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1、全新大学英语综合答案全新大学英语综合答案VocabularyClass one1、Alan was always in trouble with the police when he was young but hes now a respectable married man.2、The people who had been hurt in the car accident lay screaming in agony.3、Because his conditions not serious theyve put his name down on the hospital waiting

2、list.4、The second part of the book describes the strange sequence of events that lead to the Kings fall from power.5、When I say my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog ,I could hardly hold back my tears.6、They are going to distribute those clothes and blankets among the flood vic

3、tims.7、Linda managed to support herself by working off and on as a waitress.8、Parts of my childhood are so vivid to me that they could be memories of yesterday.9、People often associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.10、Andrew finally decided , after much

4、thought , to leave his job.11、Janes worried she wont be able to turn in her paper on time.12、The President came under attack from all sides for his inability to tackle the countrys sever social problem. Class three1、Itll only be a brief visit because we recently havent much time.2、The job is great i

5、n terms of advancement but the starting salary is rather low.3、Wed better pay that electricity bill before they cut us off.4、As pace of life quickens things tend to change fast in the city.5、Why dont we get rid of these old chairs, since we dont use them anyway?6、The earths atmosphere makes precise

6、observation of distant stars difficult.7、The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure 8.8、I shouldnt always have to tell you what to do, use your own initiative.9、Words cannot convey how grateful we are for his timely help.10、It seems to me that the board of directors is in two minds over the ope

7、ning of a branch office in South Africa.11、I find it difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.12、Philip presented a complex argument that was completely beyond my grasp.Class four1、It was already a wreck when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one.2、With

8、great patience, the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check the balance in her bank account on an ATM.3、If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus, youll see that were now approaching the Tower of London.4、Therell certainly be some problems, but nothing that you cant handle.5、Peopl

9、e who discard litter in the streets should be fined heavily.6、Successful businessmen today are likely to be young, aggressive, and well-educated. Above all, they are willing to take risks to achieve success.7、During those difficult years, the family lived almost entirely on a diet of cabbages.8、What

10、 are we going to do with the food left over from the party?9、We checked on Toms age by getting his birth record.10、Well go out as soon as Ive cleaned up the kitchen.11、For women lawyers in the United States, their weekly earnings are on the average much less than those of male lawyers.12、I wont get

11、involved in a deal like this its against all my principles.Class sixThe former lake bed is now a fertile plain producing good crops of wheat. 2.Aunt Pats rough, red hands reflected a life of hard physical labor. 3.f you are living overseas, you may not have to pay tax in your own country. 4.Helen is

12、 pretty, of slim build,with blue eyes. 5. We split the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves. 6.Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer sustained the trapped miners.7.The glow of the setting sun reddened the stream. 8.The kidnappers thrust the boy into the car an

13、d drove off. 9.It is common knowledge that dogs have a keen sense of smell.10. The usually could winter caused many plants to bud late this year.11.Training is provided, so no previous experience is required for the job.12.We can go to the seven oclock performance or the eight whichever suits you be

14、st.Class seven1. The financial help they got from the local government didnt go far toward solving the problem.2. Their retail business in Asia has expanded rapidly since the early 1990s.3. In the interest of / In the interests of world peace, we must promote mutual understanding among nations with

15、different social systems.4. I thought it was still early, yet I got to the library only to find it closed.5. On the train I encountered an old lady who happened to be a neighbor of my daughters when she lived in Los Angeles.6. Our company has cooperated with several American companies for the past f

16、ew years in joint ventures.7. Phil looked around at the other competitors and assessed his chances of winning.8. The police believed that the reason they failed to find anything suspicious in that guys bag was that members of the gang switched bags at the airport.9. Our visit to the Far East has cer

17、tainly broadened our horizons.10. Emily felt increasingly uncomfortable under the womans steady gaze.11. Everything was going smoothly until suddenly the disaster struck.12. Smallpox, which used to be a severe epidemic disease, has been completely wiped out.ClozeClass oneDec.1,1943DearAuntpat,Todaym



20、turninmoreworklikethatperhapsIreallywillbeabletomakeacareerofit.Bestwishes,RussellII.Class threeDo we have the right attitude towards science? Hawking suggest that many people are highly distrustful of it. This might change if the public were better informed. But now can we bring this about? It is e

21、vident that schools are important, especially if science is taught in an interesting manner. But science is changing at such a fast rate that what we learn in school is no longer sufficient to last a lifetime. What can we use to put across news of the latest ideas and developments? Popular science b

22、ooks can help, but the proportion of the population that read them is not very large. Hence we need to rely on television, for only television can ensure the message reaches a sufficiently large audience.Class fourFew people in Italy thought that Tony Trivisonno would be able to create such a good l

23、ife for himself. The friend he had sponsored to join him was certainly amazed when he saw the farm. Yet right from the start Trivisonno showed a determination to get on. When Crawford turned him down, he assumed Trivisonno would not come back. But he did. Later, when Crawford gave him a job in his f

24、actory, he worked hard and showed he had the capacity to take on skilled work. With Crawfords help he managed to get a loan for a house on the basis of character alone, no down payment needed. Next he went hunting for a farm for sale. When he found one, he was able to send for his family and his dre

25、ams were ready to come true.Class sixI had no difficulty in identifying him, standing there with the book gripped firmly in one hand. A book had seemed the natural choice, as it had been those notes in the margins of another that had brought us together in the first place. He was right on time, just

26、 as we had scheduled. I liked that. It seemed to fit well with everything I had discovered from corresponding with him while he was overseas. Now here he was in the flesh, looking more than a little handsome as he stood there in his uniform. I almost hesitate to put him to the test, but it was too l

27、ate to change my mind and I was grateful to the lady for agreeing to help. I made my way past him and didnt wait to see his response to her. So here I am in the restaurant, waiting to see whether I am going to have dinner on my own or not. Will he end up going my way after all?TranslationClass one苏珊

28、因车祸失去了双腿。有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实。一天,苏珊在浏览杂志时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。那个故事生动地描写了一个残疾姑娘是如何成为一位作家的。苏珊读后深受鼓舞,开始相信她最终也会成为一个有用的人生活下去。Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didnt know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through)

29、 some magazines, a true story caught her eye/ she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how to a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.Class three很难想像我们的先辈们(forefathers)没有现代技术带来的那么多方便(co

30、nveniences)那日子是怎么过的。那个时候只有一小部分人享受一些舒适条件(comforts)。大部分人连饭都吃不饱,更不要说(nottospeakof)接受教育的特权了。然而,许多人责怪现代技术,说它带来了很多问题。他们想减慢进步的速度。但是谁也不能阻止时代的前进。我们能做的是就技术向哪个方向发展做出明智的决定It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. Bank them only a sm

31、all proportion of the population enjoyed the comfort of life. The majority didnt even have sufficient food, not to speak of/let alone the privilege of being educated. However, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems. They want to slow down the rate of progress. But no noe can put the clock back.Class four托尼大学毕业后决定自己创业。一开始好多家银行都拒绝了他的货款要求。但他毫不泄气,继续一个个拜访银行家寻求帮助,有一位银行家被他的决心和乐观精神所打动,最终答应贷款给他。如今他成了一位富商。在谈到所取得的令人惊奇的成就时,托尼说重要的是创造机遇而不是等待机遇After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan.

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