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1、 B. ( )5、II. 听单词选出正确的选项:( )6、A. bought B. taught C. thought( )7、A. west B. east C. south( )8、A. minutes B. month C. muscles( )9、A. beach B. sand C. ocean( )10、A. cake B. cookies C. ice creamII、听音,选出正确的答语:(5分)( )1、A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Youre welcome. ( )2、A. I like winter. B. I like to ski

2、on the snow. C. Winter is my favourite season.( )3、A. Its too far. B. Its about two kilometres. C. Its a big park. ( )4、A. After supper. B. Once a week. C. On Saturday evening.( )5、A. I cant like it to you. B. Youre welcome. C. Sure.III. 听句子,并把五个句子的序号按(A-E)填入相应图片的的横线上: _ _ _ _IV. 听句子,选出与你所听内容意思相同或相近

3、的句子: ( ) 1. A、 I go to school by bus. B、I go to school on foot. ( ) 2. A、I like to play sports. B、 I am a student. ( ) 3. A、He will run. B、He will teach English. ( ) 4. A、Every cookies has letters. B、Jenny opens her gift. ( ) 5. A、I like flowers. B、I like bananas.V. 听短文填空:Today is Li Mings 1 party.

4、Mr Smith and Li Ming go _2_ for something. Mr Smith knows_3_ the party. But Li Ming doesnt. Mr Smith will 4 Li Ming home at 4:00. This morning, Danny and Jenny are 5 cake and cookies for the party.笔试部分(70分)VI. 连线题(共15分,每小题1分) A. 英汉短语配对。(将II栏中字母序号填入I栏相应括号内) ( )1. get up A. 去睡觉 ( )2. just right B. 向左转

5、 ( )3. go to bed C. 起床 ( )4. a glass of milk D. 去散步 ( )5. go for a walk E. 一杯牛奶 ( )6. talk on the phone F. 呆在家里 ( )7. put on G. 打电话 ( )8. stay at home H. 正好( )9. turn left I. 刷牙( )10.brush his teeth T. 穿上B. 将单词与它所对应的图画连起来。 refrigerator Christmas tree umbrella shower swimsuitVII. 单项选择(20分)1. I often

6、have_ egg and _ glass of milk for breakfast. A. an; a B. a; a C. an; an2. Tomorrow I will _ breakfast at 7:15.A. to eat B. ate C. eat3. What did you do?I _ a T-shirt for my father. A. bought B. taught C. thought4.-What is the date today ?-_. A. It is Saturday. B. It is July lst. C. It is morning.5.W

7、ould you like to_with me ? A. goes B. went C. go6.Summer is _and _in China. A. sunny ;snowy B. sunny ;cold C. sunny; hot 7. There _ many flowers in the park. They are very beautiful. A. is B. are C. am-8. -What is Mother Kangaroo doing ?-She is _ A. jumped B. jump C. jumping 9. My hobby is_. A. play

8、ing the football B. play violin C. playing the guitar 10. How much _ do you need? A. exercise B. exercis C. exercises11.Tom is only ten, but he is 1.60 meters_. A. high B. higher C. tall 12. How many _are there under the tree? A. man B. women C. woman 13. Is your bag big _small? A. and B. or C. an 1

9、4. _does Ben go to school? By bus. A. How B. What C. Where15. _is that? Thats my cousin. A. Who B. What C. Whose 16. I usually ride the bike after school _Mondays. A. on B. in C .at 17. _ do you go to school?Five times a week, A. How long B. How many C. How often18. I get up _7:00 every morning. A.

10、in B. on C. at 19. My friend likes _ A. running and swimming B. cook and sing C. run and dance20. Tom is _than Ben. A. heavy B. heavyer C. heavierVIII. 连词成句,注意给出的标点符号。(10分)1. will what Mary tomorrow do (?) _2. watch I in often TV evening the (.)3. did you do what (?4. a this kite like cloud looks (.

11、) _5. about these what flags (?IX. 情景交际:A: Hello!_1_?B: My name is Jim. I am from London._2_? _3_? So you speak Chinese. Yes, thats right. _4_. I like it very much. Its great! _5_? Oh, the people and the food! What is your name? Do you like English?D: I am from Beijing. E: Where are you form ?F: Wha

12、t do you like about China? 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )X. 阅读理解:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分) 阅读A.、B两篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A: Its sunny on Sunday morning. There are many people in the park. They are having fun together. Some are playing games under a big tree. Some are climbing the hill(爬山). Others a

13、re rowing(划船)on the lake. John is reading a book in front of the house. Lucy is playing with a ball. Becky and Flower are singing. Kate and Ann are dancing(跳舞)beside the tree. ( ) 1. Its _ on Sunday morning. A. windy B. snowy C. sunny( ) 2. Many people _. A. are drawing B. have a good time C. sittin

14、g under the tree( ) 3. John is _. A. climbing the hill B. rowing on the lake C. reading a book( ) 4. Kate and Ann are dancing _ the tree. A. beside B. in front C. behind( ) 5. _ are singing. A. Lucy and Flower B. Becky and Flower C. Ann and Becky B:Im a girl student in Class Two, Grade Four. My name

15、 is Li Hong. Im eleven. My twin brother, Li Yang and I are in the same school, and in the same grade, but he is in Class Three. We are good students at school.I have a good friend. I call her Miss Yangyang. Do you think Yangyang is a good girl? No, youre wrong. She isnt a girl, but a cat, a nice cat

16、. She is black and white. She is one, but she looks the same as her mother.( ) 1. How old is Li Yang? A、9 B、10 C、11 D、12( ) 2. Li Yang is Li Hongs _. A、twin brother B、twin sister C、good friend D、good student( ) 3. Li Yang is in _. A、Class One B、Class Two C、Grade Four D、Grade Two( ) 4. Miss Yangyang

17、is Li Hongs _. A、teacher B、girl C、sister D、friend( ) 5. What colour is Yangyangs mother?A、Yellow and white. B、Black and yellow. C、Black and white. D、We dont know.听力材料I. 听单词,选择。(每个单词读两遍) 1. grapes 2. peas 3.ear 4. sand 5. shorts 6. taught 7. south 8. minutes 9. ocean 10. cakeII. 听音,选出正确的答语。(每个句子读两遍)1

18、. Thanks.2. What do you like to do in winter?3. How far is it from here to the big park?4. How often do you eat vegetables?5. Would you like to the party?1. She likes to play computer games.2. He is listening to music.3. The girl is under the tree.4. She is a teacher.5. They are flying kites in the

19、park.1. I walk to school.2. I like to play ping-pong and basketball.3. He will teach English.4. Jenny opens her gift.5. I like flowers.(短文读两遍)Today is Li Mings surprise party. Mr Smith and Li Ming go shopping for something. Mr Smith knows about the party. But Li Ming doesnt. Mr Smith will bring Li Ming home at 4:00. This morning, Danny and Jenny are making cake and cookies for the party.

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