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1、(分数:(1).A proof B witness C testimony D evidence(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 语义衔接题。四个选项意思相近,均有“证明,证据”之意,到底选用哪个,就需要从其不同的用法来辨别。Aproof与Devidence尤为相近,但前者着重强调“事件或迹象的真实性”,而后者则既可强调“事件或迹象存在”又可强调其“真实性”,本句的意思是调查证明下层阶级存在,因此evidence比较恰当。Bwitness多指“某事件的目击者,证人”,Ctestimony则指“证词、见证”,均与此处语义不能衔接。(2).A investigations B inte

2、rviews C conferences D communications(分数:B.D.首先注意所填词与with搭配,排除Ainvestigations“调查,研究”,虽与test语义并列,但多与of而不是with搭配;Binterviews“采访,会见,面试”,interview with sb.“对某人进行采访”,符合语境;Cconferences“协商,会议”、Dcommunications“交流,沟通”这两个词虽然可与with搭配,但与进行调查 (survey)与测试(test)时采取的方式不符。所以本题答案为B。(3).A defect B backwardness C handi

3、cap D scarcity(分数:C.这四个词均有“缺陷、不足”的含义,但要注意各自的侧重点不同:Adefect“(尤指生理上的)缺陷,不足”;Bbackwardness“落后”;Chandicap“残疾,障碍,不利条件”;Dscarcity“缺乏,不足 (尤指数量上的)”。此处侧重指中下层阶级在教育方面的不利条件,因此C更能与文意衔接。(4).A breakdown B breakout C breakaway D breakin(分数:A.Abreakdown“解体,崩溃,故障”;Bbreakout“突然发生”;Cbreakaway“摆脱,逃脱”;Dbreakin“破门而入,打断”。家庭

4、的破裂应该用breakdown,因此A正确。(5).A the time B the instant C the moment D the point(分数:解析 结构衔接题。四个短语都可以引导时间状语从句,the instant,the moment和the point均引导瞬间的时间,而文中是指“到三十七岁的时候”是一种延续性动作,所以应该用the time来引导,相当于when。(6).A illiterate B suffering C poor D unqualified(分数:文章主题是读写能力与算术能力偏低造成的不利影响,因此此处所指的teenagers应该是low levels

5、 of literacy and numeracy,综合而言,即是“受教育程度低的”,所以选Dunqualified。Ailliterate“不识字的,未受过教育的”,没有包括算术能力低的,片面,所以排除;Bsuffering“受苦的,生病的”与C poor“贫穷的”,均与语境不符。(7).A skilled B mental C manual D mechanical(分数:由上题已知,这些年轻人教育程度低,他们所从事的工作也就不可能是Askilled“需要技巧的”、Bmental“脑力的”或Dmechanical“技工的,与机械有关的”,因为这些工作需要一定的专业知识,所以只能选Cmanu

6、al“体力的”。(8).A struggled B faced C encountered D confronted(分数:解析 惯用衔接题。所填词与with搭配,因此限定只能选Astruggled,struggle with sth.“与抗争,奋斗”,说明有一半的人存在算术能力差的问题。B是强干扰项,但要注意face的用法,与with搭配时,短语为 be faced with,否则直接跟宾语;Cencountered“遇到”、Dconfronted“面临”,均是及物动词,无需与with搭配。(9).A in light of B in line with C in case of D in

7、time of(分数:解析 语义、逻辑衔接题。Ain light of“依据,按照”;Bin line with“符合,与相应”;Cin case of“万一,如果”;Din time of“在的时候”。本句是指两个不同调查(surveys)结果体现的比例相一致,所以B正确。(10).A translating B complying C following D obeying(分数:由上下文语义知,此处是指“看不懂说明书”,还涉及不到translate“翻译”,所以选 Cfollowing,与written instructions搭配。Bcomplying“顺从,遵守”,后面需要搭配介词w

8、ith;Dobeying“服从”,服从说明书显然不符合语境。(11).A post B condition C status D position(分数:Apost“岗位,职位”,指具体的某一岗位;Bcondition“条件”;Cstatus“地位”; Dposition“位置,立场,形势”。结合上文,此处的women是指与上句中提到的poor readers读写能力水平相当的女性,也就是同样属于poor readers的女性,因此Dposition确切。(12).A classified B thought C believed D labeled(分数:四个选项中,Aclassified与

9、Dlabeled均可与介词as搭配,但as可以省略。此处指这些女性均易被认为情绪低落,意思与搭配上只有A符合,classify as“分类,归类”。label as“标示,标明”,如:The bottle is labeled poisonous“瓶上标明有毒”;Bthought与Cbelieved与不定式搭配,意为“被认为是”。(13).A and B while C for D but(分数:解析 逻辑衔接题。注意句中的both指代上文中提到的一般性的poor readers与读写能力相当于poor readers的women两者,上文中比较了他们不同的倾向性,此处则指出他们共有的倾向性,

10、因此上下句之间为让步关系,while符合题意。(14).A more B much C less D little(分数:从选项知,此处无非是对他人的信任程度的问题,从本句的否定语境以及下一段中对这些人消极表现的描述均可以排除A、B,同时此处又是将他们与正常人进行比较,因此用比较级Cless更能与文章衔接。(15).A revolved B dissolved C resolved D involved(分数:解析 语义,惯用衔接题。本题比较简单,掌握四个形近词的意思与搭配即可作答。Arevolved“围绕,旋转”,多与round搭配使用;Bdissolved“溶解,解散,解除”,及物动词,d

11、issolve sth. in sth.“将某物溶解于其他物之中”;Cresolved作“决心,决定”讲时与on搭配,作“解决”讲时为及物动词;Dinvolved常与in搭配,表示“牵涉,涉及,包括”,符合句意,为正确答案。(16).A claim B join C vote D win(分数:前半句指出他们很少参加社区活动,此处又涉及到大选,大选当然与投票相关联,所以只能选Cvote,而不是Bjoin“参加”,更不可能是Aclaim“认领,要求”、Dwin“赢得”。(17).A improvement B advancement C development D increase(分数:此处指

12、文化水平的提高,Aimprovement为最佳答案。Badvancement“前进,进步”;Cdevelopment“发展”;Dincrease“(尤指数量上的)提高”。(18).A employees B interviewees C participant D researchers(分数:本文首段即指出一项调查对读写能力与算术能力偏低的人进行了测试与采访,因此报道的问题也就是这些被采访者的问题。所以选Binterviewees“被采访人”。Aemployees“雇员”;Cparticipants“参与人员”;Dresearchers“研究人员”。(19).A hardly B serio

13、usly C increasingly D potentially(分数:本句前半句指出调查结果强调了形成下层阶级的危险,下层阶级往往被失业困扰,那他们很可能是变得越来越抑郁,常常把自己看作失败者,所以选Cincreasingly修饰depressed。(20).A failures B winners C successors D patients(分数:根据上题分析,此处须选一贬义词,Afailures为本题答案。二、Section Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:四、Text 1(总题数:September 11th 20

14、01 drew the transatlantic alliance together; but the mood did not last, and over the five years since it has pulled ever further apart. A recent poll for the German Marshall Fund shows that 57% of Europeans regard American leadership in world affairs as undesirable. The Iraq war is mainly to blame.

15、But there is another and more intractable reason for the growing division: God.Europeans worry that American foreign policy under George Bush is too influenced by religion. The holy warriors who hijacked the planes on September 11th reintroduced God into international affairs in the most dramatic of

16、 ways. It seems that George Bush is replying in kind, encouraging a clash of religions that could spell global catastrophe.Dominique Moisi, a special adviser at the French Institute for International Relations, argues that the combination of religion and nationalism in America is frightening. We fee

17、l betrayed by God and by nationalism, which is why we are building the European Union as a barrier to religious warfare. Josef Braml, of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, complains that in America religious attitudes have more of an influence on political choices than in a

18、ny other western democracy.The notion that America is too influenced by religion is not confined to the elites.Three in five French people and nearly as many Dutch think that Americans are too religiousand that religion skews what should be secular decisions. Europeans who think that America is too

19、religious are more inclined to anti-Americanism than their fellow countrymen. 38% of Britons have an unfavourable view of America, but that number rises to 50% among people who are wary of American religiosity.Is America engaged in a faith-based foreign policy? Religion certainly exerts a growing in

20、fluence on its actions in the world, but in ways more subtle and complicated than Europeans imagine. It is true that America is undergoing a religious revival Hot religions such as evangelical Protestantism and hardline Catholicism are growing rapidly while cool mainline versions of Christianity are

21、 declining. It is also true that the Republican Party is being reshaped by this revival. Self-identified evangelicals provided almost 40% of Mr. Bushs vote in 2004; if you add in other theological conservatives, such as Mormons and traditional Catholics, that number rises closer to 60%. All six top

22、Republican leaders in the Senate have earned 100% ratings from the Christian Coalition.It is also true that Mr. Bush frequently uses religious rhetoric when talking of foreign affairs. On September 12th he was at it again, telling a group of conservative journalists that he sees the war on terror as

23、 a confrontation between good and evil, and remarking, It seems to me that theres a Third Awakening (in other words, an outbreak of Christian evangelical fervour, of the sort that has swept across America at least twice before). And Christian America overall is taking a bigger interest in foreign policy. New voice

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