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1、v.(1)What does this French word mean? 这个法语词是什么意思? (2)She said Tuesday,but she meant Thursday. 她说星期二,可是她心里想的是星期四。 I mean to go tomorrow.我打算明天走。 (3)I mean what I say.我是言出必行。 (4)He is not meant for a soldier and will always be unhappy in the army. 他不是当兵的料,在军队里永远不会快乐。注意:meaning n. 意义,含义 means n. 方法,方式(单

2、复数同形) e.g.The quickest means of travel is by plane.最快的交通工具是飞机。3.threaten vt.恐吓;威胁;预示危险 threat n.威胁,恫吓,有的危险e.g.I was threatened with a beating if I didnt obey.如果我不听话,就会有被打的危险。The killer threatened to murder me if I didn杀人犯扬言我不听话的话就要把我杀掉。The black clouds threateed rain.天上乌云密布怕要下雨了。e.g.The Chinese dont

3、 take their threat seriously.中国人不把他们的威胁当一回事儿。While the killer goes free he is a threat to everyone in the town.杀人犯逍遥法外,对镇上的每一个人都是一大威胁。There is a threat of rain.有下雨的迹象。threaten sb.with sth.用威胁某人,threaten to do sth.威胁要做某事under the threat of 在的威胁下4.regret n.遗憾;悔恨;抱歉 vt.遗憾;后悔e.g. n.They said goodbye wit

4、h great regret.他们满怀遗憾地告别。I left my home with some regret.我满怀许多遗憾离开了家。vt.regret to do 遗憾地去说,去告知regret doing 后悔做过了e.g.He regretted to say that he couldnt stay here any more.他遗憾地说不能再呆下去了。He regretted buying these books.他后悔买了这些书。5.value n.价值,价格 vt.估价;珍视,重视adj.valuable 值钱的 valueless不值钱的e.g. n.Your ideas

5、have little value.=Your ideas are of little value.你的主意,没有多少价值。vt.He valued the house at $3 500 他对这所房子估价为三千五百美金。Ive always valued your friendship/your advice.我一向珍重你的友谊/重视你的意见。.句子精讲6.It has been said that life is difficult as it is.据说生活就是这样艰难。与此相似的用法有know,report,expect等等。e.g.People say that he is a go

6、od dancer.=It is said that he is a good dancer.=He is said to be a good dancer.据说他是一个好的舞蹈家。7.Whats become of her?她怎么了?相当于What has happened to her?become of 意为“发生情况”“怎么啦”。e.g.What has become of my umbrella?我的雨伞怎么啦?8.Sandra used to be a good singer.Sandra 过去是个很好的歌手。(现在已不是了)used to do意为“过去习惯做,现在不做了”;只用

7、于过去时态。be used to sth./doing sth. = be accustomed to sth./doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”;可用于现在、过去、将来等多种时态。be可用get,become等来代替。be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做”。e.g.He used to get up at 6:00 a.m.他过去早上六点起床。He is used / accustomed to getting up at 6:00 a.m.他现在习惯早晨六点起床。Wood is used to make tables.木头用来做桌子。9.Imagine you a

8、re traveling alone to the South pole.设想你正在南极旅游。imagine: vt.想象,设想 imagination n. 想象力adj. imaginary 虚构的,想象出来的 想象的,有想象力的e.g.You can imagine my surprise.你能想象出我有多么吃惊。You cant imagine how I miss my parents.你无法想象我多么想念我的父母。Can you imagine George cooking the dinner?你能想象乔治烧饭吗?必须接动名词的动词有:finish,miss(错过),enjoy,

9、practise,admit(承认),avoid(避免),appreciate(感激),escape(逃脱),mind,risk(冒险),suggest,delay(耽搁),deny(否认)10.Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.又一次富于挑战和危险的旅程就要开始了。 be about to do sth.表示“正要(即将)做某事”(不与表示将来的时间状语连用)e.g.The meeting is about to begin.() The meeting is about to begin in 5 minu

10、tes.() be about to do sth.经常与when 搭配,这种结构可以替换成 be on the point of doing sth.whene.g.I was about to go to bed when the phone rang.= I was on the point of going to bed when the phone rang.我正要上床睡觉这时电话响了。.语法精讲11.主谓一致英语句子中主语和谓语在人称和数方面的一致是英语中最基本的语法项目之一,三个重要原则是:语法一致、意义一致、就近原则。在这里我们主要介绍集合名词主谓一致的用法。(1)有些集合名词

11、,如:police,cattle(牛群),people,militia(民兵),poultry(家禽),folk(民众)等形式上是单数,但意义上是复数,谓语动词需用复数。e.g.Many people are on the side of the winners.许多人站在获胜者那边。The police have caught the thief.警察已抓到了小偷。Cattle are eating grass.牛群正在吃草。(2)有些集合名词,如:family,committee(委员会),class,crowd,crew(全体船员),team,public,group,governmen

12、t(政府),若作为一个整体看待,谓语用单数;若着眼于组成该集体的一个个成员或个体时,谓语用复数。e.g.Our family is not poor any more.我们家不再穷了。My family all speak English.我家人都说英语。The population of China is large,and 80% of the population are peasants.中国人口众多,80%的人口是农民。迁移发散12.through prep.(1)从通过,穿过e.g.The River Thames flows through London.泰晤士河流经伦敦。比较:

13、across是从平面或表面穿过,如across the street,而along 是沿着走。(2)在中,一直到e.g.She nursed me through my long illness.我病了很长时间,她都一直护理着我。(3)经历,经受e.g.He was through too much during the war.战争中他经历了太多。(4)通过e.g.We got the news through our friend.我们通过朋友得到了这个消息。He got the job through his uncle.他通过他叔叔得到了这份工作。(5)(指原因、理由)由于,因为,相当

14、于because of 和as a result。e.g.We missed the plane through being held up on the motorway.由于高速公路上交通堵塞,我们误了班机。e.g.I lost the job through no fault of mine.我失去了工作并不是由于我自己的原因。过关题 The sun light came in _ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.A.through B.across C.on D.over 答案:A13.clear up(1)晴朗起来,

15、开朗起来e.g.The weather has cleared up;we can go out.天气转好了,我们可以出去了。e.g.Her face cleared up as she read the letter.当她读信时脸慢慢变晴。(2)整理;收拾eg.Clear up the rubbish at once.立刻把垃圾收拾好。与 up 搭配的词组有:break up(分解,腐蚀)go up(上升、上涨) bring up(抚养,提出,呕吐)hold up(阻挡)do up(扣好) fix up(修理,安顿)give up(放弃)keep up(保持,继续)look up(查找) s

16、hut up(闭嘴)make up(构成,和解)pick up(捡起,接人)put up(建立,投宿)stay up(熬夜,挺住)set up(建立)take up(占据,拿起)turn up(调大,露面)过关题(1)Would you slow down a bit,please?I cant _you.A.keep up with B.put up withC.make up to D.hold on to 答案: A(2)She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A.looked u

17、p B.looked forC.picked out D.picked up (3) We have good relations for centuries.And we must _ the friendship between us. A.go on with B.keep on C.keep up D.remain C14.affect vt.(1)影响 (2)感染e.g.Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。Her heart has become affected.她的心脏受感染了。effect n.影响,效果,作用 v.实现have an effect on

18、对有影响e.g.Smoking has a bad effect on health.吸烟对健康有影响。come into effect 生效,实行e.g.The law went into effect yesterday.法律昨天生效。take effect 生效,开始发生作用e.g.The medicine is taking effect.药开始起作用了。The new law will come into _on the day it is passed.A.effect B.useC.service D.existence课文背景阅读Oprah Winfrey and Jerry

19、SpringerAmong various programmes,TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television.And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one is different in style(风格).But now two shows are more opposite in content,while at the same time standing out above the rest,than the Jerry S

20、pringer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “rubbish talk”.The contents on his show are as surprising as can be.For example,the show takes the ever-common talk show titles of love,sex,cheating and hate,to a different level.Clearly,the Jerry Springer show

21、 is about the dark side of society,yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other peoples lives.Like Jerry springer,Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its top,but Oprah goes in the opposite direction.The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different quality(质量)of life.Conten

22、ts are from teaching your children lessons,managing your work week,to getting to know your neighbors.Compared to Oprah,the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured into society.Jerry ends every show with a“final word”.He makes a small speech about the entire idea of the show.Hopef

23、ully,this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.Clean as it is,the Oprah show is not for everyone.The shows main viewers are middleclass Americans.Most of these people have the time,money,and ability to deal with lifes tougher problems.Jerry Springer,on the other hand,has

24、more of a connection with the young adults of society.These are 18-to-21-year-olds whose main troubles in life include love,relationship,sex,money and drug.They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned through the shows exploitation.课后训练一、单项选择1.I regret_you that we are unable to off

25、er you the job.A.informing B.having informed inform information2._we all know,air is a gas.A.As B.WhatC.That D.Which3.I can hardly imagine Peter_across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.sail sail C.sailing have sailed4.Robert_me his address the other day,but Im afraid I_it.A.had

26、given;lost B.has given;have lostC.gave;have lost;lost5.He kept putting his dream to the test,even though it meant_with uncertainty and fear of be living D.having been lived6.Youll soon_when you spend several days on the seaside.A.hold up B.bring up C.pick up D.

27、take up7.I suggested the cheat _ into prison.A.referred to being put B.referred be putC.refer to be put D.referred should be put8.I _the book for you.But it was too difficult for me.A.intend B.intendedC.would intend D.had intended9.May I_that a plan should be made for this terms study?A.remind you o

28、f B.remind you withC.remind to you D.remind you10.His great discovery_his determination and devotion to science.A.caused B.led toC.lied in D.resulted in11.I dont skate now,but I_ when I was a kid.A.used to used to itC.used D.used to do12.And besides,these colours are more_you.Do you really think so?ll take it,then.A.becoming to B.belonging toC.referring to D.used to13.Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work_ all their time.A.takes away

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