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1、5.积极地寻求支援和建议,突破停滞期。6.参加一些培训,进修,夜校任何新的兴趣都将会有助于发展你的优势。7.多看,多听,让你的头脑保持活跃。学习永远也不嫌年龄大。/活到老,学到老。第二课keep busy 让自己忙起来1. The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. So dont bother to think about it! Spit on your hands and get busy. Your blood will start

2、circulating; your mind will start ticking and pretty soon this whole positive upsurge of life in your body will drive worry from your mind.2. Get busy. Keep busy. Its the cheapest kind of medicine there is on this earth- and one of the best.1.令自己感到沮丧的“秘诀”就是用空闲时间去烦恼自己是否快乐。所以,不要费事去想它!摩拳檫掌干起来吧。你将热血沸腾,你

3、会头脑清醒。很快,在你身体中的这种高涨的积极人生观将把烦恼从你的头脑中赶出去。2.行动起来,忙碌起来。这是世界上最便宜的一种药,也是最好的一种。第三课always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity在困境中寻找成功的希望1. There is no better school than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performan

4、ce next time. Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes. Because I know gems cannot shine without polish, and I cannot perfect myself without hardship.2.Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and

5、do, gathers so richly about my soul as when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will always inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed, how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportuni

6、ty that moment might present to take the bitter rot I am holding and transform it into a fragrant garden of flowers!3. Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity?1.逆境是一所最好的学校。每一次打击、每一次损失,都蕴育着成功的萌芽,都教会我在下一次有更出色的表现。我再也不会逃避现实,也不会拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验,我不再因此而促成自己的失败。因此我知道,宝玉不经磨砺就不能发光,没有磨练,我也不能完善自我

7、。2.现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最大哟选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是底下头无论何时但我被可怕的失败击倒,在最出的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现这苦涩的根必将迎来满圆芬芳!3.我将一直在困境中寻找成功的希望。第四课no one can made you feel inferior 没有人可以使你干到自卑1. I choose to feel good about myself. That way I am more open to learning. If people give me negative f

8、eedback or criticize something I do, I dont interpret what they are saying as meaning that I am a “bad” person. The belief that I control y own self-esteem permits me to listen to and hear their feedback in a non-defensive way- looking to see if there is something I can learn.2. We have two choices

9、every day. We can feel good about ourselves, or we can feel lousy about ourselves. Why would anyone choose the latter?1.我选择感觉自己很棒,这样我能更加开放地学习。如果人们给我负面的回应或是批评我做的事情,外部回味认为他们所说的就代表名我是一个“差劲的”人。我坚信自尊由我掌空,这让我毫无戒心地去听取别人的反馈,想看看是否有我可以学习的东西。 2.我们每天都有两种选择。我们可以感到自己很棒,也可以感到自己很差劲。难道有人会选择后者吗?第五课 hold fast to dream

10、s 紧紧抓住梦想1. We all have dreams. We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place.2. At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life t

11、hat we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated-and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost

12、 that sense of certainty that creates the winners edge.3. What we should do is to restore the dream and to make it real, to get each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that lies sleeping within us all.1.我们每个人都有梦想。我们每个人都希望能发自内心地相信自己有一种特殊的天赋,相信自己能法挥重要的作用,相信自己能以一种特殊的方式感动他人,相信自己能够把世界变得更加美好。2.

13、在一生中,我们都曾经对自己渴望并追求的生活品质抱有憧憬。然而,对我们大多数的人来说,这些憧憬在日常生活的成规和挫败中已经变得如此渺茫,以至于我们甚至不再美丽去实现它们。对太大哟人来说,梦想已经远离,随之远离的还有塑造我们命运的意愿。很多人已经失去了家拧的信念,而正是坚定的信念为胜利者创造了优势。3.我们所要做的是重拾梦想,并实现梦想,让我们每个人都集注,并去运用深藏在自己身上的无限潜能。第六课 Nothing can take the place and persistence 毅力无法替代1. Nothing in the world can take the place of persis

14、tence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.2. Perseverance does not always mean stick

15、ing to the same thing forever. It means giving full concentration and effort to whatever you are doing, right now! it means doing the tough things first and looking downstream for gratification and rewards. It means being happy in your work, but hungry for more knowledge and progress. It means makin

16、g more calls, going more miles, pulling more weeds, getting up earlier in the day and always being on the lookout for a better way of doing what youre doing. Perseverance is success through trial and error.1.世界上没有任何东西可以替代毅力。才干不可以,无所作为的能人十分普通;天分不可以,碌碌无为的天尽人皆知;教育不可以,受过良好教育的没落者更上随处可见。只要有毅力和决心,就是无所不能的。2

17、.毅力并不总是一味着永远坚持做同一件事。它意味着无论你做任何事情,你都要立刻全心投入,竭尽全力;它意味着先做艰苦的工作,在去期待随之而来的满足和回报。它意味着开心地工作,渴望更多的知识和进步。它意味着多打几个电话、多走几里路、多除草、早起床,意味着总是寻求更好的方式去做你在做的事情。毅力就是经历考验和过失的成功。第七课 I am natures greatest miracle 我是世上最伟大的奇迹1. Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ear

18、s, my hair, my mouth.2. I am the end product of thousands of years of evolution; there-fore, I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men that who preceded me. I have unlimited potential. I am a unique creature.3. I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a pur

19、pose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand.4. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.5. I will win, and I will become the greatest person, for I am unique.6. I am nat

20、ures greatest miracle.1.自开天劈以来,没有一个人和我一样,我的头脑、我的心灵、我的眼睛、我的耳朵、我的双手、我的头发、我的嘴都是与众不同的。2.我是千万年来进化的终端产物,应此,我的头脑和身体都超过以往所有的帝王和智者。我有无尽 的潜力。我是个独一无二的生命。3.我不是偶然间来到这个世界上的。我是为着一个目的来的,这个目的就是成为一座高山,而不是变为群峰之颠,我要降温的潜能发挥到极至。5.我将成功,我将成为最伟大的人,因为我是独一无二的。6.我是世界上只伟大的奇迹。第八课 stop to smell the flowers 驻足片刻闻花香1. In the hustle

21、 and bustle of modern-day life, people seldom stop to enjoy the beauty of nature.2. Ask yourself how many times you have listened to the birds sing. And when was the last time you looked at the sparking stars twinkle in the sky?3. Time flies and life is short and dont forget to stop to smell the flo

22、wers. In our eagerness to make a living, we often forget about our quality of life. Too often you hear people say, “Im too busy,” for this or the. What a shame! One day, when they do find time to stop to smell the flowers, it might be too late.1.在现代生活的忙忙碌碌中,人们很少会听下来欣赏自然的美。2.问问自己,你有多少次倾听过鸟儿歌唱,你最近一次抬头

23、仰望闪耀的星又是在什么时候?3.时光飞逝,人生苦短。不要忘记驻足片刻闻闻花香。我们在急于谋生的过程中,往往忽视了我们生活的品质。多少次,你听见人们为着为那说“我忙死了。”多可惜啊!有一天,当他们真的找到时间能够驻足片刻闻花香时,可能已经太迟了。第九课 join the smile and compliment club 加入到微笑者和赞美者的行列来1. When you smile at someone and they smile back, you automatically feel better. Even if they dont smile back, you will feel

24、better because you know the most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile. You immediately become richer by giving that person yours.2. The same goes for the compliment. When you sincerely compliment a person or extend him a courtesy, he is going to receive a direct benefit and like

25、himself better. It is impossible for you to make someone feel better and not feel better yourself.1.当你对别人微笑时,别人也会对你抱以微笑,你自然会感觉很棒。即使他们没有对你抱以微笑,你也会感觉很棒,因为你知道到世上最贫穷的人就是从不微笑的人当你对那个人微笑时,你立刻变得更加富有。2.赞美也是这个道理。当你真诚地赞美一个人或是对他彬彬有礼室,他将立即受益,更喜欢自己。当你让别人感觉更加好时,你自己也会感觉更好。第十课 always will I bathe my days in the sea

26、of enthusiasm 我将永远沐浴在热情的海洋里1. Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.2. Without enthusiasm I am doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it I can accomplish miracles.3. Some of us are enthusiastic at times and a few even

27、retain their eagerness for a day or a week. All that is good but I must and I will form the habit of sustaining my enthusiasm indefinitely, honestly, and sincerely so that the success I enjoy today can be repeated tomorrow and next week and next month.4. We first must make our habits and then, good

28、or bad, they make is. Enthusiasm, the love for whatever it is I am doing at the moment, works in marvelous ways I need not even attempt to understand but I do know that it will give additional vitality to my muscles and my mind.5. Always will I bathe my days in the sea of enthusiasm?1.历史上任何伟大的成绩都可以称

29、为是热情的胜利。没有热情,不可能成就任何伟业。2.没有热情,我注定要在平庸中度过一生;而有了热情,我将创造奇迹。3.一些人时不时有点热情,少数人能够保持一天或一周的热情。这些都很好,当我必须也必将养成这样的习惯:永远地、诚恳得、真诚得保持我的热情,我今天所享有的成功更能够在明天、下周乃至下个月不断得重复。4.首先我们必须养成自己的习惯,然后,无论是好四坏,这些习惯塑造我们。热情,也就是我对自己现在正在做的任何只的热爱,起着不可思议的作用,我并不需要努力去弄动它,但我的确知道,它将给我的身体肌肉和头脑带来额外的活动。5.我将永远沐浴在热情的海洋里。第十一课allow your self to e

30、 happy 让自己快乐1. An estimated 70 percent of us are clinically depressed at some time in our lives.2. Why are we so unhappy when we have so many opportunities nowadays?3. People try everything: money, sex, career, marriage, divorce, alcohol, rock and roll and even drugs, but most of us only want one thing-happiness.4. Being happy

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