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1、4 蛋糕图片,Describe it to the class.The cake tastes sweet. I can taste it with my tongue.5 Can you describe the stone by touching it?The stones feels I touch it.As we all know, almost everyone about the world through the five senses. We use the five senses to study, work and relax. I think we are lucky

2、to read by touching raised dots which represent numbers and letters. This system is called Braille.2 How do the deaf communicate with each other?They use sign language or body language.3 What are your feelings about these people?I felt a great pity for these people. As for me, I think, I should trea

3、sure my life and study order to do more things for our society. And on the other to t look down upon them.Step 2: Sharing informationRead the instructions and the short passage.Look at the four pictures and answer the question below each picture.Pic 1: What do you see in Pic 1?Do you see a vase or t

4、wo faces?If you look at the white part, you can see a vase. If you look at the black part, you can see two faces.Pic 2: Which is longer, Line x or Line y?How would you find out whether the two lines are of the same length?Pic 3: Are Lines m and n straight?How can you prove that the two lines are str

5、aight?Pic 4: The symbols in line b can be read as the letters K, B, R, M. Its easy for us to mistake 13for B.What can we learn from observing the four pictures?Why are people misled by their own eyes?1 Sometimes the appearance may cover the real feature. From these four pictures, we know that even i

6、f we still be confused; that is to say, superficies sometimes can misled our judgment. So when judging things, we should try our best to get rid of the optical illusions to get the real features of the things.2 Because the background or other lines confuse the eyes. Also, what we expect to see can c

7、hange what we see.Step 3: Discussion four students a group1 Do you use one of your senses more than the others? Give an example.2 Some people cannot remember something until they it. Other people only need to remember it. Which sense best? How does it if they you were ill? How did you feel?2 Some pe

8、ople talk about a “sixth sense”. They say it . Do you believe in a “sixth sense”? Why or why not?What do you know about our senses? Have a discussion like the one below:A: Which sense do you think would be the worst to lose?B: I think it would be the t think it would be too in the world. Read the pa

9、ssage quickly, and after that, please about your feelings.Stephen Hawking was born in 1942, took physics, and did research at Cambridge University in England. By the age of 21 to notice that it was difficult to move around without falling over. Although which was getting worse, though 1988 the crowd

10、 made the little girl _C_ . A. confusing; confusing B. confused; confusedC. confusing; confused D. confused; confusing2 _ my take on a new look, a _C_ of pride suddenly appeared in my mind.A Having seen; I saw; sense D. While I saw; feeling3 _ you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is _ worth

11、 _A_ . A Even if; well; a visit B Though; very; visitingC. If; quite; to be visited D When; being visited4 Winning three gold medals is a great _C_ . A progress B pleasure C achievement D score5 Though good care taken of , his health is still _C_ . A so poorly B poorly C as poor D poorer考查学生掌握了什么,什么

12、是不知道的。教师自主选择引入部分考查和扩充结合课文图片和内容根据学生水平选择可做的活动M3U1 Word Power教案编号3.1.21. Enable the students to describe the weather and master some words which have different parts of speech and different meanings. 2. Help the students to master some useful words and expressions.This period is dealing with the words

13、and expressions about weather. The students should be able to use these words and sentence patterns freely to talk about weather. Also, they should learn some words which have different parts of speech and different meanings.Try to remember these words and expressions and use them freely.1. 复习Dictat

14、ion1 be covered in grey mist 2 walk towards that far 4 sight 18 set off 19 common 20 move away2. 预习课本,了解大概的学习任务,以便在课堂上更好地跟上老师。Step1 : Lead inShow the picture: Can I these sentences are?1 “Help” in this sentence is used as a verb.2 In the second sentence “.In this period, we will learn some words, wh

15、ich the passage “Fog”, we learned a story about a blind mans a foggy day. Polly is telling others about to the conversation. P6 CONVERSATIONWho can find the word which these dialogues?“Rest” “the rest of the way”, rest is a noun. In “come in and rest”, rest is a verb.Like “rest” in the dialogue, man

16、y words in English one part of speech. In some cases, different parts of speech (usually a noun and a verb) one part of speech. Traditional grammar classifies words based on ten parts of speech: the verb, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, the numeral

17、, the article and the interjection. Each part of speech explains not what the word is, but fact, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or adjective in the next. The following examples show change from one sentence to the next.Books are useful. n.Dick waited patiently while Bridget w

18、as booking the ticket. v.We walk down the street. v.The mail carrier stood on the walk. n.Now. Ill give you five minutes to discuss with your partner and try to find more examples. Step 3: PracticeTask one: Read and find the words.Read the text again and find the words listed below in the story and

19、complete the table, using a dictionary to help you, if necessary.WordsParts of speechMeaningsExamplesrestnounthe remaining partHe wants to see the rest of the world.verbrelaxMy mother told me to rest.onceconjunctionwhenOnce she finishes help you.adverbAt sometimes in the pastI once lived in Beijing.

20、leftwent gone away from a person or a placeI left fro work earlier this morningOn the side of your bodyLook right and left before crossing the streetstillcontinuingIm still hungry though Ive just had a big hamburger.adjectivenot movingCant you sit still.Task two: finish B on page 6.Answers: 1 causes

21、 2 cause 3 answer 4 answer 5 increases 6 increaseStep 4: ConsolidationTranslate the following sentences and pay attention to the part of speech of the bold words.1 She speaks perfect English.She is perfecting maths.这项工作进展顺利。这个男孩在数学方面取得了很大的进步。4 There is a rapid increase in the population they meet?1

22、2 They always start the conversation by talking about the weather.When you meet British people, if you say ”Have you between east and west countries. Now, lets read the following conversation between two neighbours. P7 APay attention to the names of different kinds of weather and the part of speech

23、of the words in blue. (Students should know the sentence patterns in which adjectives are used and the sentence patterns in which nouns are used.)some descriptive words about weather:meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm 季节 frost 霜 台风whirlwind 龙卷风 gale

24、季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 summer 小阳春 drought 干旱Finish B on page 7. 1 fine 2 cloudy 3 rain 4 thunder 5 lightningStep 6: ActivityActivity 1:Show different pictures of weather forecasts of different cities. Ask the students to make weather forecasts according to the pictures.Picture 1

25、Weather report of ChangshaDateTemperature WeatherMinimumMaximum9 Feb24rainy10 Feb13light rain11Feb7cloudyPicture 2:Weather report of Shanghai5sunny-1shower326mistActivity 2:Weather reporter needed! Come and one). Show the students pictures of different cities. Ask the students to report the weather

26、to the others. The one who is the best will be chosen to be a weather reporter. Make them .CityTemperatureShenyangsnow-9 -2Beijingcloudy breeze-1 -5Shanghairainy 3 7Guangzhou10 15Activity 3:Write a weather reportWrite a weather report with the t it? Yes, its not like what the radio said at all. I wi

27、sh it would stay this way for the weekend. As long as it doesnt snow!2 What bad good weather!3 Most of North and South China will the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again.6 The weather is improving worsening.Homework:Exercises in the reference bookWrite a weather forecast for tomorrow.在reading结束后对学生进行听写检查。如有疑问,做好标记引入词性的概念学生仔细体会差别结合书本对话根据前面所学,此处学生自主发言学生借助工具书完成P6 A例句让学生自行造句学生自主讲解各句中粗体词的不同词性M3U1 Reading 13.1.

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