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本文(21新高考地区高考英语北师大通用一轮复习课后达标检测nit 8 Adventre 含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

21新高考地区高考英语北师大通用一轮复习课后达标检测nit 8 Adventre 含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、【解题导语】16岁的高中女生Julia Ruelle参加了一个作文比赛并获奖,奖品是邀请最多三位朋友一起进行为期五天的独木舟和露营探险。于是四个女孩关闭手机,体验了独特的五天冒险之旅。1How did Julia Ruelle get the chance to camp?AShe won an essay contest.BShe was invited by her friends.CShe performed well in her school.DShe asked her parents for support.A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句“Last year, the

2、16yearold took part in an essay contest and carried off a prize. The award was a 5day canoe and camping adventure with up to three friends.”可知,Julia Ruelle参加了一个作文比赛并获奖,奖品是一次为期五天的独木舟和露营探险,最多可以邀请三个朋友。据此可知,Julia Ruelle是通过在一次作文比赛中获奖获得这次机会的,故A项正确。2Why was the 5day adventure unique to the girls?AThey need

3、ed to complete many tasks.BThey needed to find a guide on their own.CThey had to live on a boat for several days.DThey had to live without their smartphones.D解析:根据第一段中的“No cellphones.”和倒数第二段第三句“Without her phone, she said,Im less worried about things.”可知,此次活动的独特之处在于不允许带手机,故D项正确。3What can we know abo

4、ut the girls from the story?AThey had not got any camping experience before.BThey all felt refreshed after the adventure journey.CThey enriched their learning experiences by exploring.DThey used to keep in close touch with their friends by phone.B解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Mental health can be improved so mu

5、ch in the Boundary Waters. It really helps to get away and reconnect with yourself.”可推知,经历这次冒险之旅后,她们都感受到,这次冒险之旅远离尘嚣,重新与自己连接,改善了自己的精神健康,故B项正确。B河南六市高三联考)It was about seven years ago. I just picked up my threeyearold daughter from the nursery. I was weighed down with shopping bags, and with my daughter

6、s things. We arrived at a pedestrian crossing and she pressed the button. In the distance, I heard alarms, told my daughter to wait and watched a police car approaching.Little did I know, as the_green_man flashed, that my daughter had begun to run into the road. I watched the police car speed toward

7、 usthats when you sounded your horn and waved wildly to me. My daughter was about a meter from the path of the police car, hidden from their view by your car.I screamed her name and ran toward her. She stopped and was shocked by the rush of the police car as it sped past. She wondered why you had bl

8、own your horn, asking, “Mom, why was that woman so rude?” not realizing you had saved her life.She wondered why I picked her up and burst into tears. My legs gave way as I reached the other side of the road. I should have followed my “wait” with a hand on her shoulder, or an explanation of why we we

9、re ignoring the green man this time, especially as I had in effect conditioned her to cross the road at the sight of the green flash.I beat myself up for months, and still do, with flashbacks and horrible assumptions about what might have been. But for your sounding your horn, seeing what I hadnt se

10、en, I would have been left a mother on the other side of the road, totally broken. I apologize for putting you in that positionI can imagine that it upset you,too. You saved her life and I am so grateful.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。大约七年前,“我”的女儿过马路时没有注意到警车,幸亏一位女士按喇叭提醒,才挽救了女儿的生命。这件事让“我”至今难忘,心中充满感激。4What does the u

11、nderlined part “the green man” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AA pedestrian. BA policeman.CA traffic sign. DA button.C解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句“Little did I know, as the_green_man flashed,that my daughter had begun to run into the road.”并结合常识可知,此处表示看到绿灯亮之后,“我”的女儿跑到了马路上;据此可推知,画线部分指代一种交通标志,故C项正确。A项意为“一个行人”,B项意为“一个警察

12、”,D项意为“一个按钮”,都与语境不符。5Why did the woman sound her horn?ATo stop the police car.BTo show her impatience.CTo greet passing pedestrians.DTo draw the mothers attention.根据第二段第二、三句“I watched the police car speed toward usthats when you sounded your horn and waved wildly to me. My daughter was about a meter

13、 from the path of the police car, hidden from their view by your car.”可知,“我”看到警车向“我们”疾驰而来,这时你按响了喇叭,疯狂地向“我”挥手。“我”的女儿离警车的车道大约一米远,你的车挡住了他们的视线。据此可推知,那位女士按响喇叭是为了引起这位母亲的注意,提醒她注意她女儿的安全,故D项正确。6What can we infer from the incident?AThe mother didnt regret what had happened.BThe daughter didnt follow the traff

14、ic rules.CThe woman responded quickly and properly.DThe police drove beyond the speed limit.根据第二段可知,当看到小女孩面临危险时,那位女士按响喇叭,并疯狂地向小女孩的母亲挥手;并结合第三段第一、二句“I screamed her name and ran toward her. She stopped and was shocked by the rush of the police car as it sped past.”可知,警车疾驰而过,“我”的女儿安然无恙;据此可推知,那位女士反应快速、正确

15、,挽救了小女孩的生命,故C项正确。7How did the mother feel when taking hold of her daughter?AAngry and shocked.BScared but relieved.CGuilty and confused.DGrateful but sad.根据第四段第一、二句“She wondered why I picked her up and burst into tears. My legs gave way as I reached the other side of the road.”可知,女儿不知道“我”为什么把她抱起来并突然

16、大哭起来;当“我”走到路的另一边时,“我”的腿软了;结合上文可知,一位女士的提醒使“我”的女儿避免了车祸;据此可推知,抓住女儿时,这位母亲既害怕,又感到宽慰,故B项正确。.完形填空河北九校联考)As a young girl I dreamed of being a dancer, so my parents let me attend dance classes when I was in first grade. But I _1_ knew the years to follow would teach me so many life lessons: hard work, leader

17、ship, passion(激情).I was a part of dance teams where I learned to dance in _2_ styles such as jazz, tap dance, ballet and so on. Due to my talent and hard work, I quickly _3_ in the teams. However, these classes became too _4_ for my parents when I was 13, leading me not to take conventional dance cl

18、asses for the next four years. I knew we were not _5_ then, so I had no complaint._6_ I was not taking dance classes, I used what I learned in _7_ classes to keep my flexibility and develop my dancing skills. Throughout this time my _8_ for dancing helped me learn how to be a(n) _9_ as I coached mys

19、elf, taught my sisters and _10_ my own shows for my family. With the time and hard work in the four years when I _11_ to take dance classes, I was able to be _12_ to my high school dance team.Over the next three years in the team I _13_ myself to be the best dancer. I managed to involve myself in ev

20、ery dance _14_; I also struggled with many _15_. During the first year on the team both of my ankles hurt several times, and it took me months of _16_. However, my second competition season _17_ patellar tendinitis(肌腱炎) in my knees, which _18_ disturbs me constantly till today. Even so, I was able t

21、o become a cocaptain of the team and lead them to _19_ the first national championship title in the _20_ of the team!作者讲述了她学习舞蹈的经历,字里行间透露的是作者的毅力和决心。1A.really BmerelyCsuddenly Dbarely根据But的转折和后面的内容“the years to follow would teach me so many life lessons: hard work, leadership, passion(激情).”可知,此处应用一个表

22、示否定意义的副词,表示作者不知道接下来几年的舞蹈学习会教她这么多人生课程。barely“几乎不,几乎没有”,符合语境。2A.various BlatestCunique Dclassical根据下文的“such as jazz, tap dance, ballet and so on”可知,作者学跳各种(various)风格的舞蹈。latest“最新的”;unique“独特的”;classical“古典的”。3A.worked out Btook outCcame out Dstood out根据上文的“Due to my talent and hard work”可知,由于作者既有天分又勤奋

23、,她很快在舞蹈队里脱颖而出。work out “锻炼身体,计算出”; take out “拿出,提取”; come out “出版,被获知,盛开”; stand out “出色,显眼”。4A.deadly BstrangeCcostly Dvaluable根据下文的“leading me not to take conventional dance classes for the next four years”可知,此处表示因为舞蹈课的费用非常高,父母无力支付,因此作者停止了舞蹈学习。costly是形容词,表示“昂贵的”。5A.happy BcontentCcomfortable Dsecu

24、re根据上文作者父母无力支付作者舞蹈学习费用的内容和下文的“so I had no complaint”可知,此处表示作者知道家里并不宽裕,因此她并不抱怨父母。happy“幸福的”;content“满足的”;comfortable“宽裕的,富裕的”;secure“安全的,牢靠的”。6A.Now that BEven ifCAs though DJust when根据主句“I used what I learned.develop my dancing skills”可以推断出,该空所在的从句是让步状语从句,故用Even if“尽管”。 BprimaryCprevious Dfin

25、al根据上文可知,作者这几年没有上正规的舞蹈课,由此推断她用以前学到的舞蹈知识来进行练习。primary“主要的,基本的”;previous“先前的”;final“最终的”。 BadmirationCappreciation Denthusiasm根据上文可知,在不能上舞蹈课的情况下,作者还在坚持跳舞,由此可以推断出她对舞蹈饱含热情。energy “精力”;admiration “钦佩,羡慕”;appreciation “感激”;enthusiasm “热情”。9A.instructor BperformerCpartner Dcontributor根据下文的“coached myself, taught my sisters”可知,对跳舞的热情

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