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1、 - 烧掉了怪物的衣服- Im scared!And burned their clothes啃掉了他们的脚趾头!and bit their toes!还把他们的糖果拿走了!And took their candy!不准抢我的糖果Dont take my candy.小宝贝 你不用这么害怕Babyclaws, you dont need to be frightened.我答应你妈妈会永远保护你的I promised your mommy I would protect you forever. 我可爱的小梅梅 My beautiful May-vay 爸爸辛苦把你拉扯大 Let me wip

2、e all your poop away 那些人类都很可恶 Those humans are nas-tay 爸爸会永远保护你 So with Daddy you will stay 如果有人类想伤害你 And if a human tries to harm you 我只会这样说. Ill simply say. 因为你是爸爸的小宝贝 Because youre Daddys girl 爸爸的小宝贝 Daddy 我是爱你的爸爸. m your Vlad-y daddy. 只要屈膝然后向前一跃Just bend the legs and push off.相信我 小老鼠Trust me, mo

3、use.- 哈哈! - 我会飞了! 我会飞了!- Ha-ha! - I can fly! I can fly!快看!Look at you!用力飞 宝贝! 再用力飞!Faster, baby! Faster!- 喔! - 你做到了 我的小巫师娃娃!- Whoo-hoo! - You got it, my little voodoo doll!不好意思 先生Excuse me, sir.怎么了? 什么事?What? What?嗷 我没事Ow. Im okay.都准备好了Its ready.看起来不错Looks good.只有怪物能进来吗?Only monsters can get in?哦 绝对

4、没错Oh, absolutely.已经完美的隐藏好了s hidden real nicely.在它前面有400英亩的亡魂森林You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you.周围全都是活死人墓地You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters.任何走近此地的人类都会吓得逃之夭夭Any humans daring to even look over there will run away real quick.当然 放聪明点的话But, of course, be smart.不能有篝火 不能有

5、烟火表演No bonfires, no firework shows.好吧 我知道了 不能有火光 我明白了Yeah, yeah, no, no. No fire, I get it, I get it.终于等到这一天了 亲爱的玛莎s time, my darling Martha.这里就是我们一直想为梅维丝建造的地方The place we always talked about for Mavis.在这里永远不会有人伤害到她No one will ever harm her here.精灵旅馆N年后后车厢的行李就麻烦你了Yeah, its a mess back there.欢迎来到精灵旅社

6、!Welcome to Hotel Transylvania!1898年至今无人类出现Human-free since 1898.这里是你最安全的港湾Your safest destination.拿好你的旅行指南Take an itinerary.里面有我亲自为我女儿明天的生日宴会I have personally designed a spectacular schedule of events,设计的豪华活动安排all leading to my daughters birthday extravaganza tomorrow.我们每年都盼望着来这里 伯爵We always look f

7、orward to coming every year, Count.我们非常享受这里的安全We enjoy the safety so much.那当然了 这里就是为此而建的Of course. Thats why we built it.晚上好啊Yes, good evening.谢谢光临 玛蒂Thank you, Marty.你看起来还是那样苍白无力You look pale, as well.长官 有事禀报!Sir, sir, sir!我们发现一个紧急的管道问题We have an urgent plumbing issue.管道? 知道了Plumbing? On it.乌拉干先生!M

8、r. Ghouligan!348号房间的厕所发生堵塞There is a clogged toilet in room 348.没事的 每个人都会肚子疼 大脚先生s okay. We all get stomach aches, Mr. Bigfoot.嘿 孩子们 别到处乱跑Hey, kids, reel it in.你们这是要爸爸妈妈难堪Youre only supposed to make Mom and Dad miserable.好了 能不能乖一点啊?Now, now, is that any way to behave?这里可是旅馆 不是墓地哦This is a hotel, not

9、 a cemetery.抱歉 德库拉叔叔Sorry, Uncle Drac.德库拉! 你还好吗?Drac! How are ya?韦恩 我的老朋友!Wayne, my old friend!我们已经等不及这个周末了Couldnt wait for this weekend.好些日子想死了要出来透透气了Always great to be out ofthe shadows for a couple days.这一家子看起来真漂亮The family looks beautiful.让我来好好给他们清理一下Let me just clean up their filth.客房服务!Houseke

10、eping!弗兰基 伙计! 看看你自己!Frankie, my boy! Look at you!还是和以前一样打包出行 吝啬先生 哈?Still traveling by mail, Mr. Cheapo, huh?这根本不是钱的问题s not a money thing.我有飞机恐惧症 你知道吗?I have a plane phobia, okay?我的意思是 那些飞机引擎随时都可能.I mean, at any moment, those engines could catch.着火! 没说错吧Fire! Yeah, yeah.着火可不好Fire bad.怪物都知道We know.奥古

11、斯塔斯 粥点部长 给我放下!Augustus, Porridge Head, come on!那个看起来像是科学怪人的头吗?Does that look like Frankensteins head?嘿 德库拉 兄弟 你的披肩是怎么回事?Hey, Drac, buddy, whats going on with your cape there?什么意思? 哦!What do you mean? Oh!谁在捏我?Who pinched me?抱歉 你太迷人了Guilty. Youre irresistible.是啊 你嘴巴太甜了 隐形人Yes, very amusing, Invisible

12、Man.你好 见到你很高兴Hello. Great to see you.还跟从前一样Never gets old.哈哈Ho-ho-ho.没打到哦Missed me.打不到 打不到 打不到哦Missed me, missed me, missed me.好吧 你赢了 拿着这条培根Okay, you win. Hold this bacon.我为什么要拿着培根. 啊!Why am I holding bacon. Ahh!不! 快下来!No! Get em off!派对达人来啦!Here comes the party!你好啊 默里!Hello, Murray!德库拉 你还好吗?Drac, wh

13、ats up, buddy?沙子 默里 到处都是沙子!The sand, Murray, the sand!又是风尘仆仆而来Always with the sand.哟!Whee!小狼! 旺达! 还有弗兰克!Wolfie! Wanda! Frank!我爱死你了I love this guy.总是和我配合完美He always bringing it full tilt.你看起来还是那么瘦re looking skinny, too.现在只剩一个头了Now that youre just a head.好吧 我会找你算账的Okay, youll pay for that.到底怎么回事 德库拉?S

14、o whats up, Drac?看样子旅馆正在重整旗鼓The hotel is looking off the hook.嘿 伙计们 看看这个Hey, guys, watch this.顺便说一下 你的这些发展方向都是可行的By the way, you were right about those directions.哦 很好 不错Oh, good, good.我让底格里斯河(流经土耳其和伊拉克)与尼罗河通流Yeah, I took the Tigris这样就绝对无路可走了through the Nile, and there was absolutely no traffic.你这是在

15、和我开玩笑re kidding me.竟然在我的大厅放屁?Right in my lobby?德库拉 我发誓不是我 那不是我的放屁风格Drac, I swear, man, I dont run like that.那屁不是我放的I was not the cause of that.都准备好啦!Were ready!要是玛莎能看见就好了If only Martha were here to see this.她从未离开过 旺达Shes always here, Wanda.好了 朋友们Okay, friends,很高兴各位能亲临派对现场I am so glad you are here to

16、 celebrate.我的宝贝女儿梅维丝一年一度的生日盛会Another birthday for my sweet little Mavis,同时又是成功躲避人类的新一年!and another successful year of refuge from them!这些都是我们监控器拍摄到的These are recent human images最新的人类图片our surveillance has uncovered.他们变得越来越胖 为的是能更加压制我们They are getting fatter so as to overpower us.他们穿的衣服也越来越少And they

17、are wearing less clothing,他们就更方便勒死我们allowing more movement to strangle us把我们的头砍下来装糖果or cut open our heads and put candy in them.但是现在他们永远都不会But they will never在这里找到我们了find us here.邪恶的坏人 你们不会得逞的!Evil villain, you will never win!乡亲们 30分钟后开始狂欢Okie doke. The fun starts in 30 minutes.现在我要去看下我的宝贝女儿了Right n

18、ow, I have to see my little girl.她不再是小姑娘啦!s not so little anymore!不 她就是!Yes, she is!发生什么事了?Whats going on out there?我们已经到旅馆了吗?Are we at the hotel?弗兰克 你给我们预定了双人按摩吗?Frank, did you book us for a tandem massage?你为我们准备好了一张驼背桌子吗?Did you get us a table at Hunchbacks?该做的都做到了吗?Did you do anything?不用客气re welc

19、ome.搞什么情况?s going on?老爹 你说过的Dad, you said that当我118岁的时候 我就能像其他大人一样when I turned 118 I could go out into the world自由出入这间旅馆 到外面的世界看看like every other adult that gets to come and go from this hotel.但是 梅梅 外面不安全 叽叽哇哇 叽哇叽哇But, Mavey Wavey, its not safe. Bleh, bleh-bleh.老爹 30年前你答应过我的Dad, 30 years ago, you p

20、romised.我一直记得 当时我们在吃老鼠I remember, we were both eating mice,你很明确的说你会兑现你的诺言的and you specifically said that you gave me your word.请勿打扰Do not disturb.- 请勿打扰 - 请勿打扰- Do not disturb. - Do not disturb.- 请勿打扰 - 早上好 阁下大人- Do not disturb. - Good morning, Your Eminence.女佣 这间房需要打扫!Maid, clean up this room!你来啦 很

21、高兴你能来s you. Glad you could make it.- 她起来了吗? - 哦 起来了- Is she up yet? - Oh, shes up.她已经准备好出去了 出去看外面的世界s ready to go. And by go, I mean go. As in, go check the world out.你准备怎么做? 你准备怎么说?What you gonna do? What you gonna say?我已经安排好了 别紧张 做好本分的事I got it covered. Please, relax. Just do your job.早上好 梅梅!Good

22、morning, Mavey Wavey!生日快乐 我的小老鼠!Happy birthday, my little mouse!谢谢你 老爹Thank you, Dad.我知道今天是我的生日I know its my birthday.我为你安排了一大堆的娱乐活动 喔呵!I have so much fun planned. Whoo-hoo!但是 我们先一起去抓些蝎子But first, we go catch some scorpions together,就咱俩哦 怎么样?just the two of us, yes, dead-ums?老爹 等一下 让我说两句Dad, please,

23、 let me speak.有些事情我想和你谈谈Theres something we have to talk about.你想去外面的世界 你可以去了You want to go out into the world. You can.啊!Aha!我就知道你会这样说I knew you were gonna say that.但是 老爹 你答应过我But, Dad, you gave me your word,而且你很清楚吸血鬼的话是神圣的and you know that I know that a Draculas word is sacred.信任就是我们的.That our tru

24、st is the core of our.等下 你刚说什么?Wait, what?我说你可以去了I said you can go.你这是在耍我re just playing with me.不是的 你已经到了能驾驶一辆灵车的年龄了No, no, no, no. Youre old enough to drive a hearse now,你已经有能力做你自己的选择了youre old enough to make your own choices.你可以去了You can go.太棒了! 太棒啦!Holy rabies! Holy rabies!哇 等一下Whoa, whoa. Stop.

25、稍微等一下 亲爱的小尖牙Wait a second, sweet fangs.你要去哪里?Where are you going?哦 这个 我要去天堂Oh, well, Im going to paradise,我觉得这些东西应该用得上and this is just some stuff that I thought I would need.- 天堂? - 是的 你懂的- Paradise? - Yeah, you know.就是你和妈妈相遇的地方s that place out there where you and Mom met.旺达姨妈说Auntie Wanda says you two当时你俩一见钟情!were just like, Zing!我不知道什么一见钟情I dont know from Zing.你在哪儿找到那张卡片的?Where did you find that card?

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