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1、A: What are you doing now?B: Im buying a train ticket. Why are you here?A: I want to buy a train ticket, too. Where are you going? Im going to go to Sichuan. Who will take you there? My brother. Where are you going? Beijing. Ill visit my grandparents. Beijing is a famous city. Do take more photos an

2、d have a good time. Thank you . The same to you. Goodbye. Byebye.2. 新课展示(New Presentation)教师利用CAI课件上的景点图片或是照片讲解本课重点词汇和句型。1)景点词汇教授。 教师播放CAI让学生感知图片,然后出示各个景点照片一一教授。教师用简单的句型描述一个景点,让学生们猜猜那是什么。 Its very famous and great. Its in Xian. Its about the Qin Dynasty.从而引出秦始皇兵马俑,教师教授英文单词- Qin Shi huang s Terra-cot

3、ta Warriors And Horses. The Bell Tower 钟楼The West Lake 西湖The Great Wall 长城 教法从上。 教师可以在教授单词的过程中,引导学生说出这些景点所在的城市,并用形容词来修饰这些景点。 This is the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. Its in Xian.Its famous and great.This is the Bell Tower.Its famous and beautiful.This is the West Lake.Its in HangzhouIts famous a

4、nd nice. 2) 语言点讲述1. 教师拿出一张照片,询问 Whats this? 学生回答 Its a picture.或Its a photo. 从而引出短语照相 take a picture of some place take a photo of some place . e.g take a picturephoto of the Bell Tower 课文中在take some pictures 之前加上do, 用来加强语气,可理解为“一定要”。 For example,Do take some pictures of The Bell Tower when you are

5、in Xian. 2. be ready for sth (为做好准备) 例如:Are you ready for English test? 3. have a good time ( 玩得高兴) 还可以说 have a nicewonderful time.3) 语法点讲述 教师将语法点进行讲解,一般将来时态是指在将来时间发生的事情和动作。有两种表达法:be going to do something will do something 教师出示各个景点图片,师生互动,进行问答练习。 Im going to go to Beijing. My father will take me the

6、re.3.小结 本课重点学习了著名景点的名称,要求学生不但要熟练掌握景点名词,并且能用简单的形容词来修饰。4. 听课本录音,学习课文。 Listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions.(播放录音) A: What is Robin going to do ? B: He is going to buy the air ticket to Xian. Who will take him there? His parents will take him there. Which place is the most famous one in

7、 Xian? Qin Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses5. Do the exercise of Lets Practice (1) (1) Im going to Xian. Ill take some pictures of Qin Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. (2) Im going to Shandong. Ill take some pictures of Mount Tain. (3) Im goin gto Hangzhou. Ill take some pictures

8、of the West Lake.Lesson 2 I am a visitor here. 本课谈论的仍然是旅游话题,但侧重与在旅馆里,服务员和旅客之间简单的对话。学生要掌握与人交往的基本礼仪句型。Where are you from? Is it the first time you come to? How did you come here?同时学生还应该掌握个别国家名称,例如England,America,Australia和France。教学目标:语言目标 1. 会认会说会用会写以下有关国家名称的单词 England, English, Austraia, Australian,

9、France, French.2. 掌握会说会运用以下句型 Where are you from? Im from Is it the first time you come to? I hope you will enjoy yourself here. How did you come here? I came here by 情感目标 培养学生热情,礼貌,积极,友好的待人态度。教学重点难点分析: 听说读写关于国家名称的单词England, English, Austraia, Australian, France, French 和visitor, hotel.学习并掌握对话内容,相互之

10、间进行模拟练习,并将其灵活运用于实际生活中,着重掌握以上教学目标里的重点句型。教师准备录音机,磁带,课文中涉及的关于国家的图片,地图或地球仪。学生准备自制的关于国家名称的卡片以及交通工具的卡片教师通过和手偶对话来引出本课的重点句型。 A:My name is John. Im a visitor here. Welcome to our city. Can I help you? I have visitied Qing Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. Its great. Where can I go else? You can go t

11、o see the Bell Tower. Its in the center of Xian. It sounds great. Is it the first time for you to come to Xian? Yes. Xian is a great city. Excuse me. Where are you from? Im from America. I hope you will have a good time here. Thank you very much. Its my pleasure.2.新课展示(New Presentation): 教师利用手中的卡片和教

12、具来教授本课的重点单词和句型以及语言现象。 教师向学生讲解今天我们要学习的第一个内容,学习如何在旅游时和旅客进行简单交谈,如何向别人询问国籍以及旅游出行方式等。 首先来学习如何询问别人的国籍,有三种问法: (教师在黑板上写出以下句子)1. Where are you from?2. Where do you come from?3. Whats your nationality?(国籍)所以回答也就有三种答法:(写出来)1. Im from 2. I come from3. My nationality is 在答句后面一般要跟国家名称, 教师出示自己的国家名称图片,在教授的过程中,教师要让学

13、生非常清楚的了解到国家名称和关于这个国家的两类词汇之间的区别,特别是在拼写和语音上,For example, 中国 China (Chinese 中国人的,汉语) 英国 England ( English 英国人的,英语) 法国 France (French 法国人的,法语) 澳大利亚 Australia (Australian 澳大利人的)美国 America(American,美国人的)所以当别人问起你来自哪个国家时,你可以有两种回答的方法: Im from China. Im a Chinese. Im from Australia. Im an Australian.接下来我们要询问别

14、人的出行方式时,我们可以说 How do you come to? 教师将这个重要句型写在黑板上,在回答时,我们要用副词短语 “by”(出示短语)by bike - 骑自行车 by car- 驾驶汽车 by bus- 乘公共汽车 by plane - 乘坐飞机 by ship - 乘坐轮船 on foot-步行教师出示关于交通工具的图片先让学生来复习,然后师生之间可以有一些简单的对话. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. Hpw did you go to work? I go to work by car.教师还可以和学生之间有一个

15、比较简单的猜猜看游戏。教师可以拿出地图或者地球仪,指着上面的城市来进行询问。 How do you go to Hainan?B: Maybe I go there by train. How do you go to Sichuan?在课文中还有一个比较重要的短语 “enjoy yourself” (出示短语和意思) 玩得开心。教师向学生解释这个短语和 have a good time意思一样。一般用在祝福别人旅途愉快时。3. 小结 本课我们学习了关于旅游的一些基本用语,还学习了如何向别人询问国籍,进行名词和形容词的区分。同时对别人的旅途进行简单的询问,例如询问别人的乘车方式等。3.巩固练习

16、教师让学生拿出他们自制的国家名称图片,互相询问国籍,用来帮助学生巩固地点名词和形容词之间的区别。另外,教师还可以让学生拿出他们的地图或者地球仪,互相询问去哪个城市需要乘坐的交通工具。 学生进行对话,最后教师可以挑选一部分学生在全班进行展示。4. 听课文录音回答问题。(播放课文录音) Where is Helen from? He is from Astralia. Is it the first time for him to come to Xian? Yes, it is. How did he come here? By plane.5. Do the exercise of Lets

17、practise () Im a stranger here. Its my first time to Yunnan. I like walking in the village and see the hens and cows. Well , I dont like the buses in the city. I like sleeping in a hotel and eating in a restaraut. Ill visit Lijiang ancient city and Dali city and go shopping.6. Do the exercise of Let

18、s practise (). 1. A: This is the first time we come to Qindao. Welcome to our city! Were from France. By train. 2. A: This is the first time we come to Sichuan. Welcome to our city. Where are you from? Were from America. I hope you will enjoy yourselves here. 3.A: This is the first time we come to B

19、eijing. Welcome to our city. Where are you rom? Were from Australia. By ship. 4.A: This is the first time we come to Hangzhou. Were from England.Lesson 3 How was your trip? 前两课我们已经学习了一些旅行前和旅行过程中的相关对话。这一课,我们将学习如何用英语向别人介绍自己在旅程中的所见,所闻及感受。例如旅游感受 How was your trip to?天气 Was the weather OK?所见 What did you

20、 see in the city? 食物 What do you think of the food there? 1. 会认会说会写会用以下单词 enjoy, weather, delicious, trip. 2. 询问别人旅游感受的一些句型 How was your trip to ? It was great. I enjoyed it. 谈论天气所需要的一些句型 Was the weather OK? Yes, but a little bit hot. 谈论所见所闻的一些句型 What do you think of the food there? Very delicious.

21、学生不但要理解会说以上的一些基本句型,还要能灵活运用在情景中。教学重点和难点分析: 1. 学生能做到会听会说会认会写这单词 enjoy, weather, delicious, trip.2. 通过学生之间的情景对话使学生能够扎实掌握询问别人旅游感受的句型,并能在模拟对话中灵活用。教师准备录音机,磁带,和一些旅游景点的图片。1.热身(Warming up)教师通过和手偶之间的模拟情景对话来引出本课的重点单词和重点句型。 How was your trip to Beijing? It was wonderful. What was the weather like? Is the weathe

22、r OK? Yes, but it was a little cold. What did you see in the city? I saw the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.教师通过自己准备的单词卡片来对本课进行教授。 1) 首先,教师出示一些旅游景点的图片,让学生进行快速抢答,说出这些景点的名称。然后通过景点来复习城市名称。 T: 出示长城的图片 S: Its the Great Wall. 出示兵马俑的图片、 Its the Qingshihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors. T: 出示西湖的图片 Its th

23、e West Lake. Where is the Great Wall? S : Its in Beijing. Where is the Qingshihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors?Its in Xian. Where is the West Lake? S: Its in Hangzhou. 结合课文的重点内容,教师讲授在本节课中我们要学习如何询问别人的旅游感受,旅游时的天气,旅游时的所见及食物。 当我们想要问别人旅游的感受时,我们可以说How was your trip to ? 教师将这个重点句型在黑板上写出来。我们可以回答 Its great.Its wo

24、nderful. 太棒了!I really enjoy it. (出示单词 enjoy 享受) 学生跟读学习单词。 我们还可以回答 Its just-so so. 很一般!2)教师可以用图画的形式来引出下文的学习,出示北京长城的图片,并且用水彩笔现场在上面画一个太阳,然后问学生天气的状况。依次类推,在西安兵马俑上画出云朵,在杭州西湖上画出雨滴。从而引出询问天气时的句型,我们可以说What was the weather like? Was the weather Ok?我们可以回答 It was very cold.It was a little cold.Whats the weather

25、like in Beijing?s warm and sunny. Whats the weather like in Xian? Its cloudy. Whats the weather like in Hangzhou ? Its rainy and wet.3) 当我们想要问及旅游的所见所闻时,我们可以说 What did you see in that city?我们可以回答 I saw many places of interest. (出示短语 places of interest 名胜古迹) For example, the Great Wall(长城), the Summer

26、 Palace(颐和园)当我们想要询问旅游所在地的美食如何时,我们可以说 What do you think of the food there?我们可以回答 Its very delicious. (出示短语 delicious food- 美味的食物) 本节课我们进一步学习了旅游的话题,包括旅游的总体感受, 所见所闻,天气和美食等。我们学习了问和答的基本句型。4. 巩固练习 教师让学生两个人一组,编一组对话,谈谈各自旅游后的感受,教师可以挑选出几组来进行展示。5. 听课文录音学习课文Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. How was Nancys

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