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1、budget for doing sth. 为做做预算2.acute: adj. fine, sharp, severe, very great (1)敏锐的; 灵敏的;(2) 剧烈的;厉害的;(3) 严重的;(4) 急性的(疾病) He still has very acute hearing, though he is 80 years old. She is suffering acute pain.辨析 acute ;keen; sharp意思都含“锐利的”(包括它的引伸义)意思。用于物时,(1)sharp 指“尖或刃”, 如:a sharp point 锐利的尖。(2)keen 一般

2、指“刃”, 如:a keen edge锋刃。(3)acute 只用于学术语中, 如:an acute angle锐角。用于人时, (1)sharp 表示“有洞察力的, 精明的, 机警的”, 着重“狡猾”“不易受骗”, 如:You wont catch him. Hes very sharp.你骗不了他, 他精明极了。(2)keen 表示人的“锐敏”、 “聪明”、 “善于思索”, 如:Hes a keen mind.他头脑灵敏。(3)acute 侧重指“人观察事物的深刻性以及分辨问题的细致性。” 如:He has given an acute analysis of the situation.

3、他对形势做了深刻的分析。3.replace vt.(常与with, by连用)用代替辨析replace; supersede; supplant 都含“代替”的意思。(1)replace 指“代替某人”或“取代已经失去的、毁坏的或用坏的东西”, 如:We replace defective tubes.我们更换有毛病的管子。(2)supersede系正式用语, 指“用更好的、最新的东西替换过时的或无用的东西”, 如:The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships.帆船已被汽船所取代。(3)supplant 指“以武力、欺骗等手段替代原来的

4、人或其职位”, 如:The prime minister was supplanted by his rival.首相被他的政敌赶下台了。4. restless adj.得不到休息的, 不平静的, 不安宁的 restlessly: ad. impatiently The man repeatedly looked at his watch while walking up and down restlessly in the room.5.elbow: vt. To push or jostle (another or others) with the elbow.用肘推挤(另一人或另一些人)

5、n. The joint or bend of the arm between the forearm and the upper arm. 肘关节上臂与前臂之间的关节或胳膊弯曲处词组 out at elbow(s)衣衫褴褛的,破旧的;千疮百孔的elbow ones way 用肘挤出路来elbow sb. aside (off) 推到一边She elbowed her way through the crowd. 她从人群中挤了过去。6. abrupt: a. 1) (of behavior) rough粗鲁无礼的;唐突的When I asked her about her new job,

6、she was quite abrupt with me. 2) sudden and unexpected突然的The meeting came to an abrupt end. 会谈突然结束。辨析sudden; abrupt意思都含“突然的”。(1)sudden指“事先未料到、无准备而迅速发生的”, 强调“先未警告的”, 如:a sudden outburst of temper突然大发雷霆。(2)abrupt指“突然的”、“出其不意的”、“事先未告知的”, 如:He took an abrupt departure.他突然离去。7.brief: a. short and not con

7、taining too many detailsHis remarks were brief and to the point. 他的话很简洁,而且说到了点子上。 词组 in brief = in short简单地说;简明扼要的Notice the use of the phrase in brief, which means in as few words as possible.the news in brief 新闻提要In brief, take no risks whatever. 简而言之, 千万不要冒险。派生词 brevity n. 简短8.ritual: 1) a. of or

8、 done regularly followed in exactly the same way each time 通常的,习惯的Every day the work begins with the ritual phrases of greeting. 每天,工作以例行的相互问候开始。2) n. C, U method followed repeatedly in the same way every time 例行仪式;例行习惯Wives make a ritual of their household duties.家庭主妇把家务作为自己每天的例行公事。9.interaction: n

9、. 1) communication交流informal interactions among adults 成年人之间非正式交流 2) acting on each other; working together 互相作用;互相影响Increased interaction between the police and citizens will improve the rate of solving crimes. 警民之间加强合作将有助于提高破案率。inter-构词成分表示“在中”“相互”派生词 interact v.互相作用interact on作用, 影响, 制约, 配合intera

10、ct with与.相合10.convention:1) general, usu. unspoken, agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations; customary practice习俗, 惯例It is the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions. 男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。2) meeting of members of a profession, political party, etc. 会议;协议;契约Conv

11、entions are usually held in large cities, which have good transportation systems and interesting sights to see. 会议通常在大城市里举行,那里有完善的交通和观光的地方。 词组 according to the convention 照惯例辨析convention, congress , conference , assembly 会议,集会convention 意为“会议,大会,年会”常指某一团体或政党为某一特殊目的所召开的会议。e.g. They were arranging the

12、 entertainment at the companys annual dealer convention . 他们正在安排公司经销商年会上的招待问题。congress 意为“代表大会,会议”,指各社会团体或国家的代表的正式会议,以交流情况和意见。e.g. A congress of heart specialists is meeting in Chicago.一个心脏病专家会议正在芝加哥召开。conference 会议;谈判;协商e.g. He held conference with his assistants until late onto the night. 他和他的助手们一

13、直磋商到深夜。Assembly 与会者为一共同理由,如为立法的,宗教的,教育的或社会目的聚集在一起的人e.g. The assembly of doctors discussed the latest medical research.医生们举行会议讨论医学研究的最新动态。Meeting 会议;集会e.g. Many people came to the meeting in the hall.很多人来参加在大厅里举行的会议。11.leisure n.空闲, 闲暇, 悠闲, 安逸leisurely: a. without hurry. Notice that it is an adjectiv

14、e, not an adverb. I had a leisurely glass of beer. 我慢悠悠地品了一杯啤酒。语法*In English, noun + -ly usually results in an adjective. Friendly and brotherly are both adjectives.词组at (ones) leisure当某人有自由时间时;在某人方便时:Ill return the call at my leisure.我有空就会来拜访at leisure 有空, 闲着无事;从从容容地wait sb.s leisure 等待某人有空时辨析leisu

15、re和ease都有“空闲,闲暇”之含义,但它们又有细微的区别。(1)leisure通常指各种工作或任务之余的空闲或闲暇,也可指无事的悠闲或安逸。e.g. I have very leisure time in this job.我干这工作很少有空闲时间。(2)ease指无牵无挂、轻松自在的状态。 e.g. Shes rich and leads a life of ease.她富有并且过着悠闲自在的生活。12.assess: vt. judge the quality, importance, or worth ofIts too early to assess the effects of

16、the new law. 要评价新法令的效果现在还为时过早。辨析 assessvt.估定, 评定;ass n.驴傻瓜;笨蛋【复数】 asses;access n.进入;通道; 使用;接近; vt.存取, 接近13.surroundings: n.( pl.) the things in the neighborhood of , or the conditions affecting a person or thing The house is in beautiful surroundings. 这座房屋四周的环境优美。辨析 surroundings 复数,表示具体环境environment

17、不用复数,抽象的总称,指自然环境或生活条件14.generally: ad. /in general1) usuallyThey generally go to France for their holidays. 他们通常去法国度假。2) by most people, widelyIt is generally agreed that smoking is bad for health. 人们普遍认为吸烟有害健康。辨析Common; ordinary; general都含“普通的”意思。(1)common强调“常见的”、“ 不足为奇的”, 如:Colds are common in win

18、ter.感冒在冬天很常见。(2)ordinary强调“平常的”、“平淡无奇的”, 如:His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk. 他通常的晚餐不过是面包和牛奶。(3)general意为“普遍的”、“一般的”, 如:This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist. 这本书是为一般读者写的, 不是为专家写的。15.proben. (1)探针(2)外太空探测器;探测飞船 (= space probe)(3)探索;查究v. examine closel

19、y The police are probing (into) trading which breaks the law. 警方正在调查非法交易活动。vt.(1)探查;探寻;深挖 (2) 调查;刺探辨析 都含“调查”、“研究”、“探索”的意思。(1)investigate 指“详尽的, 通常是正式的或官方的调查, 以弄清事实的真相”, 如:the investigation of a crime调查罪行。(2)probe 指“广泛而彻底的调查”, 如:mount a massive probe of sb.s death广泛调查某人之死。(3)research 指“科学家或学者为了发现新的事实

20、或获得新信息而从原始资料开始进行坚韧不拔的调查或研究”, 如:He made a research into the cause of cancer.他对癌症病因进行了研究。(4)inquest 指“法律调查”, 如:a 2-year inquest into the case对该案进行历时两年的调查。(5)examine 强调“详细观察或检验某人或某事以求了解其真实情况”, 如:He had a physical examination.他进行了一次体检。(6)inquiry 强调“以询问方式进行调查”, 如:Counselors began an inquiry into industri

21、al needs.顾问们开始调查工业方面的需要。16.tickvi. (of a clock, etc.) make a sequence of quiet short regularly repeated soundsWhile we waited the taxis meter kept ticking away. 在我们等待时, 出租车上的计程表一直在滴滴答答地响着。tick off责备;责骂;斥责e.g.Constant delays ticked me off.反复地耽搁使我很生气tick over(1)(内燃机等)怠速转动(2)(工作等)接近停滞,慢吞吞地进行,死气沉沉17.con

22、sequently: ad. as a result, so同义词 accordingly, as a result, hence, therefore词组 be consequent on /upon因.而引起的, 随.而发生的, 是.的后果The bank refused to help the company; consequently it went out of business. 银行拒绝帮助这家公司,公司因此倒闭了。18.significance: n. meaning, importanceWhat is the significance of this speech? 这个讲话有什么意义?The significance for college students of doing a part-time job is more than money and experience. 大学生打工的意

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