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1、1用cost, pay, spend翻译:这件外套花费了我100元。 2. They spend too much time the report. A. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write 3. -What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive -No,they only 100 yuan Aspent Btook Cpaid Dcost 4. -Will you please for my dinner Peter? -Sure!A. spend B. pay C. co

2、st D.take 5. It will me too much time to read this book. A. take B. cost C. spend 6. This science book _ me a great amount of money. A. took B. cost C. used D. spent(3)during介词,“在期间” the Spring Festival= the Chinese New Year 翻译:吃饭时别说话。 during与in的用法:1.强调动作或状态的持续性时用during,某一动作发生在某一时间段中的某一时间点用in.

3、 2.在季节名词前,用in是泛指,不用冠词;但是用during是特指,要用定冠词the 3.在表示一段时间的名词(如holiday, stay, visit, lesson, meal等)前,一般要用during the three months he always asks a lot of questions. We usually spend a holiday July.Children enjoy flying kites spring. We often go skating the winter. I went to see my uncle my stay in Beijing

4、. I will visit my grandparents the summer holidays.3. have fun“ ”= = ,此处fun是不可数名词,表示“娱乐,乐趣”,形容词是 ,意为“有趣的,奇怪的,滑稽好笑的” 例如:We in the park.我们在公园玩得开心. The story is very .这个故事很有趣.He is a man.他是一个滑稽好笑的人.a lot of = 可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,类似用法的词还有:4. “澳大利亚”是 。 作形容词,意为“澳大利亚的”;作名词,意为“澳大利亚人”,其复数形式是 . 例如:She is an Aus

5、tralian girl. Chinese, English等与the连用时,表示 意义,作主语时,谓语动词用 形式;而Australian与the 连用用主语时,表示某个人,谓语动词用 形式。中国人很和蔼。那个澳大利亚人个子很高。5. What about you? 你呢 ? What about?意为“ ?”,常用于询问消息、征求意见或建议,其后可以跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。 I want to walk to school. What/How about you?现在回家怎么样?6. I love all four seasons.四个季节我都喜欢。(1)all可与of连用,再接名

6、词或代词。接名词时,of可省略;接代词时,of不能省略。我们班的所有男生都很高(2)all作主语的同位语时,放在be动词之后,行为动词之前。我们都是好朋友7. I never feel hot or cold.我从不感觉热或冷。 feel连系动词,意为“感到,感觉,摸起来”,后面跟形容词作表语。还有sound, look, smell, taste都是感官动词。我今天感到不太舒服。 你的手摸起来很凉。7. heavy形容词,“大的,大量的,多的”今天有大雨。此外,heavy还有“ ”意思。 副词是heavilyIt rains heavily.8. lovely children lovely

7、形容词意思为 大部分以ly结尾的词为副词,但是 等为形容词。11. The wind is blowing strongly.风刮得很大。春天经常刮大风。他力气足够大能抬起一辆汽车。12. Marry will get married on Monday morning.玛丽将在星期一上午结婚。 get marry意为“结婚” marry用法小结:上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。(1) be/get married to sb也表示与某人结婚。上个月简和一位医生结婚了。Rose got married to a teacher.(2) marry sb to sb表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇。

8、她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。(3) marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。她很早就结婚了。(5)marry 一般不与介词with 连用。她和一位英国人结了婚。【误】She married with an Englishman.(6)若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构。你结婚了吗?改错Do you marry?/ Have you married?13.go swimming去游泳去钓鱼 去购物 去跳舞 去滑冰 去爬山 14. have a picnic= 野餐他们正在野餐。 17. The weather in the

9、middle and east of China is quite different.中国中部和东部的天气很不相同。 weather是 名词(可数还是不可数)今天真是一个好天气! 或者是quite与very(1)在一般情况下,quite和very在修饰形容词时可互换。 The picture is quite/very beautiful. Its not quite/very hot today.(2)在修饰表示精神状态的形容词时,用very多不用quite。I am very sorry to hear that.(3)quite可以单独用来修饰动词,但very不可以单独用来修饰动词,而

10、必须用very much. I quite like swimming.= I like swimming very much.(4)very通常放在不定冠词之后,而quite则常放在不定冠词之前。 It is a very cold morning. She is quite a lovely girl.18.put forward“ ”You can put your watch forward ten minutes. 此外,还可表示“向前移,将提前,提出” 你为什么不把椅子往前挪一点? 我们不得不把会议提前。 请提出一新的计划。反义词是put off19.语法1、将下列名词变成形容词

11、rain ,cloud ,wind ,snow noise ,ice care ,thank ,help England , America danger- friend , love care , use difference , silence (结论:无复习任务或有任务复习合格,没复习或有复习但不合格)(二)上次学案有无订正:无订正任务或有订正任务并完成,有但未完成(也要保留)三、新课教学知识点1. diary n.日记,日志;日记簿(1)Beforewemet,youshowedmeyourdiary.在我们相遇之前,你给我看了你的日记。(2)Iwrotethewordsinmy我把这

12、句话写在日记里。(3)Andshekepta而且她还写了日记。(4)SomeonesuggeststokeepanEnglish还有人说,可以记英文日记。词组:keep a diary记日记知识点 空间,宇宙(前面一般用零冠词)Spaceconsistsofthreedimensions.空间由3维所组成。例题:beyond _stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _space.a./,the b.the .the c.the ,/ d./,/知识点3. tie tai(1). 系,拴,捆,扎O He tied the magazines wi

13、th string. 他用绳子把杂志捆起来。The robber tied him to a pillar. 强盗把他捆在柱子上。(2). 打(结),系上 She tied the ribbon in a bow. 她把缎带系成一个蝴蝶结。(3). 束缚,约束 I was tied to my job by a contract. 我因订有合同而不能离职。(4). 与.打成平手H The All-Japan was tied for first place. 全日本联队得并列第一。名词做领带讲知识点4. breathe vi.呼吸;活着,生存;小憩一会儿,歇歇气;散发香气vt.呼吸;吸进(如香

14、气);尤指平静地吐露,低语;使明显的,暗示Always breathe through your nose.要一直用鼻子呼吸。No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air.所有美国人都不必开车到城外去呼吸洁净的空气。名词形式:breathHe took a deep breath, and began to climb the stairs.他深吸了一口气,然后开始爬楼梯。Gasping for breath, she leaned against the door.她倚靠在门上,大口喘着气。We need

15、air to and we need it to survive.知识点5.postcard 明信片Post office 邮局 知识点6.more than用法1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。(1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。(2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。(1

16、)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。(2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。(1)They were more than happy to see us e back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。(2)I was more than surprised to see

17、the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。(1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。(2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表

18、示“是难以”或“超过了所能”之义。(1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。(2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。(1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。(2)Their new flat h

19、as no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如:Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。知识点 able to 能,可以(1)Willchinanowbeablecallshots?中国现在能定下自己的基调吗? (2)Theyshouldscorefrom12yards.他们应该能从12码的位置射门得分。 (3)Maybehewilltalkwiththeml

20、onger.那个时候或许他们能聊的久一点。 (4)Wewontguaranteeroomforfebruary22.我们不能保证2月22日能给您订到房间。 (5)Youconversefortably.你应该能够舒服地进行谈话。Be able to 与can 的区别can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即:can, couldbe able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,其形式主要是靠be 发生变化,所以形式比can 多可以说:I can swim. I am able to swim. 但是不能说:All the people could escape from the big f

21、ire in time. 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time.I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I _ the journey in exactly two days.A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make知识点8. have to不得不have to表示客观需要做的事情,意思是“必须”、“不得不”。后跟动词原形,有人称、时态和数的变化,与情态动

22、词 must 近义。一、 have to 的陈述句形式A、 肯定式:have to + 动词原形1、 I have to tidy my room.我得整理房间。2、 She has to help with the washing.她得帮忙洗衣服。B、 否定式:dont (doesnt) + haveto + 动词原形1、You dont have to go if you dont want to.如果你不想去,你就不必去。2、He doesnt have to stay at home all day. 他不必整天呆在家里。二、have to 的一般疑问句形式及简略答语have to的一

23、般疑问形式必须借助助动词 do 或 does:1、 Do you have to look after your sister? 你得照看你妹妹么?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 是的,我得照看。/不,我不必照看。2、 Does Jim have to do his homework? 吉姆必须做家庭作业么?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 是,他必须做。/不,他不必做。三、haveto 的特殊疑问句形式1、 What do you have to do on Sundays?在星期天你得干什么?2、 Why does she have to mov

24、e to Paris?她为什么得迁往巴黎?3、 Where do they have to work?他们必须在哪里工作?四、haveto 可用于各种时态A、一般现在时:I have to visit Mr Wang tomorrow. 明天我得去拜访王先生。B、一般过去时:That night we had to walk home because there was no bus.那天晚上我们不得不步行回家,因为没有公共汽车。C、一般将来时:Well have to ask Zhang Ming instead.我们得请张明代替。D、与may 连用:I think he may have

25、to help his Dad in the garden.我想他可能得在花园里帮他爸爸干活。五、have to 与 must 的用法区别A、 have to 比较强调客观需要,而 must 着重说明主观看法。1、 My mother is ill. I have to look after her at home. 妈妈病了,我得在家照看她。2、 You must finish your homework first. 你必须先完成作业。B、 have to 有时态和人称变化,而 must 则没有。1、 Mary has to water the trees.玛莉得浇树。2、 He must

26、 bring a picnic tomorrow. 他明天得带野餐。C、must 有“推测”之意,而 have to 则没有。He must be in the classroom.他一定在教室里。知识点9. Such as与for example(l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。There are many kinds of pollution

27、, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。(2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如:(1)Many of the English programs are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如跟我学跟我学科学,就很受欢迎。(2)English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。知识点 that 用法引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以”。The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers da

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