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1、美国ANSI金属与非金属材料标准名称法国ANSI金属与非金属材料标准名称ANSI/ASTM A833-1996 用比较硬度测试仪测量金属材料压痕硬度的惯例 Practice for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Comparison Hardness Testers ANSI/ASTM B70-1990 电加热金属材料电阻随温度变化的测试方法 Test Method for Change of Resistance With Temperature of Metallic Materials for Electrical Heati

2、ng ANSI/ASTM E10-2001 金属材料布氏硬度测试方法 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E103-1984 金属材料压痕硬度快速测试方法 Method for Rapid Indentation Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E110-1982 手提式硬度计测定金属材料的压痕硬度的方法 Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Port

3、able Hardness Testers ANSI/ASTM E139-2000 金属材料的传导蠕变、蠕变裂纹和应力裂纹测试方法 Test Methods for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E18-2007 金属材料的洛氏硬度和洛氏表面硬度用试验方法 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials ANSI/

4、ASTM E1842-1996 金属材料微观洛氏硬度测试方法 Test Method for Macro-Rockwell Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E209-2000 以公称或快速加热速率和应变速率在高温下进行金属材料压缩试验惯例 Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rates and Strain Rates ANSI/ASTM E

5、21-1992 金属材料高温拉力试验方法 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E238-1984 金属材料销型轴承试验方法 Test Method for Pin-Type Bearing Test of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E23a-2007 金属材料的切口棒材撞击测试用试验方法 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials ANSI/AS

6、TM E448-1982 金属材料回挑硬度测试惯例 Practice for Scleroscope Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E604-1983 金属材料动态撕裂试验方法 Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials ANSI/ASTM E9-1989 金属材料室温耐压试验方法 Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature ANSI/ASTM

7、 E92-1982 金属材料维氏硬度测试方法 Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials ANSI/NACE MR0175-2003 油田设备用的硫化耐应力断裂的金属材料 Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield Equipment ANSI/NEMA OS2-2003 非金属材料制出线箱、器件箱、箱盖和箱支架 Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports A

8、SME BPVC Section 2 Part B-200 ASME锅炉和压力容器规程.第2节:材料.第B部分:有色金属材料规范 (ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code - Section 2: Materials; Part B: Nonferrous Material Specifications) ASTM A 833-1984 用比较硬度测试仪测量金属材料的压痕硬性 Standard Practice for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Comparison Hardness Testers

9、 ASTM B 70-1990 电加热用金属材料的电阻随温度而变化的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Change of Resistance With Temperature of Metallic Materials for Electrical Heating ASTM C 904-1998 耐化学腐蚀的非金属材料标准术语 Standard Terminology Relating to Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials ASTM D 6412/D 6412M-1999 用于粘结金属和非金属材料的环氧(柔性)粘结剂

10、的标准规范 Standard Specification for Epoxy (Flexible) Adhesive for Bonding Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials ASTM E 103-1984 金属材料快速压痕硬度测试的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Rapid Indentation Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 10a-2007 金属材料的布氏硬度用标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness o

11、f Metallic Materials ASTM E 110-1982 用轻型硬度测试仪测定金属材料压痕硬度的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers ASTM E 1304-1997 金属材料平面变形(V型槽口)断裂韧度的测试方法(代替SAE ARP 1704) Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain (Chevron-Notch) Fracture Toughness of Metallic

12、Materials ASTM E 139-2006 金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials ASTM E 1681-2003 测定金属材料环境致裂的界限应力强度因子的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Determining a Threshold Stress Intensity Factor for Environment-Assisted

13、Cracking of Metallic Materials ASTM E 18-2007 金属材料的洛氏硬度测量用标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 209-2000 常规或快速加热及应变升温时金属材料压缩试验的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rat

14、es and Strain Rates ASTM E 2097-2000 测定非金属材料萃取物对生物技术产品安全性影响的标准指南 Standard Guide for Determining the Impact of Extractables from Non-Metallic Materials on the Safety of Biotechnology Products ASTM E 21-2005 金属材料高温抗拉试验的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Mat

15、erials ASTM E 238-1984 金属材料的针型承载试验方法 Standard Test Method for Pin-Type Bearing Test of Metallic Materials ASTM E 23a-2007 金属材料切口试棒冲击测试的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 399-2006 金属材料的线性弹性平面变形断裂韧度KIc用标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic

16、 Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness KIc of Metallic Materials ASTM E 448-1982 金属材料的回跳硬度试验 Standard Practice for Scleroscope Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 466-1996 金属材料上进行的恒定振幅轴向疲劳试验 Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Mate

17、rials ASTM E 468-1990 金属材料等幅疲劳试验结果表述的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materials ASTM E 604-1983 金属材料的动态断裂试验方法 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 8-2004 金属材料拉伸试验的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for T

18、ension Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 8M-2004 金属材料拉伸试验的标准试验方法(米制) Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials Metric ASTM E 92-1982 金属材料维氏硬度的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials ASTM E 9a-1989 室温下金属材料压缩试验的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods of Compr

19、ession Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature ASTM F 1459-2006 测定金属材料对气体氢脆化(HGE)灵敏度的方法 Standard Test Method for Determination of the Susceptibility of Metallic Materials to Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement (HGE) ASTM G 113-2006 与非金属材料自然和人工风化试验相关的标准术语 Standard Terminology Relating to Natural and

20、 Artificial Weathering Tests of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G 124-1995 在富氧环境中金属材料燃烧特性的测定标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Determining the Combustion Behavior of Metallic Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres ASTM G 141-2003 非金属材料曝光测试中变异度表达的标准导则 Standard Guide for Addressing Variability in Exposure T

21、esting on Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G 147-2002 自然与人工气候试验用非金属材料的状态调节和处理的标准规程 Standard Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests ASTM G 151-2006 用实验室光源的加速试验装置中曝光非金属材料的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accel

22、erated Test Devices that Use Laboratory Light Sources ASTM G 152-2006 非金属材料曝光用明焰碳弧光仪器操作的标准实施规范 Standard Practice for Operating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G 153-2004 非金属材料曝光用封闭式碳弧光仪器操作的标准规程 Standard Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light

23、 Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G 154-2006 非金属材料紫外线曝光用荧光仪器操作的标准实施规范 Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G 155a-2005 非金属材料曝光用氙弧光仪操作的标准规程 Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure o

24、f Non-Metallic Materials ASTM G 160-2003 用实验室土壤埋入法评价非金属材料微生物敏感性的标准操作规程 Standard Practice for Evaluating Microbial Susceptibility of Nonmetallic Materials by Laboratory Soil Burial ASTM G 63-1999 供氧设备用非金属材料的评定的标准指南 Standard Guide for Evaluating Nonmetallic Materials for Oxygen Service ASTM G 7-2005 非金属材料的大气环境曝露试验的标准规程 Standard Practice for Atmospheric Environmental Exposure Testing of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G 90-2005 用集中自然阳光光线法加速实施对非金属材料的室外风蚀的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Performing Accelerated Outdoor Weathering of Nonmetallic Materials Using Concentrated Natural Sunlight 编号中文名称英文名称返回

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