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学年外研版高中英语必修2Module 1 Our Body and 13Word格式文档下载.docx

1、1have a temperature 发烧2pick up (用车)接某人3be off work 休班4begin with 以开始5pay for 支付6be free_for 对免费7put. into. 将投入8as a result 因此,所以9become ill 生病“v.up”短语集合pick up拾起eat up 吃光bring up 抚养大burn up 烧尽hold up 举起;阻挡stay up 熬夜use up 用完.经典句式1Go_to_bed_now_or youll be really tired tomorrow.现在上床睡觉吧,否则明天你会很累的。2Tha

2、t couldnt_be_better.那再好不过了。3Britain was the_first_country in the world to_have a free health care system paid for by the government.英国是世界上第一个由政府负担经费,建立起免费医疗体系的国家。篇章理解Read the passage in “Cultural Corner” carefully and choose the best answers.1Which of the following countries has NO free health care

3、system?ABritainBAmericaCCanada DNone of the above答案:B2Whats the difference in the health care system between Britain and Canada?ABritish hospitals are owned privately while Canadian ones are not.BPatients pay for medical fees through health insurance in Canada while its not the case in Britain.CDoct

4、ors and nurses work for the government in Britain.DHospitals in Canada are privately owned.D3Whats the problem brought about by the health care system in America?APatients cant pay for their medical fees in time.BPatients have to turn to the health insurance company for help.CPoorer people often can

5、t enjoy the health service.DDoctors and nurses cant get full salaries.C4The general idea of this passage is _.A. to introduce the health care systems in Britain, America and CanadaBto analyze (分析) the advantages and disadvantages of a health care systemCto tell us which country has the best health c

6、are systemDto tell us health insurance helps a lot in paying for medical feesA知识点详解重点词汇、短语1breathe v呼吸When we breathe,the air goes into our lungs. (教材P5)当我们呼吸时,空气进入我们的肺内。 The smoke in the room was so heavy that we could hardly breathe. 房间里的烟太浓,以至于我们几乎不能呼吸。归纳拓展breath n. 呼吸;气息out of breath 上气不接下气take

7、a deep breath 深吸一口气hold ones breath 屏住呼吸She was soon out of breath,but went on running.她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续跑。He held his breath while the results were read out.宣读结果时,他屏住了呼吸。即学即练 1.单句改错When we got to the top of the mountain, we were nearly out of the breath.去掉第三个theAll the people held breath to see who wou

8、ld win the competition.held后加our2完成句子He ran all the way and arrived home out_of_breath (上气不接下气)His illness is the result of breathing_in (吸入) harmful gases over many years.The people saw the young man walking along the rope overhead anxiously, holding_their_breath (屏住呼吸)2.pick up(用车)接某人My wifes goin

9、g to pick me up in half an hour. (教材P6)半小时后我妻子会来接我。I will pick you up at the station. 我将到车站去接你。pick up 还有下列用法:表示学会,获得;养成习惯;接收(信号);加速;好转;拿起,捡起。pick out 挑出;选出;辨认出Kathy picked up a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.凯西在和当地的孩子们一起玩耍时学会了西班牙语。I dont want Roger to pick up any bad habit

10、s of speech.我不想让罗杰养成不良的说话习惯。The patient is picking up. 那位病人正在康复。The train was gradually picking up speed. 火车在逐渐加速。See if you can pick me out in this photo.看你能不能把我从照片上认出来。即学即练 翻译句子You can pick up BBC on the radio. 你能在收音机上接收BBC节目。After the operation,her health has greatly picked up. 手术后,她的身体已康复很多。漫画助记

11、He picked up the purse on the ground and returned it to the owner.他捡起地上的钱包并把它还给了主人。3.put into 将(时间、精力、心血、金钱等)投入This is because the government has not put enough money into the health service.(教材P9)这是因为政府对健康服务的资金投入不足。用法分析本句中put enough money into意为“在上投入足够的资金”。put into还有以下含义:使处于(某种状态);把译成;用表达。put on 穿上

12、;戴上put off 推迟put in 放进;提交;提出put down 写下;记下;把放下;镇压put up 举起;搭帐篷;张贴;向某人提供食宿put aside 把放一边put away 放好;收好put out 生产;发布;扑灭;熄灯即学即练 语法填空He puts his toys away every night.He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.The rescue services are still trying to put out the fires.Dont put off until to

13、morrow what can be done today.He was put into prison because of his crime.他因犯罪被捕入狱。4.begin with (start with)以开始Begin with some information about yourself.(教材P9)以关于你自己的某些信息开头。begin with 以开始start with 以开始to begin/start with 首先;第一点,常作插入语end up with “以结束”,侧重指最后的事情。end up in “结果;最终”,侧重指最终的结果。To begin wit

14、h, you should ask for his help.首先,你应该请求他的帮助。He often begins his speech with a question.他经常以一个问题开始他的演讲。即学即练 1.完成句子昨天的聚会是从一支舞开始的。The party yesterday began_with a dance.我不能跟你出去。首先,天气不好;再者,我没有空。I cant go out with you. To_begin_with,_the weather is not fine; besides, I am not free.2语法填空The meeting will b

15、egin with a speech to welcome the guests.I cant give my son the leading position. To begin with, he is too young; secondly, I want Mr. Smith to have the for. 为付款;为付出代价The health care system of a country is very important and different countries have different ways of paying for it.(教材P9)一个

16、国家的医疗保健制度是很重要的,不同的国家有不同的付费方式。I paid a very high price for the house.我出了很高的价钱买下了这所房子。pay back 偿还;还击pay off 还清;回报pay sb. a visit/pay a visit to sb. 拜访某人pay attention to. 注意I am sure that he will pay back every cent he owes you.我敢肯定他会分文不差地把欠款还给你。I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country

17、.我得在离开该国前还清所有债务。Do pay us a visit next time youre in Birmingham.下次你来伯明翰一定要来看看我们。即学即练 完成句子请注意照顾好你的孩子。Please pay_attention_to_taking_care of your child.当她最终获得奥林匹克金牌的时候,这名运动员多年的努力训练终于有所回报了。The athletes years of hard training paid_off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.One day, human will pay f

18、or environmental pollution.总有一天,人类将为环境污染买单。 a result 因此,结果As a result, more people are using private health insurance.(教材P9)结果,更多的人在使用私人医疗保险。as a result of 由于;因为(表示原因)without result 毫无结果result v. 结果;导致result from 由于;起因于;是的结果result in 结果;终归;易混辨析as a result/as a result ofas a result在句子中作状语,后不接成分,在

19、句中独立使用,意思是“因此,结果”。as a result of后接名词或v.ing形式,在句子中作原因状语,意思是“由于的结果”。As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden.因此,我们不得不给菜园浇水。He was late as a result of the heavy snow.由于大雪他迟到了。即学即练 1.选择填空:My holiday was ruined as_a_result_of the heavy rain.People have better access to health care than they use

20、d to, and theyre living longer as_a_result.The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.It is said that the mistakes resulted from his carelessness.相似助记as a result的近义词短语:as a consequence。as a result of的近义短语:because of, as a consequence of, due to, owing to。知识点详解重点句型1Go to bed now or you现在就去睡

21、觉,否则明天你真的会感到很疲劳的。句式分析本句为“祈使句and/or简单句”句型。该句型中祈使句表示条件,简单句表示结果,当前后两部分之间为承接关系时,用and“那么”;前后两部分之间为相反关系时,用or“否则,要不然”,or可用or else或otherwise替换。“祈使句and简单句”句型的变化形式有:祈使句破折号简单句;名词词组and简单句(名词词组中通常含有more, another等词)。Dont worry if you cant come to the party Ill save some cake for you.如果你来不了派对也不用担心,我会给你留些蛋糕的。Anothe

22、r $500, and I could buy a car.假如我再有500美元,就能买辆小汽车了。One more word and Ill get you out of my room.你再说一个字我就让你滚出我的房间。1.语法填空Seize the chance, or you will regret it.Follow the doctors advice, and youll be well very soon.不要害怕跌倒,否则你将永远看不到山上的风景。t be afraid to fall, or_you_will_never_see the view of the mounta

23、in.早上起早点儿,你就会有时间进行锻炼。Get up a little earlier in the morning and you will have time to take exercise.2.That couldnt be better. (教材P8) 那最好不过了!“cant/couldnt形容词或副词的比较级”常用来表示对已经发生的事情的评价或判断,可译为“不可能更加”。这一结构以比较级的形式表达最高级的含义。What do you think of the TV play last night?你觉得昨晚的电视剧怎么样?It couldnt be worse.再糟糕不过了。W

24、hat was his performance like? 他的演出怎么样?Oh,it couldnt have been more wonderful.噢,他的演出再好不过了。否定词比较级最高级can notbeadj./adv.enoughcan notbetooadj./adv.无论都不过分We couldnt have found a better place for a picnic.我们再也找不到比这更好的地方进行野餐了。You can not be careful enough. You can not be too careful. 你再细心也不为过。After the phy

25、sical examination, the doctor gave advice and I couldnt agree with him more (much)There couldnt be anything happier (happy) than to see the world outside for the frog at the bottom of a well.2一句多译过马路时,你越小心越好。You_cant_be_too_careful while crossing the street.(too)You_cant_be_careful_enough while cros

26、sing the street.(enough)3.Britain was the_first_country_in_the_world_to_have a free health care system paid for by the government.(教材P9) 英国是世界上第一个由政府承担经费、实行免费医疗制度的国家。此句中动词不定式短语“to have a free health care system paid for by the government”作后置定语,修饰the first country。所修饰的词为序数词或为被序数词修饰的词时常用不定式作定语。The USA

27、 is the first country in the world to land on the moon.美国是世界上第一个登上月球的国家。常用动词不定式作后置定语的情况:名词被序数词、形容词最高级或only,last,next等词修饰时;序数词、形容词最高级或first,last等词后;表示方向、原因、时间、机会、权利等名词(time,way,reason,chance,right,courage等)后。Tom is always the last one to show up.汤姆总是最后一个露面。China is the third country to send an astron

28、aut into space. 中国是第三个把宇航员送入太空的国家。He is always the first to_come (come) and the last to_leave (leave)Mr. Allen was the very person to_help (help) her to improve management.避免被熊袭击的唯一办法是装死。The only way to_avoid_being_attacked by a bear is to pretend to be dead.新学期开始总是令人兴奋的,这是个再次见到好朋友的机会。Starting a new school term is always exciting. It is a chance to_meet_our_good_friends again.4The proble

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