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1、I want to call those cities which have arisen more or less spontaneously over many, many years natural cities. And I shall call those cities and parts of cities which have been deliberately created by designers and planners artificial cities. Siena, Liverpool, Kyoto, Manhattan are examples of natura

2、l cities. Levittown, Chandigarh and the British New Towns are examples of artificial cities. 第 页 38 我会把那些在一段较长的时间内或多或少自发兴起的城市叫做“自然的城市”。而将那些在设计师和规划师设计下而形成的城市或者那部分的城市称为“人造的城市”。 锡耶纳,曼哈顿,京都,利物浦都是自然的城市。莱维顿镇,昌迪加尔和英国的新城则是人造的城市。It is more and more widely recognized today that there is some essential ingredi

3、ent missing from artificial cities. When compared with ancient cities that have acquired the patina of life, our modern attempts to create cities artificially are, from a human point of view, entirely unsuccessful. 今天,人们越来越广泛的认识到,人造的城市中缺少一些必要的因素。从人类的视角看来,与那些拥有悠久历史的古老城市相比,我们这些现代人尝试人工创造的城市,是完全失败的。Both

4、 the tree and the semilattice are ways of thinking about how a large collection of many small systems goes to make up a large and complex system. More generally, they are both names for structures of sets. 数形与半格都是考虑一种思考一些很大数量的小的体系是如何构成一个大的复杂的系统的方法。更通俗的说,他们都是集合的构造的名字。In order to define such structure

5、s, let me first define the concept of a set. A set is a collection of elements which for some reason we think of as belonging together. Since, as designers, we are concerned with the physical living city and its physical backbone, we must naturally restrict ourselves to considering sets which are co

6、llections of material elements such as people, blades of grass, cars, molecules, houses, gardens, water pipes, the water molecules in them etc. 为了定义这种结构,首先定义一下“集合”的概念。“集合”是一个由于某些原因我们认为具有同一属性的要素的收集。于是,作为设计者,我们关心物质的适于生活的城市以及它的中轴线,我们必须限制我们自己去考虑那些物质的元素的集合,例如人人,草,汽车,分子,房子,花园,水管以及其中的水分子等等。When the element

7、s of a set belong together because they co-operate or work together somehow, we call the set of elements a system. 当集合里的元素因为他们相互合作或者因某些原因一起运转时,我们称这种集合为“系统”。第 页 39 For example, in Berkeley at the corner of Hearst and Euclid, there is a drugstore, and outside the drugstore a traffic light. In the entr

8、ance to the drugstore there is a newsrack where the days papers are displayed. When the light is red, people who are waiting to cross the street stand idly by the light; and since they have nothing to do, they look at the papers displayed on the newsrack which they can see from where they stand. Som

9、e of them just read the headlines, others actually buy a paper while they wait. 例如,在伯克利,赫斯特和欧几里德的拐弯处,有一个药房,在药房外边有个一个交通灯。 在药房的入口里有个报栏,里面有每天的报纸。当红灯的时候,等待穿过街道的人们站在灯旁边等待,也许他们没什么可做的,于是他们就看那些从他们站的地方可以看得到的报纸。他们等待的时候,一些人只读标题,另一些人却会买一张报纸。This effect makes the newsrack and the traffic light interactive; the n

10、ewsrack, the newspapers on it, the money going from peoples pockets to the dime slot, the people who stop at the light and read papers, the traffic light, the electric impulses which make the lights change, and the sidewalk which the people stand on form a system - they all work together. 这种效果使得报栏和交

11、通灯互相影响,放着报纸的报栏,从人们的口袋进入报栏的钱,在交通灯前停下读报的人们,交通灯,那个使灯改变的电气推动,还有人们脚下的人行横道组成了一个系统他们全部一同运作。From the designers point of view, the physically unchanging part of this system is of special interest. The newsrack, the traffic light and the sidewalk between them, related as they are, form the fixed part of the s

12、ystem. It is the unchanging receptacle in which the changing parts of the system - people, newspapers, money and electrical impulses - can work together. I define this fixed part as a unit of the city. It derives its coherence as a unit both from the forces which hold its own elements together and f

13、rom the dynamic coherence of the larger living system which includes it as a fixed invariant part. 从设计者的观点看来,这个系统中物质上不变的部分是最有趣的。报栏,交通灯和在它们之间的人行道,以及他们之间的相互关系,形成这个系统的固定部分。正式这些固定部分形成了可变部分的基础人,报纸,钱和电脉冲使他们能一同运作。我把这个固定的系统定义为城市的一个单元。作为一个单元,它从把它自己的元素结合在一起的力量那里以及从把它作为一个固定的不变的部分包括的更大的动态系统的连贯性那里取得它的连贯性。第 页 40

14、Of the many, many fixed concrete subsets of the city which are the receptacles for its systems and can therefore be thought of as significant physical units, we usually single out a few for special consideration. In fact, I claim that whatever picture of the city someone has is defined precisely by

15、the subsets he sees as units. 对于大部分的那些可以被看作是系统的容器并因此被认为是城市的重要的固定单元的子集来说,我们通常选出一些作为典型的考虑。实际上,我认为无论某人的城市的映像是什么,它都正好被他看作是单元的子集定义。Now, a collection of subsets which goes to make up such a picture is not merely an amorphous collection. Automatically, merely because relationships are established among the

16、 subsets once the subsets are chosen, the collection has a definite structure. 现在,那些组成这样的一张图的子集合不再是无定形的。通常自动的,一旦子集被选出,仅仅当子集中的关系是确定的时候,那些子集就会有一个确定的结构。To understand this structure, let us think abstractly for a moment, using numbers as symbols. Instead of talking about the real sets of millions of rea

17、l particles which occur in the city, let us consider a simpler structure made of just half a dozen elements. Label these elements 1,2,3,4,5,6. Not including the full set 1,2,3,4,5,6, the empty set -, and the one-element sets 1,2,3,C4,5, 6, there are 56 different subsets we can pick from six elements

18、. 为了理解这个结构,让我们暂时的抽象的思考,使用数字作为符号。让我们考虑一个只不过由半打要素做成的简单结构,而不是思考在城市发生的真正的数百万个真实的粒子。给这些要素贴上1,2,3,4,5,6 的标签。不包括 1,2,3,4,5,6 的全集,空集-,以及单元素集合1,2, 3,4,5,6,我们可以找到56 个不同的子集合由这6种元素构成的。Suppose we now pick out certain of these 56 sets (just as we pick out certain sets and call them units when we form our picture

19、of the city). Let us say, for example, that we pick the following subsets: 123, 34, 45, 234, 345, 12345, 3456. 假定我们现在从这56个集合中选出某一个,正如我们形成一个城市的描述的时候,我们选出某些集合并把他们称为单元一样,。例如,我们选出了以下的子集合,123,34,45,234,345,12345,3456。第 页 41 What are the possible relationships among these sets? Some sets will be entirely

20、part of larger sets, as 34 is part of 345 and 3456. Some of the sets will overlap, like 123 and 234. Some of the sets will be disjoint - that is, contain no elements in common like 123 and 45. 这些设备之间可能的关系是什么,一些集合完全是较大的集合的一部分,例如34是345以及 3456的一部分。一些集合互相重叠,例如123与234。一些集合之间没有相同的元素比如,在123与45之间没有相同的元素。As

21、we see from these two representations, the choice of subsets alone endows the collection of subsets as a whole with an overall structure. This is the structure which we are concerned with here. When the structure meets certain conditions it is called a semilattice. When it meets other more restricti

22、ve conditions, it is called a tree. 从这两种情况我们可以看出,这些选出的子集单独的作为一个整体的结构支持这些子集的集合。这是我们关心的结构。当这些结构满足某些条件时,它被称为“半格”。当它满足其他更限制性的条件时,它被叫为“树形”。The semilattice axiom goes like this: A collection of sets forms a semilattice if and only if, when two overlapping sets belong to the collection, the set of elements

23、 common to both also belongs to the collection. 半格的公理是这样的,当且仅当一个集合里包括的两个集合互相重叠,而且其中重叠的元素也属于这个集合的时候,这个集合被称为一个“半格”。The structure illustrated in diagrams A and B is a semilattice. It satisfies the axiom since, for instance, 234 and 345 both belong to the collection and their common part, 34, also belon

24、gs to it. (As far as the city is concerned, this axiom states merely that wherever two units overlap, the area of overlap is itself a recognizable entity and hence a unit also. In the case of the drugstore example, one unit consists of newsrack, sidewalk and traffic light. Another unit consists of t

25、he drugstore itself, with its entry and the newsrack. The two units overlap in the newsrack. Clearly this area of overlap is itself a recognizable unit and so satisfies the axiom above which defines the characteristics of a semilattice.) The tree axiom states: A collection of sets forms a tree if an

26、d only if, for any two sets that belong to the collection either one is wholly contained in the other, or else they are wholly disjoint. 在图解A和图解B中的结构是半格。例如,由于234以及345都属于这个集合,并且,他们的共同部分,34,也属于它,因此这满足半格的定义。,就城市而言,这条公理仅仅表明第 页 42 了无论两个单元如何重叠,重叠的地区本身也是一个被认识的实体并且作为一个单位而存在。就药房例子而言,报栏,人行道和交通灯组成一个单位。另一个单位亲自由

27、药房组成,带有它的入口和报栏。两个单元的重叠部分为报栏。显然,这重叠的部分本身是一个可认识的单位并且因此满足前面确定一个半格的特性的公理。,数形的定义是这样的,当且仅当一个集合里包括的两个集合一个完全属于另一个,或者两个集合毫不相关的时候,这个集合被称为一个“数形”。However, in this chapter we are not so much concerned with the fact that a tree happens to be a semilattice, but with the difference between trees and those more gene

28、ral semilattices which are not trees because they do contain overlapping units. We are concerned with the difference between structures in which no overlap occurs, and those structures in which overlap does occur. 但是,在这个章节中,我们并不关心一个数形肯定是半格的这个事实,我们关心的是数形与那些因为包含了相互重叠的单元的不是数形的更一般的半格之间的区别,我们关心的是没有重叠发生的结

29、构和那些有重叠的结构之间的区别。It is not merely the overlap which makes the distinction between the two important. Still more important is the fact that the semilattice is potentially a much more complex and subtle structure than a tree. We may see just how much more complex a semilattice can be than a tree in the

30、 following fact: a tree based on 20 elements can contain at most 19 further subsets of the 20, while a semilattice based on the same 20 elements can contain more than 1,000,000 different subsets.那些造成如此区别的重叠的重要性不只如此,相对于树形来说,半格是一种潜在的更复杂微妙的结构,这个事实更为重要。从上面的例子我们可以看出半格比树形更加复杂,一个基于20个元素的数形最多含有19个深一层的子集,但一个基于这同样的20个元素的半格包含了至少1,000,000个不同的子集。This enormously greater variety is an index of the great structural compl

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