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新世纪版 高二第一学期 unit6同步练习Word文件下载.docx

1、6. play or amusement; refreshment of body and mindII. Words transformation.Eg: introduce (v. ) -(n. ) introduction1. tourism(n.) - (adj.) 2. recreation(n. ) - (adj. ) 3. poison(n. ) - (adj. ) 4. solution(n.) - (v.) 5. regulation(n. ) - (v. ) 6. pollute(v. ) - (n. ) III.Translate these phrases.1. 全世界

2、 2. 重工业 3. 长期的影响_ 4. 鱼的种类 5. 大量的游客 6. 热带海岛 7. 食物链_ 8. 最大的威胁之一_9. 公平地分享 10. 未来,将来 11. 最普通的问题 12. 把倾倒入 13. 确定限制范围_ 14. 问题的解决办法_ 15. 遭受威胁中 16. have great effect on 17. as a result 18. agree on 19. in fact 20. prevent sb. from doing sth. 21. pile up 224. for fun 23. make laws IV. Complete the following

3、sentences using one of the phrases mentioned above.1.The boys are playing cards just . Dont disturb them.2.What teachers say in class the students.3.They neednt have taken a taxi._, its only a stones throw away from here.4.The government to protect the environment so that everyone can livecomfortabl

4、y here.5.Eventually, they the places they would visit on holiday!6.The heavy rain us going out for a picnic.7.Dirt if you dont clean the dormitory every day.8.All of us were against the suggestion. , the meeting was called off.9.Each country should do everything possible to save the ocean .10. Altho

5、ugh pollution is serious in this area, but still they have not found the properV. VerbDirections: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.1.The meeting (hold)tomorrow afternoon is of great importance.2._ (raise)in the city, he is not used to the life of the countryside.3._( see)t

6、he film many times, he is very familiar with it.4._While shopping, people sometimes cant help (persuade) into buying5.something they dont really need.6.The book is said (translate)into several languages already.7.After a long walk, everyone felt (tire)out.8.The shopping center (build)now will be the

7、 largest one in our town.9. Oh, dear, I smell something (burn).10. God, my fish.11.The woman kept her eyes (fix)on her baby for some time.12.He stepped in the room, (find)his seat and sat down to read.VI. Translation Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the bracke

8、ts.1. 没有空气和水,地球上就没有生命。 (without)_2. 每天公司里所发生的事情都逃不过她的眼睛。 (escape)3. 难道我们不能把这间小卧室改成一间浴室吗? (convert)4. 在圣诞树灯点亮后,发了礼品。 (give out)5. 为了防止这儿的水受到污染,许多工厂都已经关门了。(prevent. from)B综合提高练习I. Grammar and vocabulary Section A For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given wo

9、rd; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. In CCTVs annual consumer-protection show earlier this month, the international sportswear giant Nike was accused of false advertising. Commercials (21)_ (promote) the Hyperdunk basketball shoes claimed the product is equipped with hig

10、h-tech air cushions. The CCTV program, however, revealed that the product didnt come with the feature. Consumers were apparently misled.This is, in fact, not the first time Nike (22)_ (catch) cheating Chinese consumers. Back in 2011, consumers complained that that years Hyperdunk sneakers didnt have

11、 the (23)_(advertise) air cushions in them, either. Such wrongdoings might not mark the end of Nike (24)_ a respectable and reliable brand among loyal shoppers, but Nike needs to realize that (25)_ one day consumers trust in it vanishes(消失), so will its sales. By then, it will be impossible for the

12、brand (26)_(restore) its reputation.China is an important base for Nike (27)_ it accounts for about ten percent of the companys market. Over the past three decades, numerous NBA greats, from Michael Jordan to LeBron James, have been shown wearing Nikes gear, proving its quality.Placing misleading ad

13、vertisements once again has dampened some consumers trust in Nike. Fortunately, Nike issued a timely apology last week, offering a 4500-yuan refund, (28)_ is three times the cost of the shoes. These gestures show that the company has somewhat realized its mistake and wants to re-establish consumers

14、trust in it.Sportswear companies often push the truth of their products by having famous athletes wearing them. If Usain Bolt is seen in a commercial dashing with Nike, it might be implied that the shoes (29)_ enable you to run faster. However, there are limits to (30)_ can be said to promote a prod

15、uct. With lying comes distrust, and with distrust comes collapse. Thats why Nike, and any other company, needs to be more careful with advertising in the future.Section B Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more t

16、han you need.A. efforts B. pleasure C. amazing D. similar E. desire F. existence G. especially H. draws I. familiar J. necessarily K. creating Humans are naturally drawn to other life forms and the worlds outside of our own. We take delight in the _26_ of creatures and even whole societies beyond ou

17、r everyday life. This sense of wonder is universal. Look at the _27_ that scientists have made to find out whether life of some kind exists on Mars, and the popularity of fantasy (幻想)literature or movies life The Lord of the Ring. This sense of wonder _28_ us to each other, to the world around us, a

18、nd to the world of make-believe(假想)。 But have we gone so far in_29_ worlds of fantasy that we are missing the _30_ of the worlds that already exist all around us? Human beings, as biologists have suggested , possess an inborn _31_to connect with and understand other life forms. However, people, _32_

19、 in big cities, often lead rather isolated lives. In a study of British schoolchildren, it was found that children by age eight were much more _33_ with characters from television shows and video games than with common wildlife. As a matter of fact, without modern technology, a small pond could be a

20、n _34_world filled with strange and beautiful plants, insects, birds, and animals. When we lack meaningful interaction with the world around us, we seek to understand and communicate with things that exist only in our imaginations or on a computer screen. The world of make-believe is not _35_bad. Bu

21、t when the world of fantasy becomes the only outlet (出路) for our sense of wonder, then we are really missing something, a connection with the living world. III. Reading Comprehension Section A Recently, Pew Research Center announced that over a quarter of Americans have shared a selfie online. Unsur

22、prisingly, the practice of photographing oneself and sharing that image via social media has _51_ among all age groups. Evidence of its mainstream nature is seen in other aspects of our culture too. Last year, selfie was not only added to the Oxford English Dictionary, but also named Word of the Yea

23、r. Yet, despite the huge number of people practicing it, _52_ is also surrounding selfie. An assumption that sharing selfies is embarrassing runs throughout the journalistic and scholarly coverage on the topic. Negative words like self-centered and _53_ have inevitably become a part of any conversat

24、ion about selfies among scholars. But, over a quarter of all Americans are relying on it. Why? The usual reasons given by scholarsself-center and fame-seekingseem too _54_ to explain such a crowd acting. There is always more to a social cultural practice than what _55_. Simply put, physical and digi

25、tal technology make it possible. The idea that technology _56_ the social world and our lives has been recognized by people. To some extent, world is shaped by technological revolutions. The selfie is not a(n) _57_ form of expression. Artists have created self-portraits for centuries, from cave to o

26、il paintings, to early photography and modern art. People are _58_ their feelings and thoughts through certain media. Whats original about todays selfie is its public popularity. Technological advancement _59_ the self-portrait used to be restricted to the art world and gave it to the masses. Those

27、digital front-facing cameras, social media platforms, and wireless communications conveniently available make selfie a job _60_ any time anywhere. Besides, We are not _61_ beings living by ourselves. We are social beings who live in social communities, and as such, our lives are fundamentally formed

28、 by social relations with other people. As photos meant to be _62_, selfies are not individual acts; they are social gestures. Selfies, as well as our presence on social media generally, are a part of “identity work-the work that we do on a daily basis to _63_ that we are seen by others as we wish t

29、o be seen. In fact, the crafting and display of identity has long been understood as a social process. The selfies we take and show are to present a _64_ image of us so as to become a part of our identity formation and _65_. 51. A. flowered B. returned C. imposed D. functioned52. A. negotiation B. criticism C. regret D. punishment53. A. self-contained B. self-evident

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