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1、这个男孩匆忙地吃完早餐,以便按时到达学校。choke down硬咽(食物);choke back忍住,抑制;choke off中止,责备,使结束;choke up阻塞,噎住。4Nothing will be done because no _takes the matter seriously.Aauthority Bpower Cenergy Dauthor答案Aauthority“当局;当权者”;power“权力”;energy“精力”;author“作者,作家”,根据句意选A。5Has Mr. Lee arrived?No.But its already 9 oclock.He shou

2、ld _ at any time.Abring up Bturn upClook up Dpick up答案B空处句子句意:他随时都会出现。turn up “出现”。6Have you e to an agreement?No,we havent discussed the matter _Ain case Bin totalCin mon Din detail答案Din detail “详细地”。后半句句意:没有,我们还没有详细地讨论这个问题。7The volcano erupted violently,yet the village at the foot of it should _Ae

3、 through Bgo through Cget through Dpass through那座火山剧烈地喷发而山脚下的那个村庄竟然安然度过危险。e through(安然度过)危机、疾病等;go through通过,用完,完成;get through穿过;pass through经过。根据句意可知选A。8Jenny,what would you like to eat for lunch,pizza,pasta or sushi?_ I have a good appetite.ASounds good. BYoure so considerate.CIts up to you. DIt d

4、epends.答案C句意:“珍妮,午饭你想吃什么;比萨、意大利面还是寿司?”“由你决定。我胃口好。”Sounds good听起来不错;Youre so considerate你如此体贴人;Its up to you由你决定;It depends那得看情况。根据语境选C。9Hi,Mary.Would you like to go to the concert this evening?Sorry,Tom._tomorrows lessons,I have no time to go out with you.ANot preparing BNot having preparedCNot to p

5、repare DBeing not prepared答案B句意:抱歉,汤姆。我还没有备好明天的功课,没有时间和你出去。分词短语作原因状语,此处指该动作尚未完成,故选B。10I dont think I can go there with you as planned because something urgent has _What a shame!Ae up Bcleared up Cstayed up Dlinked up“我想我不能按照计划和你一起去了,因为发生了一些紧急的事。”“多么遗憾啊!”e up“出现,发生”,符合句意。clear up“整理,收拾”;stay up“熬夜”;l

6、ink up“连接”。.完形填空I believe in my mother.My _1_began when I was just a kid.I dreamed of being a doctor.My mother was a domestic(佣人)Through her work,she observed that _2_ people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching television.She _3_ that my brother and I could only watch two TV program

7、s during the week.We had to read two books every week and _4_ our written book reports to her.She would mark them up with check marks.Years later we _5_ her marks were a trick.My mother was illiterate(文盲)When I entered high school I was an Astudent.But I wanted the fancy _6_I wanted to hang _7_ with

8、 the guys.I went from being an Astudent to a Bstudent to a Cstudent.One night my mother came home from work and I _8_ about not having an Italian shirt.She said,“Ill give you all the money I _9_ this week,and you can buy the family food and _10_ the bills.With the money left,you can have all you wan

9、t.”I was very _11_ with that arrangement but once I allocated(分配) money,there was _12_ left.I realized my mother was a financial _13_ to be able to keep a roof over our heads.I also realized that immediate _14_ wasnt going to get me anywhere.I went back to my _15_ and became an Astudent again,and ev

10、entually I _16_ my dream and I became a _17_My mother is a woman with _18_ education who used her position as a parent to _19_the lives of us.There is no job more _20_ than parenting.This is what I Beducation Cbelief Dpromise答案C文章第一句说“我信任我的妈妈”,接着就应该说这种“信任”是从“我”是个孩子时开始的。2A.successful

11、Breliable Ceasygoing Dlazy答案A从语境来看,应该是妈妈认为“成功人士”都喜欢读书。3A.supported Bapplied Cbenefited Dannounced 答案D根据妈妈的认识,妈妈“宣布”也让“我们”像成功人士一样每个星期看两个电视节目,并要读两本书。 Bpresent Cteach Dexplain答案Bpresent作动词,意为“呈递”,即妈妈让我们将读书报告给她看。5A.realized Bpretended Crecognized Darranged答案A通过后面一句话My mother was illiterate可知,我们“意

12、识”到妈妈对我们读书报告的批改是个“诡计”,因为妈妈是文盲。 Bcookies Cclothes Dpictures答案C由下文.not having an Italian shirt可知,“我”想要的是好衣服。 Bout Coff Dover答案Bhang out为固定短语,意为“闲逛;溜达”。8A.worried Bcared Cthought Dplained 答案D根据下面的.not having an Italian shirt可知“我”在抱怨妈妈。9A.make Bborrow Cowe Dfind答案Amake money“赚钱”。10A.spend B

13、cost Cpay Dtake答案Cpay the bill“付账”。指一家人生活需要支出的费用。11A.angry Bpleased Cdisappointed Dbored 答案B听到妈妈将这一星期挣的钱都交给“我”支配,开始时“我”非常高兴。12A.anything Bnone Csomething Dnothing答案D根据下面的be able to keep a roof over our heads可知,作者一家生活艰难,作者将所有的钱支付了一家人的生活费用后,就再也没有剩余的钱了。13A.genius Bworker Cexpert Dminister 答案A作者认识到,妈妈真是

14、一位理家的“天才”。其他选项不符合语境。14A.chance Bability Csatisfaction Dexplanation 答案C由这个事件,作者认识到,一时的满足不能起什么作用。15A.home Bstudies Chometown Dcountry答案B作者通过这件事,提高了自己的认识,心思又回到了学习上。后面的and became an Astudent again给出了提示。16A.fulfilled Bforgot Ctried Dbroke答案Afulfill“完成;履行;实现”,可与dream搭配,意为“实现了自己的梦想”。17A.teacher Bbusinessma

15、n Cengineer Ddoctor答案D文章第一段I dreamed of being a doctor对该空给出了提示。18A.small Blittle Chigh Dmuch答案B上文My mother was illiterate(文盲)提示妈妈受到的教育很少。19A.judge Bdiscover Cchange Dsettle 答案C作者感悟到是妈妈改变了我们自己的生活。20A.interesting Bimportant Cannoying Danxious 答案B根据上面作者的认识:妈妈改变了我们的生活可知,作者认为妈妈这一角色是非常重要的。.任务型阅读America co

16、ntinues to lead the world as a destination for international students.Last year about 900,000 foreign students were studying in the United States,about half of them from Asia.But a growing number of Asian students are looking to an Englishspeaking country much closer to homethe Philippines.The islan

17、d nation of 100 million is quickly being the education center of Asia.The countrys low prices,open culture,and quality schools are attracting record numbers of foreign students.Koreans are leading the way,according to Jose LCuisia,the Philippines Ambassador to the United States.The Philippines is in

18、 a unique position to benefit from the global demand for English education.American colonialism brought the English language here in the early twentieth century.Although it is not the native language of most Filipinos,English is an official language here.More than 60 years after independence,Filipin

19、os still speak English with a strong American accent.Today,the Philippines markets itself as the worlds thirdlargest Englishspeaking country.The truth is that we actually have more people who speak English in the Philippines than the national language.English is learned even outside of school becaus

20、e a lot of the munications are in English,public signs are in English,and television and Internet are both in English.Low prices and its location in Asia help to produce the education explosion in the Philippines.The capital,Manila,has cheap nonstop flights to Tokyo,Seoul,and other Asian capitals.Th

21、e rising US dollar has made American education more expensive than ever before.There are hundreds of private and public schools in the Philippines that teach English or teach in English.More advanced students can take regular university academic courses in English.Others study at beachside resorts,w

22、here they mix language study with vacation.Some Korean families even move to the Philippines so their children can learn English in public schools.As in the US,schools in the Philippines range from worldclass to lowquality diploma mills.Pearl GabornoIlustre is the Chief Academic Officer at the TESOL

23、 Training Corporation in Manila.She says foreign students should choose their schools carefully.She remends programs that use a modern teaching style.One doesnt really learn language by studying grammar.However,we learn language by actually using it.In most Asian countries,students learn English thr

24、ough grammar and translation from the mother language.In the Philippines,students are encouraged to practise speaking English in reallife situations.In general,there is less emphasis on grammar and error correction.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。虽然美国是留学生的首选之地,但是现在更多的亚洲学生都愿意去菲律宾学习,因为英语是菲律宾的官方语言,给语言学习者提供了很大的方便。1cente

25、r根据第二段第一句“The island nation of 100 million is quickly being the education center of Asia.”可知,菲律宾正成为亚洲教育中心。2students根据第一段最后一句“But a growing number of.the Philippines.”可知,越来越多的亚洲学生到菲律宾学习英语。3low根据第二段第二句“The countrys low prices,open culture,and quality schools are attracting record numbers of foreign st

26、udents.”可知,在菲律宾的学习成本较低。4advantages此处概括了文章第三、四、五段的意思,即菲律宾的语言优势。5standard根据第三段中的“English is an official language here.More than 60 years after independence,Filipinos still speak English with a strong American accent.”可知,菲律宾人讲标准的英语。6media根据第四段第二句“English is learned.are both in English.”可知,在菲律宾可以通过媒体学习英

27、语。7education根据第五段第一句“Low prices and its location in Asia help to produce the education explosion in the Philippines.”可知,成本和地理位置有助于菲律宾教育的发展。8universities根据第六段第二句“More advanced students can take regular university academic courses in English.”可知,在大学有定期的英语课程。9modern根据第七段最后一句“She remends programs that u

28、se a modern teaching style.”可知,这里用现代化的方式教授英语。10mistakes根据最后一段最后一句“In general,there is less emphasis on grammar and error correction.”可知,不用担心犯错误。2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块九Units12课下作业牛津译林版1_ sales of cars up by 30% last year,the traffic in Beijing has bee increasingly terrible.AAs BSince CFor DWith答案D句意:随着去年汽车的销售量增长了30%,北京的交通状况变得越来越糟糕。此处为with复合结构,with“随着”。2James Cameron is considered one of the greatest directors in the world _ his influence in film industry.Ain exchange for Bin spite of Cin favor of Din terms of答案Din exc

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