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英语图片描述素材 2Word文件下载.docx

1、some people are smoking heavily. The noisepollution and smoking presenta sharpcontrastwith the modern and fine surroundings of the restaurant. The pictureintends to tell us that peoples behavior needs self-restraining and their qualityneeds improving so as to keep up with the pace of the social deve

2、lopment. We shouldmind our manners in public places. (86 words)译文我们对图片描述的情景似乎都很熟悉:在装饰豪华休息室里,有些人大声聊天打电话,有些人拼命吸烟。噪音污染和吸烟与餐厅现代化环境优良环境成了鲜明的对照。图片旨在告诉我们,人的行为需要自我克制,人的素质需要提高,我们应留意自己在公共场所的行为举止。 范例(2) Pressure from Parents High Expectations. 1.描述图片并阐明主题。2.分析问题产生原因。3.谈论你的看法。 这篇作文的主题明确,是父母的期望对孩子产生压力(pressurefr

3、omparents high expectations)。 描述可写学生紧张心情,担心考不好,辜负父母期望。 In the picture, some students are sitting for an entrance examination, but theycannot concentrate themselves on the exam paper. Knowing that their parents arewaiting anxiously for them outside, they get very nervous for fear they would fallshort

4、 of their parentsexpectation. The picture reveals an in-depth problem of ourmodern society: students bear too much pressure from their parents high expectations. (64 words) 在这幅图中,一些学生正在参加入学考试,但他们不能把注意力集中在试题上。知道自己的父母焦急地在外等待,他们都显得很紧张,担心自己达不到父母的期望。这幅画揭示了我们当今社会的一个深刻的问题:父母期望太高,学生承受压力太大。 范例(3) Global Wate

5、r Shortage 1.描述图画并阐明主旨。2.分析水资源短缺的原因。 描述全球严重缺水:联合国报告,世界上有7亿人不得不离开家乡到有水的地方去生存。点出图的主旨:提醒人们必须高度重视水资源短缺的问题。 As depicted in the picture, the world is facing serious shortage of fresh water.According to a report conducted by the United Nations, about 700 million people insome regions of the world will have

6、 to leave native hometowns to find places to livein where there is adequate water available for their survival. Clearly, the aim ofthe picture is to warn us that we must attach great importance to the problem ofwater shortage.(76 words) 如图片所示,世界正面临严重的淡水短缺。据联合国进行的一份报告称,世界上一些地区约7亿人不得不离开家乡到有水的地方去生存。显然,

7、图片的目的是告诫我们必须重视水的短缺问题。范例 4 Exaggeration in Health-promoting Food 2.阐述广告夸大的危害。3.谈论你的看法或建议。一位小学生误信吃了保健食品可以不再担心考试。图片反映保健食品广告夸大作用现象严重。The cartoon shows a pupil holding a bottle in his hand while saying: “Exams wont worry me any more!” and throwing away his textbooks. What the cartoon depictsis a bit exag

8、gerated, but it reflects a very real phenomenon in the present-daysociety. Nowadays, there are lots of health-promoting foods in the market claiming tobe able to help children to improve studies. This cartoon conveys a keymessage: exaggerated claims some health-promoting foods are a big problem inad

9、vertisements.(82 words) 漫画显示,一个学生手里拿着一个保健食品瓶子,嘴里说道:“今后不用为考试发愁啦”,一边把书本扔掉。虽然这幅漫画有点夸张,但它反映了当今社会一个非常现实的现象。如今,市场上有很多保健食品,声称能够帮助孩子们提高学习。这幅漫画传达了一个重要的讯息:一些保健食品夸大宣传是广告业中的一个大问题。范例 (5)The World Car Free Day1.describe the drawing briefly,2.explain its intended meaning, and then3. give your comments.9.22 世界无车日 可

10、先简单阐述9月22日被定为世界无车日及其原因,然后根据图的 内容点出主旨:给地球一个星期天、给空气一个星期天、给交通一个星期天。 Today, whether in New York, Paris, Tokyo or Beijing, the roads of the worldsmore populous urban areas are flooded with motor vehicles. In order to relieve theheavy traffic and reduce pollution, September 22 is designated as the World C

11、ar FreeDay. Just as the poster says, on this day, citizens are required not to drive theircars but go out by bike or on foot so as to give the earth, atmosphere and traffica blue-Sunday.(78 words) 今天,无论在纽约、巴黎、东京还是在北京,世界人口稠密城市的道路上挤满了机动车辆。为了缓解交通拥挤和减少污染,9月22日被定为世界无车日。就像宣传画上所述,在9月22日这一天,要求公民外出不要开私家车,而是骑

12、自行车或步行,给地球、空气和交通一个蓝色的星范例(6)Directions: (2012年研究生入学英语考试真题)Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay,you shoulddescribe the drawing briefly,explain its intended meaning, and give you comments.先描述图中内容:酒瓶打翻在地,酒掉一半。图中两个人对打翻酒 这件事表现出的不同态度。然后点出主题:态度可以改变生活中的事物。 As depicted

13、 in the picture, a bottle of wine is overturned on the ground. Thewine spilt out but there is still half of it left in the bottle. One person is ratherdisappointedat the loss of the spilt wine, while the other remains optimistic forwine is not all over. Thetwo persons response to the spilt wine bott

14、lereflects peoples different attitudes toward the same event. Clearly, the aim of thedrawer tries to show us that attitudes can change everything in the life. 图中所示,一瓶酒打翻在地,酒流了出来,但瓶里仍留有一半酒。图中一个人对酒的流失很失望,而另一人则还很乐观,因为酒还没有流光。这两个人对酒瓶打翻这件事的不同反应反映了人们对同一件事会有不同的态度。显而易见,作画者的目的是想告诉我们:态度可以改变生活中的一切事物。分享:needs im

15、proving so as to keep up with the pace of the social development. We should remindour manners in public places. 辜负父母期望。In the picture, some students are sitting for an entrance examination, but they the exam paper. Knowing that their parents arethey get very nervous for fear they would fallshort of

16、their parentsexpectation. The picture reveals an in-depth problem of our3 提出解决水短缺的建议。 As depicted in the picture, the world is facing serious shortage of fresh water.700 million people insome regions of the world will have to leave native hometowns to find places to live there is adequate water available for their survival. Clearly, the aim of” and throwing away his textbooks. What the cartoon depictsa very real phenomenon in the present-daysociety. Nowadays, there are lots of health-promoting foods in the market claiming toare a big problem inadver

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