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1、学年高二英语上册课时作业9课时作业(八)Unit 8Adventure(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!).完形填空I became a gardener when I was twelve.My early _1_of gardening may not have originated from my love for nature.It was to _2_my parents.At that time,we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood.But my mother often looked with

2、_3_at this work of natural art.Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her,“something else to_4_!” Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening,my father ever thought it a waste of time.At that age,I always did something_5_to whatever my parents did!If gardening were something they found _6_,

3、I would plant a garden!I planted some lily (百合花) seeds in the yard.But they failed to_7_.I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses.Wild_8_joy,I found the first rose bloom (开花)One by one,the flowers bloomed their heads off._9_,I was touched by this land of wonder._10_,my parents showed no intere

4、st in my garden.My father even_11_at me because he found it was_12_to move around my garden to the driveway.To my mothers _13_,I put in her vase my real roses which,in her eyes,were simply weeds_14_flowers.Regardless of their_15_,I kept on planting my garden and _16_to enjoy the pleasure of gardenin

5、g.Plants make such good companions:they breathe,they bloom,they _17_to care and love.It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to _18_my parents.Today I become known as Mrs Green thumbs,teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show which makes my parents feel very_19_.An

6、d now I could say it is my affection for _20_that makes me a real gardener.语篇解读作者阐述了自己爱上园艺的原因,以及作者对园艺的热爱对其父母的影响。1A.memory BdreamCintention Ddesign解析:作者坦诚爱上园艺,最初的目的和意图(intention)并非是因为热爱大自然,而只是为了和父母对着干。D项的design,主要表示和创作有关的“设计”,也可表示创作文学作品的构思或者提纲,在引申义中,可以表示贬义词“企图或图谋”之意。答案:C2A.please BchangeChelp Dannoy解

7、析:从第三段第一句“At that age,I always did something opposite to whatever my parents did!”可知,这孩子小时候的确很叛逆。她建花圃的最初目的当然也是annoy父母,使父母生气。答案:D3A.doubt BappreciationCsurprise Dexcitement解析:作者的母亲一直以来都是不喜欢园艺的。对于这棵枫树,她自然不会喜欢。B项表“欣赏”;D项表“激动”,明显不符。C项的“惊奇”也和作者想表达的意图没有关系。答案:A4A.collect up BcareCclean up Dcome in解析:这个选项并不

8、难,但是如果同学们没看懂“something else to clean up”,那选起来就有点麻烦了,“something else to clean up”是对rubbish的解释。 答案:C5A.equal BsimilarCsuperior Dopposite解析:考虑到作者年轻时的叛逆个性,应该可以直接选出opposite,作者喜好和父母对着干。答案:D6A.painful BvaluableCupsetting Dinteresting解析:这一题的B项“贵重的”和D项“有趣的”无难度,容易排除。但学生们容易选成painful。 园艺也只是一项家务活儿而已,而作者的父母也只是对其不

9、屑和厌烦而已,故干脆选择不为之。A项“痛苦的”,词义太过。相比而言,C项“心烦的”更适合。答案:C7Ae up Bbreak outChold on Dget through解析:come up发芽;走上前来;出现;break out爆发;hold on继续;不挂断;get through度过,完成。选A,百合花没发芽。答案 BwithCin Dby解析:wild with joy欣喜若狂;洋洋得意。答案:B9A.Luckily BCheerfullyCRegularly DEventually解析:此题容易选成cheerfully高高兴兴地。仔细斟酌句子,我们看到“one by

10、 one,the flowers bloomed their heads off.”作者从开始种植百合花的失败,到第一朵玫瑰花开花,再到花朵次第出现,最后自己都被神奇的小花圃所打动,强调的是个心态转变的过程。而整篇文章,作者也想书写自己由最开始的叛逆行为,到真正变为对大自然和园艺艺术的热爱的一个过程。所以,cheerfully在这里显得肤浅。答案:D10A.Instead BHoweverCTherefore DBesides解析:however,表达不管作者的努力,父母还是无动于衷,表转折。答案:B11.A.shouted BlaughedCglanced Djumped解析:“.becau

11、se he found it was troublesome to move around my garden to the driveway.”当父亲去往车道的路都被我的花圃遮挡,每次去取车都要大费周章的时候,谁都会暴跳如雷、大声咆哮的。jump at表示“把握,接受(机会);欣然接受;匆匆做出(结论等)”的意思。答案:A12.A.convenient BtroublesomeCenjoyable Ddangerous解析:dangerous危险的。答案:B13.A.sadness BdispleasureCdelight Drelief解析:这句话仍然是在讲作者妈妈对她种花成功的不屑和不满

12、。从“I put in her vase my real roses which,in her eyes,were simply weeds rather than flowers”明显可以看出妈妈的这种情绪。A项sadness有点莫名其妙,明显和作者大意相去甚远。答案:B14.A.other than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than 解析:妈妈觉得插在花瓶里真实的玫瑰,与其说是花,不如说是杂草。rather than是最合适的。other than不同于;除了以外;more than和less than都是数量上的比较。答案:C15A.dislike Be

13、ncouragementCthreat Dsuggestion解析:regardless of是“不管;不顾”的意思,不管父母多不喜欢,作者还是坚持我的种花行为。看懂即可选出dislike憎恶;不喜欢。答案:A16A.decided BstoppedCcontinued Dstruggled解析:作者不顾反对,坚持种花,继续享受种花乐趣。A项的decided to enioy.“决定享受乐趣”不好,作者其实在之前已经享受到了种花的乐趣。答案:C17.A.devote BturnCrespond Dlead解析:在培育花木的过程中,作者因为已经对大自然、对花木有了深厚的感情。所以她用亲切的笔调、

14、用拟人的手法写道:“they breathe,they bloom,they respond to care and love.”,所以respond to回应(作者的关爱)是最适当的。devote to.把奉献给;turn to.求助于;转向于;lead to.导致;通向答案:C18A.defeat BsatisfyCrespect Dchallenge解析:此题是对作者当年开始养花的最初目的的诠释。challenge挑战父母的耐心,对着干。答案:D19A.proud BcomfortableCstrange Ddisappointed 解析:作者在变化,作者的父母也在改变。作者在园艺上做出

15、了一番成就,当然会让她的父母为之骄傲。答案:A20A.freedom BlifeCgrowth Dnature解析:主题重现,也和第一段首尾呼应。第一段“My early intention of gardening may not have originated from my love for nature.”,而最后一句,作者不无感叹地说:“And now I could say it is my affection for nature that makes me a real gardener.”。真正让作者坚持下来,变成一个真正的园林工作者的原因,是对大自然的热爱。答案:D.阅读理

16、解AThe sky began to look a little kinder and the winter said its goodbyes.Springtime had officially arrived,thankfully so.The winter had been cruel,as the ice had caused Tara to fall more than once this year.Today,all the snow and ice were gone for good.Tara was excited to get outside,breathe in the

17、air and drink in the sunshine.Her brother was eager to run and get into mischief (搞恶作剧) as usual.At least with him being outdoors,he could play tricks on animals and leave her alone.Her plans today were to search for signs of spring.Since she knew crocuses (番红花) were the first flower to come up in t

18、he spring,she walked around the house and had a look at the grass in front of the house.No crocuses were there.Then Tara remembered that the year before a few dozen crocuses had sprouted behind the barn (谷仓) .She ran as fast as she could to the spot.After pushing away some grass and dead leaves,ther

19、e in the dirt were little green leaves greeting the sky.Tara was delighted.Then she went to find animals that were waking up from their winter naps.Acting like a secret agent,she dashed from tree to tree.After a while,she decided that her quick movements might be scaring the animals away,so she foun

20、d a large rock and sat on top of it.Then she saw a hedgehog (刺猬) making its way across the edge of the wood and the chipmunks (花栗鼠) sticking their heads out from the ground.The day could not have turned out better for Tara.She came back to her home and saw her brother chasing the chickens across the

21、 yard.Tara figured that maybe that was how her brother had decided to spend his first day of spring.However,she knew her first day of spring was much,much better.语篇解读寒冷的冬天说再见了,温和明媚的春天到来了,Tara兴奋的去寻找春的气息,她找到了刚发芽的番红花,看到了从冬眠中醒来的刺猬和花栗鼠。这一天对她来说是美好的一天。 1When the spring had arrived,_ .Athe ice often caused

22、Tara to fallBthere was still some snow and iceCTara was excited that she could go out with her brotherDTaras brother still liked to run and play tricks解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“The winter had been cruel,as the ice had cause Tara to fall.”可知A项错误;根据第一段“.all the snow and ice were gone for good.”可知B项错误;根据第二段可知Tara

23、很兴奋是因为可以出去呼吸新鲜空气,享受明媚的阳光,而她哥哥仍然喜欢捣蛋和到处跑,故C项错误,D项正确。答案:D2What does the underlined word “sprouted” in the third paragraph mean?AGrew. BPlanted.CBuried. DDied.解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段“After pushing away some grass and dead leaves,there in the dirt were little green leaves greeting the sky.”可知番红花已经从地里长出来,发芽了,故A项正

24、确。答案:A3How was Tara able to see the animals as they woke up from their winter naps?AShe hid behind some trees.BShe sat silently on the top of a rock.CShe moved quickly from tree to tree.DShe ran after the animals when she saw them.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可知Tara发现走动太快可能会把动物吓跑,她发现了一块大石头然后坐在了上面,才看到了刺猬和花栗鼠。答案:B4W

25、hich is the best title for the text?AHanging Out AloneBA Perfect First Day of SpringCThe Symbol of SpringDWhere to Go in Spring解析:标题归纳题。文章讲述了春天到来,Tara出去寻找标志着春天到来的第一株植物和从冬眠中醒来的动物,这对Tara来说是春天里一个完美的第一天。根据最后一段最后一句也可知B项最为合适。答案:BBHuman demands (需求) for natural resources have doubled in less than 50 years

26、and are now beyond what the earth can provide,a report warned.If humans carry on like this,we will need two earths by 2030.The population of wildlife has fallen by 60% in thirty years.The report said British people are consuming (消耗) far more than the earth can deal with.If everyone lived such a lif

27、estyle,humans would need 2.75 planets to survive.People are now living lifestyles which would require 1.5 planets,though there are great differences between rich and poor nations.Researchers studied the global change in land use and water consumption.The UK comes 31st in a list of countries based on

28、 “ecological footprint (生态足迹)” that measures how much land and sea each person needs to produce the resources they consume and to absorb (吸收) the wastes.The UK has fallen down from 15th place in the last report two years ago to 31st place,but the WWF believes it is an increase in other countries imp

29、act rather than a rction in the UKs use of resources.Ireland has the 10th highest ecological footprint,while the United Arab Emirates,Qatar,Denmark,Belgium and the US are the five worst countries for overconsumption of resources.The study suggests if the expected global population of 9.2 billion in

30、2050 were to eat a Malaysian diet,1.3 planets would be needed but if everyone were to eat an Italian diet,humans would need almost two planets.Those countries that call provide the highest quality of life using the lowest amount of resources will not only serve the global interest,but will be the le

31、aders in a resourcelimited world.语篇解读一份报告警告称,人类对自然资源的需求量在不到50年内翻了一番,目前已超出地球的供应能力。5We will probably need_earths if we follow the British lifestyle.A1.3 B2.75 C2 D1.5解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“If everyone lived such a lifestyle,humans would need 2.75 planets to survive.People are now living lifestyles which would require 1.5 planets.”可知如果人人都以英国人的生活方式生活,人类将需要2.75个地球才能维持生存,以目前的生活方式,则需要1.5个地球才能维持,故B项正确。答案:B6Which of the following is true about “

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