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1、【答案】A考查动词词义辨析。老师的鼓励恢复了我的信心;我决定再参加一次比赛。A. restored恢复 B. resolved解决 C. relieved解除,减轻 D. resisted抵抗。根据句意可知,选A。4Do you know why the teacher asks for me?He wants you to _ your absence last night.Aaccount for Bcall forCsend for Dreach for答句句意:他想让你解释一下昨晚缺席的原因。account for表示“解释;说明”,符合语意。后三项分别表示“要求”、“派人去请”、“伸

2、手去拿”,都不符合语意。5He had been struggling for many years and finally _ his fantasies.Alived up Blived onClived through Dlived out试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语live up快乐生活;live on继续存在;live through经历;live out过着.的生活;live out his fantasies过着梦想的生活。他努力了很多年,终于过着他梦想的生活了。根据句意可知D正确。考点:考查动词短语辨析6Though Tom was physically challenge

3、d, he did not _ himself to his fate.Aresist Breserve Cresign Drescue【答案】C考查动词辨析及固定搭配。动词resist反对,抵制;忍耐,抵抗;reserve预约;保留;储备;resign辞职;放弃;屈从;勉强接受;rescue救援;动词短语resign oneself to.听从,顺从;尽管Tom生理有缺陷,但他没有顺从命运的安排。上下文之间为转折关系,根据句意可知C正确。考查动词辨析及固定搭配7As most parents know by now, we should _ our kids screen time or t

4、hey will become couch potatoes who tend to be lazy.Aassess BlimitCarrange Dapply【答案】B就像很多家长知道的那样,我们应该限制孩子看电视的时间,不然他们会变成很懒的电视迷。A. assess评估;B. limit限制;C. arrange安排;D. apply应用。根据句意可知,是限制看电视的时间,故选B项。8The relevant authorities have recently _ some companies and individuals for their illegal emission that

5、is harmful to the environment.Acut back on Bcracked down on Cfollowed up on Dheld out on有关当局最近对一些公司和个人非法排放有害环境的行为进行了严厉打击。A. cut back on 削 减;B. cracked down on 严 惩;;C. followed up on 进 一 步 了 解;D. held out on 保 守 秘 密。 crack down on“严 惩”符合句意。故B选项正确。9Although the ring is not made of real diamonds, its s

6、hape and design still _ many young girls.Aappeal to Bfit forCattend to Dapply for尽管这个戒指不是用真的钻石做成的,但是它的形状和设计依然吸引了许多年轻的女孩。appeal to对有吸引力;fit for适合;attend to处理;apply for申请,选A。考查词组辨析10One of the best ways to show confidence is to do it slowly, instead of rushing it. Nervous people rush things to their n

7、ervousness.Aignore BmaskCgovern Dmodify考查动词辨析。 展示自信的最好方法之一是慢慢来,而不是操之过急。紧张的人会匆忙做事来掩饰他们的紧张。A. ignore忽略;B. mask掩饰;C. govern统治;D. modify修饰。mask为动词,是掩饰的意思,符合句意。11Its obvious that getting these historic sites recognized by the world is helpful for preserving and repairing them,as it_ their extreme importa

8、nce and value.Aassociates BsymbolizesCstresses Dabolishes很显然,这些历史遗址得到世界的承认对保存和修理它们是有帮助的,因为它强调了它们的特别重要性和价值。associate联系;symbolize使成为象征;stress强调;abolish清除。故选C。12If you ever arent sure whether you have bought the very best smartphone, just _ “good enough.”Amake for Bsettle forCanswer for Daccount forA.

9、make for有助于;B. settle for勉强同意;C. answer for对-负责;D. account for对-作出解释。如果你曾经不确定是否买过最好的智能手机,就满足于“足够好”。故选B。13The event that _ in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. It has never escaped.Astood out Bstands outCwould stand out Dhas stood out考查时态。在我的记忆中最突出的事件发生在1983年的一个早晨,当时我14岁

10、。它从未逃出过我的记忆。此处指目前的一种客观事实,所以要用一般现在时态,故选B。14224. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.Abeing mopped Bhaving tied Cto be tied Dtied考查非谓语动词。那个谋杀犯被带了进来,手被捆在背后。with的宾语his hands与动词tie构成被动的关系,故使用过去分词。15After several days of heavy rain the roof _ with a loud noise, crashing onto the

11、ground.Acame out Bcame down Ccame on Dcame up【解析】考查动词短语。A. came out出现,出版,结果是;B. came down下来,掉落;C. came on 快点,要求;D. came up走近,发生。经过几天的大雨,屋顶下了一声巨响,坍塌在地。此处指屋顶掉落,故选B.16All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he _ badly wounded and that he _ at once.Ashould be; be operated onBwere; must be operated

12、 onCbe; was operated onDwas;考查insist的用法。医院里所有的医生都认为他受伤很严重,要求他立即动手术。insist作“坚决要求做某事”讲时,要用虚拟语气;当“坚持说,坚持陈述某事实”解时,用陈述语气。考点 : 考查insist的用法17Your own personal behavior as a teacher, outside school hours, _ on the school itself.Aresembles BremindsCreflects Dremains作为一名教师,你在课外的个人行为会给学校带来不良影响。A. resembles 相似

13、B. reminds提醒 C. reflects反应 D. remains保持。reflect on导致,招致,根据句意可知,选C。18The recent cold weather has prevented residents from going out, which may _ the decline in customer flows at the shopping mall.Amake up Baccount for Capply for Dtake up最近的寒冷天气使居民们无法出门,这可能是购物中心客流量下降的原因。A. make up编造,化妆;B. account for对

14、作出解释,说明的原因;C. apply for申请;D. take up拿起,开始从事。结合句意故选B。19My mothers health _ under the pressure of a big project and she had to see the doctor.Abroke up Bbroke away Cbroke out Dbroke down我母亲在一个大项目的压力下身体垮了,不得不去看医生。A. broke up分手,打碎;B. broke away脱离,放弃;C. broke out爆发;D. broke down打破,出故障,精神拖垮。根据under the pr

15、essure可知,此处指“精神拖垮”。20You cant predict everything. Often things dont _as you expect.Arun out Bwork out Cbreak out Dput out你不可能能预测一切事情,事情经常不会像你预料的那样发展。A. run out用完;B. work out发展,计算出;C. break out爆发;D. put out熄灭,出版。work out“发展,计算出”符合句意。21In Britain today women _ 44% of the workers and nearly half the mo

16、thers with children are in paid work.Ago up Bbring up Chold up Dmake up考查up系列动词短语辨析。在当今的英国,女性占了工人总数的44%,将近一半的妈妈们从事有报酬的工作。A. go up增长,上升;B. bring up养育,培养;C. hold up举起,阻拦;D. make up组成,构成。本题中,女性构成了工人群体的44%,故选D。22Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it _.Acollected Bcontained Cloaded Dsaved小强

17、尼摸了摸那口袋,很想知道包里面装的是什么。A. collect收集;B. contain包含,容纳;C. load装载;D. save节约,节省。由“Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know ”可知,小强尼想知道包里面装的是什么,所以contained“ 包含,容纳”符合句意。故选B项。23If she doesnt want to go, nothing you can say will _ her.Apersuade Bpromise Cinvite Dsupport如果她不想去,你说什么也说服不了她。A. persuade说服;B. prom

18、ise答应;C. invite邀请;D. support支持。根据if引导条件状语从句,If she doesnt want to go如果她不想去,可知,这里用persuade,表示“说服,劝服”之意。故选A。24When I said that someone didnt work hard in our class, I was not _ you.Apicking out Breferring to Ctaking out Dsticking to句意: 当我说我们班里有人不努力学习时,我指的不是你。A. picking out挑选;B. referring to指的是;C. taki

19、ng out取出,得到;D. sticking to坚持,根据句意,B项符合题意。25Experts suggest that young parents _ some time to communicate with their children instead of spending much time playing games on the phone.Aset aside Bput awayCmake up Daccount for专家建议年轻的父母留出一些时间和他们的孩子交流,而不是花很多时间在手机上玩游戏。A. set aside留出;B. put away储存;C. make

20、up编造; D. account for对负有责任,根据题意,故选A。26They_with joy when they heard that their class won the first place in the relay race.Apicked up Bsplit upCtook up Dsprang up考查动词短语词义辨析。当听到班级在接力赛中获得第一名时,他们高兴地跳了起来。A. picked up捡起;B. split up分裂;C. took up从事;D. sprang up跳起。27Whenever I _an interesting article online,

21、 I will share it with friends on WeChat.Afigure out Bput forwardCget across Dcome across每当我在网上遇到有趣的文章时,我会与微信上的朋友分享。A. figure out找出;B. put forward提出;C. get across跨越;D. come across偶然遇到。分享文章通常是先遇到好文章再分享,没必要特意找好文来分享,所以A错,B、C选项明显和句意不搭,故选D。28A few days ago, the commission its investigation and declared th

22、at Johnson was to blame for the car accident last month on the highway.Adiscriminated Backnowledged Cconcluded DnegotiatedA. discriminated辨别;B. acknowledged承认;C. concluded推断、结束;D. negotiated协商。几天前,委员会结束了调查,宣布Johnson应对上个月发生在高速公路上的车祸负责。根据句意可知此处表示“结束”,故C项正确。29Children have to _ conventional ceremonies

23、in greeting their seniors on the New Years Eve.Anotice BprotestCprohibit Dobserve在除夕夜,孩子们必须遵守传统仪式来迎接他们的长辈。A. notice注意 B. protest抗议 C. prohibit禁止 D. observe遵守。此处observe为“遵守”,故选D。30There are many online shopping payment methods in China, and you can choose, when the order is _, cash, POS or checks, to

24、 pay for the goods.Adeposited BdeliveredCdeduced DdefinedA. deposited存放; B. delivered递送; C. deduced推导; D. defined使明确。在中国有很多网上购物的支付方式,当订单交付,你可以选择现金,POS或支票支付货物。结合句意可知答案为B。31It is beyond awkward when everyone around you _ laughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if its a joke told in a

25、 foreign language.Arun into Bbursts outCyells out Dfalls into考查动词短语的词义辨析。 into快速进入,碰撞;B. bursts out 爆发;C. yells out 大声说出来;D. falls into落入,分成。当你身边的人因一个你不觉得有趣的笑话尤其是用外语来说的笑话而突然爆笑时,你是非常尴尬的。考查动词短语的词义辨析32Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _ our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by

26、 our former headmaster three years ago.Asponsor Blaunch Corganize Dplan难度中等。【解题思路】该句意为:两位律师捐赠了5,0000美元赞助我校“帮助贫困生”活动A项意为“赞助”,符合句意;B项意为“发射,开办”,C项意为“组织”,D项意为“计划”,都与句意不同。故A项正确。33Success only_ those with courage and determination.Afavors Brequests Creflects Dinstructs成功只青睐有勇气和有决心的人。A. favors支持;赞成;B. requests要求;C. reflects反射

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