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1、 double boiled abalone with meaicinal herbs cup 蚝皇非洲网鲍(10头鲍) stewed abalone with oyster sauce 鲍汁扣辽参 paised superior sea cucumber with abalone sauce 鲍汁白灵菇 paised mushroom with abalone sauce cover 鲍汁花菇 鲍汁鹅掌 goose web with abalone sauce cover 瑶柱镶冬瓜 white gourd and harsmer soup cover 精美江南冷菜篇 萝卜干毛豆 花生 尖椒

2、皮蛋 陈皮牛肉 野菜豆腐 耳目一新 芹菜香干 贡菜鲜鸭肠 回味飘香鸡 葱油鸡腿菇 marinated chicken with spicy sauce 白切文昌鸡鸡 tender boiled chicken with soy sauce 蚝皇海蛰皮 sea blubber 夫妻肺片 marinated pork lung combination 白切东山羊 poached “Dong Shan ” lamb 五香爆鱼 marinated sea fish with pown sauce 金陵酱鸭 marinated duck with “Jin Ling” sauce 南京盐水鸭 Nan J

3、ing salted duck 泡椒凤爪 boiled chicken giblets with preserved pepper 手撕咸鱼 tear salty fish 镇江肴肉 marinated salted meat famous in “Zheng Jiang ” with sesame oil 蒜茸白肉 sliced pork with garlic flavour 青豆拌草菇 mix green bean and grass mushroon with sesame oil 蒜香青瓜条 cucumber with garlic flavour 鸡汤素鸡 chicken soup

4、 香油莴笋丝 asparagus lettuce with seame oil 百合蜜枣 lily with jujube honey 葱油萝卜丝 radish with sesame oil chive 长江三鲜篇 大河豚鱼 浓汤河豚 回 鱼 奶汤回鱼 昂 公 鱼 红烧昂公鱼 浓汤昂公鱼 江南风味小炒 水晶河虾仁 芙蓉大银鱼 椰奶炒虾仁王 椒盐银鱼条 满园春色香 浮油鱼球 响油爆鳝丝 香煎银雪鱼 美极掌中宝 贵妃凤翅 蚝皇爆乳鸽 小肥肥猪手 碧绿三丝鱼球 碧绿鸡火鱼肚 椒盐银雪鱼 spicy sauce 红扒莲鱼头 fish head 芦笋炒双脆 garden asparagus 雪菜小黄鱼

5、 saut ed little yellow croaker with potherb mustard 银鱼煎蛋 pan fried egg with whitebait 生爆乌骨鸡 black-bone chicken 宫爆鸡丁ed chicken with peanuts and chilled “Gui Fei ”chicken winged pigeon with oyster sauce 金牌蒜香骨 deep fried spare ribs with garlic flavour double boiled fat pigs foot with peanut 鱼香肉丝ed shre

6、dded pork with spicy 东坡肘子 double boiled “Dong Po ” knuckle 梅菜扣肉 paised pork with pickle vegetable 香芋扣肉 paised pork with taro 红烧狮子头 paised meat minced pork ball in easserole 尖椒炒牛柳ed beef fillet with green pepper 五香牛腩 marinated beef with pown sauce 大白菜荷包蛋ed cabbage with fried eggs 春色满园ed vegetables a

7、garden full of the beauty of spring 蒜茸蒸目鱼仔 steamed sea fish with garlic 宫保肉丁 pork cubelets with hot pepper 凉瓜炒牛肉 Stir fry beef with bitter melon 尖椒牛肉 Stir fry beef with hot chili 菜甫煎蛋 Fry egg with vegetable 虎皮尖椒 Tiger Skin fry pepper 辣椒圈炒蛋 Stir fry egg in hot chili 麻婆豆腐 Sichuan style bean cur 糖醋排骨 p

8、ork chops with sweet and sour sauc 蚝油牛肉 Oyster Sauce Beef 椒盐仔骨 Pepper Salted Fried Beef Ribs 红烧豆腐 Braised Tofu 鱼香茄子 Braised Egg plant 剁椒鱼头 Stir fry fish head with chopped hot chili 尖椒回锅肉 Sichuan style stew pork 酱爆牛柳 Stir fry beef in bean sauce 三色蒸蛋 Steam eggs 红烧带鱼 三色目鱼丝 高汤竹笋 三色蒸目鱼仔 美味汤羹盅类 野菜银鱼羹 minc

9、ed whitebait soup potherb 香菜鸭血羹 coriander soup with duck blood 皮蛋白玉羹 preserved egg soup with bean curd 瑶柱瓜粒羹 minced harsmer soup with granule melon 西湖牛肉羹 minced beef soup with bean curd 蟹粉白玉羹 minced crab meat soup bean curd 香芹雪鱼羹 minced cod fish soup with bean curd 皮蛋鱼片羹 榨菜肉丝汤 shredded pork with pic

10、kle in soup 番茄蛋花汤 tomato and egg soup 冬瓜咸肉汤 white gourd and salted pork soup 雪菜肉丝汤 Shredded pork with preserred vegetable soup 酸菜鱼片汤 fish with sour vegetable soup 豆腐鱼头汤 Fish head and bean curd soup 紫菜蛋花汤 Laver and egg soup 白灵菇乳鸽盅 pigeon with mushroom double boiled 名材乌鸡盅 double boiled black chicken w

11、ith medicinal herbs cover 名材乳鸽盅 double boiled pigeon with medicinal hers cover 名材甲鱼盅 double boiled turtle with fish maw with vegetables cup 江南小炒田园时蔬篇 paised mushroom with abalone sauce 蚝皇扣花菇 paised mushroom with oyster sauce 八宝油条 deep fried dough stick with eight treasures 家常豆腐 paised pork bean curd

12、 with pepper 西芹炒百合ed cucumber with white net 上汤娃娃菜 poached baby cabbage in superior soup 松仁炒玉米ed pinenuts and corns 香煎玉米烙 pan fried corns 花菇扒菜心ed center vegetables with flower mushroom 鲍汁西兰花ed poccoli woth abalone sauce 上汤时蔬 poached seasonal vegetable in superior soup 上汤皮蛋浸时蔬 poached vegetables with

13、 preserved eggs in souperior soup 蒜茸五指山野菜ed potherb with garlic 蒜茸炒四角豆ed square bean with minced garlic 豆豉虎皮尖椒 deep fried fresh green pepper black bean sauce 酸辣土豆丝ed sour potato with green pepper 江南蟹粉系列篇ed bean curd with minced crab meat 蟹粉鱼肚ed fish maw with minced crab meat 蟹粉牛筋ed beef tendons with

14、 minced crab meat 蟹粉菜心狮子头ed pork mincemeat and vegetables with minced crab meat 蟹粉菜心ed vegetables with mince crab meat 蟹粉鱼球ed fish balls with mince crab meat 明 炉 类 明炉金针菇肥牛 barbecued beef with needle mushroom 明炉酸菜银雪鱼 barbecued haddoc with pickled vegetable 明炉双笋 barbecued double bamboo shoot 铁 板 类 铁板田

15、鸡 grill frog piece with onion 铁板牛柳 grill beef fillet with onion 铁板干烧白鲳 grill cook white pomfret with onion 铁板鸭血豆腐 grill duck blood fillet bean curd with onion 铁板腰花 Pork kidney 铁板东山羊 Dong sham”lamb 铁板目鱼大烤 飘 香 川 味 篇 飘香辣子鸡 boiled baby chicken with in hot and spicy sauce 水煮鲜鱼片 boiled fresh fish with in

16、hot and spicy sauce 泡椒田鸡腿 boiled frog ham with in hot and spicy sauce characteristic beer duck in hot and spicy 特色酸菜鱼 characteristic fish with pickle 特色毛血旺 characteristic beef bee tripe duck blood and assorted vegetable in hot soup 回锅肉夹饼 pan fried fat pork in hot and spicy 京酱肉丝夹饼 shredded pork with

17、special blended soy sauce 水煮嫩牛肉 boiled tender beef in hot and spicy sauce 水煮海螺片 boiled sea shall in hot and spicy sauce 砂 锅 类 尖椒炖豆腐 stew bean curd with green pepper in pot 沙锅老母鸡百页 old chicken in dish cooked in clay pot 沙锅什锦娃娃菜蔬 assorted with baby cabbages in dish cooked in clay pot 沙锅鱼头王 fish head i

18、n dish cooked in clay pot 沙锅小三鲜 锅 仔 吊 炉 褒 仔 篇 韭黄鸭血煲 paised duck blood wit hotbed chives in casserole 海鲜煲 Seafood in Clay Pot 沙锅鱼头煲 Braise fish head clay pot 鱼香茄子煲 Eggplant in Clay Pot 虾米粉丝煲 Dried Shrimp Noodle in Clay Pot 鸡粒咸鱼茄子煲 Salt Fish Chicken Egg Plant Clay Pot 咸鱼茄子煲 paised eggplant with salt f

19、ish in casserole 罗卜牛腩煲 Beef Stew w/ Turnip Clay Pot 毛豆猪手煲 paised pigs foot with young soybean in casserole 生焗鱼头煲 paised fish head in casserole 红烧东山羊煲 paised “Dong Shan” lamp in casserole 蒜仔鳝鱼煲 paised eel with garlic sprout in casserole 吊炉茶菇乌鸡 barbecued black chicken with mushroom 吊炉麻辣牛筋 barbecued be

20、ef tendons with hot and spicy sauce 吊炉东山羊 barbecued “Dong Shan” lamp 主食类 南瓜饼 素菜包 扬春面 小汤包 萝卜酥 Turnip Crisp Nos 黄金大饼 Golden cake 葱油饼 Shallot pancake 香煎生肉包 Fried minced pork bun 鸳鸯馒头 Assorted steamed bun 杨州炒饭 Yang Chow Fried Rice 虾仁炒饭 Shrimp Fried Rice 星洲炒米粉 Singapore Noodle (Hot Spice) 酒酿元宵 Wheat flonr bau with in sweet soup 三鲜馄饨 Flouv rou stuffed with 家常水饺 雪菜肉丝汤面 Noodles soup with shredded pork and preserved vegetable 黄桥烧饼 Auang qiao”pan cake 青菜肉丝炒面 雪菜肉丝炒面

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