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1、 浅析高中物理分层教学 目录第1章 绪论 1.1 研究背景 1.1.1 高中物理新课程改革对分层教学的要求 1.1.2 当前高中物理分层教学中的问题 1.1.3 分层教学的兴起 1.2 高中物理分层教学的运用前提和模式 1.2.1 高中物理分层教学的前提 1.2.2 高中物理分层次教学的模式 1.3 研究的内容与方法 1.3.1 研究的内容 1.3.2 研究的1.4文献综述 1.4.1国外有关分层教学的研究 1.4.2 国内有关分层教学的研究第2章分层教学的理论基础 2.1 因材施教原则 2.2 掌握学习理论2.3 最近发展区理论2.4 苏霍姆林斯基理论2.5 加德纳的多元智能理论 第3章 普

2、通高中物理分层教学实验与结果分析3.1 文献资料法3.2实验方法3.2.1实验的目的3.2.2 实验对象的选取 3.2.3 实验设计3.3. 具体实验实施 第4章 高中物理分层教学存在的问题与思考(其下至少有3个小标题)4.1分层教学的成功之处4.2分层教学存在的问题4.3分层教学的发展建议第5章 结语参考文献Analysis of senior high school 关键词:物理分层教学,分层模式,分层教学实施,实验结果分析Key Words: Physics stratified teaching, Hierarchical model, Tiered instruction imple

3、mentation, Analysis of experimental results摘要(重写. 意义只占一小段,主要写你做了什么,发现了什么,提出了什么)每个学生都有着自己的独特之处,特别是进入高中阶段后,学生来自四面八方,其家庭背景不同,成长的经历不同。在物理学习过程中,兴趣、习惯、方法、理解能力等也不同,因此,在教学中就不能以相同的要求和方法对待学生,而要将学生分层不同的层次进行教学。 分层教学打破了传统物理“一刀切”的教学模式,更注意从学生的角度来设计教学,坚持“因材施教,循序渐进”原则,逐渐消除两级分化,避免传统的“优生吃不饱,后进生吃不消”现象,这样才能真正的有利于学生的发展。本

4、文在分层教学的理论基础上,结合实际教学中的经验,从教学的五个环节对高中物理分层教学进行简单的策略方法的研究,对高中物理分层教学的实际进行研究。在研究的过程中,主要采取的研究方式是:查阅文献, 对比实验。 实验结果表面高中物理分层教学对提高学生学习成绩是有效果的。 通过分层教学,学生提高了学习的兴趣,参与程度,完成作业的水平。关键词:分层教学,因材施教,学习兴趣AbstractEvery student is unique. Especially after entering senior high school, the students come from different directi

5、ons, they have different background of family and different experience of growth. They also have different interest, habits, methods, understanding and so on, when they are learning physics. Therefore, the students should not be treated with the same requirements and methods in teaching, but be divi

6、ded into different levels of teaching.Stratified teaching, which divides for the difference of the students existing knowledge base, intellectual level, non intellectual factors and academic performance and so on, and makes different teaching goals, put forward different teaching requirements, with

7、different teaching contents, adopt different teaching methods, in order to mobilize the learning enthusiasm of every student, to fully promote the teaching method of students intelligence development. This teaching method is characterized by: the gradient of teaching content, the teaching object of

8、the comprehensive, the teaching level of pertinence, the teaching effect of synchronization. It is better to break through the limitations of class teaching system is difficult to take care of the individual differences of students, so that each student can be in their original basis to school have

9、income, have entered, and ultimately common development. This article from the stratified teaching background, the implementation of hierarchical teaching in senior high school physics teaching process, first of all is to stratify students, including stratified class stratification and class, overtl

10、y and covertly stratified combination, each over a period of time according to the students to learn and grasp the situation re stratification. After the stratification of teaching process, practice on the hierarchical classroom, stratified and stratified instruction on homework, and the hierarchica

11、l teaching experiment results are analyzed and explored the feasibility of hierarchical teaching and shortcomings. In the hierarchical physics teaching in senior high school, pay attention to the appraisal should also consider the differences of students, to pay attention to learning evaluation proc

12、ess evaluation scheme formulated according to different standard level characteristics of students of students, which is more conducive to students learning confidence training. The implementation of hierarchical teaching in senior high school physics class, not only to fully understand the students

13、, treated respectively according to the level of students, teaching should also pay attention to the mirror to stimulate students interest, to explore cooperation way to organize students to participate in physical inquiry activities, so as to improve the efficiency of physics teaching, make the stu

14、dents get better development.The stratified teaching breaks the traditional physical across the board teaching mode, pay more attention to the design of teaching from the perspective of students, adhere to the individualized, step-by-step principle, the gradual elimination of the two levels of diffe

15、rentiation, to avoid the traditional good enough to eat, eat not backward consumption phenomenon. So that can really be conducive to the development of students第1章 绪论 1.1 研究背景 在新课程改革和高考改革的大背景下,以学生主体发展为本的新理念正在渗透到中学物理的每一个角落,而由于学生的原来基础、先天素质、学习习惯等的差异,形成了每个学生学习能力、学习兴趣、需求目标等方面的很大不同。因此,物理 教学中必须面对全体学生,针对每个学生的能力倾向、个性特点,有针对、有目标的进行点拨,以期使每个学生都得到发展,取得成功。于是,针对基础课程改革的新理念,“分层教学”这个老话题便有了新的内涵。 1.1.1 高中物理新课程改革对分层教学的要求 此前,新课程改革已全面进入实施阶段。新课程改革提出了以学生发展为本的新理念,注重学生的全面发展,使每个学生都能得到较好的发展。 高中物理新课程标准在课程目标上注重从知识与技能、过程与方法及情感态度与价值观三个方面培养学生,提高全体

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