 回忆一个景象revive an old play

12、重演旧戏1. 苏醒;复苏The half-drowned swimmer has revived.淹得半死的游泳者已经苏醒了。2. 恢复精力,复元;恢复生机The crops revived in the rain.庄稼在雨中重又生机盎然。3. 复兴;重新流行The fine arts revived during the Renaissance.在文艺复兴时期美术复兴了。vt.1. 使苏醒;使复苏A little whisky may revive him.喝点威士忌酒也许能使他苏醒。2. 使恢复精力,使复元;使恢复生机Hot coffee revived the cold, tired m

13、an.热咖啡使这个又冷又累的人恢复了精力。3. 使复兴;使重新流行The Prime Minister promised to revive the economy.首相承诺振兴经济。The picture revived memories of his childhood.这张照片使他回忆起他的童年时代。Some of the old plays we had seen years before were revived on the stage.我们多年前看过的旧戏中有几出重又上演了。The fresh air soon revived him.新鲜空气很快就使他苏醒过来了。to revi

14、ve an old custom恢复旧习俗1. The flowers will revive in water. 这些花在水中会再活。2. Interest in classic music has revived recently. 近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。3. A dash of water in his face will revive him. 向他脸上泼水能使他苏醒。4. All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure. 千方百计振兴渔业注定徒劳无功6. Book:book in签

15、到; (旅馆等)登记旅客姓名等; 签收发(货物)预定旅馆房间; 办理登记手续The latest representatives booked in at 3 oclock.最后一批代表已经在三点钟报到了。I could not get even one ticket since all the seats were booked up. 我一张票也弄不到,所有的座位都已预定一空。book sth. to sb.(=book sth. down to sb.) 把货款记在某人帐上book through 买直达票; 直运(行李)book up 预订(车、船、飞机票、旅社房间等)wander v

16、i.漫步, 徘徊, 迷路, 迷失方向, 离题及物动词)To wander across or through: 漫步穿过:wander the forests and fields.漫步穿过森林与田野To move about without a definite destination or purpose.徘徊:没有明确目标或目的到处游荡wander toward town.漫步走向城市wander about overthe world漫游世界wander through the woods徘徊于林中wander from proper conduct行为不正派wander

17、from the subject point离题His mind is wandering.他心不在焉。The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure.狗也有较多的自由,因为允许它们在围栏外边随便走动。Dont let your mind wander during the lecture.在上课时不要让自己的思想开小差。(常与in, off连用)漫游; 漫步;漂泊The children wandered in the woods. 孩子们在森林里漫步。蜿蜒前

18、进The river wanders through beautiful country. 那河蜿蜒流过美丽的村庄。精神恍惚His mind is wandering.他神志不清。v. 游荡1. Please dont wander off the point. 请不要离题。2. The boy was wandering around. 男孩在那周围徘徊。3. The river wanders through some beautiful country. 这条河蜿蜒曲折地流经一些风景秀丽的乡村。4. He wandered in to see me as if he had nothin

19、g else to do. 他遛遛达达进来看我,好像无事可做的样子vi.1. 漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊(+about/off/over/through)He wandered in the streets. 他在街上游荡。2. 迷路3. 离开正道;离题(+from/off)During the storm the ship wandered from its course.船在风暴中偏离了航道。He wandered from the subject.他说离了题。4. (精神)错乱;(思想)混乱;出神,开小差My attention wandered.我走了神。5. (目光等)无目的地移动6.

20、(河流等)蜿蜒;曲折地流The stream wanders through the forest.小溪蜿蜒流过森林。1. 漫游于,徘徊于The poet wanted to wander those countries on his own.诗人想独自漫游那些国家。7. Mark:put a mark 做记号a pig with a white mark一头有白斑点的猪a man of mark一个有影响的人, 著名的人He got 90 marks for Chinese.他汉语考了90分。Put a question mark at the end of that sentence.在那

21、个句末划一个问号。He leaves his mark on everyone he teaches.他给每一个所教的人留下了印象。He fired but missed the mark.他开枪射击却没击中目标。a muddy road marked with footprints留有足迹的泥路Mark carefully how it is done.注意怎样做.An old castle marks the town.一个古堡使这个市镇著称。Mark the place on the map.在地图上标出那个地方。A smile marked her happiness.笑容表明了她的幸

22、福。The leopards skin is marked with black spots.豹身上有黑斑纹。Todays ceremony marks 100 years of trade between our two countries.今天的仪式是纪念我们两国间的贸易往来100年。He looked at the clock. It marked two.他看了看钟, 时针指向2点。Each morning the teacher marks the pupils present, absent or late.每天早上, 老师都记下学生们到校、旷课以及迟到等出勤情况。斑点;疤痕You

23、 have a dirty mark on your face.你脸上有个脏点。痕迹;标志It is dangerous to swim beyond this mark.游泳超出这个标志是危险的。表示;符号a mark of respect尊敬的表示分数;点数The teacher gave me a good mark for my story.老师给了我的故事以好的评分。弄污;使有斑点(伤痕等)She marked her white dress when she sat on the grass.当她坐在草地上时,把白衣服弄脏了。标志; 留下痕迹; (人身上的)标记He marked

24、the floor with chalk. 他用粉笔在地板上作记号。打分数;评成绩;记考勤He marked the work 10 out of 10.他给作业打了个满分10分。显示出(某种性质)She has the qualities that mark a good nurse.她具有当好护士的素质。1. 痕迹;污点;瘢疤CThe scandal left a mark on his reputation.那件丑事玷污了他的名声。2. 记号;符号;标记CYou can see in him the marks of an educated man.从他身上你可以看到受过教育的人的特点。

25、. 做记号于;留痕迹于;标明O8The box of eggs was marked With Care.这个鸡蛋盒标上了小心字样。4. 给(试卷等)打分数The teacher marked the examination papers.教师给试卷打了分数。5. 注意,留心+wh-Mark carefully how the job is done. 好好注意这活儿是怎样做的。8. abolish vt. Get rid of; do away with废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish annul extinguish都含“废除”或“取消”的意思。abolish 指“消除长期

26、存在的风俗、习惯”等, 如:These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.这些迷信做法应尽早取消。annul 指“通过权势取消”、“宣告(法律、契约等)无效”, 如:The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young.由于签署人中有一位年纪太轻, 法官宣告合同无效。extinguish 指“用压服性的武力等手段使之毁灭”, 如:You may extinguish a nation, but not the

27、love of liberty.你可以消灭一个国家, 但不能消灭对自由的热爱。abolish slavery 废除奴隶制Bad customs should be abolished. 坏的风俗应当废除。1. Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States. 亚伯拉罕林肯在美国废除了奴隶制。2. There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished. 有许多不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。9. originate from:originate vt. 使产生; 创始; 创办; 发明发起; 引

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