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届高三英语Wildlife Protection教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、蹇呬慨涓?Unit 1 Festivals around the world 鍗曞厓瑕佺偣棰勮 璇 瑕佺偣 璇嶈 杈瀽 璇嶆彉鍖?Unit 2 Healthy eating 鍗曞厓瑕佺偣棰勮 璇 瑕佺偣 璇嶈 杈瀽 璇嶆彉鍖?Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 鍗曞厓瑕佺偣棰勮 璇 瑕佺偣 璇嶈 杈瀽 璇嶆彉鍖?鈥?绗 簩閮垎 璇 硶涓撻 涓撻 涓 鍐犺瘝 涓撻 浜?鍚嶈瘝 涓撻 涓?浠瘝 涓撻 鍥?鏁拌瘝 涓撻 浜?褰 璇嶅拰鍓 瘝 涓撻 鍏?浠嬭瘝 涓撻 涓?鎯呮佸姩璇?涓撻 鍏?闈炶皳璇 姩璇?涓撻 涔?鍔瘝鍜屽姩璇嶇煭璇?涓撻 鍗?鍔瘝鐨勬椂鎬?涓撻

2、鍗佷竴 鍔瘝鐨勮 鎬?涓撻 鍗佷簩 鍙瓙绉嶇被 涓撻 鍗佷笁 鍚嶈瘝鎬粠鍙?涓撻 鍗佸洓 瀹氳 浠庡彞 涓撻 鍗佷簲 鐘惰 浠庡彞 涓撻 鍗佸叚 鍊掕 鍙拰鐪佺暐鍙?涓撻 鍗佷竷 寮鸿皟鍙?涓撻 鍗佸叓 铏氭嫙璇 皵 涓撻 鍗佷節 涓昏皳涓鑷?涓撻 浜屽崄 鐩存帴寮曡 鍜岄棿鎺紩璇?绗 笁閮垎 楂樿冮 鍨嬭 缁?鍚 姏 瀹屽舰濉 璇 硶濉 闃呰 鐞嗚 淇伅鍖归厤 鍩虹 鍐欎綔 璇诲啓浠诲姟绗 竴閮垎 鏁欐潗姊崇悊 蹇呬慨浜?Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 璇 瑕佺偣 鍗曞厓瑕佺偣棰勮 锛堟棬鍦 鍚屽 鏁翠綋浜嗚鏈 崟鍏冭 鐐癸級 璇嶆眹 閮垎 璇嶈 杈瀽 1. conta

3、in / include 2. reserve / keep / preserve 3. reduce / decrease 4. fierce / wild / violent锛堟湭璋冮搴忥級 璇嶅舰 鍙樺寲 1. power n. 鑳藉姏 powerful adj. 寮烘湁鍔涚殑; 鍔涢噺澶殑 powerfully adv. 寮烘湁鍔涘湴; 鍔涢噺澶湴 2. appreciate v. 鐞嗚骞舵 璧? 璧忚瘑; 楂樺害璇勪环 appreciation n. 娆祻; 鎰熸縺 appreciative adj. 鏈夋 璧忓姏鐨? 琛璧忚瘑鐨? 鎰熸縺鐨?3. succeed v. 鎴愬姛; 鍋

4、氭垚; 杈惧埌鐩 殑 success n. 鎴愬姛; 鎴愬氨; 鎴愬悕; 鍙戣储; 鑳滃埄; 杈惧埌鐩 殑 successful adj. 鑾峰緱鎴愬姛鐨? 鍙栧緱鎴愭晥鐨? 杈惧埌鐩 殑鐨?閲嶇偣 鍗曡瘝 1. wild adj. 閲庣敓鐨? 閲庣殑, 鏈 鍖栫殑锛涙棤灞呮皯鐨? 鑽掑噳鐨?2. die out锛堟寚鐗 锛夋 鍏夛紱鐏 粷, 鐏 參鎱唲鐏?3. hunt vt. & vi. 鎵撶寧; 鐚庡彇; 鎼滅储 4. distant n. 锛堢闂存垨鏃堕棿锛夎繙闅旂殑, 閬繙鐨?5. mercy n. 浠佹厛; 瀹芥仌; 瀹藉 ; 鎭儬; 骞歌繍 閲嶇偣 璇嶇粍 1. pay atte

5、ntion to 娉剰 2. die out锛堟寚鐗 锛夋 鍏夛紱鐏 粷, 鐏 參鎱唲鐏?3. come into being褰垚锛涗骇鐢燂紙涓嶅彲鐢簬琚 姩璇 佹垨杩涜 鏃舵侊級 閲嶇偣鍙瓙 1. She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. 2. They set the number of animals to be hunted. 閲嶇偣璇 硶 鐜板湪杩涜 鏃剁殑琚 姩璇 侊紙瑙佽 娉曢儴鍒嗭級 鈪?璇嶈 杈瀽 (鏃湪鎻愪緵瀹屽舰濉 鎵闇鏉愭枡) 1. contain / incl

6、ude 銆愯閲娿?contain寮鸿皟涓昏 鍚 湁鏌愮 鎴愬垎鎴栬 鏈夋煇鐗傚 锛?include寮鸿皟涓昏 鍖呭惈鐨勪汉鎴栫墿鏄 富璇 殑涓閮垎銆傛墍浠 nclude甯歌瘧涓衡滃寘鎷 濄俰ncluding鈥滃寘鎷 ?鏄 崄鍒嗗父瑙佺殑琛揪褰紡銆?銆愮粌涔犮戠敤涓婇潰鎵鎻愪緵鐨勮鲸鏋愯瘝鐨勯傚綋褰紡濉 1). The list _ his name. 2). Beer _ alcohol. Keys: 1). included 2). contains 2. reserve / keep / preserve 銆愯閲娿?reserve 姝紡鐢瘝锛屾寚涓轰簡灏嗘潵鐨勭敤閫旀垨鍏朵粬鐢旇屼繚瀛樸佷

7、繚鐣欍?keep 鏈甯哥敤璇嶏紝鎸囬暱鏃堕棿鐗浐鍦颁繚鎸佸悎浼欎繚瀛樸?preserve 涓昏 鎸囦负闃叉 鎹熷 銆佸彉璐瓑鑰屼繚瀛樸?銆愮粌涔犮戠敤涓婇潰鎵鎻愪緵鐨勮鲸鏋愯瘝鐨勯傚綋褰紡濉 1). Will you _ these documents for us? 2). In summer, large crops of fruit may be _ by freezing. 3). All the front seats are _ for foreign guests. Keys: 1). keep 2).preserved 3). reserved 3. reduce / decr

8、ease 銆愯閲娿?reduce 寮鸿皟鍦滄暟閲忋佸灏忥紝绋嬪害鎴栧己搴濇柟闈 笅闄嶆垨鍑忓皯銆?decrease 渚噸寮鸿皟鈥滅瀹氬湴锛岄愭笎鍦帮紝涓嶆柇鍦扳濆噺灏?銆愮粌涔犮戠敤涓婇潰鎵鎻愪緵鐨勮鲸鏋愯瘝鐨勯傚綋褰紡濉 1). The workers _ their wage demands. 2). Lack of success _ confidence. Keys: 1). reduced 2). decreased 4. fierce / wild / violent 銆愯閲娿?fierce 鎸囦汉鎴栧吔鐨勫嚩鐚涙畫閰枫?wild 鏃彲鎸囪嚜鐒剁晫鐨勮崚鑺滐紝鏈 椹 寲鐘舵侊紝鍙堟

9、寚浜虹殑鏃犳硶鏃犲锛屼笉鏂囨槑鐨勯噹铔 涓恒?violent 鎸囦汉鏃朵晶閲嶆瀬涓轰笉瀹夈佸紓甯告縺鍔 紝鏆楀惈鏈夋毚鍔涜 涓猴紱涔熸寚鐮村潖鎬殑鎴栦笉鍙 帶鍒剁殑鑷 劧鍔涢噺銆?銆愮粌涔犮戠敤涓婇潰鎵鎻愪緵鐨勮鲸鏋愯瘝鐨勯傚綋褰紡濉 1). She is afraid of his _ looks. 2). Who was that _ old lady? 3). _ criminals like that are a danger to society. Keys: 1). wild 2). fierce 3). violent 鈪?璇嶆彉鍖?锛堟棬鍦彁渚涜 娉曞绌烘墍闇鏉愭枡锛?1. p

10、ower n. 鑳藉姏 powerful adj. 寮烘湁鍔涚殑;銆愮粌涔犮戠敤鎷 彿鍐呮墍鎻愪緵璇嶇殑閫傚綋褰紡濉 1) I will do everything in my _ to help you. (power) 2) He is very _ built. (power) 3锛?Elephants have _ legs. (power) 4锛?She shows little or no _ of good music. (dusk) 5锛?Your help was greatly _. (dusk ) 6锛?Im most _ of your generosity. (add

11、) 7) He wasnt a _ as a teacher. (add) 8) If at first you dont _, try, try again. (add) 9) My final attempt to fix it was _. Keys: 1) power 2) powerfully 3) powerful 4) appreciation 5) appreciated 6) appreciative 7) success 8) succeed 9) successful 鈪?閲嶇偣璇嶆眹 锛堟棬鍦彁渚涚患鍚堣繍鐢墍闇鏉愭枡锛?1. wild adj. 閲庣敓鐨?鍏镐緥 1)

12、. He enjoys filming wild animals. 浠栧枩娆媿鎽勯噹鐢熷姩鐗?2). We walked into a wild mountain region. 鎴戜滑璧拌繘鑽掓棤浜虹儫鐨勫北鍖恒?閲嶇偣鐢硶 be wild about sth/sb锛堝 鏌愪簨鐗 鏌愪汉锛夋瀬鐑 績鎴栫儹鐖?be wild with鈥?鍥犫屽彂鐙?缁冧範 涓 瘧鑻?1). 缇紬娆枩鑻媯銆?_ 2). 瀛瓙浠 兘鐗瑰埆鍠滄 杩欎釜鏂拌 绠楁満銆?_ Keys: 1). The crowd went wild with delight. 2). The children are wild abo

13、ut the new computer.2. relief n. 锛堢棝鑻拷p 鍥拌嫤锟絧 蹇檻绛夌殑锛夊噺杞绘垨瑙櫎 鍏镐緥 1). The drug gives some relief from pain. 杩欑 鑽 彲浠噺杞讳竴浜涚棝鑻?2). I breathed/heaved a sigh of relief when I heard he was safe. 鎴戝惉鍒颁粬骞冲畨鐨勬秷鎭 椂鎵嶆澗浜嗕竴鍙皵銆?閲嶇偣鐢硶 (much) to one鈥檚 relief 浣挎煇浜哄涓烘斁蹇冿紱浣挎煇浜烘繁鎰熷 鎱?1). 鎴戞渶搴嗗垢鐨勬槸娌湁杩熷埌銆?_ 2). 瑙佸埌浣犲湪杩欏効涔熷

14、氨鏀惧績浜嗐? 1). To my great relief/Much to my relief, I wasnt late. 2). Its a great relief to find you here. 鎼滅储 鍏镐緥 1). Wolves hunt in packs. 鐙兼槸鎴愮兢鐚庨 鐨勩?2). Police are hunting an escaped criminal. 璀柟姝湪杩芥崟閫冪姱銆?閲嶇偣鐢硶 hunt for 璇曞浘鎵惧埌锛堟煇鐗 鏌愪汉锛?hunt after 鎺眰锛涜拷姹?1). 鎴戝湪瀵绘壘涓鏈 鍘荤殑涔?2). 璁稿 浜轰竴鐢熻拷姹傛垚鍚嶏紝浣嗕竴鏃犳墍鑾

15、枫?Keys: 1). I am hunting for a lost book. 2). Many people hunt after fame in their lives but never find it.4. distant n. 锛堢闂存垨鏃堕棿锛夎繙闅旂殑, 閬繙鐨?鍏镐緥 1). The airport is about ten miles distant from the city. 鏈哄満璺濈 鍩庡競澶害鍗佽嫳閲岃繙銆?2). She is a distant cousin of mine. 濂规槸鎴戠殑杩滄埧琛 銆?閲嶇偣鐢硶 be distant with / towa

16、rds with sb. 瀵光喎娣?1). 杩欎袱绉嶅 璇翠箣闂存病鏈変粈涔堝叧鑱斻?_ 2). 濂瑰 濡堝 鎬绘槸寰堝喎娣? 1). There is a distant connection between the two theories. 2). She is always distant with her mother. 骞歌繍 鍏镐緥 1). They showed mercy to their enemies. 浠栦滑瀵规晫浜哄緢浠佹厛銆?2). Its a mercy she wasnt hurt in the accident. 濂瑰湪浜嬫晠涓 湭鍙椾激, 鐪熷垢杩愩?閲嶇偣

17、鐢硶 at the mercy of sb/sth浠荤敱鏌愪汉鏌愪簨鐗 鎽嗗竷鎴栨帶鍒?have mercy on / upon瀵光湁鎬滄偗蹇?1). 閭彧鑸瑰湪鏆撮 闆腑澶卞幓鎺埗 _ 2). 鍙 滃彲鎬滄垜浠 惂銆? 1). The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 2). Have mercy on us! 鈪?閲嶇偣璇嶇粍 锛堟棬鍦彁渚涚患鍚堣繍鐢墍闇鏉愭枡锛?璇嶇粍 1. pay attention to 娉剰 鍏镐緥 1). Please pay attention to what I am saying. 璇锋敞鎰忔垜璇寸殑璇濄?2). Sh

18、e turned her attention to a new problem. 濂规妸娉剰鍔涜浆绉诲埌涓涓 柊闂 涓娿?鐭 褰掔撼 catch sbs attention 鍚稿紩鏌愪汉鐨勬敞鎰廳raw attention to sth. 娉剰鏌愪簨鐗?give ones attention to 娉剰鈥?1). 鎶焊鐨勫鏍囬 寮曡捣浠栫殑娉剰銆?_ 2). 濂硅 鎴戞敞鎰忔姤鍛婁腑鐨勪竴澶勯敊璇 ? 1). A newspaper headline caught his attention. 2). She drew my attention to an error in the repor

19、t.鍏镐緥 1). The moths habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out. 杩欑 铔惧瓙鍥犳爾鎭 湴姝彈鍒扮牬鍧? 鍑犱箮缁濈 浜嗐?鐭 褰掔撼 die away鍑忓急锛堜互鑷宠 瀵熶笉鍒帮級锛涙贰鍖?die down閫愭笎闄嶄綆锛涘噺寮?be dying 鍨傛 鐨?be dying for/to do sth.娓存湜 die of 姝讳簬锛堥楗匡紱鐥咃級 die from姝讳簬锛堝 鐣屽紩璧风殑锛?die hard寰堥毦鏀瑰彉锛涢鍥?缁冧範 鐢ie 鏋勬垚鐨勮瘝缁勫绌?1). The noise of the car

20、_ in the distance. 2). The old traditions are _. 3). The man _ a wound 4). Im _ something to eat. Keys: 1). died away 2). dying out 3). died from 4). dying for3. come into being褰垚锛涗骇鐢燂紙涓嶅彲鐢簬琚 姩璇 佹垨杩涜 鏃舵侊級 鍏镐緥 Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into be

21、ing.鍗冪櫨涓囧勾鍓嶏紝鎭愰緳灏卞湪鍦扮悆涓婄敓娲伙紝姣斾汉绫荤殑鍑虹幇瑕佹棭寰楀 銆?鐭 褰掔撼 come into effect瀹炴柦 come into use鎶曞叆浣跨敤 come into power涓婂彴鎵斂 缁冧範鐢?come鐨勭浉鍏宠瘝姹囧绌?1). When did the world _? 2). The new seat-belt regulations _ last week. 3). When did this word _? Keys: 1). come into being 2). came into effect 3). come into use 鈪?閲嶇偣

22、鍙瓙 锛堟棬鍦彁渚涘彞瀛愮粨鏋勭瓑鎵闇鏉愭枡锛?1. She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.濂硅浆杩囪韩鐪嬪埌涓鍙 練缇婂甫鐫蹇儊鐨勭 鑹叉湜鐫濂广?瑙噴姝彞鍙 敼鎴愶細 She turned around and there was an antelope which was looking at her with a sad face. 鈥渨ith a sad face looking at her鈥?涓簑ith鐨勫 鍚堢粨鏋勶紝鍗硍ith +鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶏紙浠嬭瘝瀹捐 锛?v.-ing锛堝

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